--- @brief --- Nvim supports EditorConfig. When a file is opened, Nvim searches all parent --- directories of that file for ".editorconfig" files, parses them, and applies --- any properties that match the opened file. Think of it like 'modeline' for an --- entire (recursive) directory. For more information see --- https://editorconfig.org/. --- --- @brief [g:editorconfig]() [b:editorconfig]() --- --- EditorConfig is enabled by default. To disable it, add to your config: --- ```lua --- vim.g.editorconfig = false --- ``` --- --- (Vimscript: `let g:editorconfig = v:false`). It can also be disabled --- per-buffer by setting the [b:editorconfig] buffer-local variable to `false`. --- --- Nvim stores the applied properties in [b:editorconfig] if it is not `false`. --- @brief [editorconfig-custom-properties]() --- --- New properties can be added by adding a new entry to the "properties" table. --- The table key is a property name and the value is a callback function which --- accepts the number of the buffer to be modified, the value of the property --- in the `.editorconfig` file, and (optionally) a table containing all of the --- other properties and their values (useful for properties which depend on other --- properties). The value is always a string and must be coerced if necessary. --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- --- require('editorconfig').properties.foo = function(bufnr, val, opts) --- if opts.charset and opts.charset ~= "utf-8" then --- error("foo can only be set when charset is utf-8", 0) --- end --- vim.b[bufnr].foo = val --- end --- --- ``` --- @brief [editorconfig-properties]() --- --- The following properties are supported by default: --- @type table local properties = {} --- @private --- Modified version of the builtin assert that does not include error position information --- --- @param v any Condition --- @param message string Error message to display if condition is false or nil --- @return any v if not false or nil, otherwise an error is displayed local function assert(v, message) return v or error(message, 0) end --- @private --- Show a warning message --- @param msg string Message to show local function warn(msg, ...) vim.notify_once(msg:format(...), vim.log.levels.WARN, { title = 'editorconfig', }) end --- If "true", then stop searching for `.editorconfig` files in parent --- directories. This property must be at the top-level of the --- `.editorconfig` file (i.e. it must not be within a glob section). function properties.root() -- Unused end --- One of `"utf-8"`, `"utf-8-bom"`, `"latin1"`, `"utf-16be"`, or `"utf-16le"`. --- Sets the 'fileencoding' and 'bomb' options. function properties.charset(bufnr, val) assert( vim.list_contains({ 'utf-8', 'utf-8-bom', 'latin1', 'utf-16be', 'utf-16le' }, val), 'charset must be one of "utf-8", "utf-8-bom", "latin1", "utf-16be", or "utf-16le"' ) if val == 'utf-8' or val == 'utf-8-bom' then vim.bo[bufnr].fileencoding = 'utf-8' vim.bo[bufnr].bomb = val == 'utf-8-bom' elseif val == 'utf-16be' then vim.bo[bufnr].fileencoding = 'utf-16' else vim.bo[bufnr].fileencoding = val end end --- One of `"lf"`, `"crlf"`, or `"cr"`. --- These correspond to setting 'fileformat' to "unix", "dos", or "mac", --- respectively. function properties.end_of_line(bufnr, val) vim.bo[bufnr].fileformat = assert( ({ lf = 'unix', crlf = 'dos', cr = 'mac' })[val], 'end_of_line must be one of "lf", "crlf", or "cr"' ) end --- One of `"tab"` or `"space"`. Sets the 'expandtab' option. function properties.indent_style(bufnr, val, opts) assert(val == 'tab' or val == 'space', 'indent_style must be either "tab" or "space"') vim.bo[bufnr].expandtab = val == 'space' if val == 'tab' and not opts.indent_size then vim.bo[bufnr].shiftwidth = 0 vim.bo[bufnr].softtabstop = 0 end end --- A number indicating the size of a single indent. Alternatively, use the --- value "tab" to use the value of the tab_width property. Sets the --- 'shiftwidth' and 'softtabstop' options. If this value is not "tab" and --- the tab_width property is not set, 'tabstop' is also set to this value. function properties.indent_size(bufnr, val, opts) if val == 'tab' then vim.bo[bufnr].shiftwidth = 0 vim.bo[bufnr].softtabstop = 0 else local n = assert(tonumber(val), 'indent_size must be a number') vim.bo[bufnr].shiftwidth = n vim.bo[bufnr].softtabstop = -1 if not opts.tab_width then vim.bo[bufnr].tabstop = n end end end --- The display size of a single tab character. Sets