local protocol = require('vim.lsp.protocol') local snippet = require('vim.lsp._snippet') local validate = vim.validate local api = vim.api local list_extend = vim.list_extend local highlight = require('vim.highlight') local uv = vim.uv local npcall = vim.F.npcall local split = vim.split local M = {} local default_border = { { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { ' ', 'NormalFloat' }, { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { '', 'NormalFloat' }, { ' ', 'NormalFloat' }, } ---@private --- Check the border given by opts or the default border for the additional --- size it adds to a float. ---@param opts (table, optional) options for the floating window --- - border (string or table) the border ---@returns (table) size of border in the form of { height = height, width = width } local function get_border_size(opts) local border = opts and opts.border or default_border local height = 0 local width = 0 if type(border) == 'string' then local border_size = { none = { 0, 0 }, single = { 2, 2 }, double = { 2, 2 }, rounded = { 2, 2 }, solid = { 2, 2 }, shadow = { 1, 1 }, } if border_size[border] == nil then error( string.format( 'invalid floating preview border: %s. :help vim.api.nvim_open_win()', vim.inspect(border) ) ) end height, width = unpack(border_size[border]) else if 8 % #border ~= 0 then error( string.format( 'invalid floating preview border: %s. :help vim.api.nvim_open_win()', vim.inspect(border) ) ) end ---@private local function border_width(id) id = (id - 1) % #border + 1 if type(border[id]) == 'table' then -- border specified as a table of return vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(border[id][1]) elseif type(border[id]) == 'string' then -- border specified as a list of border characters return vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(border[id]) end error( string.format( 'invalid floating preview border: %s. :help vim.api.nvim_open_win()', vim.inspect(border) ) ) end ---@private local function border_height(id) id = (id - 1) % #border + 1 if type(border[id]) == 'table' then -- border specified as a table of return #border[id][1] > 0 and 1 or 0 elseif type(border[id]) == 'string' then -- border specified as a list of border characters return #border[id] > 0 and 1 or 0 end error( string.format( 'invalid floating preview border: %s. :help vim.api.nvim_open_win()', vim.inspect(border) ) ) end height = height + border_height(2) -- top height = height + border_height(6) -- bottom width = width + border_width(4) -- right width = width + border_width(8) -- left end return { height = height, width = width } end ---@private local function split_lines(value) value = string.gsub(value, '\r\n?', '\n') return split(value, '\n', true) end ---@private local function create_window_without_focus() local prev = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.cmd.new() local new = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(prev) return new end --- Convert byte index to `encoding` index. --- Convenience wrapper around vim.str_utfindex ---@param line string line to be indexed ---@param index integer|nil byte index (utf-8), or `nil` for length ---@param encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to utf-16 ---@return integer `encoding` index of `index` in `line` function M._str_utfindex_enc(line, index, encoding) if not encoding then encoding = 'utf-16' end if encoding == 'utf-8' then if index then return index else return #line end elseif encoding == 'utf-16' then local _, col16 = vim.str_utfindex(line, index) return col16 elseif encoding == 'utf-32' then local col32, _ = vim.str_utfindex(line, index) return col32 else error('Invalid encoding: ' .. vim.inspect(encoding)) end end --- Convert UTF index to `encoding` index. --- Convenience wrapper around vim.str_byteindex ---Alternative to vim.str_byteindex that takes an encoding. ---@param line string line to be indexed ---@param index integer UTF index ---@param encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to utf-16 ---@return integer byte (utf-8) index of `encoding` index `index` in `line` function M._str_byteindex_enc(line, index, encoding) if not encoding then encoding = 'utf-16' end if encoding == 'utf-8' then if index then return index else return #line end elseif encoding == 'utf-16' then return vim.str_byteindex(line, index, true) elseif encoding == 'utf-32' then return vim.str_byteindex(line, index) else error('Invalid encoding: ' .. vim.inspect(encoding)) end end local _str_utfindex_enc = M._str_utfindex_enc local _str_byteindex_enc = M._str_byteindex_enc --- Replaces text in a range with new text. --- --- CAUTION: Changes in-place! --- ---@param lines (table) Original list of strings ---@param A (table) Start position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers ---@param B (table) End position; a 2-tuple of {line, col} numbers ---@param new_lines A list of strings to replace the original ---@returns (table) The modified {lines} object function M.set_lines(lines, A, B, new_lines) -- 0-indexing to 1-indexing local i_0 = A[1] + 1 -- If it extends past the end, truncate it to the end. This is because the -- way the LSP describes the range including the last newline is by -- specifying a line number after what we would call the last line. local i_n = math.min(B[1] + 1, #lines) if not (i_0 >= 1 and i_0 <= #lines + 1 and i_n >= 1 and i_n <= #lines) then error('Invalid range: ' .. vim.inspect({ A = A, B = B, #lines, new_lines })) end local prefix = '' local suffix = lines[i_n]:sub(B[2] + 1) if A[2] > 0 then prefix = lines[i_0]:sub(1, A[2]) end local n = i_n - i_0 + 1 if n ~= #new_lines then for _ = 1, n - #new_lines do table.remove(lines, i_0) end for _ = 1, #new_lines - n do table.insert(lines, i_0, '') end end for i = 1, #new_lines do lines[i - 1 + i_0] = new_lines[i] end if #suffix > 0 then local i = i_0 + #new_lines - 1 lines[i] = lines[i] .. suffix end if #prefix > 0 then lines[i_0] = prefix .. lines[i_0] end return lines end ---@private local function sort_by_key(fn) return function(a, b) local ka, kb = fn(a), fn(b) assert(#ka == #kb) for i = 1, #ka do if ka[i] ~= kb[i] then return ka[i] < kb[i] end end -- every value must have been equal here, which means it's not less than. return false end end ---@private --- Gets the zero-indexed lines from the given buffer. --- Works on unloaded buffers by reading the file using libuv to bypass buf reading events. --- Falls back to loading the buffer and nvim_buf_get_lines for buffers with non-file URI. --- ---@param bufnr integer bufnr to get the lines from ---@param rows integer[] zero-indexed line numbers ---@return table a table mapping rows to lines local function get_lines(bufnr, rows) rows = type(rows) == 'table' and rows or { rows } -- This is needed for bufload and bufloaded if bufnr == 0 then bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() end ---@private local function buf_lines() local lines = {} for _, row in ipairs(rows) do lines[row] = (api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, row, row + 1, false) or { '' })[1] end return lines end -- use loaded buffers if available if vim.fn.bufloaded(bufnr) == 1 then return buf_lines() end local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) -- load the buffer if this is not a file uri -- Custom language server protocol extensions can result in servers sending URIs with custom schemes. Plugins are able to load these via `BufReadCmd` autocmds. if uri:sub(1, 4) ~= 'file' then vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) return buf_lines() end local filename = api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) -- get the data from the file local fd = uv.fs_open(filename, 'r', 438) if not fd then return '' end local stat = uv.fs_fstat(fd) local data = uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0) uv.fs_close(fd) local lines = {} -- rows we need to retrieve local need = 0 -- keep track of how many unique rows we need for _, row in pairs(rows) do if not lines[row] then need = need + 1 end lines[row] = true end local found = 0 local lnum = 0 for line in string.gmatch(data, '([^\n]*)\n?') do if lines[lnum] == true then lines[lnum] = line found = found + 1 if found == need then break end end lnum = lnum + 1 end -- change any lines we didn't find to the empty string for i, line in pairs(lines) do