#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -u # Use privileged mode, which e.g. skips using CDPATH. set -p # https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2031 shopt -s lastpipe # Ensure that the user has a bash that supports -A if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt 4 ]]; then >&2 echo "error: script requires bash 4+ (you have ${BASH_VERSION})." exit 1 fi readonly NVIM_SOURCE_DIR="${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR:-$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.." && pwd)}" readonly VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT="${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/.vim-src" readonly VIM_SOURCE_DIR="${VIM_SOURCE_DIR:-${VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT}}" BASENAME="$(basename "${0}")" readonly BASENAME readonly BRANCH_PREFIX="vim-" CREATED_FILES=() usage() { echo "Port Vim patches to Neovim" echo "https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Merging-patches-from-upstream-vim" echo echo "Usage: ${BASENAME} [-h | -l | -p vim-revision | -r pr-number]" echo echo "Options:" echo " -h Show this message and exit." echo " -l [git-log opts] List missing Vim patches." echo " -L [git-log opts] List missing Vim patches (for scripts)." echo " -m {vim-revision} List previous (older) missing Vim patches." echo " -M List all merged patch-numbers (at current v:version)." echo " -p {vim-revision} Download and generate a Vim patch. vim-revision" echo " can be a Vim version (8.1.xxx) or a Git hash." echo " -P {vim-revision} Download, generate and apply a Vim patch." echo " -g {vim-revision} Download a Vim patch." echo " -s [pr args] Create a vim-patch pull request." echo " -r {pr-number} Review a vim-patch pull request." echo " -V Clone the Vim source code to \$VIM_SOURCE_DIR." echo echo " \$VIM_SOURCE_DIR controls where Vim sources are found" echo " (default: '${VIM_SOURCE_DIR_DEFAULT}')" echo echo "Examples:" echo echo " - List missing patches for a given file (in the Vim source):" echo " $0 -l -- src/edit.c" } msg_ok() { printf '\e[32m✔\e[0m %s\n' "$@" } msg_err() { printf '\e[31m✘\e[0m %s\n' "$@" >&2 } # Checks if a program is in the user's PATH, and is executable. check_executable() { test -x "$(command -v "${1}")" } require_executable() { if ! check_executable "${1}"; then >&2 echo "${BASENAME}: '${1}' not found in PATH or not executable." exit 1 fi } clean_files() { if [[ ${#CREATED_FILES[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then return fi echo echo "Created files:" local file for file in "${CREATED_FILES[@]}"; do echo " • ${file}" done read -p "Delete these files (Y/n)? " -n 1 -r reply echo if [[ "${reply}" == n ]]; then echo "You can use 'git clean' to remove these files when you're done." else rm -- "${CREATED_FILES[@]}" fi } get_vim_sources() { require_executable git if [[ ! -d ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR} ]]; then echo "Cloning Vim into: ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" elif [[ "${1-}" == update ]]; then cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" if ! [ -d ".git" ] \ && ! [ "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" = "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" ]; then msg_err "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR} does not appear to be a git repository." echo " Please remove it and try again." exit 1 fi echo "Updating Vim sources: ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" if git pull --ff; then msg_ok "Updated Vim sources." else msg_err "Could not update Vim sources; ignoring error." fi else cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" fi } commit_message() { if [[ "${vim_message}" == "vim-patch:${vim_version}:"* ]]; then printf '%s\n\n%s\n\n%s' "${vim_message}" "${vim_commit_url}" "${vim_coauthors}" else printf 'vim-patch:%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s' "$vim_version" "$vim_message" "$vim_commit_url" "$vim_coauthors" fi } find_git_remote() { local git_remote if [[ "${1-}" == fork ]]; then git_remote=$(git remote -v | awk '$2 !