# Defines a target that depends on FILES and the files found by globbing # when using GLOB_PAT and GLOB_DIRS. The target will rerun if any files it # depends on has changed. Which files the target will run the command on # depends on the value of TOUCH_STRATEGY. # # Options: # REQUIRED - Abort if COMMAND doesn't exist. # # Single value arguments: # TARGET - Name of the target # COMMAND - Path of the command to be run # GLOB_PAT - Glob pattern to use. Only used if GLOB_DIRS is specified # TOUCH_STRATEGY - Specify touch strategy, meaning decide how to group files # and connect them to a specific touch file. # # For example, let us say we have file A and B and that we create a touch file # for each of them, TA and TB. This would essentially make file A and B # independent of each other, meaning that if I change file A and run the # target, then the target will only run its commands for file A and ignore # file B. # # Another example: let's say we have file A and B, but now we create only a # single touch file T for both of them. This would mean that if I change # either file A or B, then the target will run its commands on both A and B. # Meaning that even if I only change file A, the target will still run # commands on both A and B. # # The more touch files we create for a target, the fewer commands we'll need # to rerun, and by extension, the more time we'll save. Unfortunately, the # more touch files we create the more intermediary targets will be created, # one for each touch file. This makes listing all targets with # `cmake --build build --target help` less useful since each touch file will # be listed. The tradeoff that needs to be done here is between performance # and "discoverability". As a general guideline: the more popular a target is # and the more time it takes to run it, the more granular you want your touch # files to be. Conversely, if a target rarely needs to be run or if it's fast, # then you should create fewer targets. # # Possible values for TOUCH_STRATEGY: # "SINGLE": create a single touch file for all files. # "PER_FILE": create a touch file for each file. Defaults to this if # TOUCH_STRATEGY isn't specified. # "PER_DIR": create a touch file for each directory. # # List arguments: # FLAGS - List of flags to use after COMMAND # FILES - List of files to use COMMAND on. It's possible to combine this # with GLOB_PAT and GLOB_DIRS; the files found by globbing will # simple be added to FILES # GLOB_DIRS - The directories to recursively search for files with extension # GLOB_PAT # EXCLUDE - List of paths to skip (regex). Works on both directories and # files. function(add_glob_target) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "REQUIRED" "TARGET;COMMAND;GLOB_PAT;TOUCH_STRATEGY" "FLAGS;FILES;GLOB_DIRS;EXCLUDE" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT ARG_COMMAND) add_custom_target(${ARG_TARGET}) if(ARG_REQUIRED) add_custom_command(TARGET ${ARG_TARGET} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "${ARG_TARGET}: ${ARG_COMMAND} not found" COMMAND false) else() add_custom_command(TARGET ${ARG_TARGET} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "${ARG_TARGET} SKIP: ${ARG_COMMAND} not found") endif() return() endif() foreach(gd ${ARG_GLOB_DIRS}) file(GLOB_RECURSE globfiles_unnormalized ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${gd}/${ARG_GLOB_PAT}) set(globfiles) foreach(f ${globfiles_unnormalized}) file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${f}" f) list(APPEND globfiles ${f}) endforeach() list(APPEND ARG_FILES ${globfiles}) endforeach() foreach(exclude_pattern ${ARG_EXCLUDE}) list(FILTER ARG_FILES EXCLUDE REGEX ${exclude_pattern}) endforeach() if(NOT ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY) set(ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY PER_FILE) endif() set(POSSIBLE_TOUCH_STRATEGIES SINGLE PER_FILE PER_DIR) if(NOT ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY IN_LIST POSSIBLE_TOUCH_STRATEGIES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized value for TOUCH_STRATEGY: ${ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY}") endif() if(ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY STREQUAL SINGLE) set(touch_file ${TOUCHES_DIR}/ran-${ARG_TARGET}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${touch_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${touch_file} COMMAND ${ARG_COMMAND} ${ARG_FLAGS} ${ARG_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${ARG_FILES}) list(APPEND touch_list ${touch_file}) elseif(ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY STREQUAL PER_FILE) set(touch_dir ${TOUCHES_DIR}/${ARG_TARGET}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${touch_dir}) foreach(f ${ARG_FILES}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" tf ${f}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[/.]" "-" tf ${tf}) set(touch_file ${touch_dir}/ran-${tf}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${touch_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${touch_file} COMMAND ${ARG_COMMAND} ${ARG_FLAGS} ${f} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${f}) list(APPEND touch_list ${touch_file}) endforeach() elseif(ARG_TOUCH_STRATEGY STREQUAL PER_DIR) set(touch_dirs) foreach(f ${ARG_FILES}) get_filename_component(out ${f} DIRECTORY) list(APPEND touch_dirs ${out}) endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES touch_dirs) foreach(touch_dir ${touch_dirs}) set(relevant_files) foreach(f ${ARG_FILES}) get_filename_component(out ${f} DIRECTORY) if(${touch_dir} STREQUAL ${out}) list(APPEND relevant_files ${f}) endif() endforeach() set(td ${TOUCHES_DIR}/${ARG_TARGET}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${td}) string(REGEX REPLACE "^${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" tf ${touch_dir}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[/.]" "-" tf ${tf}) set(touch_file ${td}/ran-${tf}) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${touch_file} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${touch_file} COMMAND ${ARG_COMMAND} ${ARG_FLAGS} ${relevant_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${relevant_files}) list(APPEND touch_list ${touch_file}) endforeach() endif() add_custom_target(${ARG_TARGET} DEPENDS ${touch_list}) endfunction() # Set default build type to Debug. Also limit the list of allowable build types # to the ones defined in variable allowableBuildTypes. # # The correct way to specify build type (for example Release) for # single-configuration generators (Make and Ninja) is to run # # cmake -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # cmake --build build # # while for multi-configuration generators (Visual Studio, Xcode and Ninja # Multi-Config) is to run # # cmake -B build # cmake --build build --config Release # # Passing CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for multi-config generators will now not only # not be used, but also generate a warning for the user. function(set_default_buildtype) set(allowableBuildTypes Debug Release MinSizeRel RelWithDebInfo) get_property(isMultiConfig GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) if(isMultiConfig) set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ${allowableBuildTypes} PARENT_SCOPE) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message(WARNING "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE specified which is ignored on \ multi-configuration generators. Defaulting to Debug build type.") endif() else() set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "${allowableBuildTypes}") if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE not specified, default is 'Debug'") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build" FORCE) elseif(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE IN_LIST allowableBuildTypes) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") else() message(STATUS "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() endif() endfunction()