if line == true then lines[i] = '' end end return lines end ---@private --- Gets the zero-indexed line from the given buffer. --- Works on unloaded buffers by reading the file using libuv to bypass buf reading events. --- Falls back to loading the buffer and nvim_buf_get_lines for buffers with non-file URI. --- ---@param bufnr integer ---@param row integer zero-indexed line number ---@return string the line at row in filename local function get_line(bufnr, row) return get_lines(bufnr, { row })[row] end ---@private --- Position is a https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#position --- Returns a zero-indexed column, since set_lines() does the conversion to ---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 --- 1-indexed local function get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, position, offset_encoding) -- LSP's line and characters are 0-indexed -- Vim's line and columns are 1-indexed local col = position.character -- When on the first character, we can ignore the difference between byte and -- character if col > 0 then local line = get_line(bufnr, position.line) or '' local ok, result ok, result = pcall(_str_byteindex_enc, line, col, offset_encoding) if ok then return result end return math.min(#line, col) end return col end --- Process and return progress reports from lsp server ---@private function M.get_progress_messages() local new_messages = {} local progress_remove = {} for _, client in ipairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients()) do local messages = client.messages local data = messages for token, ctx in pairs(data.progress) do local new_report = { name = data.name, title = ctx.title or 'empty title', message = ctx.message, percentage = ctx.percentage, done = ctx.done, progress = true, } table.insert(new_messages, new_report) if ctx.done then table.insert(progress_remove, { client = client, token = token }) end end end for _, item in ipairs(progress_remove) do item.client.messages.progress[item.token] = nil end return new_messages end --- Applies a list of text edits to a buffer. ---@param text_edits table list of `TextEdit` objects ---@param bufnr integer Buffer id ---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textEdit function M.apply_text_edits(text_edits, bufnr, offset_encoding) validate({ text_edits = { text_edits, 't', false }, bufnr = { bufnr, 'number', false }, offset_encoding = { offset_encoding, 'string', false }, }) if not next(text_edits) then return end if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) end vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted = true -- Fix reversed range and indexing each text_edits local index = 0 text_edits = vim.tbl_map(function(text_edit) index = index + 1 text_edit._index = index if text_edit.range.start.line > text_edit.range['end'].line or text_edit.range.start.line == text_edit.range['end'].line and text_edit.range.start.character > text_edit.range['end'].character then local start = text_edit.range.start text_edit.range.start = text_edit.range['end'] text_edit.range['end'] = start end return text_edit end, text_edits) -- Sort text_edits table.sort(text_edits, function(a, b) if a.range.start.line ~= b.range.start.line then return a.range.start.line > b.range.start.line end if a.range.start.character ~= b.range.start.character then return a.range.start.character > b.range.start.character end if a._index ~= b._index then return a._index > b._index end end) -- Some LSP servers are depending on the VSCode behavior. -- The VSCode will re-locate the cursor position after applying TextEdit so we also do it. local is_current_buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() == bufnr or bufnr == 0 local cursor = (function() if not is_current_buf then return { row = -1, col = -1, } end local cursor = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) return { row = cursor[1] - 1, col = cursor[2], } end)() -- save and restore local marks since they get deleted by nvim_buf_set_lines local marks = {} for _, m in pairs(vim.fn.getmarklist(bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())) do if m.mark:match("^'[a-z]$") then marks[m.mark:sub(2, 2)] = { m.pos[2], m.pos[3] - 1 } -- api-indexed end end -- Apply text edits. local is_cursor_fixed = false local has_eol_text_edit = false for _, text_edit in ipairs(text_edits) do -- Normalize line ending text_edit.newText, _ = string.gsub(text_edit.newText, '\r\n?', '\n') -- Convert from LSP style ranges to Neovim style ranges. local e = { start_row = text_edit.range.start.line, start_col = get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, text_edit.range.start, offset_encoding), end_row = text_edit.range['end'].line, end_col = get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, text_edit.range['end'], offset_encoding), text = split(text_edit.newText, '\n', { plain = true }), } local max = api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) -- If the whole edit is after the lines in the buffer we can simply add the new text to the end -- of the buffer. if max <= e.start_row then api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, max, max, false, e.text) else local last_line_len = #(get_line(bufnr, math.min(e.end_row, max - 1)) or '') -- Some LSP servers may return +1 range of the buffer content but nvim_buf_set_text can't -- accept it so we should fix it here. if max <= e.end_row then e.end_row = max - 1 e.end_col = last_line_len has_eol_text_edit = true else -- If the replacement is over the end of a line (i.e. e.end_col is out of bounds and the -- replacement text ends with a newline We can likely assume that the replacement is assumed -- to be meant to replace the newline with another newline and we need to make sure this -- doesn't add an extra empty line. E.g. when the last line to be replaced contains a '\r' -- in the file some servers (clangd on windows) will include that character in the line -- while nvim_buf_set_text doesn't count it as part of the line. if e.end_col > last_line_len and #text_edit.newText > 0 and string.sub(text_edit.newText, -1) == '\n' then table.remove(e.text, #e.text) end end -- Make sure we don't go out of bounds for e.end_col e.end_col = math.min(last_line_len, e.end_col) api.nvim_buf_set_text(bufnr, e.start_row, e.start_col, e.end_row, e.end_col, e.text) -- Fix cursor position. local row_count = (e.end_row - e.start_row) + 1 if e.end_row < cursor.row then cursor.row = cursor.row + (#e.text - row_count) is_cursor_fixed = true elseif e.end_row == cursor.row and e.end_col <= cursor.col then cursor.row = cursor.row + (#e.text - row_count) cursor.col = #e.text[#e.text] + (cursor.col - e.end_col) if #e.text == 1 then cursor.col = cursor.col + e.start_col end is_cursor_fixed = true end end end local max = api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) -- no need to restore marks that still exist for _, m in pairs(vim.fn.getmarklist(bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())) do marks[m.mark:sub(2, 2)] = nil end -- restore marks for mark, pos in pairs(marks) do if pos then -- make sure we don't go out of bounds pos[1] = math.min(pos[1], max) pos[2] = math.min(pos[2], #(get_line(bufnr, pos[1] - 1) or '')) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_mark(bufnr or 0, mark, pos[1], pos[2], {}) end end -- Apply fixed cursor position. if is_cursor_fixed then local is_valid_cursor = true is_valid_cursor = is_valid_cursor and cursor.row < max is_valid_cursor = is_valid_cursor and cursor.col <= #(get_line(bufnr, cursor.row) or '') if is_valid_cursor then api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { cursor.row + 1, cursor.col }) end end -- Remove final line if needed local fix_eol = has_eol_text_edit fix_eol = fix_eol and (vim.bo[bufnr].eol or (vim.bo[bufnr].fixeol and not vim.bo[bufnr].binary)) fix_eol = fix_eol and get_line(bufnr, max - 1) == '' if fix_eol then api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, -2, -1, false, {}) end end -- local valid_windows_path_characters = "[^<>:\"/\\|?