*provider.txt* {Nvim} NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thiago de Arruda Providers *provider* Nvim delegates some features to dynamic "providers". ============================================================================== Python integration *provider-python* Nvim supports the Vim legacy |python-vim| and |python3| interfaces via external Python interpreters connected via |RPC|. Note: Only the Vim 7.3 API is supported; bindeval (Vim 7.4) is not. PYTHON QUICKSTART ~ If you used a package manager to install Nvim, you might already have the required `neovim` Python package. Run |:CheckHealth| to see if your system is up-to-date. Following are steps to install the package with Python's `pip` tool. Note: Depending on your system, `pip` might refer to Python 2 or Python 3, which is why the following instructions mention `pip2` or `pip3` explicitly. If one of these is not available, try `pip`. To use Vim Python 2/3 plugins with Nvim: - For Python 2 plugins, make sure an interpreter for Python 2.6 or 2.7 is available in your `$PATH`, then install the `neovim` Python package systemwide: > $ sudo pip2 install --upgrade neovim < or for the current user: > $ pip2 install --user --upgrade neovim < - For Python 3 plugins, make sure an interpreter for Python 3.3 or above is available in your `$PATH`, then install the `neovim` Python package systemwide: > $ sudo pip3 install --upgrade neovim < or for the current user: > $ pip3 install --user --upgrade neovim < Note: The `--upgrade` flag ensures you have the latest version even if a previous version was already installed. PYTHON PROVIDER CONFIGURATION ~ *g:python_host_prog* *g:python3_host_prog* Program to use for evaluating Python code. Setting this makes startup faster. > let g:python_host_prog = '/path/to/python' let g:python3_host_prog = '/path/to/python3' < *g:loaded_python_provider* To disable Python 2 support: > let g:loaded_python_provider = 1 < *g:loaded_python3_provider* To disable Python 3 support: > let g:loaded_python3_provider = 1 ============================================================================== Ruby integration *provider-ruby* Nvim supports the Vim legacy |ruby-vim| interface via external Ruby interpreters connected via |RPC|. Run |:CheckHealth| to see if your system is up-to-date. RUBY QUICKSTART ~ To use Vim Ruby plugins with Nvim, just install the latest `neovim` RubyGem: > $ gem install neovim RUBY PROVIDER CONFIGURATION ~ *g:loaded_ruby_provider* To disable Ruby support: > let g:loaded_ruby_provider = 1 ============================================================================== Clipboard integration *provider-clipboard* *clipboard* Nvim has no direct connection to the system clipboard. Instead it is accessible through a |provider| which transparently uses shell commands for communicating with the clipboard. Clipboard access is implicitly enabled if any of the following clipboard tools are found in your `$PATH`. - xclip - xsel (newer alternative to xclip) - pbcopy/pbpaste (Mac OS X) - lemonade (for SSH) https://github.com/pocke/lemonade - doitclient (for SSH) http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/doit/ The presence of a suitable clipboard tool implicitly enables the '+' and '*' registers. If you want to ALWAYS use the clipboard for ALL operations (as opposed to interacting with the '+' and/or '*' registers explicitly), set the following option: > set clipboard+=unnamedplus < See 'clipboard' for details and more options. ============================================================================== X11 selection mechanism *clipboard-x11* *x11-selection* The clipboard providers for X11 store text in what is known as "selections". Selections are "owned" by an application, so when the application is closed, the selection text is lost. The contents of selections are held by the originating application (e.g., upon a copy), and only passed on to another application when that other application asks for them (e.g., upon a paste). *quoteplus* *quote+* There are three documented X11 selections: `PRIMARY`, `SECONDARY`, and `CLIPBOARD`. `CLIPBOARD` is typically used in X11 applications for copy/paste operations (`Ctrl-c`/`v`), while `PRIMARY` is used for the last selected text, which is generally inserted with the middle mouse button. Nvim's X11 clipboard providers only utilize the `PRIMARY` and `CLIPBOARD` selections, used for the '*' and '+' registers, respectively. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: