if exists('s:did_load') " Align Nvim defaults to Vim. set backspace= set commentstring=/*%s*/ set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i set define=^\\s*#\\s*define set directory& set directory^=. set display= set fillchars=vert:\|,foldsep:\|,fold:- set formatoptions=tcq set fsync set include=^\\s*#\\s*include set laststatus=1 set listchars=eol:$ set joinspaces set mousemodel=extend set nohidden nosmarttab noautoindent noautoread noruler noshowcmd set nohlsearch noincsearch set nrformats=bin,octal,hex set shortmess=filnxtToOS set sidescroll=0 set tags=./tags,tags set undodir& set undodir^=. set wildoptions= set startofline set sessionoptions& set sessionoptions+=options set viewoptions& set viewoptions+=options set switchbuf= if g:testname !~ 'test_mapping.vim$' " Make "Q" switch to Ex mode. " This does not work for all tests. nnoremap Q gQ endif endif " Common preparations for running tests. " Only load this once. if exists('s:did_load') finish endif let s:did_load = 1 " Clear Nvim default mappings and menus. mapclear mapclear! aunmenu * tlunmenu * " roughly equivalent to test_setmouse() in Vim func Ntest_setmouse(row, col) call nvim_input_mouse('move', '', '', 0, a:row - 1, a:col - 1) endfunc " Prevent Nvim log from writing to stderr. let $NVIM_LOG_FILE = exists($NVIM_LOG_FILE) ? $NVIM_LOG_FILE : 'Xnvim.log' " Make sure 'runtimepath' and 'packpath' does not include $HOME. set rtp=$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after let &packpath = &rtp " Avoid storing shell history. let $HISTFILE = "" " Use default shell on Windows to avoid segfault, caused by TUI if has('win32') let $SHELL = '' let $TERM = '' let &shell = empty($COMSPEC) ? exepath('cmd.exe') : $COMSPEC set shellcmdflag=/s/c shellxquote=\" shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1 let &shellpipe = &shellredir endif " Detect user modules for language providers let $PYTHONUSERBASE = $HOME . '/.local' if executable('gem') let $GEM_PATH = system('gem env gempath') endif " Make sure $HOME does not get read or written. let $HOME = expand(getcwd() . '/XfakeHOME') if !isdirectory($HOME) call mkdir($HOME) endif