*]" -- local valid_unix_path_characters = "[^/]" -- https://github.com/davidm/lua-glob-pattern -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1976007/what-characters-are-forbidden-in-windows-and-linux-directory-names -- function M.glob_to_regex(glob) -- end --- Can be used to extract the completion items from a --- `textDocument/completion` request, which may return one of --- `CompletionItem[]`, `CompletionList` or null. ---@param result (table) The result of a `textDocument/completion` request ---@returns (table) List of completion items ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#textDocument_completion function M.extract_completion_items(result) if type(result) == 'table' and result.items then -- result is a `CompletionList` return result.items elseif result ~= nil then -- result is `CompletionItem[]` return result else -- result is `null` return {} end end --- Applies a `TextDocumentEdit`, which is a list of changes to a single --- document. --- ---@param text_document_edit table: a `TextDocumentEdit` object ---@param index integer: Optional index of the edit, if from a list of edits (or nil, if not from a list) ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocumentEdit function M.apply_text_document_edit(text_document_edit, index, offset_encoding) local text_document = text_document_edit.textDocument local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(text_document.uri) if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( 'apply_text_document_edit must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end -- For lists of text document edits, -- do not check the version after the first edit. local should_check_version = true if index and index > 1 then should_check_version = false end -- `VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier`s version may be null -- https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#versionedTextDocumentIdentifier if should_check_version and ( text_document.version and text_document.version > 0 and M.buf_versions[bufnr] and M.buf_versions[bufnr] > text_document.version ) then print('Buffer ', text_document.uri, ' newer than edits.') return end M.apply_text_edits(text_document_edit.edits, bufnr, offset_encoding) end --- Parses snippets in a completion entry. --- ---@param input string unparsed snippet ---@returns string parsed snippet function M.parse_snippet(input) local ok, parsed = pcall(function() return tostring(snippet.parse(input)) end) if not ok then return input end return parsed end ---@private --- Sorts by CompletionItem.sortText. --- --see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_completion local function sort_completion_items(items) table.sort(items, function(a, b) return (a.sortText or a.label) < (b.sortText or b.label) end) end ---@private --- Returns text that should be inserted when selecting completion item. The --- precedence is as follows: textEdit.newText > insertText > label --see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_completion local function get_completion_word(item) if item.textEdit ~= nil and item.textEdit.newText ~= nil and item.textEdit.newText ~= '' then local insert_text_format = protocol.InsertTextFormat[item.insertTextFormat] if insert_text_format == 'PlainText' or insert_text_format == nil then return item.textEdit.newText else return M.parse_snippet(item.textEdit.newText) end elseif item.insertText ~= nil and item.insertText ~= '' then local insert_text_format = protocol.InsertTextFormat[item.insertTextFormat] if insert_text_format == 'PlainText' or insert_text_format == nil then return item.insertText else return M.parse_snippet(item.insertText) end end return item.label end ---@private --- Some language servers return complementary candidates whose prefixes do not --- match are also returned. So we exclude completion candidates whose prefix --- does not match. local function remove_unmatch_completion_items(items, prefix) return vim.tbl_filter(function(item) local word = get_completion_word(item) return vim.startswith(word, prefix) end, items) end --- According to LSP spec, if the client set `completionItemKind.valueSet`, --- the client must handle it properly even if it receives a value outside the --- specification. --- ---@param completion_item_kind (`vim.lsp.protocol.completionItemKind`) ---@returns (`vim.lsp.protocol.completionItemKind`) ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_completion function M._get_completion_item_kind_name(completion_item_kind) return protocol.CompletionItemKind[completion_item_kind] or 'Unknown' end --- Turns the result of a `textDocument/completion` request into vim-compatible --- |complete-items|. --- ---@param result The result of a `textDocument/completion` call, e.g. from ---|vim.lsp.buf.completion()|, which may be one of `CompletionItem[]`, --- `CompletionList` or `null` ---@param prefix (string) the prefix to filter the completion items ---@returns { matches = complete-items table, incomplete = bool } ---@see |complete-items| function M.text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items(result, prefix) local items = M.extract_completion_items(result) if vim.tbl_isempty(items) then return {} end items = remove_unmatch_completion_items(items, prefix) sort_completion_items(items) local matches = {} for _, completion_item in ipairs(items) do local info = ' ' local documentation = completion_item.documentation if documentation then if type(documentation) == 'string' and documentation ~= '' then info = documentation elseif type(documentation) == 'table' and type(documentation.value) == 'string' then info = documentation.value -- else -- TODO(ashkan) Validation handling here? end end local word = get_completion_word(completion_item) table.insert(matches, { word = word, abbr = completion_item.label, kind = M._get_completion_item_kind_name(completion_item.kind), menu = completion_item.detail or '', info = info, icase = 1, dup = 1, empty = 1, user_data = { nvim = { lsp = { completion_item = completion_item, }, }, }, }) end return matches end ---@private --- Like vim.fn.bufwinid except it works across tabpages. local function bufwinid(bufnr) for _, win in ipairs(api.nvim_list_wins()) do if api.nvim_win_get_buf(win) == bufnr then return win end end end --- Get list of buffers for a directory ---@private local function get_dir_bufs(path) path = path:gsub('([^%w])', '%%%1') local buffers = {} for _, v in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(v):gsub('buffer://', '') if bufname:find(path) then table.insert(buffers, v) end end return buffers end --- Rename old_fname to new_fname --- ---@param opts (table) -- overwrite? bool -- ignoreIfExists? bool function M.rename(old_fname, new_fname, opts) opts = opts or {} local target_exists = uv.fs_stat(new_fname) ~= nil if target_exists and not opts.overwrite or opts.ignoreIfExists then vim.notify('Rename target already exists. Skipping rename.') return end local oldbufs = {} local win = nil if vim.fn.isdirectory(old_fname) == 1 then oldbufs = get_dir_bufs(old_fname) else local oldbuf = vim.fn.bufadd(old_fname) table.insert(oldbufs, oldbuf) win = bufwinid(oldbuf) end for _, b in ipairs(oldbufs) do vim.fn.bufload(b) -- The there may be pending changes in the buffer api.nvim_buf_call(b, function() vim.cmd('w!') end) end local ok, err = os.rename(old_fname, new_fname) assert(ok, err) if vim.fn.isdirectory(new_fname) == 0 then local newbuf = vim.fn.bufadd(new_fname) if win then api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, newbuf) end end for _, b in ipairs(oldbufs) do api.nvim_buf_delete(b, {}) end end ---@private local function create_file(change) local opts = change.options or {} -- from spec: Overwrite wins over `ignoreIfExists` local fname = vim.uri_to_fname(change.uri) if not opts.ignoreIfExists or opts.overwrite then vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fs.dirname(fname), 'p') local file = io.open(fname, 'w') if file then file:close() end end vim.fn.bufadd(fname) end ---@private local function delete_file(change) local opts = change.options or {} local fname = vim.uri_to_fname(change.uri) local stat = uv.fs_stat(fname) if opts.ignoreIfNotExists and not stat then return end assert(stat, 'Cannot delete not existing file or folder ' .. fname) local flags if stat and stat.type == 'directory' then flags = opts.recursive and 'rf' or 'd' else flags = '' end local bufnr = vim.fn.bufadd(fname) local result = tonumber(vim.fn.delete(fname, flags)) assert(result == 0, 'Could not delete file: ' .. fname .. ', stat: ' .. vim.inspect(stat)) api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, { force = true }) end --- Applies a `WorkspaceEdit`. --- ---@param workspace_edit table `WorkspaceEdit` ---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 (required) --see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#workspace_applyEdit function M.apply_workspace_edit(workspace_edit, offset_encoding) if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( 'apply_workspace_edit must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end if workspace_edit.documentChanges then for idx, change in ipairs(workspace_edit.documentChanges) do if change.kind == 'rename' then M.rename(vim.uri_to_fname(change.oldUri), vim.uri_to_fname(change.newUri), change.options) elseif change.kind == 'create' then create_file(change) elseif change.kind == 'delete' then delete_file(change) elseif change.kind then error(string.format('Unsupported change: %q', vim.inspect(change))) else M.apply_text_document_edit(change, idx, offset_encoding) end end return end local all_changes = workspace_edit.changes if not (all_changes and not vim.tbl_isempty(all_changes)) then return end for uri, changes in pairs(all_changes) do local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) M.apply_text_edits(changes, bufnr, offset_encoding) end end --- Converts any of `MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent` into --- a list of lines containing valid markdown. Useful to populate the hover --- window for `textDocument/hover`, for parsing the result of --- `textDocument/signatureHelp`, and potentially others. --- ---@param input (`MarkedString` | `MarkedString[]` | `MarkupContent`) ---@param contents (table|nil) List of strings to extend with converted lines. Defaults to {}. ---@returns {contents}, extended with lines of converted markdown. ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_hover function M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(input, contents) contents = contents or {} -- MarkedString variation 1 if type(input) == 'string' then list_extend(contents, split_lines(input)) else assert(type(input) == 'table', 'Expected a table for Hover.contents') -- MarkupContent if input.kind then -- The kind can be either plaintext or markdown. -- If it's plaintext, then wrap it in a block -- Some servers send input.value as empty, so let's ignore this :( local value = input.value or '' if input.kind == 'plaintext' then -- wrap this in a block so that stylize_markdown -- can properly process it as plaintext value = string.format('\n%s\n', value) end -- assert(type(value) == 'string') list_extend(contents, split_lines(value)) -- MarkupString variation 2 elseif input.language then -- Some servers send input.value as empty, so let's ignore this :( -- assert(type(input.value) == 'string') table.insert(contents, '```' .. input.language) list_extend(contents, split_lines(input.value or '')) table.insert(contents, '```') -- By deduction, this must be MarkedString[] else -- Use our existing logic to handle MarkedString for _, marked_string in ipairs(input) do M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(marked_string, contents) end end end if (contents[1] == '' or contents[1] == nil) and #contents == 1 then return {} end return contents end --- Converts `textDocument/SignatureHelp` response to markdown lines. --- ---@param signature_help Response of `textDocument/SignatureHelp` ---@param ft optional filetype that will be use as the `lang` for the label markdown code block ---@param triggers optional list of trigger characters from the lsp server. used to better determine parameter offsets ---@returns list of lines of converted markdown. ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_signatureHelp function M.convert_signature_help_to_markdown_lines(signature_help, ft, triggers) if not signature_help.signatures then return end --The active signature. If omitted or the value lies outside the range of --`signatures` the value defaults to zero or is ignored if `signatures.length == 0`. --Whenever possible implementors should make an active decision about --the active signature and shouldn't rely on a default value. local contents = {} local active_hl local active_signature = signature_help.activeSignature or 0 -- If the activeSignature is not inside the valid range, then clip it. -- In 3.15 of the protocol, activeSignature was allowed to be negative if active_signature >= #signature_help.signatures or active_signature < 0 then active_signature = 0 end local signature = signature_help.signatures[active_signature + 1] if not signature then return end local label = signature.label if ft then -- wrap inside a code block so stylize_markdown can render it properly label = ('```%s\n%s\n```'):format(ft, label) end list_extend(contents, split(label, '\n', true)) if signature.documentation then M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(signature.documentation, contents) end if signature.parameters and #signature.parameters > 0 then local active_parameter = (signature.activeParameter or signature_help.activeParameter or 0) if active_parameter < 0 then active_parameter = 0 end -- If the activeParameter is > #parameters, then set it to the last -- NOTE: this is not fully according to the spec, but a client-side interpretation if active_parameter >= #signature.parameters then active_parameter = #signature.parameters - 1 end local parameter = signature.parameters[active_parameter + 1] if parameter then --[=[ --Represents a parameter of a callable-signature. A parameter can --have a label and a doc-comment. interface ParameterInformation { --The label of this parameter information. -- --Either a string or an inclusive start and exclusive end offsets within its containing --signature label. (see SignatureInformation.label). The offsets are based on a UTF-16 --string representation as `Position` and `Range` does. -- --*Note*: a label of type string should be a substring of its containing signature label. --Its intended use case is to highlight the parameter label part in the `SignatureInformation.label`. label: string | [number, number]; --The human-readable doc-comment of this parameter. Will be shown --in the UI but can be omitted. documentation?: string | MarkupContent; } --]=] if parameter.label then if type(parameter.label) == 'table' then active_hl = parameter.label else local offset = 1 -- try to set the initial offset to the first found trigger character for _, t in ipairs(triggers or {}) do local trigger_offset = signature.label:find(t, 1, true) if trigger_offset and (offset == 1 or trigger_offset < offset) then offset = trigger_offset end end for p, param in pairs(signature.parameters) do offset = signature.label:find(param.label, offset, true) if not offset then break end if p == active_parameter + 1 then active_hl = { offset - 1, offset + #parameter.label - 1 } break end offset = offset + #param.label + 1 end end end if parameter.documentation then M.convert_input_to_markdown_lines(parameter.documentation, contents) end end end return contents, active_hl end --- Creates a table with sensible default options for a floating window. The --- table can be passed to |nvim_open_win()|. --- ---@param width (integer) window width (in character cells) ---@param height (integer) window height (in character cells) ---@param opts (table, optional) --- - offset_x (integer) offset to add to `col` --- - offset_y (integer) offset to add to `row` --- - border (string or table) override `border` --- - focusable (string or table) override `focusable` --- - zindex (string or table) override `zindex`, defaults to 50 --- - relative ("mouse"|"cursor") defaults to "cursor" ---@returns (table) Options function M.make_floating_popup_options(width, height, opts) validate({ opts = { opts, 't', true }, }) opts = opts or {} validate({ ['opts.offset_x'] = { opts.offset_x, 'n', true }, ['opts.offset_y'] = { opts.offset_y, 'n', true }, }) local anchor = '' local row, col local lines_above = opts.relative == 'mouse' and vim.fn.getmousepos().line - 1 or vim.fn.winline() - 1 local lines_below = vim.fn.winheight(0) - lines_above if lines_above < lines_below then anchor = anchor .. 'N' height = math.min(lines_below, height) row = 1 else anchor = anchor .. 'S' height = math.min(lines_above, height) row = 0 end local wincol = opts.relative == 'mouse' and vim.fn.getmousepos().column or vim.fn.wincol() if wincol + width + (opts.offset_x or 0) <= vim.o.columns then anchor = anchor .. 