local builtin_callbacks = require 'vim.lsp.builtin_callbacks' local log = require 'vim.lsp.log' local lsp_rpc = require 'vim.lsp.rpc' local protocol = require 'vim.lsp.protocol' local util = require 'vim.lsp.util' local nvim_err_writeln, nvim_buf_get_lines, nvim_command, nvim_buf_get_option = vim.api.nvim_err_writeln, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines, vim.api.nvim_command, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option local uv = vim.loop local tbl_isempty, tbl_extend = vim.tbl_isempty, vim.tbl_extend local validate = vim.validate local lsp = { protocol = protocol; builtin_callbacks = builtin_callbacks; util = util; -- Allow raw RPC access. rpc = lsp_rpc; -- Export these directly from rpc. rpc_response_error = lsp_rpc.rpc_response_error; -- You probably won't need this directly, since __tostring is set for errors -- by the RPC. -- format_rpc_error = lsp_rpc.format_rpc_error; } -- TODO consider whether 'eol' or 'fixeol' should change the nvim_buf_get_lines that send. -- TODO improve handling of scratch buffers with LSP attached. local function resolve_bufnr(bufnr) validate { bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true } } if bufnr == nil or bufnr == 0 then return vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end return bufnr end local function is_dir(filename) validate{filename={filename,'s'}} local stat = uv.fs_stat(filename) return stat and stat.type == 'directory' or false end -- TODO Use vim.wait when that is available, but provide an alternative for now. local wait = vim.wait or function(timeout_ms, condition, interval) validate { timeout_ms = { timeout_ms, 'n' }; condition = { condition, 'f' }; interval = { interval, 'n', true }; } assert(timeout_ms > 0, "timeout_ms must be > 0") local _ = log.debug() and log.debug("wait.fallback", timeout_ms) interval = interval or 200 local interval_cmd = "sleep "..interval.."m" local timeout = timeout_ms + uv.now() -- TODO is there a better way to sync this? while true do uv.update_time() if condition() then return 0 end if uv.now() >= timeout then return -1 end nvim_command(interval_cmd) -- vim.loop.sleep(10) end end local wait_result_reason = { [-1] = "timeout"; [-2] = "interrupted"; [-3] = "error" } local valid_encodings = { ["utf-8"] = 'utf-8'; ["utf-16"] = 'utf-16'; ["utf-32"] = 'utf-32'; ["utf8"] = 'utf-8'; ["utf16"] = 'utf-16'; ["utf32"] = 'utf-32'; UTF8 = 'utf-8'; UTF16 = 'utf-16'; UTF32 = 'utf-32'; } local client_index = 0 local function next_client_id() client_index = client_index + 1 return client_index end -- Tracks all clients created via lsp.start_client local active_clients = {} local all_buffer_active_clients = {} local uninitialized_clients = {} local function for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, callback) validate { callback = { callback, 'f' }; } bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) local client_ids = all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] if not client_ids or tbl_isempty(client_ids) then return end for client_id in pairs(client_ids) do -- This is unlikely to happen. Could only potentially happen in a race -- condition between literally a single statement. -- We could skip this error, but let's error for now. local client = active_clients[client_id] -- or error(string.format("Client %d has already shut down.", client_id)) if client then callback(client, client_id) end end end -- Error codes to be used with `on_error` from |vim.lsp.start_client|. -- Can be used to look up the string from a the number or the number -- from the string. lsp.client_errors = tbl_extend("error", lsp_rpc.client_errors, vim.tbl_add_reverse_lookup { ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR = table.maxn(lsp_rpc.client_errors) + 1; }) local function validate_encoding(encoding) validate { encoding = { encoding, 's' }; } return valid_encodings[encoding:lower()] or error(string.format("Invalid offset encoding %q. Must be one of: 'utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-32'", encoding)) end local function validate_command(input) local cmd, cmd_args if type(input) == 'string' then -- Use a shell to execute the command if it is a string. cmd = vim.api.nvim_get_option('shell') cmd_args = {vim.api.nvim_get_option('shellcmdflag'), input} elseif vim.tbl_islist(input) then cmd = input[1] cmd_args = {} -- Don't mutate our input. for i, v in ipairs(input) do assert(type(v) == 'string', "input arguments must be strings") if i > 1 then table.insert(cmd_args, v) end end else error("cmd type must