#!/usr/bin/env -S nvim -l --- Generates Nvim :help docs from Lua/C docstrings --- --- The generated :help text for each function is formatted as follows: --- - Max width of 78 columns (`TEXT_WIDTH`). --- - Indent with spaces (not tabs). --- - Indent of 4 columns for body text (`INDENTATION`). --- - Function signature and helptag (right-aligned) on the same line. --- - Signature and helptag must have a minimum of 8 spaces between them. --- - If the signature is too long, it is placed on the line after the helptag. --- Signature wraps with subsequent lines indented to the open parenthesis. --- - Subsection bodies are indented an additional 4 spaces. --- - Body consists of function description, parameters, return description, and --- C declaration (`INCLUDE_C_DECL`). --- - Parameters are omitted for the `void` and `Error *` types, or if the --- parameter is marked as [out]. --- - Each function documentation is separated by a single line. local luacats_parser = require('scripts.luacats_parser') local cdoc_parser = require('scripts.cdoc_parser') local text_utils = require('scripts.text_utils') local fmt = string.format local wrap = text_utils.wrap local md_to_vimdoc = text_utils.md_to_vimdoc local TEXT_WIDTH = 78 local INDENTATION = 4 --- @class (exact) nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config --- --- Generated documentation target, e.g. api.txt --- @field filename string --- --- @field section_order string[] --- --- List of files/directories for doxygen to read, relative to `base_dir`. --- @field files string[] --- --- @field exclude_types? true --- --- Section name overrides. Key: filename (e.g., vim.c) --- @field section_name? table --- --- @field fn_name_pat? string --- --- @field fn_xform? fun(fun: nvim.luacats.parser.fun) --- --- For generated section names. --- @field section_fmt fun(name: string): string --- --- @field helptag_fmt fun(name: string): string --- --- Per-function helptag. --- @field fn_helptag_fmt? fun(fun: nvim.luacats.parser.fun): string --- --- @field append_only? string[] local function contains(t, xs) return vim.tbl_contains(xs, t) end --- @type {level:integer, prerelease:boolean}? local nvim_api_info_ --- @return {level: integer, prerelease:boolean} local function nvim_api_info() if not nvim_api_info_ then --- @type integer?, boolean? local level, prerelease for l in io.lines('CMakeLists.txt') do --- @cast l string if level and prerelease then break end local m1 = l:match('^set%(NVIM_API_LEVEL%s+(%d+)%)') if m1 then level = tonumber(m1) --[[@as integer]] end local m2 = l:match('^set%(NVIM_API_PRERELEASE%s+(%w+)%)') if m2 then prerelease = m2 == 'true' end end nvim_api_info_ = { level = level, prerelease = prerelease } end return nvim_api_info_ end --- @param fun nvim.luacats.parser.fun --- @return string local function fn_helptag_fmt_common(fun) local fn_sfx = fun.table and '' or '()' if fun.classvar then return fmt('*%s:%s%s*', fun.classvar, fun.name, fn_sfx) end if fun.module then return fmt('*%s.%s%s*', fun.module, fun.name, fn_sfx) end return fmt('*%s%s*', fun.name, fn_sfx) end --- @type table local config = { api = { filename = 'api.txt', section_order = { 'vim.c', 'vimscript.c', 'command.c', 'options.c', 'buffer.c', 'extmark.c', 'window.c', 'win_config.c', 'tabpage.c', 'autocmd.c', 'ui.c', }, exclude_types = true, fn_name_pat = 'nvim_.*', files = { 'src/nvim/api' }, section_name = { ['vim.c'] = 'Global', }, section_fmt = function(name) return name .. ' Functions' end, helptag_fmt = function(name) return fmt('*api-%s*', name:lower()) end, }, lua = { filename = 'lua.txt', section_order = { 'highlight.lua', 'diff.lua', 'mpack.lua', 'json.lua', 'base64.lua', 'spell.lua', 'builtin.lua', '_options.lua', '_editor.lua', '_inspector.lua', 'shared.lua', 'loader.lua', 'uri.lua', 'ui.lua', 'filetype.lua', 'keymap.lua', 'fs.lua', 'glob.lua', 'lpeg.lua', 're.lua', 'regex.lua', 'secure.lua', 'version.lua', 'iter.lua', 'snippet.lua', 'text.lua', 'tohtml.lua', }, files = { 'runtime/lua/vim/iter.