local health = vim.health local executable = health.executable local iswin = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname == 'Windows_NT' local M = {} local function is(path, ty) if not path then return false end local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(path) if not stat then return false end return stat.type == ty end -- Resolves Python executable path by invoking and checking `sys.executable`. local function python_exepath(invocation) local p = vim.system({ invocation, '-c', 'import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.executable)' }):wait() assert(p.code == 0, p.stderr) return vim.fs.normalize(vim.trim(p.stdout)) end -- Check if pyenv is available and a valid pyenv root can be found, then return -- their respective paths. If either of those is invalid, return two empty -- strings, effectively ignoring pyenv. local function check_for_pyenv() local pyenv_path = vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.exepath('pyenv')) if pyenv_path == '' then return { '', '' } end health.info('pyenv: Path: ' .. pyenv_path) local pyenv_root = vim.fn.resolve(os.getenv('PYENV_ROOT') or '') if pyenv_root == '' then pyenv_root = vim.fn.system({ pyenv_path, 'root' }) health.info('pyenv: $PYENV_ROOT is not set. Infer from `pyenv root`.') end if not is(pyenv_root, 'directory') then local message = string.format( 'pyenv: Root does not exist: %s. Ignoring pyenv for all following checks.', pyenv_root ) health.warn(message) return { '', '' } end health.info('pyenv: Root: ' .. pyenv_root) return { pyenv_path, pyenv_root } end -- Check the Python interpreter's usability. local function check_bin(bin) if not is(bin, 'file') and (not iswin or not is(bin .. '.exe', 'file')) then health.error('"' .. bin .. '" was not found.') return false elseif not executable(bin) then health.error('"' .. bin .. '" is not executable.') return false end return true end -- Fetch the contents of a URL. local function download(url) local has_curl = executable('curl') if has_curl and vim.fn.system({ 'curl', '-V' }):find('Protocols:.*https') then local out, rc = health.system({ 'curl', '-sL', url }, { stderr = true, ignore_error = true }) if rc ~= 0 then return 'curl error with ' .. url .. ': ' .. rc else return out end elseif executable('python') then local script = "try:\n\ from urllib.request import urlopen\n\ except ImportError:\n\ from urllib2 import urlopen\n\ response = urlopen('" .. url .. "')\n\ print(response.read().decode('utf8'))\n" local out, rc = health.system({ 'python', '-c', script }) if out == '' and rc ~= 0 then return 'python urllib.request error: ' .. rc else return out end end local message = 'missing `curl` ' if has_curl then message = message .. '(with HTTPS support) ' end message = message .. 'and `python`, cannot make web request' return message end -- Get the latest Nvim Python client (pynvim) version from PyPI. local function latest_pypi_version() local pypi_version = 'unable to get pypi response' local pypi_response = download('https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pynvim/json') if pypi_response ~= '' then local pcall_ok, output = pcall(vim.fn.json_decode, pypi_response) local pypi_data if pcall_ok then pypi_data = output else return 'error: ' .. pypi_response end local pypi_element = pypi_data['info'] or {} pypi_version = pypi_element['version'] or 'unable to parse' end return pypi_version end local function is_bad_response(s) local lower = s:lower() return vim.startswith(lower, 'unable') or vim.startswith(lower, 'error') or vim.startswith(lower, 'outdated') end -- Get version information using the specified interpreter. The interpreter is -- used directly in case breaking changes were introduced since the last time -- Nvim's Python client was updated. -- -- Returns: { -- {python executable version}, -- {current nvim version}, -- {current pypi nvim status}, -- {installed version status} -- } local function version_info(python) local pypi_version = latest_pypi_version() local python_version, rc = health.system({ python, '-c', 'import sys; print(".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:3]))', }) if rc ~= 0 or python_version == '' then python_version = 'unable to parse ' .. python .. ' response' end local nvim_path nvim_path, rc = health.system({ python, '-c', 'import sys; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != ""]; import neovim; print(neovim.__file__)', }) if rc ~= 0 or nvim_path == '' then return { python_version, 'unable to load neovim Python module', pypi_version, nvim_path } end -- Assuming that multiple versions of a package are installed, sort them -- numerically in descending order. local function compare(metapath1, metapath2) local a = vim.fn.matchstr(vim.fn.fnamemodify(metapath1, ':p:h:t'), [[[0-9.]\+]]) local b = vim.fn.matchstr(vim.fn.fnamemodify(metapath2, ':p:h:t'), [[[0-9.]\+]]) if a == b then return 0 elseif a > b then return 1 else return -1 end end -- Try to get neovim.VERSION (added in 0.1.11dev). local nvim_version nvim_version, rc = health.system({ python, '-c', 'from neovim import VERSION as v; print("{}.{}.{}{}".format(v.major, v.minor, v.patch, v.prerelease))', }, { stderr = true, ignore_error = true }) if rc ~= 0 or nvim_version == '' then nvim_version = 'unable to find pynvim module version' local base = vim.fs.basename(nvim_path) local metas = vim.fn.glob(base .. '-*/METADATA', 1, 1) vim.list_extend(metas, vim.fn.glob(base .. '-*/PKG-INFO', 1, 1)) vim.list_extend(metas, vim.fn.glob(base .. '.egg-info/PKG-INFO', 1, 1)) metas = table.sort(metas, compare) if metas and next(metas) ~= nil then for line in io.lines(metas[1]) do local version = line:match('^Version: (%S+)') if version then nvim_version = version break end end end end local nvim_path_base = vim.fn.fnamemodify(nvim_path, [[:~:h]]) local version_status = 'unknown; ' .. nvim_path_base if is_bad_response(nvim_version) and is_bad_response(pypi_version) then if vim.version.lt(nvim_version, pypi_version) then version_status = 'outdated; from ' .. nvim_path_base else version_status = 'up to date' end end return { python_version, nvim_version, pypi_version, version_status } end function M.check() health.start('Python 3 provider (optional)') local pyname = 'python3' ---@type string? local python_exe = '' local virtual_env = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV') local venv = virtual_env and vim.fn.resolve(virtual_env) or '' local host_prog_var = pyname .. '_host_prog' local python_multiple = {} if health.provider_disabled(pyname) then return end local pyenv_table = check_for_pyenv() local pyenv = pyenv_table[1] local pyenv_root = pyenv_table[2] if vim.g[host_prog_var] then local message = string.format('Using: g:%s = "%s"', host_prog_var, vim.g[host_prog_var]) health.info(message) end local pythonx_warnings pyname, pythonx_warnings = require('vim.provider.python').detect_by_module('neovim') if not pyname then health.warn( 'No Python executable found that can `import neovim`. ' .. 'Using the first available executable for diagnostics.' ) elseif vim.g[host_prog_var] then python_exe = pyname end -- No Python executable could `import neovim`, or host_prog_var was used. if pythonx_warnings then health.warn(pythonx_warnings, { 'See :help provider-python for more information.', 'You may disable this provider (and warning) by adding `let g:loaded_python3_provider = 0` to your init.vim', }) elseif pyname ~= '' and python_exe == '' then if not vim.g[host_prog_var] then local message = string.format( '`g:%s` is not set. Searching for %s in the environment.', host_prog_var, pyname ) health.info(message) end if pyenv ~= '' then python_exe = health.system({ pyenv, 'which', pyname }, { stderr = true }) if python_exe == '' then health.warn('pyenv could not find ' .. pyname .. '.') end end if python_exe == '' then python_exe = vim.fn.exepath(pyname) if os.getenv('PATH') then local path_sep = iswin and ';' or ':' local paths = vim.split(os.getenv('PATH') or '', path_sep) for _, path in ipairs(paths) do local path_bin = vim.fs.normalize(path .. '/' .. pyname) if path_bin ~= vim.fs.normalize(python_exe) and vim.tbl_contains(python_multiple, path_bin) and executable(path_bin) then python_multiple[#python_multiple + 1] = path_bin end end if vim.tbl_count(python_multiple) > 0 then -- This is worth noting since the user may install something -- that changes $PATH, like homebrew. local message = string.format( 'Multiple %s executables found. Set `g:%s` to avoid surprises.', pyname, host_prog_var ) health.info(message) end if python_exe:find('shims') then local message = string.format('`%s` appears to be a pyenv shim.', python_exe) local advice = string.format( '`pyenv` is not in $PATH, your pyenv installation is broken. Set `g:%s` to avoid surprises.', host_prog_var ) health.warn(message, advice) end end end end if python_exe ~= '' and not vim.g[host_prog_var] then if venv == '' and pyenv ~= '' and pyenv_root ~= '' and vim.startswith(vim.fn.resolve(python_exe), pyenv_root .. '/') then local advice = string.format( 'Create a virtualenv specifically for Nvim using pyenv, and set `g:%s`. This will avoid the need to install the pynvim module in each version/virtualenv.', host_prog_var ) health.warn('pyenv is not set up optimally.', advice) elseif venv ~= '' then local venv_root if pyenv_root ~= '' then venv_root = pyenv_root else venv_root = vim.fs.dirname(venv) end if vim.startswith(vim.fn.resolve(python_exe), venv_root .. '/') then local advice = string.format( 'Create a virtualenv specifically for Nvim and use `g:%s`. This will avoid the need to install the pynvim module in each virtualenv.', host_prog_var ) health.warn('Your virtualenv is not set up optimally.', advice) end end end if python_exe == '' and pyname ~= '' then -- An error message should have