be string or list.") end return cmd, cmd_args end local function optional_validator(fn) return function(v) return v == nil or fn(v) end end local function validate_client_config(config) validate { config = { config, 't' }; } validate { root_dir = { config.root_dir, is_dir, "directory" }; callbacks = { config.callbacks, "t", true }; capabilities = { config.capabilities, "t", true }; -- cmd = { config.cmd, "s", false }; cmd_cwd = { config.cmd_cwd, optional_validator(is_dir), "directory" }; cmd_env = { config.cmd_env, "f", true }; name = { config.name, 's', true }; on_error = { config.on_error, "f", true }; on_exit = { config.on_exit, "f", true }; on_init = { config.on_init, "f", true }; offset_encoding = { config.offset_encoding, "s", true }; } local cmd, cmd_args = validate_command(config.cmd) local offset_encoding = valid_encodings.UTF16 if config.offset_encoding then offset_encoding = validate_encoding(config.offset_encoding) end return { cmd = cmd; cmd_args = cmd_args; offset_encoding = offset_encoding; } end local function text_document_did_open_handler(bufnr, client) if not client.resolved_capabilities.text_document_open_close then return end if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then return end local params = { textDocument = { version = 0; uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr); -- TODO make sure our filetypes are compatible with languageId names. languageId = nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'filetype'); text = table.concat(nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false), '\n'); } } client.notify('textDocument/didOpen', params) end --- Start a client and initialize it. -- Its arguments are passed via a configuration object. -- -- Mandatory parameters: -- -- root_dir: {string} specifying the directory where the LSP server will base -- as its rootUri on initialization. -- -- cmd: {string} or {list} which is the base command to execute for the LSP. A -- string will be run using |'shell'| and a list will be interpreted as a bare -- command with arguments passed. This is the same as |jobstart()|. -- -- Optional parameters: -- cmd_cwd: {string} specifying the directory to launch the `cmd` process. This -- is not related to `root_dir`. By default, |getcwd()| is used. -- -- cmd_env: {table} specifying the environment flags to pass to the LSP on -- spawn. This can be specified using keys like a map or as a list with `k=v` -- pairs or both. Non-string values are coerced to a string. -- For example: `{ "PRODUCTION=true"; "TEST=123"; PORT = 8080; HOST = ""; }`. -- -- capabilities: A {table} which will be used instead of -- `vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()` which contains neovim's -- default capabilities and passed to the language server on initialization. -- You'll probably want to use make_client_capabilities() and modify the -- result. -- NOTE: -- To send an empty dictionary, you should use -- `{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}` Otherwise, it will be encoded as -- an array. -- -- callbacks: A {table} of whose keys are language server method names and the -- values are `function(err, method, params, client_id)`. -- This will be called for: -- - notifications from the server, where `err` will always be `nil` -- - requests initiated by the server. For these, you can respond by returning -- two values: `result, err`. The err must be in the format of an RPC error, -- which is `{ code, message, data? }`. You can use |vim.lsp.rpc_response_error()| -- to help with this. -- - as a callback for requests initiated by the client if the request doesn't -- explicitly specify a callback. -- -- init_options: A {table} of values to pass in the initialization request -- as `initializationOptions`. See the `initialize` in the LSP spec. -- -- name: A {string} used in log messages. Defaults to {client_id} -- -- offset_encoding: One of 'utf-8', 'utf-16', or 'utf-32' which is the -- encoding that the LSP server expects. By default, it is 'utf-16' as -- specified in the LSP specification. The client does not verify this -- is correct. -- -- on_error(code, ...): A function for handling errors thrown by client -- operation. {code} is a number describing the error. Other arguments may be -- passed depending on the error kind. @see |vim.lsp.client_errors| for -- possible errors. `vim.lsp.client_errors[code]` can be used to retrieve a -- human understandable string. -- -- on_init(client, initialize_result): A function which is called after the -- request `initialize` is