the 'tabstop' option. function properties.tab_width(bufnr, val) vim.bo[bufnr].tabstop = assert(tonumber(val), 'tab_width must be a number') end --- A number indicating the maximum length of a single --- line. Sets the 'textwidth' option. function properties.max_line_length(bufnr, val) local n = tonumber(val) if n then vim.bo[bufnr].textwidth = n else assert(val == 'off', 'max_line_length must be a number or "off"') vim.bo[bufnr].textwidth = 0 end end --- When `"true"`, trailing whitespace is automatically removed when the buffer is written. function properties.trim_trailing_whitespace(bufnr, val) assert( val == 'true' or val == 'false', 'trim_trailing_whitespace must be either "true" or "false"' ) if val == 'true' then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', { group = 'editorconfig', buffer = bufnr, callback = function() local view = vim.fn.winsaveview() vim.api.nvim_command('silent! undojoin') vim.api.nvim_command('silent keepjumps keeppatterns %s/\\s\\+$//e') vim.fn.winrestview(view) end, }) else vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds({ event = 'BufWritePre', group = 'editorconfig', buffer = bufnr, }) end end --- `"true"` or `"false"` to ensure the file always has a trailing newline as its last byte. --- Sets the 'fixendofline' and 'endofline' options. function properties.insert_final_newline(bufnr, val) assert(val == 'true' or val == 'false', 'insert_final_newline must be either "true" or "false"') vim.bo[bufnr].fixendofline = val == 'true' -- 'endofline' can be read to detect if the file contains a final newline, -- so only change 'endofline' right before writing the file local endofline = val == 'true' if vim.bo[bufnr].endofline ~= endofline then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufWritePre', { group = 'editorconfig', buffer = bufnr, once = true, callback = function() vim.bo[bufnr].endofline = endofline end, }) end end --- @private --- Modified version of [glob2regpat()] that does not match path separators on `*`. --- --- This function replaces single instances of `*` with the regex pattern `[^/]*`. --- However, the star in the replacement pattern also gets interpreted by glob2regpat, --- so we insert a placeholder, pass it through glob2regpat, then replace the --- placeholder with the actual regex pattern. --- --- @param glob string Glob to convert into a regular expression --- @return string regex Regular expression local function glob2regpat(glob) local placeholder = '@@PLACEHOLDER@@' local glob1 = vim.fn.substitute( glob:gsub('{(%d+)%.%.(%d+)}', '[%1-%2]'), '\\*\\@ Table of options to apply to the given file local function parse(filepath, dir) local pat --- @type vim.regex? local opts = {} --- @type table local f = io.open(dir .. '/.editorconfig') if f then for line in f:lines() do local glob, key, val = parse_line(line) if glob then glob = glob:find('/') and (dir .. '/' .. glob:gsub('^/', '')) or ('**/' .. glob) local ok, regpat = pcall(glob2regpat, glob) if ok then pat = vim.regex(regpat) else pat = nil warn('editorconfig: Error occurred while parsing glob pattern "%s": %s', glob, regpat) end elseif key ~= nil and val ~= nil then if key == 'root' then assert(val == 'true' or val == 'false', 'root must be either "true" or "false"') opts.root = val == 'true' elseif pat and pat:match_str(filepath) then opts[key] = val end end end f:close() end return opts end local M = {} -- Exposed for use in syntax/editorconfig.vim` M.properties = properties --- @private --- Configure the given buffer with options from an `.editorconfig` file --- @param bufnr integer Buffer number to configure function M.config(bufnr) bufnr = bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return end local path = vim.fs.normalize(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr)) if vim.bo[bufnr].buftype ~= '' or not vim.bo[bufnr].modifiable or path == '' then return end local opts = {} --- @type table for parent in vim.fs.parents(path) do for k, v in pairs(parse(path, parent)) do if opts[k] == nil then opts[k] = v end end if opts.root then break end end local applied = {} --- @type table for opt, val in pairs(opts) do if val ~= 'unset' then local func = M.properties[opt] if func then --- @type boolean, string? local ok, err = pcall(func, bufnr, val, opts) if ok then applied[opt] = val else warn('editorconfig: invalid value for option %s: %s. %s', opt, val, err) end end end end vim.b[bufnr].editorconfig = applied end return M