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_editor.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_options.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/shared.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/loader.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/uri.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/ui.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/filetype.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/keymap.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/fs.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/highlight.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/secure.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/version.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_inspector.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/snippet.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/text.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/glob.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/builtin.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/diff.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/mpack.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/json.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/base64.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/regex.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/lpeg.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/re.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/spell.lua', 'runtime/lua/tohtml.lua', }, fn_xform = function(fun) if contains(fun.module, { 'vim.uri', 'vim.shared', 'vim._editor' }) then fun.module = 'vim' end if fun.module == 'vim' and contains(fun.name, { 'cmd', 'inspect' }) then fun.table = nil end if fun.classvar or vim.startswith(fun.name, 'vim.') or fun.module == 'vim.iter' then return end fun.name = fmt('%s.%s', fun.module, fun.name) end, section_name = { ['_inspector.lua'] = 'inspector', }, section_fmt = function(name) name = name:lower() if name == '_editor' then return 'Lua module: vim' elseif name == '_options' then return 'LUA-VIMSCRIPT BRIDGE' elseif name == 'builtin' then return 'VIM' end if contains(name, { 'highlight', 'mpack', 'json', 'base64', 'diff', 'spell', 'regex', 'lpeg', 're', }) then return 'VIM.' .. name:upper() end if name == 'tohtml' then return 'Lua module: tohtml' end return 'Lua module: vim.' .. name end, helptag_fmt = function(name) if name == '_editor' then return '*lua-vim*' elseif name == '_options' then return '*lua-vimscript*' elseif name == 'tohtml' then return '*tohtml*' end return '*vim.' .. name:lower() .. '*' end, fn_helptag_fmt = function(fun) local name = fun.name if vim.startswith(name, 'vim.') then local fn_sfx = fun.table and '' or '()' return fmt('*%s%s*', name, fn_sfx) elseif fun.classvar == 'Option' then return fmt('*vim.opt:%s()*', name) end return fn_helptag_fmt_common(fun) end, append_only = { 'shared.lua', }, }, lsp = { filename = 'lsp.txt', section_order = { 'lsp.lua', 'buf.lua', 'diagnostic.lua', 'codelens.lua', 'inlay_hint.lua', 'tagfunc.lua', 'semantic_tokens.lua', 'handlers.lua', 'util.lua', 'log.lua', 'rpc.lua', 'protocol.lua', }, files = { 'runtime/lua/vim/lsp', 'runtime/lua/vim/lsp.lua', }, fn_xform = function(fun) fun.name = fun.name:gsub('result%.', '') end, section_fmt = function(name) if name:lower() == 'lsp' then return 'Lua module: vim.lsp' end return 'Lua module: vim.lsp.' .. name:lower() end, helptag_fmt = function(name) if name:lower() == 'lsp' then return '*lsp-core*' end return fmt('*lsp-%s*', name:lower()) end, }, diagnostic = { filename = 'diagnostic.txt', section_order = { 'diagnostic.lua', }, files = { 'runtime/lua/vim/diagnostic.lua' }, section_fmt = function() return 'Lua module: vim.diagnostic' end, helptag_fmt = function() return '*diagnostic-api*' end, }, treesitter = { filename = 'treesitter.txt', section_order = { 'treesitter.lua', 'language.lua', 'query.lua', 'highlighter.lua', 'languagetree.lua', 'dev.lua', }, files = { 'runtime/lua/vim/treesitter.lua', 'runtime/lua/vim/treesitter/', }, section_fmt = function(name) if name:lower() == 'treesitter' then return 'Lua module: vim.treesitter' end return 'Lua module: vim.treesitter.' .. name:lower() end, helptag_fmt = function(name) if name:lower() == 'treesitter' then return '*lua-treesitter-core*' end return '*lua-treesitter-' .. name:lower() .. '*' end, }, } --- @param ty string --- @param generics table --- @return string local function replace_generics(ty, generics) if ty:sub(-2) == '[]' then local ty0 = ty:sub(1, -3) if generics[ty0] then return generics[ty0] .. '[]' end elseif ty:sub(-1) == '?' then local ty0 = ty:sub(1, -2) if generics[ty0] then return generics[ty0] .. '?' end end return generics[ty] or ty end --- @param ty string --- @param generics? table local function render_type(ty, generics) if generics then ty = replace_generics(ty, generics) end ty = ty:gsub('%s*|%s*nil', '?') ty = ty:gsub('nil%s*|%s*(.*)', '%1?') ty = ty:gsub('%s*|%s*', '|') return fmt('(`%s`)', ty) end --- @param p nvim.luacats.parser.param|nvim.luacats.parser.field local function should_render_param(p) return not p.access and not contains(p.name, { '_', 'self' }) end --- @param xs (nvim.luacats.parser.param|nvim.luacats.parser.field)[] --- @param generics? table --- @param exclude_types? true local function render_fields_or_params(xs, generics, exclude_types) local ret = {} --- @type string[] xs = vim.tbl_filter(should_render_param, xs) local indent = 0 for _, p in ipairs(xs) do if p.type or p.desc then indent = math.max(indent, #p.name + 3) end if exclude_types then p.type = nil end end for _, p in ipairs(xs) do local nm, ty = p.name, p.type local desc = p.desc local pnm = fmt(' • %-' .. indent .. 's', '{' .. nm .. '}') if ty then local pty = render_type(ty, generics) if desc then desc = fmt('%s %s', pty, desc) table.insert(ret, pnm) table.insert(ret, md_to_vimdoc(desc, 1, 9 + indent, TEXT_WIDTH, true)) else table.insert(ret, fmt('%s %s\n', pnm, pty)) end else if desc then table.insert(ret, pnm) table.insert(ret, md_to_vimdoc(desc, 1, 9 + indent, TEXT_WIDTH, true)) end end end return table.concat(ret) end -- --- @param class lua2vimdoc.class -- local function render_class(class) -- writeln(fmt('*%s*', class.name)) -- writeln() -- if #class.fields > 0 then -- writeln(' Fields: ~') -- render_fields_or_params(class.fields) -- end -- writeln() -- end -- --- @param cls table -- local function render_classes(cls) -- --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown -- for _, class in vim.spairs(cls) do -- render_class(class) -- end -- end --- @param fun nvim.luacats.parser.fun --- @param cfg nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config local function render_fun_header(fun, cfg) local ret = {} --- @type string[] local args = {} --- @type string[] for _, p in ipairs(fun.params or {}) do if p.name ~= 'self' then args[#args + 1] = fmt('{%s}', p.name:gsub('%?$', '')) end end local nm = fun.name if fun.classvar then nm = fmt('%s:%s', fun.classvar, nm) end local proto = fun.table and nm or nm .. '(' .. table.concat(args, ', ') .. ')' if not cfg.fn_helptag_fmt then cfg.fn_helptag_fmt = fn_helptag_fmt_common end local tag = cfg.fn_helptag_fmt(fun) if #proto + #tag > TEXT_WIDTH - 8 then table.insert(ret, fmt('%78s\n', tag)) local name, pargs = proto:match('([^(]+%()(.