completed. `initialize_result` contains -- `capabilities` and anything else the server may send. For example, `clangd` -- sends `result.offsetEncoding` if `capabilities.offsetEncoding` was sent to -- it. -- -- on_exit(code, signal, client_id): A function which is called after the -- client has exited. code is the exit code of the process, and signal is a -- number describing the signal used to terminate (if any). -- -- on_attach(client, bufnr): A function which is called after the client is -- attached to a buffer. -- -- trace: 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose' | nil passed directly to the language -- server in the initialize request. Invalid/empty values will default to 'off' -- -- @returns client_id You can use |vim.lsp.get_client_by_id()| to get the -- actual client. -- -- NOTE: The client is only available *after* it has been initialized, which -- may happen after a small delay (or never if there is an error). -- For this reason, you may want to use `on_init` to do any actions once the -- client has been initialized. function lsp.start_client(config) local cleaned_config = validate_client_config(config) local cmd, cmd_args, offset_encoding = cleaned_config.cmd, cleaned_config.cmd_args, cleaned_config.offset_encoding local client_id = next_client_id() local callbacks = tbl_extend("keep", config.callbacks or {}, builtin_callbacks) -- Copy metatable if it has one. if config.callbacks and config.callbacks.__metatable then setmetatable(callbacks, getmetatable(config.callbacks)) end local name = config.name or tostring(client_id) local log_prefix = string.format("LSP[%s]", name) local handlers = {} function handlers.notification(method, params) local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('notification', method, params) local callback = callbacks[method] if callback then -- Method name is provided here for convenience. callback(nil, method, params, client_id) end end function handlers.server_request(method, params) local _ = log.debug() and log.debug('server_request', method, params) local callback = callbacks[method] if callback then local _ = log.debug() and log.debug("server_request: found callback for", method) return callback(nil, method, params, client_id) end local _ = log.debug() and log.debug("server_request: no callback found for", method) return nil, lsp.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound) end function handlers.on_error(code, err) local _ = log.error() and log.error(log_prefix, "on_error", { code = lsp.client_errors[code], err = err }) nvim_err_writeln(string.format('%s: Error %s: %q', log_prefix, lsp.client_errors[code], vim.inspect(err))) if config.on_error then local status, usererr = pcall(config.on_error, code, err) if not status then local _ = log.error() and log.error(log_prefix, "user on_error failed", { err = usererr }) nvim_err_writeln(log_prefix.." user on_error failed: "..tostring(usererr)) end end end function handlers.on_exit(code, signal) active_clients[client_id] = nil uninitialized_clients[client_id] = nil for _, client_ids in pairs(all_buffer_active_clients) do client_ids[client_id] = nil end if config.on_exit then pcall(config.on_exit, code, signal, client_id) end end -- Start the RPC client. local rpc = lsp_rpc.start(cmd, cmd_args, handlers, { cwd = config.cmd_cwd; env = config.cmd_env; }) local client = { id = client_id; name = name; rpc = rpc; offset_encoding = offset_encoding; callbacks = callbacks; config = config; } -- Store the uninitialized_clients for cleanup in case we exit before -- initialize finishes. uninitialized_clients[client_id] = client; local function initialize() local valid_traces = { off = 'off'; messages = 'messages'; verbose = 'verbose'; } local initialize_params = { -- The process Id of the parent process that started the server. Is null if -- the process has not been started by another process. If the parent -- process is not alive then the server should exit (see exit notification) -- its process. processId = uv.getpid(); -- The rootPath of the workspace. Is null if no folder is open. -- -- @deprecated in favour of rootUri. rootPath = nil; -- The rootUri of the workspace. Is null if no folder is open. If both -- `rootPath` and `rootUri` are set `rootUri` wins. rootUri = vim.uri_from_fname(config.root_dir); -- rootUri = vim.uri_from_fname(vim.fn.expand("%:p:h")); -- User provided initialization options. initializationOptions = config.init_options; -- The capabilities provided by the client (editor or tool) capabilities = config.capabilities or