#!/usr/bin/lua local fname = arg[1] local static_fname = arg[2] local non_static_fname = arg[3] local preproc_fname = arg[4] local lpeg = require('lpeg') local fold = function (func, ...) local result = nil for i, v in ipairs({...}) do if result == nil then result = v else result = func(result, v) end end return result end local folder = function (func) return function (...) return fold(func, ...) end end local lit = lpeg.P local set = function(...) return lpeg.S(fold(function (a, b) return a .. b end, ...)) end local any_character = lpeg.P(1) local rng = function(s, e) return lpeg.R(s .. e) end local concat = folder(function (a, b) return a * b end) local branch = folder(function (a, b) return a + b end) local one_or_more = function(v) return v ^ 1 end local two_or_more = function(v) return v ^ 2 end local any_amount = function(v) return v ^ 0 end local one_or_no = function(v) return v ^ -1 end local look_behind = lpeg.B local look_ahead = function(v) return #v end local neg_look_ahead = function(v) return -v end local neg_look_behind = function(v) return -look_behind(v) end local w = branch( rng('a', 'z'), rng('A', 'Z'), lit('_') ) local aw = branch( w, rng('0', '9') ) local s = set(' ', '\n', '\t') local raw_word = concat(w, any_amount(aw)) local right_word = concat( raw_word, neg_look_ahead(aw) ) local word = branch( concat( branch(lit('ArrayOf('), lit('DictionaryOf(')), -- typed container macro one_or_more(any_character - lit(')')), lit(')') ), concat( neg_look_behind(aw), right_word ) ) local spaces = any_amount(branch( s, -- Comments are really handled by preprocessor, so the following is not needed concat( lit('/*'), any_amount(concat( neg_look_ahead(lit('*/')), any_character )), lit('*/') ), concat( lit('//'), any_amount(concat( neg_look_ahead(lit('\n')), any_character )), lit('\n') ), -- Linemarker inserted by preprocessor concat( lit('# '), any_amount(concat( neg_look_ahead(lit('\n')), any_character )), lit('\n') ) )) local typ_part = concat( word, any_amount(concat( spaces, lit('*') )), spaces ) local typ = one_or_more(typ_part) local typ_id = two_or_more(typ_part) local arg = typ_id -- argument name is swallowed by typ local pattern = concat( typ_id, -- return type with function name spaces, lit('('), spaces, one_or_no(branch( -- function arguments concat( arg, -- first argument, does not require comma any_amount(concat( -- following arguments, start with a comma spaces, lit(','), spaces, arg, any_amount(concat( lit('['), spaces, any_amount(aw), spaces, lit(']') )) )), one_or_no(concat( spaces, lit(','), spaces, lit('...') )) ), lit('void') -- also accepts just void )), spaces, lit(')'), any_amount(concat( -- optional attributes spaces, lit('FUNC_'), any_amount(aw), one_or_no(concat( -- attribute argument spaces, lit('('), any_amount(concat( neg_look_ahead(lit(')')), any_character )), lit(')') )) )), look_ahead(concat( -- definition must be followed by "{" spaces, lit('{') )) ) if fname == '--help' then print'Usage:' print() print' gendeclarations.lua definitions.c static.h non-static.h preprocessor.i' os.exit() end local preproc_f = io.open(preproc_fname) local text = preproc_f:read("*all") preproc_f:close() local header = [[ #ifndef DEFINE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTES # define DEFINE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTES #endif #include "nvim/func_attr.h" #undef DEFINE_FUNC_ATTRIBUTES ]] local footer = [[ #include "nvim/func_attr.h" ]] local non_static = header local static = header local filepattern = '^#%a* %d+ "[^"]-/?([^"/]+)"' local curfile init = 0 curfile = nil neededfile = fname:match('[^/]+$') while init ~= nil do init = text:find('\n', init) if init == nil then break end init = init + 1 if text:sub(init, init) == '#' then file = text:match(filepattern, init) if file ~= nil then curfile = file end elseif curfile == neededfile then s = init e = pattern:match(text, init) if e ~= nil then local declaration = text:sub(s, e - 1) -- Comments are really handled by preprocessor, so the following is not -- needed declaration = declaration:gsub('/%*.-%*/', '') declaration = declaration:gsub('//.-\n', '\n') declaration = declaration:gsub('# .-\n', '') declaration = declaration:gsub('\n', ' ') declaration = declaration:gsub('%s+', ' ') declaration = declaration:gsub(' ?%( ?', '(') -- declaration = declaration:gsub(' ?%) ?', ')') declaration = declaration:gsub(' ?, ?', ', ') declaration = declaration:gsub(' ?(%*+) ?', ' %1') declaration = declaration:gsub(' ?(FUNC_ATTR_)', ' %1') declaration = declaration:gsub(' $', '') declaration = declaration .. ';\n' if text:sub(s, s + 5) == 'static' then static = static .. declaration else non_static = non_static .. declaration end init = e end end end non_static = non_static .. footer static = static .. footer local F F = io.open(static_fname, 'w') F:write(static) F:close() -- Before generating the non-static headers, check if the current file(if -- exists) is different from the new one. If they are the same, we won't touch -- the current version to avoid triggering an unnecessary rebuilds of modules -- that depend on this one F = io.open(non_static_fname, 'r') if F ~= nil then if F:read('*a') == non_static then os.exit(0) end io.close(F) end F = io.open(non_static_fname, 'w') F:write(non_static) F:close()