'W' col = 0 else anchor = anchor .. 'E' col = 1 end local title = (opts.border and opts.title) and opts.title or nil local title_pos if title then title_pos = opts.title_pos or 'center' end return { anchor = anchor, col = col + (opts.offset_x or 0), height = height, focusable = opts.focusable, relative = opts.relative == 'mouse' and 'mouse' or 'cursor', row = row + (opts.offset_y or 0), style = 'minimal', width = width, border = opts.border or default_border, zindex = opts.zindex or 50, title = title, title_pos = title_pos, } end --- Shows document and optionally jumps to the location. --- ---@param location table (`Location`|`LocationLink`) ---@param offset_encoding "utf-8" | "utf-16" | "utf-32" ---@param opts table|nil options --- - reuse_win (boolean) Jump to existing window if buffer is already open. --- - focus (boolean) Whether to focus/jump to location if possible. Defaults to true. ---@return boolean `true` if succeeded function M.show_document(location, offset_encoding, opts) -- location may be Location or LocationLink local uri = location.uri or location.targetUri if uri == nil then return false end if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once('show_document must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN) end local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) opts = opts or {} local focus = vim.F.if_nil(opts.focus, true) if focus then -- Save position in jumplist vim.cmd("normal! m'") -- Push a new item into tagstack local from = { vim.fn.bufnr('%'), vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.col('.'), 0 } local items = { { tagname = vim.fn.expand(''), from = from } } vim.fn.settagstack(vim.fn.win_getid(), { items = items }, 't') end local win = opts.reuse_win and bufwinid(bufnr) or focus and api.nvim_get_current_win() or create_window_without_focus() vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted = true api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, bufnr) if focus then api.nvim_set_current_win(win) end -- location may be Location or LocationLink local range = location.range or location.targetSelectionRange if range then --- Jump to new location (adjusting for encoding of characters) local row = range.start.line local col = get_line_byte_from_position(bufnr, range.start, offset_encoding) api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { row + 1, col }) api.nvim_win_call(win, function() -- Open folds under the cursor vim.cmd('normal! zv') end) end return true end --- Jumps to a location. --- ---@param location table (`Location`|`LocationLink`) ---@param offset_encoding "utf-8" | "utf-16" | "utf-32" ---@param reuse_win boolean|nil Jump to existing window if buffer is already open. ---@return boolean `true` if the jump succeeded function M.jump_to_location(location, offset_encoding, reuse_win) if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( 'jump_to_location must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end return M.show_document(location, offset_encoding, { reuse_win = reuse_win, focus = true }) end --- Previews a location in a floating window --- --- behavior depends on type of location: --- - for Location, range is shown (e.g., function definition) --- - for LocationLink, targetRange is shown (e.g., body of function definition) --- ---@param location a single `Location` or `LocationLink` ---@returns (bufnr,winnr) buffer and window number of floating window or nil function M.preview_location(location, opts) -- location may be LocationLink or Location (more useful for the former) local uri = location.targetUri or location.uri if uri == nil then return end local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri) if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vim.fn.bufload(bufnr) end local range = location.targetRange or location.range local contents = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, range.start.line, range['end'].line + 1, false) local syntax = vim.bo[bufnr].syntax if syntax == '' then -- When no syntax is set, we use filetype as fallback. This might not result -- in a valid syntax definition. See also ft detection in stylize_markdown. -- An empty syntax is more common now with TreeSitter, since TS disables syntax. syntax = vim.bo[bufnr].filetype end opts = opts or {} opts.focus_id = 'location' return M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts) end ---@private local function find_window_by_var(name, value) for _, win in ipairs(api.nvim_list_wins()) do if npcall(api.nvim_win_get_var, win, name) == value then return win end end end --- Trims empty lines from input and pad top and bottom with empty lines --- ---@param contents table of lines to trim and pad ---@param opts dictionary with optional fields --- - pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top (default 0) --- - pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom (default 0) ---@return contents table of trimmed and padded lines function M._trim(contents, opts) validate({ contents = { contents, 't' }, opts = { opts, 't', true }, }) opts = opts or {} contents = M.trim_empty_lines(contents) if opts.pad_top then for _ = 1, opts.pad_top do table.insert(contents, 1, '') end end if opts.pad_bottom then for _ = 1, opts.pad_bottom do table.insert(contents, '') end end return contents end --- Generates a table mapping markdown code block lang to vim syntax, --- based on g:markdown_fenced_languages ---@return a table of lang -> syntax mappings ---@private local function get_markdown_fences() local fences = {} for _, fence in pairs(vim.g.markdown_fenced_languages or {}) do local lang, syntax = fence:match('^(.*)=(.*)$') if lang then fences[lang] = syntax end end return fences end --- Converts markdown into syntax highlighted regions by stripping the code --- blocks and converting them into highlighted code. --- This will by default insert a blank line separator after those code block --- regions to improve readability. --- --- This method configures the given buffer and returns the lines to set. --- --- If you want to open a popup with fancy markdown, use `open_floating_preview` instead --- ---@param contents table of lines to show in window ---@param opts dictionary with optional fields --- - height of floating window --- - width of floating window --- - wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height --- - max_width maximal width of floating window --- - max_height maximal height of floating window --- - pad_top number of lines to pad contents at top --- - pad_bottom number of lines to pad contents at bottom --- - separator insert separator after code block ---@returns width,height size of float function M.stylize_markdown(bufnr, contents, opts) validate({ contents = { contents, 't' }, opts = { opts, 't', true }, }) opts = opts or {} -- table of fence types to {ft, begin, end} -- when ft is nil, we get the ft from the regex match local matchers = { block = { nil, '```+([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', '```+' }, pre = { nil, '
([a-z0-9]*)', '
' }, code = { '', '', '' }, text = { 'text', '', '' }, } local match_begin = function(line) for type, pattern in pairs(matchers) do local ret = line:match(string.format('^%%s*%s%%s*$', pattern[2])) if ret then return { type = type, ft = pattern[1] or ret, } end end end local match_end = function(line, match) local pattern = matchers[match.type] return line:match(string.format('^%%s*%s%%s*$', pattern[3])) end -- Clean up contents = M._trim(contents, opts) local stripped = {} local highlights = {} -- keep track of lnums that contain markdown local markdown_lines = {} do local i = 1 while i <= #contents do local line = contents[i] local match = match_begin(line) if match then local start = #stripped i = i + 1 while i <= #contents do line = contents[i] if match_end(line, match) then i = i + 1 break end table.insert(stripped, line) i = i + 1 end table.insert(highlights, { ft = match.ft, start = start + 1, finish = #stripped, }) -- add a separator, but not on the last line if opts.separator and i < #contents then table.insert(stripped, '---') markdown_lines[#stripped] = true end else -- strip any empty lines or separators prior to this separator in actual markdown if line:match('^---+$') then while markdown_lines[#stripped] and (stripped[#stripped]:match('^%s*$') or stripped[#stripped]:match('^---+$')) do markdown_lines[#stripped] = false table.remove(stripped, #stripped) end end -- add the line if its not an empty line following a separator if not ( line:match('^%s*$') and markdown_lines[#stripped] and stripped[#stripped]:match('^---+$') ) then table.insert(stripped, line) markdown_lines[#stripped] = true end i = i + 1 end end end -- Handle some common html escape sequences stripped = vim.tbl_map(function(line) local escapes = { ['>'] = '>', ['<'] = '<', ['"'] = '"', ['''] = "'", [' '] = ' ', [' '] = ' ', ['&'] = '&', } return (string.gsub(line, '&[^ ;]+;', escapes)) end, stripped) -- Compute size of float needed to show (wrapped) lines opts.wrap_at = opts.wrap_at or (vim.wo['wrap'] and api.nvim_win_get_width(0)) local width = M._make_floating_popup_size(stripped, opts) local sep_line = string.rep('─', math.min(width, opts.wrap_at or width)) for l in pairs(markdown_lines) do if stripped[l]:match('^---+$') then stripped[l] = sep_line end end api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, stripped) local idx = 1 ---@private -- keep track of syntaxes we already included. -- no need to include the same syntax more than once local langs = {} local fences = get_markdown_fences() local function apply_syntax_to_region(ft, start, finish) if ft == '' then vim.cmd( string.format( 'syntax region markdownCode start=+\\%%%dl+ end=+\\%%%dl+ keepend extend', start, finish + 1 ) ) return end ft = fences[ft] or ft local name = ft .. idx idx = idx + 1 local lang = '@' .. ft:upper() if not langs[lang] then -- HACK: reset current_syntax, since some syntax files like markdown won't load if it is already set pcall(api.nvim_buf_del_var, bufnr, 'current_syntax') -- TODO(ashkan): better validation before this. if not pcall(vim.cmd, string.format('syntax include %s syntax/%s.vim', lang, ft)) then return end langs[lang] = true end vim.cmd( string.format( 'syntax region %s start=+\\%%%dl+ end=+\\%%%dl+ contains=%s keepend', name, start, finish + 1, lang ) ) end -- needs to run in the buffer for the regions to work api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() -- we need to apply lsp_markdown regions speperately, since otherwise -- markdown regions can "bleed" through the other syntax regions -- and mess up the formatting local last = 1 for _, h in ipairs(highlights) do if last < h.start then apply_syntax_to_region('lsp_markdown', last, h.start - 1) end apply_syntax_to_region(h.ft, h.start, h.finish) last = h.finish + 1 end if last <= #stripped then apply_syntax_to_region('lsp_markdown', last, #stripped) end end) return stripped end ---@private --- Closes the preview window --- ---@param winnr integer window id of preview window ---@param bufnrs table|nil optional list of ignored buffers local function close_preview_window(winnr, bufnrs) vim.schedule(function() -- exit if we are in one of ignored buffers if bufnrs and vim.list_contains(bufnrs, api.nvim_get_current_buf()) then return end local augroup = 'preview_window_' .. winnr pcall(api.nvim_del_augroup_by_name, augroup) pcall(api.nvim_win_close, winnr, true) end) end ---@private --- Creates autocommands to close a preview window when events happen. --- ---@param events table list of events ---@param winnr integer window id of preview window ---@param bufnrs table list of buffers where the preview window will remain visible ---@see |autocmd-events| local function close_preview_autocmd(events, winnr, bufnrs) local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('preview_window_' .. winnr, { clear = true, }) -- close the preview window when entered a buffer that is not -- the floating window buffer or the buffer that spawned it api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', { group = augroup, callback = function() close_preview_window(winnr, bufnrs) end, }) if #events > 0 then api.nvim_create_autocmd(events, { group = augroup, buffer = bufnrs[2], callback = function() close_preview_window(winnr) end, }) end end ---@internal --- Computes size of float needed to show contents (with optional wrapping) --- ---@param contents table of lines to show in window ---@param opts dictionary with optional fields --- - height of floating window --- - width of floating window --- - wrap_at character to wrap at for computing height --- - max_width maximal width of floating window --- - max_height maximal height of floating window ---@returns width,height size of float function M._make_floating_popup_size(contents, opts) validate({ contents = { contents, 't' }, opts = { opts, 't', true }, }) opts = opts or {} local width = opts.width local height = opts.height local wrap_at = opts.wrap_at local max_width = opts.max_width local max_height = opts.max_height local line_widths = {} if not width then width = 0 for i, line in ipairs(contents) do -- TODO(ashkan) use nvim_strdisplaywidth if/when that is introduced. line_widths[i] = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(line) width = math.max(line_widths[i], width) end end local border_width = get_border_size(opts).width local screen_width = api.nvim_win_get_width(0) width = math.min(width, screen_width) -- make sure borders are always inside the screen if width + border_width > screen_width then width = width - (width + border_width - screen_width) end if wrap_at and wrap_at > width then wrap_at = width end if max_width then width = math.min(width, max_width) wrap_at = math.min(wrap_at or max_width, max_width) end if not height then height = #contents if wrap_at and width >= wrap_at then height = 0 if vim.tbl_isempty(line_widths) then for _, line in ipairs(contents) do local line_width = vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(line) height = height + math.ceil(line_width / wrap_at) end else for i = 1, #contents do height = height + math.max(1, math.ceil(line_widths[i] / wrap_at)) end end end end if max_height then height = math.min(height, max_height) end return width, height end --- Shows contents in a floating window. --- ---@param contents table of lines to show in window ---@param syntax string of syntax to set for opened buffer ---@param opts table with optional fields (additional keys are passed on to |nvim_open_win()|) --- - height: (integer) height of floating window --- - width: (integer) width of floating window --- - wrap: (boolean, default true) wrap long lines --- - wrap_at: (integer) character to wrap at for computing height when wrap is enabled --- - max_width: (integer) maximal width of floating window --- - max_height: (integer) maximal height of floating window --- - pad_top: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at top --- - pad_bottom: (integer) number of lines to pad contents at bottom --- - focus_id: (string) if a popup with this id is opened, then focus it --- - close_events: (table) list of events that closes the floating window --- - focusable: (boolean, default true) Make float focusable --- - focus: (boolean, default true) If `true`, and if {focusable} --- is also `true`, focus an existing floating window with the same --- {focus_id} ---@returns bufnr,winnr buffer and window number of the newly created floating ---preview window function M.open_floating_preview(contents, syntax, opts) validate({ contents = { contents, 't' }, syntax = { syntax, 's', true }, opts = { opts, 't', true }, }) opts = opts or {} opts.wrap = opts.wrap ~= false -- wrapping by default opts.stylize_markdown = opts.stylize_markdown ~= false and vim.g.syntax_on ~= nil opts.focus = opts.focus ~= false opts.close_events = opts.close_events or { 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI', 'InsertCharPre' } local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() -- check if this popup is focusable and we need to focus if opts.focus_id and opts.focusable ~= false and opts.focus then -- Go back to previous window if we are in a focusable one local current_winnr = api.nvim_get_current_win() if npcall(api.nvim_win_get_var, current_winnr, opts.focus_id) then api.nvim_command('wincmd p') return bufnr, current_winnr end do local win = find_window_by_var(opts.focus_id, bufnr) if win and api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) and vim.fn.pumvisible() == 0 then -- focus and return the existing buf, win api.nvim_set_current_win(win) api.nvim_command('stopinsert') return api.nvim_win_get_buf(win), win end