protocol.make_client_capabilities(); -- The initial trace setting. If omitted trace is disabled ('off'). -- trace = 'off' | 'messages' | 'verbose'; trace = valid_traces[config.trace] or 'off'; -- The workspace folders configured in the client when the server starts. -- This property is only available if the client supports workspace folders. -- It can be `null` if the client supports workspace folders but none are -- configured. -- -- Since 3.6.0 -- workspaceFolders?: WorkspaceFolder[] | null; -- export interface WorkspaceFolder { -- -- The associated URI for this workspace folder. -- uri -- -- The name of the workspace folder. Used to refer to this -- -- workspace folder in the user interface. -- name -- } workspaceFolders = nil; } local _ = log.debug() and log.debug(log_prefix, "initialize_params", initialize_params) rpc.request('initialize', initialize_params, function(init_err, result) assert(not init_err, tostring(init_err)) assert(result, "server sent empty result") rpc.notify('initialized', {}) client.initialized = true uninitialized_clients[client_id] = nil client.server_capabilities = assert(result.capabilities, "initialize result doesn't contain capabilities") -- These are the cleaned up capabilities we use for dynamically deciding -- when to send certain events to clients. client.resolved_capabilities = protocol.resolve_capabilities(client.server_capabilities) if config.on_init then local status, err = pcall(config.on_init, client, result) if not status then pcall(handlers.on_error, lsp.client_errors.ON_INIT_CALLBACK_ERROR, err) end end local _ = log.debug() and log.debug(log_prefix, "server_capabilities", client.server_capabilities) local _ = log.info() and log.info(log_prefix, "initialized", { resolved_capabilities = client.resolved_capabilities }) -- Only assign after initialized. active_clients[client_id] = client -- If we had been registered before we start, then send didOpen This can -- happen if we attach to buffers before initialize finishes or if -- someone restarts a client. for bufnr, client_ids in pairs(all_buffer_active_clients) do if client_ids[client_id] then client._on_attach(bufnr) end end end) end local function unsupported_method(method) local msg = "server doesn't support "..method local _ = log.warn() and log.warn(msg) nvim_err_writeln(msg) return lsp.rpc_response_error(protocol.ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound, msg) end --- Checks capabilities before rpc.request-ing. function client.request(method, params, callback) if not callback then callback = client.callbacks[method] or error(string.format("request callback is empty and no default was found for client %s", client.name)) end local _ = log.debug() and log.debug(log_prefix, "client.request", client_id, method, params, callback) -- TODO keep these checks or just let it go anyway? if (not client.resolved_capabilities.hover and method == 'textDocument/hover') or (not client.resolved_capabilities.signature_help and method == 'textDocument/signatureHelp') or (not client.resolved_capabilities.goto_definition and method == 'textDocument/definition') or (not client.resolved_capabilities.implementation and method == 'textDocument/implementation') then callback(unsupported_method(method), method, nil, client_id) return end return rpc.request(method, params, function(err, result) callback(err, method, result, client_id) end) end function client.notify(...) return rpc.notify(...) end function client.cancel_request(id) validate{id = {id, 'n'}} return rpc.notify("$/cancelRequest", { id = id }) end -- Track this so that we can escalate automatically if we've alredy tried a -- graceful shutdown local tried_graceful_shutdown = false function client.stop(force) local handle = rpc.handle if handle:is_closing() then return end if force or (not client.initialized) or tried_graceful_shutdown then handle:kill(15) return end tried_graceful_shutdown = true -- Sending a signal after a process has exited is acceptable. rpc.request('shutdown', nil, function(err, _) if err == nil then rpc.notify('exit') else -- If there was an error in the shutdown request, then term to be safe. handle:kill(15) end end) end function client.is_stopped() return rpc.handle:is_closing() end function client._on_attach(bufnr) text_document_did_open_handler(bufnr, client) if config.on_attach then -- TODO(ashkan) handle errors. pcall(config.on_attach, client, bufnr) end end initialize() return client_id end local function once(fn) local value return function(...) if not value then value = fn(...) end