local api = vim.api local namespace = api.nvim_create_namespace('vim.treesitter.query_linter') local M = {} --- @class QueryLinterNormalizedOpts --- @field langs string[] --- @field clear boolean --- @alias vim.treesitter.ParseError {msg: string, range: Range4} --- Contains language dependent context for the query linter --- @class QueryLinterLanguageContext --- @field lang string? Current `lang` of the targeted parser --- @field parser_info table? Parser info returned by vim.treesitter.language.inspect --- @field is_first_lang boolean Whether this is the first language of a linter run checking queries for multiple `langs` --- Adds a diagnostic for node in the query buffer --- @param diagnostics Diagnostic[] --- @param range Range4 --- @param lint string --- @param lang string? local function add_lint_for_node(diagnostics, range, lint, lang) local message = lint:gsub('\n', ' ') diagnostics[#diagnostics + 1] = { lnum = range[1], end_lnum = range[3], col = range[2], end_col = range[4], severity = vim.diagnostic.ERROR, message = message, source = lang, } end --- Determines the target language of a query file by its path: /.scm --- @param buf integer --- @return string? local function guess_query_lang(buf) local filename = api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) if filename ~= '' then return vim.F.npcall(vim.fn.fnamemodify, filename, ':p:h:t') end end --- @param buf integer --- @param opts QueryLinterOpts|QueryLinterNormalizedOpts|nil --- @return QueryLinterNormalizedOpts local function normalize_opts(buf, opts) opts = opts or {} if not opts.langs then opts.langs = guess_query_lang(buf) end if type(opts.langs) ~= 'table' then --- @diagnostic disable-next-line:assign-type-mismatch opts.langs = { opts.langs } end --- @cast opts QueryLinterNormalizedOpts opts.langs = opts.langs or {} return opts end local lint_query = [[;; query (program [(named_node) (list) (grouping)] @toplevel) (named_node name: _ @node.named) (anonymous_node name: _ @node.anonymous) (field_definition name: (identifier) @field) (predicate name: (identifier) @predicate.name type: (predicate_type) @predicate.type) (ERROR) @error ]] --- @param err string --- @param node TSNode --- @return vim.treesitter.ParseError local function get_error_entry(err, node) local start_line, start_col = node:range() local line_offset, col_offset, msg = err:gmatch('.-:%d+: Query error at (%d+):(%d+)%. ([^:]+)')() ---@type string, string, string start_line, start_col = start_line + tonumber(line_offset) - 1, start_col + tonumber(col_offset) - 1 local end_line, end_col = start_line, start_col if msg:match('^Invalid syntax') or msg:match('^Impossible') then -- Use the length of the underlined node local underlined = vim.split(err, '\n')[2] end_col = end_col + #underlined elseif msg:match('^Invalid') then -- Use the length of the problematic type/capture/field end_col = end_col + #msg:match('"([^"]+)"') end return { msg = msg, range = { start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col }, } end --- @param node TSNode --- @param buf integer --- @param lang string local function hash_parse(node, buf, lang) return tostring(node:id()) .. tostring(buf) .. tostring(vim.b[buf].changedtick) .. lang end --- @param node TSNode --- @param buf integer --- @param lang string --- @return vim.treesitter.ParseError? local parse = vim.func._memoize(hash_parse, function(node, buf, lang) local query_text = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, buf) local ok, err = pcall(vim.treesitter.query.parse, lang, query_text) ---@type boolean|vim.treesitter.ParseError, string|Query if not ok and type(err) == 'string' then return get_error_entry(err, node) end end) --- @param buf integer --- @param match table --- @param query Query --- @param lang_context QueryLinterLanguageContext --- @param diagnostics Diagnostic[] local function lint_match(buf, match, query, lang_context, diagnostics) local lang = lang_context.lang local parser_info = lang_context.parser_info for id, node in pairs(match) do local cap_id = query.captures[id] -- perform language-independent checks only for first lang if lang_context.is_first_lang and cap_id == 'error' then local node_text = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, buf):gsub('\n', ' ') add_lint_for_node(diagnostics, { node:range() }, 'Syntax error: ' .. node_text) end -- other checks rely on Neovim parser introspection if lang and parser_info and cap_id == 'toplevel' then local err = parse(node, buf, lang) if err then add_lint_for_node(diagnostics, err.range, err.msg, lang) end end end end --- @private --- @param buf integer Buffer to lint --- @param opts QueryLinterOpts|QueryLinterNormalizedOpts|nil Options for linting function M.lint(buf, opts) if buf == 0 then buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local diagnostics = {} local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('query', lint_query) opts = normalize_opts(buf, opts) -- perform at least one iteration even with no langs to perform language independent checks for i = 1, math.max(1, #opts.langs) do local lang = opts.langs[i] --- @type (table|nil) local parser_info = vim.F.npcall(vim.treesitter.language.inspect, lang) local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(buf) parser:parse() parser:for_each_tree(function(tree, ltree) if ltree:lang() == 'query' then for _, match, _ in query:iter_matches(tree:root(), buf, 0, -1) do local lang_context = { lang = lang, parser_info = parser_info, is_first_lang = i == 1, } lint_match(buf, match, query, lang_context, diagnostics) end end end) end vim.diagnostic.set(namespace, buf, diagnostics) end --- @private --- @param buf integer function M.clear(buf) vim.diagnostic.reset(namespace, buf) end --- @private --- @param findstart integer --- @param base string function M.omnifunc(findstart, base) if findstart == 1 then local result = api.nvim_get_current_line():sub(1, api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[2]):find('["#%-%w]*$') return result - 1 end local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local query_lang = guess_query_lang(buf) local ok, parser_info = pcall(vim.treesitter.language.inspect, query_lang) if not ok then return -2 end local items = {} for _, f in pairs(parser_info.fields) do if f:find(base, 1, true) then table.insert(items, f .. ':') end end for _, p in pairs(vim.treesitter.query.list_predicates()) do local text = '#' .. p local found = text:find(base, 1, true) if found and found <= 2 then -- with or without '#' table.insert(items, text) end text = '#not-' .. p found = text:find(base, 1, true) if found and found <= 2 then -- with or without '#' table.insert(items, text) end end for _, p in pairs(vim.treesitter.query.list_directives()) do local text = '#' .. p local found = text:find(base, 1, true) if found and found <= 2 then -- with or without '#' table.insert(items, text) end end for _, s in pairs(parser_info.symbols) do local text = s[2] and s[1] or '"' .. s[1]:gsub([[\]], [[\\]]) .. '"' ---@type string if text:find(base, 1, true) then table.insert(items, text) end end return { words = items, refresh = 'always' } end return M