already printed. health.error('`' .. pyname .. '` was not found.') elseif python_exe ~= '' and not check_bin(python_exe) then python_exe = '' end -- Diagnostic output health.info('Executable: ' .. (python_exe == '' and 'Not found' or python_exe)) if vim.tbl_count(python_multiple) > 0 then for _, path_bin in ipairs(python_multiple) do health.info('Other python executable: ' .. path_bin) end end if python_exe == '' then -- No Python executable can import 'neovim'. Check if any Python executable -- can import 'pynvim'. If so, that Python failed to import 'neovim' as -- well, which is most probably due to a failed pip upgrade: -- https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Following-HEAD#20181118 local pynvim_exe = require('vim.provider.python').detect_by_module('pynvim') if pynvim_exe then local message = 'Detected pip upgrade failure: Python executable can import "pynvim" but not "neovim": ' .. pynvim_exe local advice = { 'Use that Python version to reinstall "pynvim" and optionally "neovim".', pynvim_exe .. ' -m pip uninstall pynvim neovim', pynvim_exe .. ' -m pip install pynvim', pynvim_exe .. ' -m pip install neovim # only if needed by third-party software', } health.error(message, advice) end else local version_info_table = version_info(python_exe) local pyversion = version_info_table[1] local current = version_info_table[2] local latest = version_info_table[3] local status = version_info_table[4] if not vim.version.range('~3'):has(pyversion) then health.warn('Unexpected Python version. This could lead to confusing error messages.') end health.info('Python version: ' .. pyversion) if is_bad_response(status) then health.info('pynvim version: ' .. current .. ' (' .. status .. ')') else health.info('pynvim version: ' .. current) end if is_bad_response(current) then health.error( 'pynvim is not installed.\nError: ' .. current, 'Run in shell: ' .. python_exe .. ' -m pip install pynvim' ) end if is_bad_response(latest) then health.warn('Could not contact PyPI to get latest version.') health.error('HTTP request failed: ' .. latest) elseif is_bad_response(status) then health.warn('Latest pynvim is NOT installed: ' .. latest) elseif not is_bad_response(current) then health.ok('Latest pynvim is installed.') end end health.start('Python virtualenv') if not virtual_env then health.ok('no $VIRTUAL_ENV') return end local errors = {} -- Keep hints as dict keys in order to discard duplicates. local hints = {} -- The virtualenv should contain some Python executables, and those -- executables should be first both on Nvim's $PATH and the $PATH of -- subshells launched from Nvim. local bin_dir = iswin and 'Scripts' or 'bin' local venv_bins = vim.fn.glob(string.format('%s/%s/python*', virtual_env, bin_dir), true, true) venv_bins = vim.tbl_filter(function(v) -- XXX: Remove irrelevant executables found in bin/. return not v:match('python%-config') end, venv_bins) if vim.tbl_count(venv_bins) > 0 then for _, venv_bin in pairs(venv_bins) do venv_bin = vim.fs.normalize(venv_bin) local py_bin_basename = vim.fs.basename(venv_bin) local nvim_py_bin = python_exepath(vim.fn.exepath(py_bin_basename)) local subshell_py_bin = python_exepath(py_bin_basename) if venv_bin ~= nvim_py_bin then errors[#errors + 1] = '$PATH yields this ' .. py_bin_basename .. ' executable: ' .. nvim_py_bin local hint = '$PATH ambiguities arise if the virtualenv is not ' .. 'properly activated prior to launching Nvim. Close Nvim, activate the virtualenv, ' .. 'check that invoking Python from the command line launches the correct one, ' .. 'then relaunch Nvim.' hints[hint] = true end if venv_bin ~= subshell_py_bin then errors[#errors + 1] = '$PATH in subshells yields this ' .. py_bin_basename .. ' executable: ' .. subshell_py_bin local hint = '$PATH ambiguities in subshells typically are ' .. 'caused by your shell config overriding the $PATH previously set by the ' .. 'virtualenv. Either prevent them from doing so, or use this workaround: ' .. 'https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/34996' hints[hint] = true end end else errors[#errors + 1] = 'no Python executables found in the virtualenv ' .. bin_dir .. ' directory.' end local msg = '$VIRTUAL_ENV is set to: ' .. virtual_env if vim.tbl_count(errors) > 0 then if vim.tbl_count(venv_bins) > 0 then msg = string.format( '%s\nAnd its %s directory contains: %s', msg, bin_dir, table.concat( vim.tbl_map(function(v) return vim.fn.fnamemodify(v, ':t') end, venv_bins), ', ' ) ) end local conj = '\nBut ' for _, err in ipairs(errors) do msg = msg .. conj .. err conj = '\nAnd ' end msg = msg .. '\nSo invoking Python may lead to unexpected results.' health.warn(msg, vim.tbl_keys(hints)) else health.info(msg) health.info( 'Python version: ' .. health.system( 'python -c "import platform, sys; sys.stdout.write(platform.python_version())"' ) ) health.ok('$VIRTUAL_ENV provides :!python.') end end return M