end end -- check if another floating preview already exists for this buffer -- and close it if needed local existing_float = npcall(api.nvim_buf_get_var, bufnr, 'lsp_floating_preview') if existing_float and api.nvim_win_is_valid(existing_float) then api.nvim_win_close(existing_float, true) end local floating_bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) local do_stylize = syntax == 'markdown' and opts.stylize_markdown -- Clean up input: trim empty lines from the end, pad contents = M._trim(contents, opts) if do_stylize then -- applies the syntax and sets the lines to the buffer contents = M.stylize_markdown(floating_bufnr, contents, opts) else if syntax then vim.bo[floating_bufnr].syntax = syntax end api.nvim_buf_set_lines(floating_bufnr, 0, -1, true, contents) end -- Compute size of float needed to show (wrapped) lines if opts.wrap then opts.wrap_at = opts.wrap_at or api.nvim_win_get_width(0) else opts.wrap_at = nil end local width, height = M._make_floating_popup_size(contents, opts) local float_option = M.make_floating_popup_options(width, height, opts) local floating_winnr = api.nvim_open_win(floating_bufnr, false, float_option) if do_stylize then vim.wo[floating_winnr].conceallevel = 2 vim.wo[floating_winnr].concealcursor = 'n' end -- disable folding vim.wo[floating_winnr].foldenable = false -- soft wrapping vim.wo[floating_winnr].wrap = opts.wrap vim.bo[floating_bufnr].modifiable = false vim.bo[floating_bufnr].bufhidden = 'wipe' api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( floating_bufnr, 'n', 'q', 'bdelete', { silent = true, noremap = true, nowait = true } ) close_preview_autocmd(opts.close_events, floating_winnr, { floating_bufnr, bufnr }) -- save focus_id if opts.focus_id then api.nvim_win_set_var(floating_winnr, opts.focus_id, bufnr) end api.nvim_buf_set_var(bufnr, 'lsp_floating_preview', floating_winnr) return floating_bufnr, floating_winnr end do --[[ References ]] local reference_ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('vim_lsp_references') --- Removes document highlights from a buffer. --- ---@param bufnr integer Buffer id function M.buf_clear_references(bufnr) validate({ bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true } }) api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr or 0, reference_ns, 0, -1) end --- Shows a list of document highlights for a certain buffer. --- ---@param bufnr integer Buffer id ---@param references table List of `DocumentHighlight` objects to highlight ---@param offset_encoding string One of "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32". ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocumentContentChangeEvent function M.buf_highlight_references(bufnr, references, offset_encoding) validate({ bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true }, offset_encoding = { offset_encoding, 'string', false }, }) for _, reference in ipairs(references) do local start_line, start_char = reference['range']['start']['line'], reference['range']['start']['character'] local end_line, end_char = reference['range']['end']['line'], reference['range']['end']['character'] local start_idx = get_line_byte_from_position( bufnr, { line = start_line, character = start_char }, offset_encoding ) local end_idx = get_line_byte_from_position( bufnr, { line = start_line, character = end_char }, offset_encoding ) local document_highlight_kind = { [protocol.DocumentHighlightKind.Text] = 'LspReferenceText', [protocol.DocumentHighlightKind.Read] = 'LspReferenceRead', [protocol.DocumentHighlightKind.Write] = 'LspReferenceWrite', } local kind = reference['kind'] or protocol.DocumentHighlightKind.Text highlight.range( bufnr, reference_ns, document_highlight_kind[kind], { start_line, start_idx }, { end_line, end_idx }, { priority = vim.highlight.priorities.user } ) end end end local position_sort = sort_by_key(function(v) return { v.start.line, v.start.character } end) --- Returns the items with the byte position calculated correctly and in sorted --- order, for display in quickfix and location lists. --- --- The result can be passed to the {list} argument of |setqflist()| or --- |setloclist()|. --- ---@param locations table list of `Location`s or `LocationLink`s ---@param offset_encoding string offset_encoding for locations utf-8|utf-16|utf-32 ---@returns (table) list of items function M.locations_to_items(locations, offset_encoding) if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( 'locations_to_items must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end local items = {} local grouped = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) local v = {} rawset(t, k, v) return v end, }) for _, d in ipairs(locations) do -- locations may be Location or LocationLink local uri = d.uri or d.targetUri local range = d.range or d.targetSelectionRange table.insert(grouped[uri], { start = range.start }) end local keys = vim.tbl_keys(grouped) table.sort(keys) -- TODO(ashkan) I wish we could do this lazily. for _, uri in ipairs(keys) do local rows = grouped[uri] table.sort(rows, position_sort) local filename = vim.uri_to_fname(uri) -- list of row numbers local uri_rows = {} for _, temp in ipairs(rows) do local pos = temp.start local row = pos.line table.insert(uri_rows, row) end -- get all the lines for this uri local lines = get_lines(vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri), uri_rows) for _, temp in ipairs(rows) do local pos = temp.start local row = pos.line local line = lines[row] or '' local col = M._str_byteindex_enc(line, pos.character, offset_encoding) table.insert(items, { filename = filename, lnum = row + 1, col = col + 1, text = line, }) end end return items end -- According to LSP spec, if the client set "symbolKind.valueSet", -- the client must handle it properly even if it receives a value outside the specification. -- https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_documentSymbol function M._get_symbol_kind_name(symbol_kind) return protocol.SymbolKind[symbol_kind] or 'Unknown' end --- Converts symbols to quickfix list items. --- ---@param symbols DocumentSymbol[] or SymbolInformation[] function M.symbols_to_items(symbols, bufnr) ---@private local function _symbols_to_items(_symbols, _items, _bufnr) for _, symbol in ipairs(_symbols) do if symbol.location then -- SymbolInformation type local range = symbol.location.range local kind = M._get_symbol_kind_name(symbol.kind) table.insert(_items, { filename = vim.uri_to_fname(symbol.location.uri), lnum = range.start.line + 1, col = range.start.character + 1, kind = kind, text = '[' .. kind .. '] ' .. symbol.name, }) elseif symbol.selectionRange then -- DocumentSymbole type local kind = M._get_symbol_kind_name(symbol.kind) table.insert(_items, { -- bufnr = _bufnr, filename = api.nvim_buf_get_name(_bufnr), lnum = symbol.selectionRange.start.line + 1, col = symbol.selectionRange.start.character + 1, kind = kind, text = '[' .. kind .. '] ' .. symbol.name, }) if symbol.children then for _, v in ipairs(_symbols_to_items(symbol.children, _items, _bufnr)) do for _, s in ipairs(v) do table.insert(_items, s) end end end end end return _items end return _symbols_to_items(symbols, {}, bufnr or 0) end --- Removes empty lines from the beginning and end. ---@param lines (table) list of lines to trim ---@returns (table) trimmed list of lines function M.trim_empty_lines(lines) local start = 1 for i = 1, #lines do if lines[i] ~= nil and #lines[i] > 0 then start = i break end end local finish = 1 for i = #lines, 1, -1 do if lines[i] ~= nil and #lines[i] > 0 then finish = i break end end return list_extend({}, lines, start, finish) end --- Accepts markdown lines and tries to reduce them to a filetype if they --- comprise just a single code block. --- --- CAUTION: Modifies the input in-place! --- ---@param lines (table) list of lines ---@returns (string) filetype or "markdown" if it was unchanged. function M.try_trim_markdown_code_blocks(lines) local language_id = lines[1]:match('^```(.