~ /github.com[:\/]neovim\/neovim/ && $3 == "(fetch)" {print $1; exit}') else git_remote=$(git remote -v | awk '$2 ~ /github.com[:\/]neovim\/neovim/ && $3 == "(fetch)" {print $1; exit}') fi if [[ -z "$git_remote" ]]; then git_remote="origin" fi echo "$git_remote" } # Assign variables for a given Vim tag, patch version, or commit. # Might exit in case it cannot be found, after updating Vim sources. assign_commit_details() { local vim_commit_ref if [[ ${1} =~ v?[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]{3,4} ]]; then # Interpret parameter as version number (tag). if [[ "${1:0:1}" == v ]]; then vim_version="${1:1}" vim_tag="${1}" else vim_version="${1}" vim_tag="v${1}" fi vim_commit_ref="$vim_tag" local munge_commit_line=true else # Interpret parameter as commit hash. vim_version="${1:0:12}" vim_tag= vim_commit_ref="$vim_version" local munge_commit_line=false fi local get_vim_commit_cmd="git -C ${VIM_SOURCE_DIR} log -1 --format=%H ${vim_commit_ref} --" vim_commit=$($get_vim_commit_cmd 2>&1) || { # Update Vim sources. get_vim_sources update vim_commit=$($get_vim_commit_cmd 2>&1) || { >&2 msg_err "Couldn't find Vim revision '${vim_commit_ref}': git error: ${vim_commit}." exit 3 } } vim_commit_url="https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/${vim_commit}" vim_message="$(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" log -1 --pretty='format:%B' "${vim_commit}" \ | sed -Ee 's/(#[0-9]{1,})/vim\/vim\1/g')" local vim_coauthor0 vim_coauthor0="$(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" log -1 --pretty='format:Co-authored-by: %an <%ae>' "${vim_commit}")" # Extract co-authors from the commit message. vim_coauthors="$(echo "${vim_message}" | (grep -E '^Co-authored-by: ' || true) | (grep -Fxv "${vim_coauthor0}" || true))" vim_coauthors="$(echo "${vim_coauthor0}"; echo "${vim_coauthors}")" # Remove Co-authored-by and Signed-off-by lines from the commit message. vim_message="$(echo "${vim_message}" | grep -Ev '^(Co-authored|Signed-off)-by: ')" if [[ ${munge_commit_line} == "true" ]]; then # Remove first line of commit message. vim_message="$(echo "${vim_message}" | sed -Ee '1s/^patch /vim-patch:/')" fi patch_file="vim-${vim_version}.patch" } # Patch surgery preprocess_patch() { local file="$1" local nvim="nvim -u NONE -n -i NONE --headless" # Remove Filelist, README local na_files='Filelist\|README.*' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/\<\%('"${na_files}"'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove *.proto, Make*, INSTALL*, gui_*, beval.*, some if_*, gvim, libvterm, tee, VisVim, xpm, xxd local na_src='auto\|configure.*\|GvimExt\|hardcopy.*\|libvterm\|proto\|tee\|VisVim\|xpm\|xxd\|Make.*\|INSTALL.*\|beval.*\|gui.*\|if_cscop\|if_lua\|if_mzsch\|if_olepp\|if_ole\|if_perl\|if_py\|if_ruby\|if_tcl\|if_xcmdsrv' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/src/\S*\<\%(testdir/\)\@@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove runtime/print/ local na_rt='print\/.*' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/runtime/\<\%('"${na_rt}"'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove unwanted Vim doc files. local na_doc='channel\.txt\|if_cscop\.txt\|netbeans\.txt\|os_\w\+\.txt\|print\.txt\|term\.txt\|todo\.txt\|version\d\.txt\|vim9\.txt\|sponsor\.txt\|intro\.txt\|tags' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/runtime/doc/\<\%('"${na_doc}"'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove "Last change ..." changes in doc files. 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'%s/^@@.*\n.*For Vim version.*Last change.*\n.*For Vim version.*Last change.*//' +w +q "$file" # Remove gui, option, setup, screen dumps, testdir/Make_*.mak files local na_src_testdir='gen_opt_test\.vim\|gui_.*\|Make_amiga\.mak\|Make_dos\.mak\|Make_ming\.mak\|Make_vms\.mms\|dumps/.*\.dump\|setup_gui\.vim' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/src/testdir/\<\%('"${na_src_testdir}"'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove testdir/test_*.vim files local na_src_testdir='balloon.*\|behave\.vim\|channel.*\|crypt\.vim\|cscope\.vim\|gui.*\|hardcopy\.vim\|job_fails\.vim\|json\.vim\|mzscheme\.vim\|netbeans.*\|paste\.vim\|popupwin.