*)') table.insert(ret, name) table.insert(ret, wrap(pargs, 0, #name, TEXT_WIDTH)) else local pad = TEXT_WIDTH - #proto - #tag table.insert(ret, proto .. string.rep(' ', pad) .. tag) end return table.concat(ret) end --- @param returns nvim.luacats.parser.return[] --- @param generics? table --- @param exclude_types boolean local function render_returns(returns, generics, exclude_types) local ret = {} --- @type string[] returns = vim.deepcopy(returns) if exclude_types then for _, r in ipairs(returns) do r.type = nil end end if #returns > 1 then table.insert(ret, ' Return (multiple): ~\n') elseif #returns == 1 and next(returns[1]) then table.insert(ret, ' Return: ~\n') end for _, p in ipairs(returns) do local rnm, ty, desc = p.name, p.type, p.desc local blk = '' if ty then blk = render_type(ty, generics) end if rnm then blk = blk .. ' ' .. rnm end if desc then blk = blk .. ' ' .. desc end table.insert(ret, md_to_vimdoc(blk, 8, 8, TEXT_WIDTH, true)) end return table.concat(ret) end --- @param fun nvim.luacats.parser.fun --- @param cfg nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config local function render_fun(fun, cfg) if fun.access or fun.deprecated or fun.nodoc then return end if cfg.fn_name_pat and not fun.name:match(cfg.fn_name_pat) then return end if vim.startswith(fun.name, '_') or fun.name:find('[:.]_') then return end local ret = {} --- @type string[] table.insert(ret, render_fun_header(fun, cfg)) table.insert(ret, '\n') if fun.desc then table.insert(ret, md_to_vimdoc(fun.desc, INDENTATION, INDENTATION, TEXT_WIDTH)) end if fun.since then local since = tonumber(fun.since) local info = nvim_api_info() if since and (since > info.level or since == info.level and info.prerelease) then fun.notes = fun.notes or {} table.insert(fun.notes, { desc = 'This API is pre-release (unstable).' }) end end if fun.notes then table.insert(ret, '\n Note: ~\n') for _, p in ipairs(fun.notes) do table.insert(ret, ' • ' .. md_to_vimdoc(p.desc, 0, 8, TEXT_WIDTH, true)) end end if fun.attrs then table.insert(ret, '\n Attributes: ~\n') for _, attr in ipairs(fun.attrs) do local attr_str = ({ textlock = 'not allowed when |textlock| is active or in the |cmdwin|', textlock_allow_cmdwin = 'not allowed when |textlock| is active', fast = '|api-fast|', remote_only = '|RPC| only', lua_only = 'Lua |vim.api| only', })[attr] or attr table.insert(ret, fmt(' %s\n', attr_str)) end end if fun.params and #fun.params > 0 then local param_txt = render_fields_or_params(fun.params, fun.generics, cfg.exclude_types) if not param_txt:match('^%s*$') then table.insert(ret, '\n Parameters: ~\n') ret[#ret + 1] = param_txt end end if fun.returns then local txt = render_returns(fun.returns, fun.generics, cfg.exclude_types) if not txt:match('^%s*$') then table.insert(ret, '\n') ret[#ret + 1] = txt end end if fun.see then table.insert(ret, '\n See also: ~\n') for _, p in ipairs(fun.see) do table.insert(ret, ' • ' .. md_to_vimdoc(p.desc, 0, 8, TEXT_WIDTH, true)) end end table.insert(ret, '\n') return table.concat(ret) end --- @param funs nvim.luacats.parser.fun[] --- @param cfg nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config local function render_funs(funs, cfg) local ret = {} --- @type string[] for _, f in ipairs(funs) do if cfg.fn_xform then cfg.fn_xform(f) end ret[#ret + 1] = render_fun(f, cfg) end -- Sort via prototype table.sort(ret, function(a, b) local a1 = ('\n' .. a):match('\n[a-zA-Z_][^\n]+\n') local b1 = ('\n' .. b):match('\n[a-zA-Z_][^\n]+\n') return a1:lower() < b1:lower() end) return table.concat(ret) end --- @return string local function get_script_path() local str = debug.getinfo(2, 'S').source:sub(2) return str:match('(.