local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local command = helpers.command local insert = helpers.insert local eq = helpers.eq local clear = helpers.clear local meths = helpers.meths local feed = helpers.feed local feed_command = helpers.feed_command local write_file = helpers.write_file local exec = helpers.exec local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local eval = helpers.eval local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local neq = helpers.neq describe(':source', function() before_each(function() clear() end) it('current buffer', function() insert([[ let a = 2 let b = #{ \ k: "v" "\ (o_o) \ } let c = expand("")->empty() let s:s = 0zbeef.cafe let d = s:s]]) command('source') eq('2', meths.exec('echo a', true)) eq("{'k': 'v'}", meths.exec('echo b', true)) -- Script items are created only on script var access eq("1", meths.exec('echo c', true)) eq("0zBEEFCAFE", meths.exec('echo d', true)) exec('set cpoptions+=C') eq('Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: #{', exc_exec('source')) end) it('selection in current buffer', function() insert([[ let a = 2 let a = 3 let a = 4 let b = #{ "\ (>_<) \ K: "V" \ } function! s:C() abort return expand("") .. "C()" endfunction let D = {-> s:C()}]]) -- Source the 2nd line only feed('ggjV') feed_command(':source') eq('3', meths.exec('echo a', true)) -- Source from 2nd line to end of file feed('ggjVG') feed_command(':source') eq('4', meths.exec('echo a', true)) eq("{'K': 'V'}", meths.exec('echo b', true)) eq("1_C()", meths.exec('echo D()', true)) -- Source last line only feed_command(':$source') eq('Vim(echo):E117: Unknown function: s:C', exc_exec('echo D()')) exec('set cpoptions+=C') eq('Vim(let):E15: Invalid expression: #{', exc_exec("'<,'>source")) end) it('does not break if current buffer is modified while sourced', function() insert [[ bwipeout! let a = 123 ]] command('source') eq('123', meths.exec('echo a', true)) end) it('multiline heredoc command', function() insert([[ lua << EOF y = 4 EOF]]) command('source') eq('4', meths.exec('echo luaeval("y")', true)) end) it('can source lua files', function() local test_file = 'test.lua' write_file (test_file, [[vim.g.sourced_lua = 1]]) exec('source ' .. test_file) eq(1, eval('g:sourced_lua')) os.remove(test_file) end) it('can source selected region in lua file', function() local test_file = 'test.lua' write_file (test_file, [[ vim.g.b = 5 vim.g.b = 6 vim.g.b = 7 a = [=[ "\ a \ b]=] ]]) command('edit '..test_file) feed('ggjV') feed_command(':source') eq(6, eval('g:b')) feed('GVkk') feed_command(':source') eq(' "\\ a\n \\ b', exec_lua('return _G.a')) os.remove(test_file) end) it('can source current lua buffer without argument', function() local test_file = 'test.lua' write_file (test_file, [[ vim.g.c = 10 vim.g.c = 11 vim.g.c = 12 a = [=[ \ 1 "\ 2]=] ]]) command('edit '..test_file) feed_command(':source') eq(12, eval('g:c')) eq(' \\ 1\n "\\ 2', exec_lua('return _G.a')) os.remove(test_file) end) it("doesn't throw E484 for lua parsing/runtime errors", function() local test_file = 'test.lua' -- Does throw E484 for unreadable files local ok, result = pcall(exec_capture, ":source "..test_file ..'noexisting') eq(false, ok) neq(nil, result:find("E484")) -- Doesn't throw for parsing error write_file (test_file, "vim.g.c = ") ok, result = pcall(exec_capture, ":source "..test_file) eq(false, ok) eq(nil, result:find("E484")) os.remove(test_file) -- Doesn't throw for runtime error write_file (test_file, "error('Cause error anyway :D')") ok, result = pcall(exec_capture, ":source "..test_file) eq(false, ok) eq(nil, result:find("E484")) os.remove(test_file) end) end)