*\|python2\.vim\|pyx2\.vim\|restricted\.vim\|shortpathname\.vim\|tcl\.vim\|terminal.*\|xxd\.vim' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/src/testdir/\@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove version.c #7555 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/src/\<\%(version\.c\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"' +w +q "$file" # Remove some *.po files. #5622 local na_po='sjiscorr\.c\|ja\.sjis\.po\|ko\.po\|pl\.cp1250\.po\|pl\.po\|ru\.cp1251\.po\|uk\.cp1251\.po\|zh_CN\.cp936\.po\|zh_CN\.po\|zh_TW\.po' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/src/po/\<\%('${na_po}'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"+' +w +q "$file" # Remove vimrc_example.vim local na_vimrcexample='vimrc_example\.vim' 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'g@^diff --git a/runtime/\<\%('${na_vimrcexample}'\)\>@exe "norm! d/\\v(^diff)|%$\r"+' +w +q "$file" # Rename src/testdir/ paths to test/old/testdir/ LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab])\/src\/testdir/\1\/test\/old\/testdir/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename src/ paths to src/nvim/ LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src)/\1\/nvim/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename evalfunc.c to eval/funcs.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/evalfunc\.c/\1\/eval\/funcs.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename evalvars.c to eval/vars.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/evalvars\.c/\1\/eval\/vars.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename userfunc.c to eval/userfunc.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/userfunc\.c/\1\/eval\/userfunc.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename evalbuffer.c to eval/buffer.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/evalbuffer\.c/\1\/eval\/buffer.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename evalwindow.c to eval/window.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/evalwindow\.c/\1\/eval\/window.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename map.c to mapping.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/map\.c/\1\/mapping.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename profiler.c to profile.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/profiler\.c/\1\/profile.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename scriptfile.c to runtime.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/scriptfile\.c/\1\/runtime.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename session.c to ex_session.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/session\.c/\1\/ex_session.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename highlight.c to highlight_group.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/highlight\.c/\1\/highlight_group.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename locale.c to os/lang.c LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/locale\.c/\1\/os\/lang.c/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename keymap.h to keycodes.h LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/src\/nvim)\/keymap\.h/\1\/keycodes.h/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename terminal.txt to nvim_terminal_emulator.txt LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/runtime\/doc)\/terminal\.txt/\1\/nvim_terminal_emulator.txt/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename test_urls.vim to check_urls.vim LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab])\/runtime\/doc\/test(_urls\.vim)/\1\/scripts\/check\2/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" # Rename path to check_colors.vim LC_ALL=C sed -Ee 's/( [ab]\/runtime)\/colors\/(tools\/check_colors\.vim)/\1\/\2/g' \ "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv "$file".tmp "$file" } uncrustify_patch() { git diff --quiet || { >&2 echo 'Vim source working tree dirty, aborting.' exit 1 } local patch_path="$NVIM_SOURCE_DIR"/build/vim_patch rm -rf "$patch_path" mkdir -p "$patch_path"/{a,b} local commit="$1" for file in $(git diff-tree --name-only --no-commit-id -r --diff-filter=a "$commit"); do git --work-tree="$patch_path"/a checkout --quiet "$commit"~ -- "$file" done for file in $(git diff-tree --name-only --no-commit-id -r --diff-filter=d "$commit"); do git --work-tree="$patch_path"/b checkout --quiet "$commit" -- "$file" done git reset --quiet --hard HEAD # If the difference are drastic enough uncrustify may need to be used more # than once. This is obviously a bug that needs to be fixed on uncrustify's # end, but in the meantime this workaround is sufficient. for _ in {1..2}; do "$NVIM_SOURCE_DIR"/build/usr/bin/uncrustify -c "$NVIM_SOURCE_DIR"/src/uncrustify.cfg -q --replace --no-backup "$patch_path"/{a,b}/src/*.[ch] done (cd "$patch_path" && (git --no-pager diff --no-index --no-prefix --patch --unified=5 --color=never a/ b/ || true)) } get_vimpatch() { get_vim_sources assign_commit_details "${1}" msg_ok "Found Vim revision '${vim_commit}'." local patch_content if check_executable "$NVIM_SOURCE_DIR"/build/usr/bin/uncrustify; then patch_content="$(uncrustify_patch "${vim_commit}")" else patch_content="$(git --no-pager show --unified=5 --color=never -1 --pretty=medium "${vim_commit}")" fi cd "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" printf "Creating patch...\n" echo "$patch_content" > "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" printf "Pre-processing patch...\n" preprocess_patch "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" msg_ok "Saved patch to '${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}'." } stage_patch() { get_vimpatch "$1" local try_apply="${2:-}" local nvim_remote nvim_remote="$(find_git_remote)" local checked_out_branch checked_out_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ "${checked_out_branch}" == ${BRANCH_PREFIX}* ]]; then msg_ok "Current branch '${checked_out_branch}' seems to be a vim-patch" echo " branch; not creating a new branch." else printf '\nFetching "%s/master".\n' "${nvim_remote}" if output="$(git fetch "$nvim_remote" master 2>&1)"; then msg_ok "$output" else msg_err "$output" exit 1 fi local nvim_branch="${BRANCH_PREFIX}${vim_version}" echo echo "Creating new branch '${nvim_branch}' based on '${nvim_remote}/master'." cd "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" if output="$(git checkout -b "$nvim_branch" "$nvim_remote/master" 2>&1)"; then msg_ok "$output" else msg_err "$output" exit 1 fi fi printf "\nCreating empty commit with correct commit message.\n" if output="$(commit_message | git commit --allow-empty --file 2>&1 -)"; then msg_ok "$output" else msg_err "$output" exit 1 fi local ret=0 if test -n "$try_apply" ; then if ! check_executable patch; then printf "\n" msg_err "'patch' command not found\n" else printf "\nApplying patch...\n" patch -p1 --fuzz=1 --no-backup-if-mismatch < "${patch_file}" || ret=$? fi printf "\nInstructions:\n Proceed to port the patch.\n" else printf '\nInstructions:\n Proceed to port the patch.\n Try the "patch" command (or use "%s -P ..." next time):\n patch -p1 < %s\n' "${BASENAME}" "${patch_file}" fi printf ' Stage your changes ("git add ..."), then use "git commit --amend" to commit. To port more patches (if any) related to %s, run "%s" again. * Do this only for _related_ patches (otherwise it increases the size of the pull request, making it harder to review) When you are done, try "%s -s" to create the pull request, or "%s -s --draft" to create a draft pull request. See the wiki for more information: * https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Merging-patches-from-upstream-vim ' "${vim_version}" "${BASENAME}" "${BASENAME}" "${BASENAME}" return $ret } gh_pr() { local pr_title local pr_body pr_title="$1" pr_body="$2" shift 2 gh pr create --title "${pr_title}" --body "${pr_body}" "$@" } git_hub_pr() { local pr_message pr_message="$(printf '%s\n\n%s\n' "$1" "$2")" shift 2 git hub pull new -m "${pr_message}" "$@" } submit_pr() { require_executable git local push_first push_first=1 local submit_fn if check_executable gh; then submit_fn="gh_pr" elif check_executable git-hub; then push_first=0 submit_fn="git_hub_pr" else >&2 echo "${BASENAME}: 'gh' or 'git-hub' not found in PATH or not executable." >&2 echo " Get it here: https://cli.github.com/" exit 1 fi cd "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" local checked_out_branch checked_out_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" if [[ "${checked_out_branch}" != ${BRANCH_PREFIX}* ]]; then msg_err "Current branch '${checked_out_branch}' doesn't seem to be a vim-patch branch." exit 1 fi local nvim_remote nvim_remote="$(find_git_remote)" local pr_body pr_body="$(git log --grep=vim-patch --reverse --format='#### %s%n%n%b%n' "${nvim_remote}"/master..HEAD)" local patches # Extract just the "vim-patch:X.Y.ZZZZ" or "vim-patch:sha" portion of each log patches=("$(git log --grep=vim-patch --reverse --format='%s' "${nvim_remote}"/master..HEAD | sed 's/: .*//')") # shellcheck disable=SC2206 patches=(${patches[@]//vim-patch:}) # Remove 'vim-patch:' prefix for each item in array. local pr_title="${patches[*]}" # Create space-separated string from array. pr_title="${pr_title// /,}" # Replace spaces with commas. pr_title="$(printf 'vim-patch:%s' "${pr_title#,}")" if [[ $push_first -ne 0 ]]; then local push_remote push_remote="$(git config --get branch."${checked_out_branch}".pushRemote || true)" if [[ -z "$push_remote" ]]; then push_remote="$(git config --get remote.pushDefault || true)" if [[ -z "$push_remote" ]]; then push_remote="$(git config --get branch."${checked_out_branch}".remote || true)" if [[ -z "$push_remote" ]] || [[ "$push_remote" == "$nvim_remote" ]]; then push_remote="$(find_git_remote fork)" fi fi fi echo "Pushing to '${push_remote}/${checked_out_branch}'." if output="$(git push "$push_remote" "$checked_out_branch" 2>&1)"; then msg_ok "$output" else msg_err "$output" exit 1 fi echo fi echo "Creating pull request." if output="$($submit_fn "$pr_title" "$pr_body" "$@" 2>&1)"; then msg_ok "$output" else msg_err "$output" exit 1 fi echo echo "Cleaning up files." local patch_file for patch_file in "${patches[@]}"; do patch_file="vim-${patch_file}.patch" if [[ ! -f "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" ]]; then continue fi rm -- "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" msg_ok "Removed '${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}'." done } # Gets all Vim commits since the "start" commit. list_vim_commits() { ( cd "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" && git log --reverse v8.1.0000..HEAD "$@" ) } # Prints all (sorted) "vim-patch:xxx" tokens found in the Nvim git log. list_vimpatch_tokens() { # Use sed…{7,7} to normalize (internal) Git hashes (for tokens caches). git -C "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" log -E --grep='vim-patch:[^ ,{]{7,}' \ | grep -oE 'vim-patch:[^ ,{:]{7,}' \ | sort \ | uniq \ | sed -nEe 's/^(vim-patch:([0-9]+\.[^ ]+|[0-9a-z]{7,7})).*/\1/p' } # Prints all patch-numbers (for the current v:version) for which there is # a "vim-patch:xxx" token in the Nvim git log. list_vimpatch_numbers() { # Transform "vim-patch:X.Y.ZZZZ" to "ZZZZ". list_vimpatch_tokens | while read -r vimpatch_token; do echo "$vimpatch_token" | grep -F '8.1.' | sed -Ee 's/.*vim-patch:8\.1\.([0-9a-z]+).*/\1/' done } declare -A tokens declare -A vim_commit_tags _set_tokens_and_tags() { set +u # Avoid "unbound variable" with bash < 4.4 below. if [[ -n "${tokens[*]}" ]]; then return fi set -u # Find all "vim-patch:xxx" tokens in the Nvim git log. for token in $(list_vimpatch_tokens); do tokens[$token]=1 done # Create an associative array mapping Vim commits to tags. eval "vim_commit_tags=( $(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" show-ref --tags --dereference \ | sed -nEe 's/^([0-9a-f]+) refs\/tags\/(v[0-9.]+)(\^\{\})?