local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local call = helpers.call local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local feed = helpers.feed local map = helpers.tbl_map local nvim = helpers.nvim local parse_context = helpers.parse_context local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local source = helpers.source local trim = helpers.trim local write_file = helpers.write_file local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err describe('context functions', function() local fname1 = 'Xtest-functional-eval-ctx1' local fname2 = 'Xtest-functional-eval-ctx2' local outofbounds = 'Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument index: out of bounds' before_each(function() clear() write_file(fname1, "1\n2\n3") write_file(fname2, "a\nb\nc") end) after_each(function() os.remove(fname1) os.remove(fname2) end) describe('ctxpush/ctxpop', function() it('saves and restores registers properly', function() local regs = {'1', '2', '3', 'a'} local vals = {'1', '2', '3', 'hjkl'} feed('i123ddddddqahjklq') eq(vals, map(function(r) return trim(call('getreg', r)) end, regs)) call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush', {'regs'}) map(function(r) call('setreg', r, {}) end, regs) eq({'', '', '', ''}, map(function(r) return trim(call('getreg', r)) end, regs)) call('ctxpop') eq(vals, map(function(r) return trim(call('getreg', r)) end, regs)) map(function(r) call('setreg', r, {}) end, regs) eq({'', '', '', ''}, map(function(r) return trim(call('getreg', r)) end, regs)) call('ctxpop') eq(vals, map(function(r) return trim(call('getreg', r)) end, regs)) end) it('saves and restores jumplist properly', function() command('edit '..fname1) feed('G') feed('gg') command('edit '..fname2) local jumplist = call('getjumplist') call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush', {'jumps'}) command('clearjumps') eq({{}, 0}, call('getjumplist')) call('ctxpop') eq(jumplist, call('getjumplist')) command('clearjumps') eq({{}, 0}, call('getjumplist')) call('ctxpop') eq(jumplist, call('getjumplist')) end) it('saves and restores buffer list properly', function() command('edit '..fname1) command('edit '..fname2) command('edit TEST') local bufs = call('map', call('getbufinfo'), 'v:val.name') call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush', {'bufs'}) command('%bwipeout') eq({''}, call('map', call('getbufinfo'), 'v:val.name')) call('ctxpop') eq({'', unpack(bufs)}, call('map', call('getbufinfo'), 'v:val.name')) command('%bwipeout') eq({''}, call('map', call('getbufinfo'), 'v:val.name')) call('ctxpop') eq({'', unpack(bufs)}, call('map', call('getbufinfo'), 'v:val.name')) end) it('saves and restores global variables properly', function() nvim('set_var', 'one', 1) nvim('set_var', 'Two', 2) nvim('set_var', 'THREE', 3) eq({1, 2 ,3}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush', {'gvars'}) nvim('del_var', 'one') nvim('del_var', 'Two') nvim('del_var', 'THREE') eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:one', pcall_err(eval, 'g:one')) eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:Two', pcall_err(eval, 'g:Two')) eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:THREE', pcall_err(eval, 'g:THREE')) call('ctxpop') eq({1, 2 ,3}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) nvim('del_var', 'one') nvim('del_var', 'Two') nvim('del_var', 'THREE') eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:one', pcall_err(eval, 'g:one')) eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:Two', pcall_err(eval, 'g:Two')) eq('Vim:E121: Undefined variable: g:THREE', pcall_err(eval, 'g:THREE')) call('ctxpop') eq({1, 2 ,3}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) end) it('saves and restores script functions properly', function() source([[ function s:greet(name) echom 'Hello, '.a:name.'!' endfunction function s:greet_all(name, ...) echom 'Hello, '.a:name.'!' for more in a:000 echom 'Hello, '.more.'!' endfor endfunction function Greet(name) call call('s:greet', [a:name]) endfunction function GreetAll(name, ...) call call('s:greet_all', extend([a:name], a:000)) endfunction function SaveSFuncs() call ctxpush(['sfuncs']) endfunction function DeleteSFuncs() delfunction s:greet delfunction s:greet_all endfunction function RestoreFuncs() call ctxpop() endfunction ]]) eq('Hello, World!', exec_capture([[call Greet('World')]])) eq('Hello, World!'.. '\nHello, One!'.. '\nHello, Two!'.. '\nHello, Three!', exec_capture([[call GreetAll('World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')]])) call('SaveSFuncs') call('DeleteSFuncs') eq('function Greet, line 1: Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: s:greet', pcall_err(command, [[call Greet('World')]])) eq('function GreetAll, line 1: Vim(call):E117: Unknown function: s:greet_all', pcall_err(command, [[call GreetAll('World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')]])) call('RestoreFuncs') eq('Hello, World!', exec_capture([[call Greet('World')]])) eq('Hello, World!'.. '\nHello, One!'.. '\nHello, Two!'.. '\nHello, Three!', exec_capture([[call GreetAll('World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')]])) end) it('saves and restores functions properly', function() source([[ function Greet(name) echom 'Hello, '.a:name.'!' endfunction function GreetAll(name, ...) echom 'Hello, '.a:name.'!' for more in a:000 echom 'Hello, '.more.'