-- Generator for various vimdoc and Lua type files local DEP_API_METADATA = 'build/api_metadata.mpack' local DEP_API_DOC = 'runtime/doc/api.mpack' --- @class vim.api.metadata --- @field name string --- @field parameters {[1]:string,[2]:string}[] --- @field return_type string --- @field deprecated_since integer --- @field eval boolean --- @field fast boolean --- @field handler_id integer --- @field impl_name string --- @field lua boolean --- @field method boolean --- @field remote boolean --- @field since integer local LUA_META_HEADER = { '--- @meta _', '-- THIS FILE IS GENERATED', '-- DO NOT EDIT', "error('Cannot require a meta file')", } local LUA_API_META_HEADER = { '--- @meta _', '-- THIS FILE IS GENERATED', '-- DO NOT EDIT', "error('Cannot require a meta file')", '', 'vim.api = {}', } local LUA_OPTION_META_HEADER = { '--- @meta _', '-- THIS FILE IS GENERATED', '-- DO NOT EDIT', "error('Cannot require a meta file')", '', '---@class vim.bo', '---@field [integer] vim.bo', 'vim.bo = vim.bo', '', '---@class vim.wo', '---@field [integer] vim.wo', 'vim.wo = vim.wo', } local LUA_VVAR_META_HEADER = { '--- @meta _', '-- THIS FILE IS GENERATED', '-- DO NOT EDIT', "error('Cannot require a meta file')", '', '--- @class vim.v', 'vim.v = ...', } local LUA_KEYWORDS = { ['and'] = true, ['end'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['or'] = true, ['if'] = true, ['while'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, ['true'] = true, ['false'] = true, } local OPTION_TYPES = { boolean = 'boolean', number = 'integer', string = 'string', } local API_TYPES = { Window = 'integer', Tabpage = 'integer', Buffer = 'integer', Boolean = 'boolean', Object = 'any', Integer = 'integer', String = 'string', Array = 'any[]', LuaRef = 'function', Dictionary = 'table', Float = 'number', void = '', } --- @param x string --- @param sep? string --- @return string[] local function split(x, sep) return vim.split(x, sep or '\n', { plain = true }) end --- Convert an API type to Lua --- @param t string --- @return string local function api_type(t) local as0 = t:match('^ArrayOf%((.*)%)') if as0 then local as = split(as0, ', ') return api_type(as[1]) .. '[]' end local d = t:match('^Dict%((.*)%)') if d then return 'vim.api.keyset.' .. d end local d0 = t:match('^DictionaryOf%((.*)%)') if d0 then return 'table' end return API_TYPES[t] or t end --- @param f string --- @param params {[1]:string,[2]:string}[]|true --- @return string local function render_fun_sig(f, params) local param_str --- @type string if params == true then param_str = '...' else param_str = table.concat( vim.tbl_map( --- @param v {[1]:string,[2]:string} --- @return string function(v) return v[1] end, params ), ', ' ) end if LUA_KEYWORDS[f] then return string.format("vim.fn['%s'] = function(%s) end", f, param_str) else return string.format('function vim.fn.%s(%s) end', f, param_str) end end --- Uniquify names --- Fix any names that are lua keywords --- @param params {[1]:string,[2]:string,[3]:string}[] --- @return {[1]:string,[2]:string,[3]:string}[] local function process_params(params) local seen = {} --- @type table local sfx = 1 for _, p in ipairs(params) do if LUA_KEYWORDS[p[1]] then p[1] = p[1] .. '_' end if seen[p[1]] then p[1] = p[1] .. sfx sfx = sfx + 1 else seen[p[1]] = true end end return params end --- @class vim.gen_vim_doc_fun --- @field signature string --- @field doc string[] --- @field parameters_doc table --- @field return string[] --- @field seealso string[] --- @field annotations string[] --- @return table local function get_api_meta() local mpack_f = assert(io.open(DEP_API_METADATA, 'rb')) local metadata = vim.mpack.decode(mpack_f:read('*all')) --[[@as vim.api.metadata[] ]] local ret = {} --- @type table local doc_mpack_f = assert(io.open(DEP_API_DOC, 'rb')) local doc_metadata = vim.mpack.decode(doc_mpack_f:read('*all')) --[[@as table]] for _, fun in ipairs(metadata) do if fun.lua then