-- Test suite for checking :lua* commands local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local eq = helpers.eq local NIL = helpers.NIL local eval = helpers.eval local feed = helpers.feed local clear = helpers.clear local meths = helpers.meths local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local funcs = helpers.funcs local source = helpers.source local dedent = helpers.dedent local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local write_file = helpers.write_file local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths local remove_trace = helpers.remove_trace before_each(clear) describe(':lua command', function() it('works', function() eq('', exec_capture( 'lua vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"TEST"})')) eq({'', 'TEST'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) source(dedent([[ lua << EOF vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"TSET"}) EOF]])) eq({'', 'TSET'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) source(dedent([[ lua << EOF vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"SETT"})]])) eq({'', 'SETT'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) source(dedent([[ lua << EOF vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"ETTS"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 2, 3, false, {"TTSE"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 3, 4, false, {"STTE"}) EOF]])) eq({'', 'ETTS', 'TTSE', 'STTE'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) end) it('throws catchable errors', function() eq([[Vim(lua):E5107: Error loading lua [string ":lua"]:0: unexpected symbol near ')']], pcall_err(command, 'lua ()')) eq([[Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: TEST]], remove_trace(exc_exec('lua error("TEST")'))) eq([[Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: Invalid buffer id: -10]], remove_trace(exc_exec('lua vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(-10, 1, 1, false, {"TEST"})'))) eq({''}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) end) it('works with NULL errors', function() eq([=[Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua [NULL]]=], exc_exec('lua error(nil)')) end) it('accepts embedded NLs without heredoc', function() -- Such code is usually used for `:execute 'lua' {generated_string}`: -- heredocs do not work in this case. meths.command([[ lua vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"ETTS"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 2, 3, false, {"TTSE"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 3, 4, false, {"STTE"}) ]]) eq({'', 'ETTS', 'TTSE', 'STTE'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) end) it('preserves global and not preserves local variables', function() eq('', exec_capture('lua gvar = 42')) eq('', exec_capture('lua local lvar = 100500')) eq(NIL, funcs.luaeval('lvar')) eq(42, funcs.luaeval('gvar')) end) it('works with long strings', function() local s = ('x'):rep(100500) eq('Vim(lua):E5107: Error loading lua [string ":lua"]:0: unfinished string near \'\'', pcall_err(command, ('lua vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"%s})'):format(s))) eq({''}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) eq('', exec_capture(('lua vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"%s"})'):format(s))) eq({'', s}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) end) it('can show multiline error messages', function() local screen = Screen.new(40,10) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [2] = {bold = true, reverse = true}, [3] = {foreground = Screen.colors.Grey100, background = Screen.colors.Red}, [4] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen4}, }) feed(':lua error("fail\\nmuch error\\nsuch details")') screen:expect{grid=[[ {2: }| {3:E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua}| {3:"]:1: fail} | {3:much error} | {3:such details} | {3:stack traceback:} | {3: [C]: in function 'error'} | {3: [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk}| | {4:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]} feed('') screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]} eq('E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: fail\nmuch error\nsuch details', remove_trace(eval('v:errmsg'))) local status, err = pcall(command,'lua error("some error\\nin a\\nAPI command")') local expected = 'Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: some error\nin a\nAPI command' eq(false, status) eq(expected, string.sub(remove_trace(err), -string.len(expected))) feed(':messages') screen:expect{grid=[[ {2: }| {3:E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua}| {3:"]:1: fail} | {3:much error} | {3:such details} | {3:stack traceback:} | {3: [C]: in function 'error'} | {3: [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk}| | {4:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]} end) it('prints result of =expr', function() exec_lua("x = 5") eq("5", exec_capture(':lua =x')) eq("5", exec_capture('=x')) exec_lua("function x() return 'hello' end") eq('hello', exec_capture(':lua = x()')) exec_lua("x = {a = 1, b = 2}") eq("{\n a = 1,\n b = 2\n}", exec_capture(':lua =x')) exec_lua([[function x(success) if success then return true, "Return value" else return false, nil, "Error message" end end]]) eq(dedent[[ true Return value]], exec_capture(':lua =x(true)')) eq(dedent[[ false nil Error message]], exec_capture('=x(false)')) end) end) describe(':luado command', function() it('works', function() curbufmeths.set_lines(0, 1, false, {"ABC", "def", "gHi"}) eq('', exec_capture('luado lines = (lines or {}) lines[#lines + 1] = {linenr, line}')) eq({'ABC', 'def', 'gHi'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) eq({{1, 'ABC'}, {2, 'def'}, {3, 'gHi'}}, funcs.luaeval('lines')) -- Automatic transformation of numbers eq('', exec_capture('luado return linenr')) eq({'1', '2', '3'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) eq('', exec_capture('luado return ("<%02x>"):format(line:byte())')) eq({'<31>', '<32>', '<33>'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) end) it('stops processing lines when suddenly out of lines', function() curbufmeths.set_lines(0, 1, false, {"ABC", "def", "gHi"}) eq('', exec_capture('2,$luado runs = ((runs or 0) + 1) vim.api.nvim_command("%d")')) eq({''}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) eq(1, funcs.luaeval('runs')) end) it('works correctly when changing lines out of range', function() curbufmeths.set_lines(0, 1, false, {"ABC", "def", "gHi"}) eq('Vim(luado):E322: line number out of range: 1 past the end', pcall_err(command, '2,$luado vim.api.nvim_command("%d") return linenr')) eq({''}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) end) it('fails on errors', function() eq([[Vim(luado):E5109: Error loading lua: [string ":luado"]:0: unexpected symbol near ')']], pcall_err(command, 'luado ()')) eq([[Vim(luado):E5111: Error calling lua: [string ":luado"]:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'liness' (a nil value)]], pcall_err(command, 'luado return liness + 1')) end) it('works with NULL errors', function() eq([=[Vim(luado):E5111: Error calling lua: [NULL]]=], exc_exec('luado error(nil)')) end) it('fails in sandbox when needed', function() curbufmeths.set_lines(0, 1, false, {"ABC", "def", "gHi"}) eq('Vim(luado):E48: Not allowed in sandbox', pcall_err(command, 'sandbox luado runs = (runs or 0) + 1')) eq(NIL, funcs.luaeval('runs')) end) it('works with long strings', function() local s = ('x'):rep(100500) eq('Vim(luado):E5109: Error loading lua: [string ":luado"]:0: unfinished string near \'\'', pcall_err(command, ('luado return "%s'):format(s))) eq({''}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) eq('', exec_capture(('luado return "%s"'):format(s))) eq({s}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, -1, false)) end) end) describe(':luafile', function() local fname = 'Xtest-functional-lua-commands-luafile' after_each(function() os.remove(fname) end) it('works', function() write_file(fname, [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"ETTS"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 2, 3, false, {"TTSE"}) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 3, 4, false, {"STTE"}) ]]) eq('', exec_capture('luafile ' .. fname)) eq({'', 'ETTS', 'TTSE', 'STTE'}, curbufmeths.get_lines(0, 100, false)) end) it('correctly errors out', function() write_file(fname, '()') eq(("Vim(luafile):E5112: Error while creating lua chunk: %s:1: unexpected symbol near ')'"):format(fname), exc_exec('luafile ' .. fname)) write_file(fname, 'vimm.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(1, 1, 2, false, {"ETTS"})') eq(("Vim(luafile):E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: %s:1: attempt to index global 'vimm' (a nil value)"):format(fname), remove_trace(exc_exec('luafile ' .. fname))) end) it('works with NULL errors', function() write_file(fname, 'error(nil)') eq([=[Vim(luafile):E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: [NULL]]=], exc_exec('luafile ' .. fname)) end) end)