return value end end local text_document_did_change_handler do local encoding_index = { ["utf-8"] = 1; ["utf-16"] = 2; ["utf-32"] = 3; } text_document_did_change_handler = function(_, bufnr, changedtick, firstline, lastline, new_lastline, old_byte_size, old_utf32_size, old_utf16_size) local _ = log.debug() and log.debug("on_lines", bufnr, changedtick, firstline, lastline, new_lastline, old_byte_size, old_utf32_size, old_utf16_size, nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, firstline, new_lastline, true)) if old_byte_size == 0 then return end -- Don't do anything if there are no clients attached. if tbl_isempty(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {}) then return end -- Lazy initialize these because clients may not even need them. local incremental_changes = once(function(client) local size_index = encoding_index[client.offset_encoding] local length = select(size_index, old_byte_size, old_utf16_size, old_utf32_size) local lines = nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, firstline, new_lastline, true) -- This is necessary because we are specifying the full line including the -- newline in range. Therefore, we must replace the newline as well. if #lines > 0 then table.insert(lines, '') end return { range = { start = { line = firstline, character = 0 }; ["end"] = { line = lastline, character = 0 }; }; rangeLength = length; text = table.concat(lines, '\n'); }; end) local full_changes = once(function() return { text = table.concat(nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false), "\n"); }; end) local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _client_id) local text_document_did_change = client.resolved_capabilities.text_document_did_change local changes if text_document_did_change == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.None then return --[=[ TODO(ashkan) there seem to be problems with the byte_sizes sent by -- neovim right now so only send the full content for now. In general, we -- can assume that servers *will* support both versions anyway, as there -- is no way to specify the sync capability by the client. -- See https://github.com/palantir/python-language-server/commit/cfd6675bc10d5e8dbc50fc50f90e4a37b7178821#diff-f68667852a14e9f761f6ebf07ba02fc8 for an example of pyls handling both. --]=] elseif true or text_document_did_change == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Full then changes = full_changes(client) elseif text_document_did_change == protocol.TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental then changes = incremental_changes(client) end client.notify("textDocument/didChange", { textDocument = { uri = uri; version = changedtick; }; contentChanges = { changes; } }) end) end end -- Buffer lifecycle handler for textDocument/didSave function lsp._text_document_did_save_handler(bufnr) bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) local text = once(function() return table.concat(nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false), '\n') end) for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _client_id) if client.resolved_capabilities.text_document_save then local included_text if client.resolved_capabilities.text_document_save_include_text then included_text = text() end client.notify('textDocument/didSave', { textDocument = { uri = uri; text = included_text; } }) end end) end -- Implements the textDocument/did* notifications required to track a buffer -- for any language server. -- @param bufnr [number] buffer handle or 0 for current -- @param client_id [number] the client id function lsp.buf_attach_client(bufnr, client_id) validate { bufnr = {bufnr, 'n', true}; client_id = {client_id, 'n'}; } bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) local buffer_client_ids = all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] -- This is our first time attaching to this buffer. if not buffer_client_ids then buffer_client_ids = {} all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] = buffer_client_ids local uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr) nvim_command(string.format("autocmd BufWritePost lua vim.lsp._text_document_did_save_handler(0)", bufnr)) -- First time, so attach and set up stuff. vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, { on_lines = text_document_did_change_handler; on_detach = function() local params = { textDocument = { uri = uri; } } for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _client_id) if client.resolved_capabilities.text_document_open_close then