#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script squashes a PR tagged with the "typo" label into a single, dedicated "squash PR". """ import subprocess import sys import os def get_authors_and_emails_from_pr(): """ Return all contributing authors and their emails for the PR on current branch. This includes co-authors, meaning that if two authors are credited for a single commit, which is possible with GitHub, then both will get credited. """ # Get a list of all authors involved in the pull request (including co-authors). authors = subprocess.check_output( [ "gh", "pr", "view", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"], "--json", "commits", "--jq", ".[][].authors.[].name", ], text=True, ).splitlines() # Get a list of emails of the aforementioned authors. emails = subprocess.check_output( [ "gh", "pr", "view", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"], "--json", "commits", "--jq", ".[][].authors.[].email", ], text=True, ).splitlines() authors_and_emails = [(author, mail) for author, mail in zip(authors, emails)] return authors_and_emails def rebase_onto_pr(): """ Rebase current branch onto the PR. """ # Check out the pull request. subprocess.call(["gh", "pr", "checkout", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"]]) rebase_onto_master() # Change back to the original branch. subprocess.call(["git", "switch", "-"]) # Rebase onto the pull request, aka include the commits in the pull request # in the current branch. Abort with error message if rebase fails. try: subprocess.check_call(["git", "rebase", "-"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: subprocess.call(["git", "rebase", "--abort"]) squash_url = subprocess.check_output( ["gh", "pr", "view", "--json", "url", "--jq", ".url"], text=True ).strip() subprocess.call( [ "gh", "pr", "comment", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"], "--body", f"Your edit conflicts with an already scheduled fix \ ({squash_url}). Please check that batch PR whether your fix is \ already included; if not, then please wait until the batch PR \ is merged and then rebase your PR on top of master.", ] ) sys.exit( f"\n\nERROR: Your edit conflicts with an already scheduled fix \ {squash_url} \n\n" ) def rebase_onto_master(): """ Rebase current branch onto the master i.e. make sure current branch is up to date. Abort on error. """ default_branch = f"{os.environ['GITHUB_BASE_REF']}" subprocess.check_call(["git", "rebase", default_branch]) def squash_all_commits(message_body_before): """ Squash all commits on the PR into a single commit. Credit all authors by name and email. """ default_branch = f"{os.environ['GITHUB_BASE_REF']}" subprocess.call(["git", "reset", "--soft", default_branch]) authors_and_emails = get_authors_and_emails_from_pr() commit_message_coauthors = ( "\n" + "\n".join([f"Co-authored-by: {i[0]} <{i[1]}>" for i in authors_and_emails]) + "\n" + message_body_before ) subprocess.call( ["git", "commit", "-m", "chore: typo fixes", "-m", commit_message_coauthors] ) def force_push(branch): """ Like the name implies, force push . """ gh_actor = os.environ["GITHUB_ACTOR"] gh_token = os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"] gh_repo = os.environ["GITHUB_REPOSITORY"] subprocess.call( [ "git", "push", "--force", f"https://{gh_actor}:{gh_token}@github.com/{gh_repo}", branch, ] ) def checkout_branch(branch): """ Create and checkout . Check if branch exists on remote, if so then sync local branch to remote. Return True if remote branch exists, else False. """ # FIXME I'm not sure why the local branch isn't tracking the remote branch # automatically. This works but I'm pretty sure it can be done in a more # "elegant" fashion show_ref_output = subprocess.check_output(["git", "show-ref"], text=True).strip() if branch in show_ref_output: subprocess.call(["git", "checkout", "-b", branch, f"origin/{branch}"]) return True subprocess.call(["git", "checkout", "-b", branch]) return False def get_all_pr_urls(pr_branch_exists): """ Return a list of URLs for the pull requests with the typo fixes. If a squash branch exists then extract the URLs from the body text. """ all_pr_urls = "" if pr_branch_exists: all_pr_urls += subprocess.check_output( ["gh", "pr", "view", "--json", "body", "--jq", ".body"], text=True ) all_pr_urls += subprocess.check_output( ["gh", "pr", "view", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"], "--json", "url", "--jq", ".url"], text=True, ).strip() return all_pr_urls def main(): pr_branch = "marvim/squash-typos" pr_branch_exists = checkout_branch(pr_branch) rebase_onto_master() force_push(pr_branch) message_body_before = "\n".join( subprocess.check_output( ["git", "log", "--format=%B", "-n1", pr_branch], text=True ).splitlines()[2:] ) rebase_onto_pr() force_push(pr_branch) subprocess.call( [ "gh", "pr", "create", "--fill", "--head", pr_branch, "--title", "chore: typo fixes (automated)", ], text=True, ) squash_all_commits(message_body_before) force_push(pr_branch) all_pr_urls = get_all_pr_urls(pr_branch_exists) subprocess.call(["gh", "pr", "edit", "--add-label", "typo", "--body", all_pr_urls]) subprocess.call(["gh", "pr", "close", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"]]) squash_url = subprocess.check_output( ["gh", "pr", "view", "--json", "url", "--jq", ".url"], text=True ).strip() subprocess.call( [ "gh", "pr", "comment", os.environ["PR_NUMBER"], "--body", f"Thank you for your contribution! We collect all typo fixes \ into a single pull request and merge it once it gets big enough: \ {squash_url}", ] ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()