" Test for checking the source code style. func s:ReportError(fname, lnum, msg) if a:lnum > 0 call assert_report(a:fname .. ' line ' .. a:lnum .. ': ' .. a:msg) endif endfunc func Test_help_files() set nowrapscan for fpath in glob('../../../runtime/doc/*.txt', 0, 1) let g:ignoreSwapExists = 'e' exe 'edit ' .. fpath let fname = fnamemodify(fpath, ":t") " todo.txt is for developers, it's not need a strictly check " version*.txt is a history and large size, so it's not checked if fname == 'todo.txt' || fname =~ 'version.*\.txt' continue endif " Check for mixed tabs and spaces call cursor(1, 1) while 1 let lnum = search('[^/] \t') if fname == 'visual.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "STRING \tjkl" \ || fname == 'usr_27.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "\[^\? \t\]" continue endif call s:ReportError(fpath, lnum, 'space before tab') if lnum == 0 break endif endwhile " Check for unnecessary whitespace at the end of a line call cursor(1, 1) while 1 let lnum = search('[^/~\\]\s$') " skip line that are known to have trailing white space if fname == 'map.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "unmap @@ $" \ || fname == 'usr_12.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "^\t/ \t$" \ || fname == 'usr_41.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "map o#include $" \ || fname == 'change.txt' && getline(lnum) =~ "foobar bla $" continue endif call s:ReportError('testdir' .. fpath, lnum, 'trailing white space') if lnum == 0 break endif endwhile endfor set wrapscan&vim bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab