local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear = helpers.clear local eq = helpers.eq local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local feed = helpers.feed local matches = helpers.matches local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local sleep = helpers.sleep describe('vim.snippet', function() before_each(function() clear() exec_lua([[ vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '', function() vim.snippet.jump(1) end, { buffer = true }) vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '', function() vim.snippet.jump(-1) end, { buffer = true }) ]]) end) after_each(clear) --- @param snippet string[] --- @param expected string[] --- @param settings? string --- @param prefix? string local function test_success(snippet, expected, settings, prefix) if settings then exec_lua(settings) end if prefix then feed('i' .. prefix) end exec_lua('vim.snippet.expand(...)', table.concat(snippet, '\n')) eq(expected, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end --- @param snippet string --- @param err string local function test_fail(snippet, err) matches(err, pcall_err(exec_lua, string.format('vim.snippet.expand("%s")', snippet))) end it('adds base indentation to inserted text', function() test_success( { 'function $1($2)', ' $0', 'end' }, { ' function ()', ' ', ' end' }, '', ' ' ) end) it('adds indentation based on the start of snippet lines', function() test_success({ 'if $1 then', ' $0', 'end' }, { 'if then', ' ', 'end' }) end) it('replaces tabs with spaces when expandtab is set', function() test_success( { 'function $1($2)', '\t$0', 'end' }, { 'function ()', ' ', 'end' }, [[ vim.o.expandtab = true vim.o.shiftwidth = 2 ]] ) end) it('respects tabs when expandtab is not set', function() test_success( { 'function $1($2)', '\t$0', 'end' }, { 'function ()', '\t', 'end' }, 'vim.o.expandtab = false' ) end) it('inserts known variable value', function() test_success({ '; print($TM_CURRENT_LINE)' }, { 'foo; print(foo)' }, nil, 'foo') end) it('uses default when variable is not set', function() test_success({ 'print(${TM_CURRENT_WORD:foo})' }, { 'print(foo)' }) end) it('replaces unknown variables by placeholders', function() test_success({ 'print($UNKNOWN)' }, { 'print(UNKNOWN)' }) end) it('does not jump outside snippet range', function() test_success({ 'function $1($2)', ' $0', 'end' }, { 'function ()', ' ', 'end' }) eq(false, exec_lua('return vim.snippet.jumpable(-1)')) feed('i') eq(false, exec_lua('return vim.snippet.jumpable(1)')) end) it('navigates backwards', function() test_success({ 'function $1($2) end' }, { 'function () end' }) feed('foo') eq({ 'function foo() end' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) it('visits all tabstops', function() local function cursor() return exec_lua('return vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)') end test_success({ 'function $1($2)', ' $0', 'end' }, { 'function ()', ' ', 'end' }) eq({ 1, 9 }, cursor()) feed('') eq({ 1, 10 }, cursor()) feed('') eq({ 2, 2 }, cursor()) end) it('syncs text of tabstops with equal indexes', function() test_success({ 'var double = ${1:x} + ${1:x}' }, { 'var double = x + x' }) feed('123') eq({ 'var double = 123 + 123' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) it('cancels session with changes outside the snippet', function() test_success({ 'print($1)' }, { 'print()' }) feed('O-- A comment') eq(false, exec_lua('return vim.snippet.active()')) eq({ '-- A comment', 'print()' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) it('handles non-consecutive tabstops', function() test_success({ 'class $1($3) {', ' $0', '}' }, { 'class () {', ' ', '}' }) feed('Foo') -- First tabstop feed('') -- Jump to $0 feed('// Inside') -- Insert text eq({ 'class Foo() {', ' // Inside', '}' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) it('handles multiline placeholders', function() test_success( { 'public void foo() {', ' ${0:// TODO Auto-generated', ' throw;}', '}' }, { 'public void foo() {', ' // TODO Auto-generated', ' throw;', '}' } ) end) it('inserts placeholder in all tabstops when the first tabstop has the placeholder', function() test_success( { 'for (${1:int} ${2:x} = ${3:0}; $2 < ${4:N}; $2++) {', ' $0', '}' }, { 'for (int x = 0; x < N; x++) {', ' ', '}' } ) end) it('inserts placeholder in all tabstops when a later tabstop has the placeholder', function() test_success( { 'for (${1:int} $2 = ${3:0}; ${2:x} < ${4:N}; $2++) {', ' $0', '}' }, { 'for (int x = 0; x < N; x++) {', ' ', '}' } ) end) it('errors with multiple placeholders for the same index', function() test_fail('class ${1:Foo} { void ${1:foo}() {} }', 'multiple placeholders for tabstop $1') end) it('errors with multiple $0 tabstops', function() test_fail('function $1() { $0 }$0', 'multiple $0 tabstops') end) it('cancels session when deleting the snippet', function() test_success({ 'local function $1()', ' $0', 'end' }, { 'local function ()', ' ', 'end' }) feed('Vjjd') eq(false, exec_lua('return vim.snippet.active()')) end) it('cancels session when inserting outside snippet region', function() feed('i') test_success({ 'local function $1()', ' $0', 'end' }, { '', 'local function ()', ' ', 'end' }) feed('O-- A comment') eq(false, exec_lua('return vim.snippet.active()')) end) it('inserts choice', function () test_success({ 'console.${1|assert,log,error|}()' }, { 'console.()' }) sleep(100) feed('') eq({ 'console.log()' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) it('closes the choice completion menu when jumping', function () test_success({ 'console.${1|assert,log,error|}($2)' }, { 'console.()' }) sleep(100) exec_lua('vim.snippet.jump(1)') eq(0, exec_lua('return vim.fn.pumvisible()')) end) it('jumps to next tabstop after inserting choice', function() test_success( { '${1|public,protected,private|} function ${2:name}() {', '\t$0', '}' }, { ' function name() {', '\t', '}' } ) sleep(100) feed('') sleep(10) feed('foo') eq({ 'public function foo() {', '\t', '}' }, helpers.buf_lines(0)) end) end)