client.notify('textDocument/didClose', params) end end) all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] = nil end; -- TODO if we know all of the potential clients ahead of time, then we -- could conditionally set this. -- utf_sizes = size_index > 1; utf_sizes = true; }) end if buffer_client_ids[client_id] then return end -- This is our first time attaching this client to this buffer. buffer_client_ids[client_id] = true local client = active_clients[client_id] -- Send didOpen for the client if it is initialized. If it isn't initialized -- then it will send didOpen on initialize. if client then client._on_attach(bufnr) end return true end -- Check if a buffer is attached for a particular client. -- @param bufnr [number] buffer handle or 0 for current -- @param client_id [number] the client id function lsp.buf_is_attached(bufnr, client_id) return (all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {})[client_id] == true end -- Look up an active client by its id, returns nil if it is not yet initialized -- or is not a valid id. -- @param client_id number the client id. function lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id) return active_clients[client_id] end -- Stop a client by its id, optionally with force. -- You can also use the `stop()` function on a client if you already have -- access to it. -- By default, it will just ask the server to shutdown without force. -- If you request to stop a client which has previously been requested to shutdown, -- it will automatically force shutdown. -- @param client_id number the client id. -- @param force boolean (optional) whether to use force or request shutdown function lsp.stop_client(client_id, force) local client client = active_clients[client_id] if client then client.stop(force) return end client = uninitialized_clients[client_id] if client then client.stop(true) end end -- Returns a list of all the active clients. function lsp.get_active_clients() return vim.tbl_values(active_clients) end -- Stop all the clients, optionally with force. -- You can also use the `stop()` function on a client if you already have -- access to it. -- By default, it will just ask the server to shutdown without force. -- If you request to stop a client which has previously been requested to shutdown, -- it will automatically force shutdown. -- @param force boolean (optional) whether to use force or request shutdown function lsp.stop_all_clients(force) for _, client in pairs(uninitialized_clients) do client.stop(true) end for _, client in pairs(active_clients) do client.stop(force) end end function lsp._vim_exit_handler() log.info("exit_handler", active_clients) for _, client in pairs(uninitialized_clients) do client.stop(true) end -- TODO handle v:dying differently? if tbl_isempty(active_clients) then return end for _, client in pairs(active_clients) do client.stop() end local wait_result = wait(500, function() return tbl_isempty(active_clients) end, 50) if wait_result ~= 0 then for _, client in pairs(active_clients) do client.stop(true) end end end nvim_command("autocmd VimLeavePre * lua vim.lsp._vim_exit_handler()") --- --- Buffer level client functions. --- --- Send a request to a server and return the response -- @param bufnr [number] Buffer handle or 0 for current. -- @param method [string] Request method name -- @param params [table|nil] Parameters to send to the server -- @param callback [function|nil] Request callback (or uses the client's callbacks) -- -- @returns: client_request_ids, cancel_all_requests function lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, callback) validate { bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true }; method = { method, 's' }; callback = { callback, 'f', true }; } local client_request_ids = {} for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, client_id) local request_success, request_id = client.request(method, params, callback) -- This could only fail if the client shut down in the time since we looked -- it up and we did the request, which should be rare. if request_success then client_request_ids[client_id] = request_id end end) local function cancel_all_requests() for client_id, request_id in pairs(client_request_ids) do local client = active_clients[client_id] client.cancel_request(request_id) end end return client_request_ids, cancel_all_requests end --- Send a request to a server and wait for the response. -- @param bufnr [number] Buffer handle or 0 for current. -- @param method [string] Request method name -- @param params [string] Parameters