local luv = require('luv') local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local eq = helpers.eq local matches = helpers.matches local feed = helpers.feed local eval = helpers.eval local clear = helpers.clear local funcs = helpers.funcs local nvim_prog_abs = helpers.nvim_prog_abs local write_file = helpers.write_file local is_os = helpers.is_os local skip = helpers.skip describe('command-line option', function() describe('-s', function() local fname = 'Xtest-functional-core-main-s' local fname_2 = fname .. '.2' local nonexistent_fname = fname .. '.nonexistent' local dollar_fname = '$' .. fname before_each(function() clear() os.remove(fname) os.remove(dollar_fname) end) after_each(function() os.remove(fname) os.remove(dollar_fname) end) it('treats - as stdin', function() eq(nil, luv.fs_stat(fname)) funcs.system( {nvim_prog_abs(), '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--headless', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile shortmess+=IFW fileformats=unix', '-s', '-', fname}, {':call setline(1, "42")', ':wqall!', ''}) eq(0, eval('v:shell_error')) local attrs = luv.fs_stat(fname) eq(#('42\n'), attrs.size) end) it('does not expand $VAR', function() eq(nil, luv.fs_stat(fname)) eq(true, not not dollar_fname:find('%$%w+')) write_file(dollar_fname, ':call setline(1, "100500")\n:wqall!\n') funcs.system( {nvim_prog_abs(), '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--headless', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile shortmess+=IFW fileformats=unix', '-s', dollar_fname, fname}) eq(0, eval('v:shell_error')) local attrs = luv.fs_stat(fname) eq(#('100500\n'), attrs.size) end) it('does not crash after reading from stdin in non-headless mode', function() skip(is_os('win')) local screen = Screen.new(40, 8) screen:attach() local args = { nvim_prog_abs(), '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', '"set noswapfile shortmess+=IFW fileformats=unix"', '-s', '-' } -- Need to explicitly pipe to stdin so that the embedded Nvim instance doesn't try to read -- data from the terminal #18181 funcs.termopen(string.format([[echo "" | %s]], table.concat(args, " "))) screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {2:[No Name] 0,0-1 All}| | | ]], { [1] = {foreground = tonumber('0x4040ff'), fg_indexed=true}, [2] = {bold = true, reverse = true} }) feed('i:cq') screen:expect([[ | [Process exited 1] | | | | | | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) --[=[ Example of incorrect output: screen:expect([[ ^nvim: /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libuv-1.| 10.2/work/libuv-1.10.2/src/unix/core.c:5| 19: uv__close: Assertion `fd > STDERR_FI| LENO' failed. | | [Process exited 6] | | | ]]) ]=] end) it('errors out when trying to use nonexistent file with -s', function() eq( 'Cannot open for reading: "'..nonexistent_fname..'": no such file or directory\n', funcs.system( {nvim_prog_abs(), '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--headless', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile shortmess+=IFW fileformats=unix', '--cmd', 'language C', '-s', nonexistent_fname})) eq(2, eval('v:shell_error')) end) it('errors out when trying to use -s twice', function() write_file(fname, ':call setline(1, "1")\n:wqall!\n') write_file(dollar_fname, ':call setline(1, "2")\n:wqall!\n') eq( 'Attempt to open script file again: "-s '..dollar_fname..'"\n', funcs.system( {nvim_prog_abs(), '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--headless', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile shortmess+=IFW fileformats=unix', '--cmd', 'language C', '-s', fname, '-s', dollar_fname, fname_2})) eq(2, eval('v:shell_error')) eq(nil, luv.fs_stat(fname_2)) end) end) it('nvim -v, :version', function() matches('Run ":verbose version"', funcs.execute(':version')) matches('Compilation: .*Run :checkhealth', funcs.execute(':verbose version')) matches('Run "nvim %-V1 %-v"', funcs.system({nvim_prog_abs(), '-v'})) matches('Compilation: .*Run :checkhealth', funcs.system({nvim_prog_abs(), '-V1', '-v'})) end) end)