vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Inspect', function(cmd) if cmd.bang then vim.print(vim.inspect_pos()) else vim.show_pos() end end, { desc = 'Inspect highlights and extmarks at the cursor', bang = true }) vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('InspectTree', function(cmd) if cmd.mods ~= '' or cmd.count ~= 0 then local count = cmd.count ~= 0 and cmd.count or '' local new = cmd.mods ~= '' and 'new' or 'vnew' vim.treesitter.inspect_tree({ command = ('%s %s%s'):format(cmd.mods, count, new), }) else vim.treesitter.inspect_tree() end end, { desc = 'Inspect treesitter language tree for buffer', count = true })