*)') if language_id then local has_inner_code_fence = false for i = 2, (#lines - 1) do local line = lines[i] if line:sub(1, 3) == '```' then has_inner_code_fence = true break end end -- No inner code fences + starting with code fence = hooray. if not has_inner_code_fence then table.remove(lines, 1) table.remove(lines) return language_id end end return 'markdown' end ---@private ---@param window integer|nil: window handle or 0 for current, defaults to current ---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to `offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of `window` local function make_position_param(window, offset_encoding) window = window or 0 local buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(window) local row, col = unpack(api.nvim_win_get_cursor(window)) offset_encoding = offset_encoding or M._get_offset_encoding(buf) row = row - 1 local line = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buf, row, row + 1, true)[1] if not line then return { line = 0, character = 0 } end col = _str_utfindex_enc(line, col, offset_encoding) return { line = row, character = col } end --- Creates a `TextDocumentPositionParams` object for the current buffer and cursor position. --- ---@param window integer|nil: window handle or 0 for current, defaults to current ---@param offset_encoding string|nil utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to `offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of `window` ---@returns `TextDocumentPositionParams` object ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocumentPositionParams function M.make_position_params(window, offset_encoding) window = window or 0 local buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(window) offset_encoding = offset_encoding or M._get_offset_encoding(buf) return { textDocument = M.make_text_document_params(buf), position = make_position_param(window, offset_encoding), } end --- Utility function for getting the encoding of the first LSP client on the given buffer. ---@param bufnr (integer) buffer handle or 0 for current, defaults to current ---@returns (string) encoding first client if there is one, nil otherwise function M._get_offset_encoding(bufnr) validate({ bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true }, }) local offset_encoding for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })) do if client.offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( string.format( 'Client (id: %s) offset_encoding is nil. Do not unset offset_encoding.', client.id ), vim.log.levels.ERROR ) end local this_offset_encoding = client.offset_encoding if not offset_encoding then offset_encoding = this_offset_encoding elseif offset_encoding ~= this_offset_encoding then vim.notify( 'warning: multiple different client offset_encodings detected for buffer, this is not supported yet', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end end return offset_encoding end --- Using the current position in the current buffer, creates an object that --- can be used as a building block for several LSP requests, such as --- `textDocument/codeAction`, `textDocument/colorPresentation`, --- `textDocument/rangeFormatting`. --- ---@param window integer|nil: window handle or 0 for current, defaults to current ---@param offset_encoding "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to `offset_encoding` of first client of buffer of `window` ---@returns { textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start = ---`current_position`, end = `current_position` } } function M.make_range_params(window, offset_encoding) local buf = api.nvim_win_get_buf(window or 0) offset_encoding = offset_encoding or M._get_offset_encoding(buf) local position = make_position_param(window, offset_encoding) return { textDocument = M.make_text_document_params(buf), range = { start = position, ['end'] = position }, } end --- Using the given range in the current buffer, creates an object that --- is similar to |vim.lsp.util.make_range_params()|. --- ---@param start_pos integer[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position. --- Defaults to the start of the last visual selection. ---@param end_pos integer[]|nil {row, col} mark-indexed position. --- Defaults to the end of the last visual selection. ---@param bufnr integer|nil buffer handle or 0 for current, defaults to current ---@param offset_encoding "utf-8"|"utf-16"|"utf-32"|nil defaults to `offset_encoding` of first client of `bufnr` ---@returns { textDocument = { uri = `current_file_uri` }, range = { start = ---`start_position`, end = `end_position` } } function M.make_given_range_params(start_pos, end_pos, bufnr, offset_encoding) validate({ start_pos = { start_pos, 't', true }, end_pos = { end_pos, 't', true }, offset_encoding = { offset_encoding, 's', true }, }) bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() offset_encoding = offset_encoding or M._get_offset_encoding(bufnr) local A = list_extend({}, start_pos or api.nvim_buf_get_mark(bufnr, '<')) local B = list_extend({}, end_pos or api.nvim_buf_get_mark(bufnr, '>')) -- convert to 0-index A[1] = A[1] - 1 B[1] = B[1] - 1 -- account for offset_encoding. if A[2] > 0 then A = { A[1], M.character_offset(bufnr, A[1], A[2], offset_encoding) } end if B[2] > 0 then B = { B[1], M.character_offset(bufnr, B[1], B[2], offset_encoding) } end -- we need to offset the end character position otherwise we loose the last -- character of the selection, as LSP end position is exclusive -- see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#range if vim.o.selection ~= 'exclusive' then B[2] = B[2] + 1 end return { textDocument = M.make_text_document_params(bufnr), range = { start = { line = A[1], character = A[2] }, ['end'] = { line = B[1], character = B[2] }, }, } end --- Creates a `TextDocumentIdentifier` object for the current buffer. --- ---@param bufnr integer|nil: Buffer handle, defaults to current ---@returns `TextDocumentIdentifier` ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocumentIdentifier function M.make_text_document_params(bufnr) return { uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr or 0) } end --- Create the workspace params ---@param added ---@param removed function M.make_workspace_params(added, removed) return { event = { added = added, removed = removed } } end --- Returns indentation size. --- ---@see 'shiftwidth' ---@param bufnr (integer|nil): Buffer handle, defaults to current ---@returns (integer) indentation size function M.get_effective_tabstop(bufnr) validate({ bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true } }) local bo = bufnr and vim.bo[bufnr] or vim.bo local sw = bo.shiftwidth return (sw == 0 and bo.tabstop) or sw end --- Creates a `DocumentFormattingParams` object for the current buffer and cursor position. --- ---@param options table|nil with valid `FormattingOptions` entries ---@returns `DocumentFormattingParams` object ---@see https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_formatting function M.make_formatting_params(options) validate({ options = { options, 't', true } }) options = vim.tbl_extend('keep', options or {}, { tabSize = M.get_effective_tabstop(), insertSpaces = vim.bo.expandtab, }) return { textDocument = { uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(0) }, options = options, } end --- Returns the UTF-32 and UTF-16 offsets for a position in a certain buffer. --- ---@param buf integer buffer number (0 for current) ---@param row 0-indexed line ---@param col 0-indexed byte offset in line ---@param offset_encoding string utf-8|utf-16|utf-32|nil defaults to `offset_encoding` of first client of `buf` ---@returns (integer, integer) `offset_encoding` index of the character in line {row} column {col} in buffer {buf} function M.character_offset(buf, row, col, offset_encoding) local line = get_line(buf, row) if offset_encoding == nil then vim.notify_once( 'character_offset must be called with valid offset encoding', vim.log.levels.WARN ) end -- If the col is past the EOL, use the line length. if col > #line then return _str_utfindex_enc(line, nil, offset_encoding) end return _str_utfindex_enc(line, col, offset_encoding) end --- Helper function to return nested values in language server settings --- ---@param settings a table of language server settings ---@param section a string indicating the field of the settings table ---@returns (table or string) The value of settings accessed via section function M.lookup_section(settings, section) for part in vim.gsplit(section, '.', true) do settings = settings[part] if settings == nil then return vim.NIL end end return settings end M._get_line_byte_from_position = get_line_byte_from_position M.buf_versions = {} return M