local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local eq = helpers.eq local exec_capture = helpers.exec_capture local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local expect = helpers.expect local funcs = helpers.funcs local insert = helpers.insert local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog local new_argv = helpers.new_argv local neq = helpers.neq local set_session = helpers.set_session local spawn = helpers.spawn local tmpname = helpers.tmpname local write_file = helpers.write_file describe('Remote', function() local fname, other_fname local contents = 'The call is coming from outside the process' local other_contents = "A second file's contents" before_each(function() fname = tmpname() .. ' with spaces in the filename' other_fname = tmpname() write_file(fname, contents) write_file(other_fname, other_contents) end) describe('connect to server and', function() local server before_each(function() server = spawn(new_argv(), true) set_session(server) end) after_each(function() server:close() end) -- Run a `nvim --remote*` command and return { stdout, stderr } of the process local function run_remote(...) set_session(server) local addr = funcs.serverlist()[1] -- Create an nvim instance just to run the remote-invoking nvim. We want -- to wait for the remote instance to exit and calling jobwait blocks -- the event loop. If the server event loop is blocked, it can't process -- our incoming --remote calls. local client_starter = spawn(new_argv(), false, nil, true) set_session(client_starter) -- Call jobstart() and jobwait() in the same RPC request to reduce flakiness. eq( { 0 }, exec_lua( [[return vim.fn.jobwait({ vim.fn.jobstart({...}, { stdout_buffered = true, stderr_buffered = true, on_stdout = function(_, data, _) _G.Remote_stdout = table.concat(data, '\n') end, on_stderr = function(_, data, _) _G.Remote_stderr = table.concat(data, '\n') end, }) })]], nvim_prog, '--clean', '--headless', '--server', addr, ... ) ) local res = exec_lua([[return { _G.Remote_stdout, _G.Remote_stderr }]]) client_starter:close() set_session(server) return res end it('edit a single file', function() eq({ '', '' }, run_remote('--remote', fname)) expect(contents) eq(2, #funcs.getbufinfo()) end) it('tab edit a single file with a non-changed buffer', function() eq({ '', '' }, run_remote('--remote-tab', fname)) expect(contents) eq(1, #funcs.gettabinfo()) end) it('tab edit a single file with a changed buffer', function() insert('hello') eq({ '', '' }, run_remote('--remote-tab', fname)) expect(contents) eq(2, #funcs.gettabinfo()) end) it('edit multiple files', function() eq({ '', '' }, run_remote('--remote', fname, other_fname)) expect(contents) command('next') expect(other_contents) eq(3, #funcs.getbufinfo()) end) it('send keys', function() eq({ '', '' }, run_remote('--remote-send', ':edit ' .. fname .. 'v')) expect(contents) eq(2, #funcs.getwininfo()) -- Only a single buffer as we're using edit and not drop like --remote does eq(1, #funcs.getbufinfo()) end) it('evaluate expressions', function() eq({ '0', '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', 'setline(1, "Yo")')) eq({ 'Yo', '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', 'getline(1)')) expect('Yo') eq({ ('k'):rep(1234), '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', 'repeat("k", 1234)')) eq({ '1.25', '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', '1.25')) eq({ 'no', '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', '0z6E6F')) eq({ '\t', '' }, run_remote('--remote-expr', '"\t"')) end) end) it('creates server if not found', function() clear('--remote', fname) expect(contents) eq(1, #funcs.getbufinfo()) -- Since we didn't pass silent, we should get a complaint neq(nil, string.find(exec_capture('messages'), 'E247:')) end) it('creates server if not found with tabs', function() clear('--remote-tab-silent', fname, other_fname) expect(contents) eq(2, #funcs.gettabinfo()) eq(2, #funcs.getbufinfo()) -- We passed silent, so no message should be issued about the server not being found eq(nil, string.find(exec_capture('messages'), 'E247:')) end) describe('exits with error on', function() local function run_and_check_exit_code(...) local bogus_argv = new_argv(...) -- Create an nvim instance just to run the remote-invoking nvim. We want -- to wait for the remote instance to exit and calling jobwait blocks -- the event loop. If the server event loop is blocked, it can't process -- our incoming --remote calls. clear() -- Call jobstart() and jobwait() in the same RPC request to reduce flakiness. eq({ 2 }, exec_lua([[return vim.fn.jobwait({ vim.fn.jobstart(...) })]], bogus_argv)) end it('bogus subcommand', function() run_and_check_exit_code('--remote-bogus') end) it('send without server', function() run_and_check_exit_code('--remote-send', 'i') end) it('expr without server', function() run_and_check_exit_code('--remote-expr', 'setline(1, "Yo")') end) it('wait subcommand', function() run_and_check_exit_code('--remote-wait', fname) end) end) end)