*[/\\])') or './' end local script_path = get_script_path() local base_dir = vim.fs.dirname(assert(vim.fs.dirname(script_path))) local function delete_lines_below(doc_file, tokenstr) local lines = {} --- @type string[] local found = false for line in io.lines(doc_file) do if line:find(vim.pesc(tokenstr)) then found = true break end lines[#lines + 1] = line end if not found then error(fmt('not found: %s in %s', tokenstr, doc_file)) end lines[#lines] = nil local fp = assert(io.open(doc_file, 'w')) fp:write(table.concat(lines, '\n')) fp:write('\n') fp:close() end --- @param x string local function mktitle(x) if x == 'ui' then return 'UI' end return x:sub(1, 1):upper() .. x:sub(2) end --- @class nvim.gen_vimdoc.Section --- @field name string --- @field title string --- @field help_tag string --- @field funs_txt string --- @field doc? string[] --- @param filename string --- @param cfg nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config --- @param section_docs table --- @param funs_txt string --- @return nvim.gen_vimdoc.Section? local function make_section(filename, cfg, section_docs, funs_txt) -- filename: e.g., 'autocmd.c' -- name: e.g. 'autocmd' local name = filename:match('(.*)%.[a-z]+') -- Formatted (this is what's going to be written in the vimdoc) -- e.g., "Autocmd Functions" local sectname = cfg.section_name and cfg.section_name[filename] or mktitle(name) -- section tag: e.g., "*api-autocmd*" local help_tag = cfg.helptag_fmt(sectname) if funs_txt == '' and #section_docs == 0 then return end return { name = sectname, title = cfg.section_fmt(sectname), help_tag = help_tag, funs_txt = funs_txt, doc = section_docs, } end --- @param section nvim.gen_vimdoc.Section --- @param add_header? boolean local function render_section(section, add_header) local doc = {} --- @type string[] if add_header ~= false then vim.list_extend(doc, { string.rep('=', TEXT_WIDTH), '\n', section.title, fmt('%' .. (TEXT_WIDTH - section.title:len()) .. 's', section.help_tag), }) end if section.doc and #section.doc > 0 then table.insert(doc, '\n\n') vim.list_extend(doc, section.doc) end if section.funs_txt then table.insert(doc, '\n\n') table.insert(doc, section.funs_txt) end return table.concat(doc) end local parsers = { lua = luacats_parser.parse, c = cdoc_parser.parse, h = cdoc_parser.parse, } --- @param files string[] local function expand_files(files) for k, f in pairs(files) do if vim.fn.isdirectory(f) == 1 then table.remove(files, k) for path, ty in vim.fs.dir(f) do if ty == 'file' then table.insert(files, vim.fs.joinpath(f, path)) end end end end end --- @param cfg nvim.gen_vimdoc.Config local function gen_target(cfg) local sections = {} --- @type table expand_files(cfg.files) for _, f in pairs(cfg.files) do local ext = assert(f:match('%.([^.]+)$')) --[[@as 'h'|'c'|'lua']] local parser = assert(parsers[ext]) local _, funs, briefs = parser(f) local briefs_txt = {} --- @type string[] for _, b in ipairs(briefs) do briefs_txt[#briefs_txt + 1] = md_to_vimdoc(b, 0, 0, TEXT_WIDTH) end local funs_txt = render_funs(funs, cfg) -- FIXME: Using f_base will confuse `_meta/protocol.lua` with `protocol.lua` local f_base = assert(vim.fs.basename(f)) sections[f_base] = make_section(f_base, cfg, briefs_txt, funs_txt) end local first_section_tag = sections[cfg.section_order[1]].help_tag local docs = {} --- @type string[] for _, f in ipairs(cfg.section_order) do local section = sections[f] if section then local add_sep_and_header = not vim.tbl_contains(cfg.append_only or {}, f) table.insert(docs, render_section(section, add_sep_and_header)) end end table.insert( docs, fmt(' vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=%d:sts=%d:et:ft=help:norl:\n', INDENTATION, INDENTATION) ) local doc_file = vim.fs.joinpath(base_dir, 'runtime', 'doc', cfg.filename) if vim.uv.fs_stat(doc_file) then delete_lines_below(doc_file, first_section_tag) end local fp = assert(io.open(doc_file, 'a')) fp:write(table.concat(docs, '\n')) fp:close() end local function run() for _, cfg in pairs(config) do gen_target(cfg) end end run()