local fdoc = doc_metadata[fun.name] local params = {} --- @type {[1]:string,[2]:string}[] for _, p in ipairs(fun.parameters) do local ptype, pname = p[1], p[2] params[#params + 1] = { pname, api_type(ptype), fdoc and fdoc.parameters_doc[pname] or nil, } end local r = { signature = 'NA', name = fun.name, params = params, returns = api_type(fun.return_type), deprecated = fun.deprecated_since ~= nil, } if fdoc then if #fdoc.doc > 0 then r.desc = table.concat(fdoc.doc, '\n') end r.return_desc = (fdoc['return'] or {})[1] end ret[fun.name] = r end end return ret end --- Convert vimdoc references to markdown literals --- Convert vimdoc codeblocks to markdown codeblocks --- --- Ensure code blocks have one empty line before the start fence and after the closing fence. --- --- @param x string --- @return string local function norm_text(x) return ( x:gsub('|([^ ]+)|', '`%1`') :gsub('\n*>lua', '\n\n```lua') :gsub('\n*>vim', '\n\n```vim') :gsub('\n+<$', '\n```') :gsub('\n+<\n+', '\n```\n\n') :gsub('%s+>\n+', '\n```\n') :gsub('\n+<%s+\n?', '\n```\n') ) end --- @param _f string --- @param fun vim.EvalFn --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_api_meta(_f, fun, write) if not vim.startswith(fun.name, 'nvim_') then return end write('') if vim.startswith(fun.name, 'nvim__') then write('--- @private') end if fun.deprecated then write('--- @deprecated') end local desc = fun.desc if desc then for _, l in ipairs(split(norm_text(desc))) do write('--- ' .. l) end write('---') end local param_names = {} --- @type string[] local params = process_params(fun.params) for _, p in ipairs(params) do param_names[#param_names + 1] = p[1] local pdesc = p[3] if pdesc then local pdesc_a = split(norm_text(pdesc)) write('--- @param ' .. p[1] .. ' ' .. p[2] .. ' ' .. pdesc_a[1]) for i = 2, #pdesc_a do if not pdesc_a[i] then break end write('--- ' .. pdesc_a[i]) end else write('--- @param ' .. p[1] .. ' ' .. p[2]) end end if fun.returns ~= '' then if fun.returns_desc then write('--- @return ' .. fun.returns .. ' : ' .. fun.returns_desc) else write('--- @return ' .. fun.returns) end end local param_str = table.concat(param_names, ', ') write(string.format('function vim.api.%s(%s) end', fun.name, param_str)) end --- @return table local function get_api_keysets_meta() local mpack_f = assert(io.open(DEP_API_METADATA, 'rb')) --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:no-unknown local metadata = assert(vim.mpack.decode(mpack_f:read('*all'))) local ret = {} --- @type table --- @type {name: string, keys: string[], types: table}[] local keysets = metadata.keysets for _, k in ipairs(keysets) do local params = {} for _, key in ipairs(k.keys) do table.insert(params, { key .. '?', api_type(k.types[key] or 'any') }) end ret[k.name] = { signature = 'NA', name = k.name, params = params, } end return ret end --- @param _f string --- @param fun vim.EvalFn --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_api_keyset_meta(_f, fun, write) write('') write('--- @class vim.api.keyset.' .. fun.name) for _, p in ipairs(fun.params) do write('--- @field ' .. p[1] .. ' ' .. p[2]) end end --- @return table local function get_eval_meta() return require('src/nvim/eval').funcs end --- @param f string --- @param fun vim.EvalFn --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_eval_meta(f, fun, write) if fun.lua == false then return end local funname = fun.name or f local params = process_params(fun.params) if fun.signature then write('') if fun.deprecated then write('--- @deprecated') end local desc = fun.desc if desc then --- @type string desc = desc:gsub('\n%s*\n%s*$', '\n') for _, l in ipairs(split(desc)) do l = l:gsub('^ ', ''):gsub('\t', ' '):gsub('@', '\\@') write('--- ' .. l) end end local req_args = type(fun.args) == 'table' and fun.args[1] or fun.args or 0 for i, param in ipairs(params) do local pname, ptype = param[1], param[2] local optional = (pname ~= '...' and i > req_args) and '?' or '' write(string.format('--- @param %s%s %s', pname, optional, ptype)) end if fun.returns ~= false then write('--- @return ' .. (fun.returns or 'any')) end write(render_fun_sig(funname, params)) return end print('no doc for', funname) end --- @type table local rendered_tags = {} --- @param name string --- @param fun vim.EvalFn --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_sig_and_tag(name, fun, write) local tags = { '*' .. name .. '()*' } if fun.tags then for _, t in ipairs(fun.tags) do tags[#tags + 1] = '*' .. t .. '*' end end local tag = table.concat(tags, ' ') local siglen = #fun.signature local conceal_offset = 2 * (#tags - 1) local tag_pad_len = math.max(1, 80 - #tag + conceal_offset) if siglen + #tag > 80 then write(string.rep(' ', tag_pad_len) .. tag) write(fun.signature) else write(string.format('%s%s%s', fun.signature, string.rep(' ', tag_pad_len - siglen), tag)) end end --- @param f string --- @param fun vim.EvalFn --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_eval_doc(f, fun, write) if fun.deprecated then return end if not fun.signature then return end local desc = fun.desc if not desc then write(fun.signature) return end local name = fun.name or f if rendered_tags[name] then write(fun.signature) else render_sig_and_tag(name, fun, write) rendered_tags[name] = true end desc = vim.trim(desc) local desc_l = split(desc) for _, l in ipairs(desc_l) do l = l:gsub('^ ', '') if vim.startswith(l, '<') and not l:match('^<[^ \t]+>') then write('<\t\t' .. l:sub(2)) elseif l:match('^>[a-z0-9]*$') then write(l) else write('\t\t' .. l) end end if #desc_l > 0 and not desc_l[#desc_l]:match('^ local envvars = { TMPDIR = false, VIMRUNTIME = false, XDG_CONFIG_HOME = vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/config', XDG_DATA_HOME = vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/share', XDG_STATE_HOME = vim.env.HOME .. '/.local/state', } for name, default in pairs(envvars) do local value = vim.env[name] or default if value then v = v:gsub(vim.pesc(value), '$' .. name) end end return v end --- @param _f string --- @param opt vim.option_meta --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_option_meta(_f, opt, write) write('') for _, l in ipairs(split(norm_text(opt.desc))) do write('--- ' .. l) end write('--- @type ' .. OPTION_TYPES[opt.type]) write('vim.o.' .. opt.full_name .. ' = ' .. render_option_default(opt.defaults)) if opt.abbreviation then write('vim.o.' .. opt.abbreviation .. ' = vim.o.' .. opt.full_name) end for _, s in pairs { { 'wo', 'window' }, { 'bo', 'buffer' }, { 'go', 'global' }, } do local id, scope = s[1], s[2] if vim.list_contains(opt.scope, scope) or (id == 'go' and #opt.scope > 1) then local pfx = 'vim.' .. id .. '.' write(pfx .. opt.full_name .. ' = vim.o.' .. opt.full_name) if opt.abbreviation then write(pfx .. opt.abbreviation .. ' = ' .. pfx .. opt.full_name) end end end end --- @param _f string --- @param opt vim.option_meta --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_vvar_meta(_f, opt, write) write('') local desc = split(norm_text(opt.desc)) while desc[#desc]:match('^%s*$') do desc[#desc] = nil end for _, l in ipairs(desc) do write('--- ' .. l) end write('--- @type ' .. (opt.type or 'any')) if LUA_KEYWORDS[opt.full_name] then write("vim.v['" .. opt.full_name .. "'] = ...") else write('vim.v.' .. opt.full_name .. ' = ...') end end --- @param s string[] --- @return string local function scope_to_doc(s) local m = { global = 'global', buffer = 'local to buffer', window = 'local to window', tab = 'local to tab page', } if #s == 1 then return m[s[1]] end assert(s[1] == 'global') return 'global or ' .. m[s[2]] .. ' |global-local|' end -- @param o vim.option_meta -- @return string local function scope_more_doc(o) if vim.list_contains({ 'bufhidden', 'buftype', 'filetype', 'modified', 'previewwindow', 'readonly', 'scroll', 'syntax', 'winfixheight', 'winfixwidth', }, o.full_name) then