!' endfor endfunction ]]) eq('Hello, World!', exec_capture([[call Greet('World')]])) eq('Hello, World!'.. '\nHello, One!'.. '\nHello, Two!'.. '\nHello, Three!', exec_capture([[call GreetAll('World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')]])) call('ctxpush', {'funcs'}) command('delfunction Greet') command('delfunction GreetAll') eq('Vim:E117: Unknown function: Greet', pcall_err(call, 'Greet', 'World')) eq('Vim:E117: Unknown function: GreetAll', pcall_err(call, 'GreetAll', 'World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')) call('ctxpop') eq('Hello, World!', exec_capture([[call Greet('World')]])) eq('Hello, World!'.. '\nHello, One!'.. '\nHello, Two!'.. '\nHello, Three!', exec_capture([[call GreetAll('World', 'One', 'Two', 'Three')]])) end) it('errors out when context stack is empty', function() local err = 'Vim:Context stack is empty' eq(err, pcall_err(call, 'ctxpop')) eq(err, pcall_err(call, 'ctxpop')) call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush') call('ctxpop') call('ctxpop') eq(err, pcall_err(call, 'ctxpop')) end) end) describe('ctxsize()', function() it('returns context stack size', function() eq(0, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpush') eq(1, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpush') eq(2, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpush') eq(3, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpop') eq(2, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpop') eq(1, call('ctxsize')) call('ctxpop') eq(0, call('ctxsize')) end) end) describe('ctxget()', function() it('errors out when index is out of bounds', function() eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxget')) call('ctxpush') eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxget', 1)) call('ctxpop') eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxget', 0)) end) it('returns context dictionary at index in context stack', function() feed('i123ddddddqahjklq') command('edit! '..fname1) feed('G') feed('gg') command('edit '..fname2) nvim('set_var', 'one', 1) nvim('set_var', 'Two', 2) nvim('set_var', 'THREE', 3) local with_regs = { ['regs'] = { {['rt'] = 1, ['rc'] = {'1'}, ['n'] = 49, ['ru'] = true}, {['rt'] = 1, ['rc'] = {'2'}, ['n'] = 50}, {['rt'] = 1, ['rc'] = {'3'}, ['n'] = 51}, {['rc'] = {'hjkl'}, ['n'] = 97}, } } local with_jumps = { ['jumps'] = eval(([[ filter(map(add( getjumplist()[0], { 'bufnr': bufnr('%'), 'lnum': getcurpos()[1] }), 'filter( { "f": expand("#".v:val.bufnr.":p"), "l": v:val.lnum }, { k, v -> k != "l" || v != 1 })'), '!empty(v:val.f)') ]]):gsub('\n', '')) } local with_bufs = { ['bufs'] = eval([[ filter(map(getbufinfo(), '{ "f": v:val.name }'), '!empty(v:val.f)') ]]) } local with_gvars = { ['gvars'] = {{'one', 1}, {'Two', 2}, {'THREE', 3}} } local with_all = { ['regs'] = with_regs['regs'], ['jumps'] = with_jumps['jumps'], ['bufs'] = with_bufs['bufs'], ['gvars'] = with_gvars['gvars'], } call('ctxpush') eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) call('ctxpush', {'gvars'}) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) call('ctxpush', {'bufs'}) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 2))) call('ctxpush', {'jumps'}) eq(with_jumps, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_jumps, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 2))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 3))) call('ctxpush', {'regs'}) eq(with_regs, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_regs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_jumps, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 2))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 3))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 4))) call('ctxpop') eq(with_jumps, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_jumps, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 2))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 3))) call('ctxpop') eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_bufs, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 2))) call('ctxpop') eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_gvars, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 1))) call('ctxpop') eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget'))) eq(with_all, parse_context(call('ctxget', 0))) end) end) describe('ctxset()', function() it('errors out when index is out of bounds', function() eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxset', {dummy = 1})) call('ctxpush') eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxset', {dummy = 1}, 1)) call('ctxpop') eq(outofbounds, pcall_err(call, 'ctxset', {dummy = 1}, 0)) end) it('sets context dictionary at index in context stack', function() nvim('set_var', 'one', 1) nvim('set_var', 'Two', 2) nvim('set_var', 'THREE', 3) call('ctxpush') local ctx1 = call('ctxget') nvim('set_var', 'one', 'a') nvim('set_var', 'Two', 'b') nvim('set_var', 'THREE', 'c') call('ctxpush') call('ctxpush') local ctx2 = call('ctxget') eq({'a', 'b' ,'c'}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) call('ctxset', ctx1) call('ctxset', ctx2, 2) call('ctxpop') eq({1, 2 ,3}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) call('ctxpop') eq({'a', 'b' ,'c'}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) nvim('set_var', 'one', 1.5) eq({1.5, 'b' ,'c'}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) call('ctxpop') eq({'a', 'b' ,'c'}, eval('[g:one, g:Two, g:THREE]')) end) end) end)