to send to the server -- @param timeout_ms [number|100] Maximum ms to wait for a result -- -- @returns: The table of {[client_id] = request_result} function lsp.buf_request_sync(bufnr, method, params, timeout_ms) local request_results = {} local result_count = 0 local function callback(err, _method, result, client_id) request_results[client_id] = { error = err, result = result } result_count = result_count + 1 end local client_request_ids, cancel = lsp.buf_request(bufnr, method, params, callback) local expected_result_count = 0 for _ in pairs(client_request_ids) do expected_result_count = expected_result_count + 1 end local wait_result = wait(timeout_ms or 100, function() return result_count >= expected_result_count end, 10) if wait_result ~= 0 then cancel() return nil, wait_result_reason[wait_result] end return request_results end --- Send a notification to a server -- @param bufnr [number] (optional): The number of the buffer -- @param method [string]: Name of the request method -- @param params [string]: Arguments to send to the server -- -- @returns nil function lsp.buf_notify(bufnr, method, params) validate { bufnr = { bufnr, 'n', true }; method = { method, 's' }; } for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, _client_id) client.rpc.notify(method, params) end) end --- Function which can be called to generate omnifunc compatible completion. function lsp.omnifunc(findstart, base) local _ = log.debug() and log.debug("omnifunc.findstart", { findstart = findstart, base = base }) local bufnr = resolve_bufnr() local has_buffer_clients = not tbl_isempty(all_buffer_active_clients[bufnr] or {}) if not has_buffer_clients then if findstart == 1 then return -1 else return {} end end if findstart == 1 then return vim.fn.col('.') else local pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local line = assert(nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, pos[1]-1, pos[1], false)[1]) local _ = log.trace() and log.trace("omnifunc.line", pos, line) local line_to_cursor = line:sub(1, pos[2]+1) local _ = log.trace() and log.trace("omnifunc.line_to_cursor", line_to_cursor) local params = { textDocument = { uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(bufnr); }; position = { -- 0-indexed for both line and character line = pos[1] - 1, character = pos[2], }; -- The completion context. This is only available if the client specifies -- to send this using `ClientCapabilities.textDocument.completion.contextSupport === true` -- context = nil or { -- triggerKind = protocol.CompletionTriggerKind.Invoked; -- triggerCharacter = nil or ""; -- }; } -- TODO handle timeout error differently? Like via an error? local client_responses = lsp.buf_request_sync(bufnr, 'textDocument/completion', params) or {} local matches = {} for _, response in pairs(client_responses) do -- TODO how to handle errors? if not response.error then local data = response.result local completion_items = util.text_document_completion_list_to_complete_items(data or {}, line_to_cursor) local _ = log.trace() and log.trace("omnifunc.completion_items", completion_items) vim.list_extend(matches, completion_items) end end return matches end end --- --- FileType based configuration utility --- local all_filetype_configs = {} -- Lookup a filetype config client by its name. function lsp.get_filetype_client_by_name(name) local config = all_filetype_configs[name] if config.client_id then return active_clients[config.client_id] end end local function start_filetype_config(config) config.client_id = lsp.start_client(config) nvim_command(string.format( "autocmd FileType %s silent lua vim.lsp.buf_attach_client(0, %d)", table.concat(config.filetypes, ','), config.client_id)) return config.client_id end -- Easy configuration option for common LSP use-cases. -- This will lazy initialize the client when the filetypes specified are -- encountered and attach to those buffers. -- -- The configuration options are the same as |vim.lsp.start_client()|, but -- with a few additions and distinctions: -- -- Additional parameters: -- - filetype: {string} or {list} of filetypes to attach to. -- - name: A unique string among all other servers configured with -- |vim.lsp.add_filetype_config|. -- -- Differences: -- - root_dir: will default to |getcwd()| -- function lsp.add_filetype_config(config) -- Additional defaults. -- Keep a copy of the user's input for debugging reasons. local user_config = config config = tbl_extend("force", {}, user_config) config.root_dir = config.root_dir or uv.cwd() -- Validate