return ' |local-noglobal|' end return '' end --- @param x string --- @return string local function dedent(x) local xs = split(x) local leading_ws = xs[1]:match('^%s*') --[[@as string]] local leading_ws_pat = '^' .. leading_ws for i in ipairs(xs) do local strip_pat = xs[i]:match(leading_ws_pat) and leading_ws_pat or '^%s*' xs[i] = xs[i]:gsub(strip_pat, '') end return table.concat(xs, '\n') end --- @return table local function get_option_meta() local opts = require('src/nvim/options').options local optinfo = vim.api.nvim_get_all_options_info() local ret = {} --- @type table for _, o in ipairs(opts) do if o.desc then if o.full_name == 'cmdheight' then table.insert(o.scope, 'tab') end local r = vim.deepcopy(o) --[[@as vim.option_meta]] r.desc = o.desc:gsub('^ ', ''):gsub('\n ', '\n') r.defaults = r.defaults or {} if r.defaults.meta == nil then r.defaults.meta = optinfo[o.full_name].default end ret[o.full_name] = r end end return ret end --- @return table local function get_vvar_meta() local info = require('src/nvim/vvars').vars local ret = {} --- @type table for name, o in pairs(info) do o.desc = dedent(o.desc) o.full_name = name ret[name] = o end return ret end --- @param opt vim.option_meta --- @return string[] local function build_option_tags(opt) --- @type string[] local tags = { opt.full_name } tags[#tags + 1] = opt.abbreviation if opt.type == 'boolean' then for i = 1, #tags do tags[#tags + 1] = 'no' .. tags[i] end end for i, t in ipairs(tags) do tags[i] = "'" .. t .. "'" end for _, t in ipairs(opt.tags or {}) do tags[#tags + 1] = t end for i, t in ipairs(tags) do tags[i] = '*' .. t .. '*' end return tags end --- @param _f string --- @param opt vim.option_meta --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_option_doc(_f, opt, write) local tags = build_option_tags(opt) local tag_str = table.concat(tags, ' ') local conceal_offset = 2 * (#tags - 1) local tag_pad = string.rep('\t', math.ceil((64 - #tag_str + conceal_offset) / 8)) -- local pad = string.rep(' ', 80 - #tag_str + conceal_offset) write(tag_pad .. tag_str) local name_str --- @type string if opt.abbreviation then name_str = string.format("'%s' '%s'", opt.full_name, opt.abbreviation) else name_str = string.format("'%s'", opt.full_name) end local otype = opt.type == 'boolean' and 'boolean' or opt.type if opt.defaults.doc or opt.defaults.if_true ~= nil or opt.defaults.meta ~= nil then local v = render_option_default(opt.defaults, true) local pad = string.rep('\t', math.max(1, math.ceil((24 - #name_str) / 8))) if opt.defaults.doc then local deflen = #string.format('%s%s%s (', name_str, pad, otype) --- @type string v = v:gsub('\n', '\n' .. string.rep(' ', deflen - 2)) end write(string.format('%s%s%s\t(default %s)', name_str, pad, otype, v)) else write(string.format('%s\t%s', name_str, otype)) end write('\t\t\t' .. scope_to_doc(opt.scope) .. scope_more_doc(opt)) for _, l in ipairs(split(opt.desc)) do if l == '<' or l:match('^<%s') then write(l) else write('\t' .. l:gsub('\\<', '<')) end end end --- @param _f string --- @param vvar vim.option_meta --- @param write fun(line: string) local function render_vvar_doc(_f, vvar, write) local name = vvar.full_name local tags = { 'v:' .. name, name .. '-variable' } if vvar.tags then vim.list_extend(tags, vvar.tags) end for i, t in ipairs(tags) do tags[i] = '*' .. t .. '*' end local tag_str = table.concat(tags, ' ') local conceal_offset = 2 * (#tags - 1) local tag_pad = string.rep('\t', math.ceil((64 - #tag_str + conceal_offset) / 8)) write(tag_pad .. tag_str) local desc = split(vvar.desc) if (#desc == 1 or #desc == 2 and desc[2]:match('^%s*$')) and #name < 10 then -- single line write('v:' .. name .. '\t' .. desc[1]:gsub('^%s*', '')) write('') else write('v:' .. name) for _, l in ipairs(desc) do if l == '<' or l:match('^<%s') then write(l) else write('\t\t' .. l:gsub('\\<', '<')) end end end end --- @class nvim.gen_eval_files.elem --- @field