-- Specs for -- - `system()` -- - `systemlist()` local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers') local eq, clear, eval, feed = helpers.eq, helpers.clear, helpers.eval, helpers.feed local function create_file_with_nuls(name) return function() feed('ipart1000part2000part3:w '..name..'') end end local function delete_file(name) return function() eval("delete('"..name.."')") end end -- Some tests require the xclip program and a x server. local xclip = nil do if os.getenv('DISPLAY') then local proc = io.popen('which xclip') xclip = proc:read() proc:close() end end describe('system()', function() before_each(clear) it('sets the v:shell_error variable', function() eval([[system("sh -c 'exit'")]]) eq(0, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[system("sh -c 'exit 1'")]]) eq(1, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[system("sh -c 'exit 5'")]]) eq(5, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[system('this-should-not-exist')]]) eq(127, eval('v:shell_error')) end) describe('passing no input', function() it('returns the program output', function() eq("echoed", eval('system("echo -n echoed")')) end) end) describe('passing input', function() it('returns the program output', function() eq("input", eval('system("cat -", "input")')) end) end) describe('passing number as input', function() it('stringifies the input', function() eq('1', eval('system("cat", 1)')) end) end) describe('with output containing NULs', function() local fname = 'Xtest' setup(create_file_with_nuls(fname)) teardown(delete_file(fname)) it('replaces NULs by SOH characters', function() eq('part1\001part2\001part3\n', eval('system("cat '..fname..'")')) end) end) describe('passing list as input', function() it('joins list items with linefeed characters', function() eq('line1\nline2\nline3', eval("system('cat -', ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'])")) end) -- Notice that NULs are converted to SOH when the data is read back. This -- is inconsistent and is a good reason for the existence of the -- `systemlist()` function, where input and output map to the same -- characters(see the following tests with `systemlist()` below) describe('with linefeed characters inside list items', function() it('converts linefeed characters to NULs', function() eq('l1\001p2\nline2\001a\001b\nl3', eval([[system('cat -', ["l1\np2", "line2\na\nb", 'l3'])]])) end) end) describe('with leading/trailing whitespace characters on items', function() it('preserves whitespace, replacing linefeeds by NULs', function() eq('line \nline2\001\n\001line3', eval([[system('cat -', ['line ', "line2\n", "\nline3"])]])) end) end) end) if xclip then describe("with a program that doesn't close stdout", function() it('will exit properly after passing input', function() eq(nil, eval([[system('xclip -i -selection clipboard', 'clip-data')]])) eq('clip-data', eval([[system('xclip -o -selection clipboard')]])) end) end) end end) describe('systemlist()', function() -- behavior is similar to `system()` but it returns a list instead of a -- string. before_each(clear) it('sets the v:shell_error variable', function() eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit'")]]) eq(0, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit 1'")]]) eq(1, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[systemlist("sh -c 'exit 5'")]]) eq(5, eval('v:shell_error')) eval([[systemlist('this-should-not-exist')]]) eq(127, eval('v:shell_error')) end) describe('passing string with linefeed characters as input', function() it('splits the output on linefeed characters', function() eq({'abc', 'def', 'ghi'}, eval([[systemlist("cat -", "abc\ndef\nghi")]])) end) end) describe('with output containing NULs', function() local fname = 'Xtest' setup(create_file_with_nuls(fname)) teardown(delete_file(fname)) it('replaces NULs by newline characters', function() eq({'part1\npart2\npart3'}, eval('systemlist("cat '..fname..'")')) end) end) describe('passing list as input', function() it('joins list items with linefeed characters', function() eq({'line1', 'line2', 'line3'}, eval("systemlist('cat -', ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'])")) end) -- Unlike `system()` which uses SOH to represent NULs, with `systemlist()` -- input and ouput are the same describe('with linefeed characters inside list items', function() it('converts linefeed characters to NULs', function() eq({'l1\np2', 'line2\na\nb', 'l3'}, eval([[systemlist('cat -', ["l1\np2", "line2\na\nb", 'l3'])]])) end) end) describe('with leading/trailing whitespace characters on items', function() it('preserves whitespace, replacing linefeeds by NULs', function() eq({'line ', 'line2\n', '\nline3'}, eval([[systemlist('cat -', ['line ', "line2\n", "\nline3"])]])) end) end) end) if xclip then describe("with a program that doesn't close stdout", function() it('will exit properly after passing input', function() eq(nil, eval( "systemlist('xclip -i -selection clipboard', ['clip', 'data'])")) eq({'clip', 'data'}, eval( "systemlist('xclip -o -selection clipboard')")) end) end) end end)