$/["\1"]="\2"/p') )" # Exit in case of errors from the above eval (empty vim_commit_tags). if ! (( "${#vim_commit_tags[@]}" )); then msg_err "Could not get Vim commits/tags." exit 1 fi } # Prints a newline-delimited list of Vim commits, for use by scripts. # "$1": use extended format? (with subject) # "$@" is passed to list_vim_commits, as extra arguments to git-log. list_missing_vimpatches() { local -a missing_vim_patches=() _set_missing_vimpatches "$@" set +u # Avoid "unbound variable" with bash < 4.4 below. for line in "${missing_vim_patches[@]}"; do printf '%s\n' "$line" done set -u } # Sets / appends to missing_vim_patches (useful to avoid a subshell when # used multiple times to cache tokens/vim_commit_tags). # "$1": use extended format? (with subject) # "$@": extra arguments to git-log. _set_missing_vimpatches() { local token vim_commit vim_tag patch_number declare -a git_log_args local extended_format=$1; shift if [[ "$extended_format" == 1 ]]; then git_log_args=("--format=%H %s") else git_log_args=("--format=%H") fi # Massage arguments for git-log. declare -A git_log_replacements=( [^\(.*/\)?src/nvim/\(.*\)]="\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}src/\${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" [^\(.*/\)?test/old/\(.*\)]="\${BASH_REMATCH[1]}src/\${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" [^\(.*/\)?\.vim-src/\(.*\)]="\${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ) local i j for i in "$@"; do for j in "${!git_log_replacements[@]}"; do if [[ "$i" =~ $j ]]; then eval "git_log_args+=(${git_log_replacements[$j]})" continue 2 fi done git_log_args+=("$i") done _set_tokens_and_tags # Get missing Vim commits set +u # Avoid "unbound variable" with bash < 4.4 below. local vim_commit info while IFS=' ' read -r line; do # Check for vim-patch: (usually runtime updates). token="vim-patch:${line:0:7}" if [[ "${tokens[$token]-}" ]]; then continue fi # Get commit hash, and optional info from line. This is used in # extended mode, and when using e.g. '--format' manually. vim_commit=${line%% *} if [[ "$vim_commit" == "$line" ]]; then info= else info=${line#* } if [[ -n $info ]]; then # Remove any "patch 8.1.0902: " prefixes, and prefix with ": ". info=": ${info#patch*: }" fi fi vim_tag="${vim_commit_tags[$vim_commit]-}" if [[ -n "$vim_tag" ]]; then # Check for vim-patch: (not commit hash). patch_number="vim-patch:${vim_tag:1}" # "v7.4.0001" => "7.4.0001" if [[ "${tokens[$patch_number]-}" ]]; then continue fi missing_vim_patches+=("$vim_tag$info") else missing_vim_patches+=("$vim_commit$info") fi done < <(list_vim_commits "${git_log_args[@]}") set -u } # Prints a human-formatted list of Vim commits, with instructional messages. # Passes "$@" onto list_missing_vimpatches (args for git-log). show_vimpatches() { get_vim_sources update printf "Vim patches missing from Neovim:\n" local -A runtime_commits for commit in $(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" log --format="%H %D" -- runtime | sed -Ee 's/,\? tag: / /g'); do runtime_commits[$commit]=1 done list_missing_vimpatches 1 "$@" | while read -r vim_commit; do if [[ "${runtime_commits[$vim_commit]-}" ]]; then printf ' • %s (+runtime)\n' "${vim_commit}" else printf ' • %s\n' "${vim_commit}" fi done cat << EOF Instructions: To port one of the above patches to Neovim, execute this script with the patch revision as argument and follow the instructions, e.g. '${BASENAME} -p v8.1.1234', or '${BASENAME} -P v8.1.1234' NOTE: Please port the _oldest_ patch if you possibly can. You can use '${BASENAME} -l path/to/file' to see what patches are missing for a file. EOF } list_missing_previous_vimpatches_for_patch() { local for_vim_patch="${1}" local vim_commit vim_tag assign_commit_details "${for_vim_patch}" local file local -a missing_list local -a fnames while IFS= read -r line ; do fnames+=("$line") done < <(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "${vim_commit}" -- . ':!src/version.c') local i=0 local n=${#fnames[@]} printf '=== getting missing patches for %d files ===\n' "$n" if [[ -z "${vim_tag}" ]]; then printf 'NOTE: "%s" is not a Vim tag - listing all oldest missing patches\n' "${for_vim_patch}" >&2 fi for fname in "${fnames[@]}"; do i=$(( i+1 )) printf '[%.