config. validate_client_config(config) validate { name = { config.name, 's' }; } assert(config.filetype, "config must have 'filetype' key") local filetypes if type(config.filetype) == 'string' then filetypes = { config.filetype } elseif type(config.filetype) == 'table' then filetypes = config.filetype assert(not tbl_isempty(filetypes), "config.filetype must not be an empty table") else error("config.filetype must be a string or a list of strings") end if all_filetype_configs[config.name] then -- If the client exists, then it is likely that they are doing some kind of -- reload flow, so let's not throw an error here. if all_filetype_configs[config.name].client_id then -- TODO log here? It might be unnecessarily annoying. return end error(string.format('A configuration with the name %q already exists. They must be unique', config.name)) end all_filetype_configs[config.name] = tbl_extend("keep", config, { client_id = nil; filetypes = filetypes; user_config = user_config; }) nvim_command(string.format( "autocmd FileType %s ++once silent lua vim.lsp._start_filetype_config_client(%q)", table.concat(filetypes, ','), config.name)) end -- Create a copy of an existing configuration, and override config with values -- from new_config. -- This is useful if you wish you create multiple LSPs with different root_dirs -- or other use cases. -- -- You can specify a new unique name, but if you do not, a unique name will be -- created like `name-dup_count`. -- -- existing_name: the name of the existing config to copy. -- new_config: the new configuration options. @see |vim.lsp.start_client()|. -- @returns string the new name. function lsp.copy_filetype_config(existing_name, new_config) local config = all_filetype_configs[existing_name] or error(string.format("Configuration with name %q doesn't exist", existing_name)) config = tbl_extend("force", config, new_config or {}) config.client_id = nil config.original_config_name = existing_name -- If the user didn't rename it, we will. if config.name == existing_name then -- Create a new, unique name. local duplicate_count = 0 for _, conf in pairs(all_filetype_configs) do if conf.original_config_name == existing_name then duplicate_count = duplicate_count + 1 end end config.name = string.format("%s-%d", existing_name, duplicate_count + 1) end print("New config name:", config.name) lsp.add_filetype_config(config) return config.name end -- Autocmd handler to actually start the client when an applicable filetype is -- encountered. function lsp._start_filetype_config_client(name) local config = all_filetype_configs[name] -- If it exists and is running, don't make it again. if config.client_id and active_clients[config.client_id] then -- TODO log here? return end lsp.buf_attach_client(0, start_filetype_config(config)) return config.client_id end --- --- Miscellaneous utilities. --- -- Retrieve a map from client_id to client of all active buffer clients. -- @param bufnr [number] (optional): buffer handle or 0 for current function lsp.buf_get_clients(bufnr) bufnr = resolve_bufnr(bufnr) local result = {} for_each_buffer_client(bufnr, function(client, client_id) result[client_id] = client end) return result end -- Print some debug information about the current buffer clients. -- The output of this function should not be relied upon and may change. function lsp.buf_print_debug_info(bufnr) print(vim.inspect(lsp.buf_get_clients(bufnr))) end -- Print some debug information about all LSP related things. -- The output of this function should not be relied upon and may change. function lsp.print_debug_info() print(vim.inspect({ clients = active_clients, filetype_configs = all_filetype_configs })) end -- Log level dictionary with reverse lookup as well. -- -- Can be used to lookup the number from the name or the -- name from the number. -- Levels by name: 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error' -- Level numbers begin with 'trace' at 0 lsp.log_levels = log.levels -- Set the log level for lsp logging. -- Levels by name: 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error' -- Level numbers begin with 'trace' at 0 -- @param level [number|string] the case insensitive level name or number @see |vim.lsp.log_levels| function lsp.set_log_level(level) if type(level) == 'string' or type(level) == 'number' then log.set_level(level) else error(string.format("Invalid log level: %q", level)) end end -- Return the path of the logfile used by the LSP client. function lsp.get_log_path() return log.get_filename() end return lsp -- vim:sw=2 ts=2 et