path string --- @field from? string Skip lines in path until this pattern is reached. --- @field funcs fun(): table --- @field render fun(f:string,obj:table,write:fun(line:string)) --- @field header? string[] --- @field footer? string[] --- @type nvim.gen_eval_files.elem[] local CONFIG = { { path = 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/vimfn.lua', header = LUA_META_HEADER, funcs = get_eval_meta, render = render_eval_meta, }, { path = 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/api.lua', header = LUA_API_META_HEADER, funcs = get_api_meta, render = render_api_meta, }, { path = 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/api_keysets.lua', header = LUA_META_HEADER, funcs = get_api_keysets_meta, render = render_api_keyset_meta, }, { path = 'runtime/doc/builtin.txt', funcs = get_eval_meta, render = render_eval_doc, header = { '*builtin.txt* Nvim', '', '', '\t\t NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL', '', '', 'Builtin functions\t\t*vimscript-functions* *builtin-functions*', '', 'For functions grouped by what they are used for see |function-list|.', '', '\t\t\t\t Type |gO| to see the table of contents.', '==============================================================================', '1. Details *builtin-function-details*', '', }, footer = { '==============================================================================', '2. Matching a pattern in a String *string-match*', '', 'This is common between several functions. A regexp pattern as explained at', '|pattern| is normally used to find a match in the buffer lines. When a', 'pattern is used to find a match in a String, almost everything works in the', 'same way. The difference is that a String is handled like it is one line.', 'When it contains a "\\n" character, this is not seen as a line break for the', 'pattern. It can be matched with a "\\n" in the pattern, or with ".". Example:', '>vim', '\tlet a = "aaaa\\nxxxx"', '\techo matchstr(a, "..\\n..")', '\t" aa', '\t" xx', '\techo matchstr(a, "a.x")', '\t" a', '\t" x', '', 'Don\'t forget that "^" will only match at the first character of the String and', '"$" at the last character of the string. They don\'t match after or before a', '"\\n".', '', ' vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:', }, }, { path = 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/options.lua', header = LUA_OPTION_META_HEADER, funcs = get_option_meta, render = render_option_meta, }, { path = 'runtime/doc/options.txt', header = { '' }, from = 'A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.', footer = { ' vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:', }, funcs = get_option_meta, render = render_option_doc, }, { path = 'runtime/lua/vim/_meta/vvars.lua', header = LUA_VVAR_META_HEADER, funcs = get_vvar_meta, render = render_vvar_meta, }, { path = 'runtime/doc/vvars.txt', header = { '' }, from = 'Type |gO| to see the table of contents.', footer = { ' vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl:', }, funcs = get_vvar_meta, render = render_vvar_doc, }, } --- @param elem nvim.gen_eval_files.elem local function render(elem) print('Rendering ' .. elem.path) local from_lines = {} --- @type string[] local from = elem.from if from then for line in io.lines(elem.path) do from_lines[#from_lines + 1] = line if line:match(from) then break end end end local o = assert(io.open(elem.path, 'w')) --- @param l string local function write(l) local l1 = l:gsub('%s+$', '') o:write(l1) o:write('\n') end for _, l in ipairs(from_lines) do write(l) end for _, l in ipairs(elem.header or {}) do write(l) end local funcs = elem.funcs() --- @type string[] local fnames = vim.tbl_keys(funcs) table.sort(fnames) for _, f in ipairs(fnames) do elem.render(f, funcs[f], write) end for _, l in ipairs(elem.footer or {}) do write(l) end o:close() end local function main() for _, c in ipairs(CONFIG) do render(c) end end main()