*d/%d] %s: ' "${#n}" "$i" "$n" "$fname" local -a missing_vim_patches=() _set_missing_vimpatches 1 -- "${fname}" set +u # Avoid "unbound variable" with bash < 4.4 below. for missing_vim_commit_info in "${missing_vim_patches[@]}"; do if [[ -z "${missing_vim_commit_info}" ]]; then printf -- "-\r" else printf -- "-\r" local missing_vim_commit="${missing_vim_commit_info%%:*}" if [[ -z "${vim_tag}" ]] || [[ "${missing_vim_commit}" < "${vim_tag}" ]]; then printf -- "%s\n" "$missing_vim_commit_info" missing_list+=("$missing_vim_commit_info") else printf -- "-\r" fi fi done set -u done set +u # Avoid "unbound variable" with bash < 4.4 below. if [[ -z "${missing_list[*]}" ]]; then msg_ok 'no missing previous Vim patches' set -u return 0 fi set -u local -a missing_unique local stat while IFS= read -r line; do local commit="${line%%:*}" stat="$(git -C "${VIM_SOURCE_DIR}" show --format= --shortstat "${commit}")" missing_unique+=("$(printf '%s\n %s' "$line" "$stat")") done < <(printf '%s\n' "${missing_list[@]}" | sort -u) msg_err "$(printf '%d missing previous Vim patches:' ${#missing_unique[@]})" printf ' - %s\n' "${missing_unique[@]}" return 1 } review_commit() { local nvim_commit_url="${1}" local nvim_patch_url="${nvim_commit_url}.patch" local git_patch_prefix='Subject: \[PATCH\] ' local nvim_patch nvim_patch="$(curl -Ssf "${nvim_patch_url}")" local vim_version vim_version="$(head -n 4 <<< "${nvim_patch}" | sed -nEe 's/'"${git_patch_prefix}"'vim-patch:([a-z0-9.]*)(:.*){0,1}$/\1/p')" echo if [[ -n "${vim_version}" ]]; then msg_ok "Detected Vim patch '${vim_version}'." else msg_err "Could not detect the Vim patch number." echo " This script assumes that the PR contains only commits" echo " with 'vim-patch:XXX' in their title." echo printf -- '%s\n\n' "$(head -n 4 <<< "${nvim_patch}")" local reply read -p "Continue reviewing (y/N)? " -n 1 -r reply if [[ "${reply}" == y ]]; then echo return fi exit 1 fi assign_commit_details "${vim_version}" echo echo "Creating files." echo "${nvim_patch}" > "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" msg_ok "Saved pull request diff to '${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}'." CREATED_FILES+=("${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}") local nvim="nvim -u NONE -n -i NONE --headless" 2>/dev/null $nvim --cmd 'set dir=/tmp' +'1,/^$/g/^ /-1join' +w +q "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" local expected_commit_message expected_commit_message="$(commit_message)" local message_length message_length="$(wc -l <<< "${expected_commit_message}")" local commit_message commit_message="$(tail -n +4 "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" | head -n "${message_length}")" if [[ "${commit_message#"$git_patch_prefix"}" == "${expected_commit_message}" ]]; then msg_ok "Found expected commit message." else msg_err "Wrong commit message." echo " Expected:" echo "${expected_commit_message}" echo " Actual:" echo "${commit_message#"$git_patch_prefix"}" fi get_vimpatch "${vim_version}" CREATED_FILES+=("${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}") echo echo "Launching nvim." nvim -c "cd ${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}" \ -O "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch_file}" "${NVIM_SOURCE_DIR}/n${patch_file}" } review_pr() { require_executable curl require_executable nvim require_executable jq get_vim_sources local pr="${1}" echo echo "Downloading data for pull request #${pr}." local -a pr_commit_urls while IFS= read -r pr_commit_url; do pr_commit_urls+=("$pr_commit_url") done < <(curl -Ssf "https://api.github.com/repos/neovim/neovim/pulls/${pr}/commits" \ | jq -r '.[].html_url') echo "Found ${#pr_commit_urls[@]} commit(s)." local pr_commit_url local reply for pr_commit_url in "${pr_commit_urls[@]}"; do review_commit "${pr_commit_url}" if [[ "${pr_commit_url}" != "${pr_commit_urls[-1]}" ]]; then read -p "Continue with next commit (Y/n)? " -n 1 -r reply echo if [[ "${reply}" == n ]]; then break fi fi done clean_files } while getopts "hlLmMVp:P:g:r:s" opt; do case ${opt} in h) usage exit 0 ;; l) shift # remove opt show_vimpatches "$@" exit 0 ;; L) shift # remove opt list_missing_vimpatches 0 "$@" exit 0 ;; M) list_vimpatch_numbers exit 0 ;; m) shift # remove opt list_missing_previous_vimpatches_for_patch "$@" exit 0 ;; p) stage_patch "${OPTARG}" exit ;; P) stage_patch "${OPTARG}" TRY_APPLY exit 0 ;; g) get_vimpatch "${OPTARG}" exit 0 ;; r) review_pr "${OPTARG}" exit 0 ;; s) shift # remove opt submit_pr "$@" exit 0 ;; V) get_vim_sources update exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac done usage # vim: et sw=2