-- Test suite for testing luaeval() function local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local redir_exec = helpers.redir_exec local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local command = helpers.command local meths = helpers.meths local funcs = helpers.funcs local clear = helpers.clear local eval = helpers.eval local NIL = helpers.NIL local eq = helpers.eq before_each(clear) local function startswith(expected, actual) eq(expected, actual:sub(1, #expected)) end describe('luaeval()', function() local nested_by_level = {} local nested = {} local nested_s = '{}' for i=1,100 do if i % 2 == 0 then nested = {nested} nested_s = '{' .. nested_s .. '}' else nested = {nested=nested} nested_s = '{nested=' .. nested_s .. '}' end nested_by_level[i] = {o=nested, s=nested_s} end describe('second argument', function() it('is successfully received', function() local t = {t=true, f=false, --[[n=NIL,]] d={l={'string', 42, 0.42}}} eq(t, funcs.luaeval("_A", t)) -- Not tested: nil, funcrefs, returned object identity: behaviour will -- most likely change. end) end) describe('lua values', function() it('are successfully transformed', function() eq({n=1, f=1.5, s='string', l={4, 2}}, funcs.luaeval('{n=1, f=1.5, s="string", l={4, 2}}')) -- Not tested: nil inside containers: behaviour will most likely change. eq(NIL, funcs.luaeval('nil')) eq({['']=1}, funcs.luaeval('{[""]=1}')) end) end) describe('recursive lua values', function() it('are successfully transformed', function() command('lua rawset(_G, "d", {})') command('lua rawset(d, "d", d)') eq('\n{\'d\': {...@0}}', funcs.execute('echo luaeval("d")')) command('lua rawset(_G, "l", {})') command('lua table.insert(l, l)') eq('\n[[...@0]]', funcs.execute('echo luaeval("l")')) end) end) describe('strings', function() it('are successfully converted to special dictionaries', function() command([[let s = luaeval('"\0"')]]) eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n'}}, meths.get_var('s')) eq(1, funcs.eval('s._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.binary')) end) it('are successfully converted to special dictionaries in table keys', function() command([[let d = luaeval('{["\0"]=1}')]]) eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={{{_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n'}}, 1}}}, meths.get_var('d')) eq(1, funcs.eval('d._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.map')) eq(1, funcs.eval('d._VAL[0][0]._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.string')) end) it('are successfully converted to special dictionaries from a list', function() command([[let l = luaeval('{"abc", "a\0b", "c\0d", "def"}')]]) eq({'abc', {_TYPE={}, _VAL={'a\nb'}}, {_TYPE={}, _VAL={'c\nd'}}, 'def'}, meths.get_var('l')) eq(1, funcs.eval('l[1]._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.binary')) eq(1, funcs.eval('l[2]._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.binary')) end) end) -- Not checked: funcrefs converted to NIL. To be altered to something more -- meaningful later. it('correctly evaluates scalars', function() eq(1, funcs.luaeval('1')) eq(0, eval('type(luaeval("1"))')) eq(1.5, funcs.luaeval('1.5')) eq(5, eval('type(luaeval("1.5"))')) eq("test", funcs.luaeval('"test"')) eq(1, eval('type(luaeval("\'test\'"))')) eq('', funcs.luaeval('""')) eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n'}}, funcs.luaeval([['\0']])) eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n', '\n'}}, funcs.luaeval([['\0\n\0']])) eq(1, eval([[luaeval('"\0\n\0"')._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.binary]])) eq(true, funcs.luaeval('true')) eq(false, funcs.luaeval('false')) eq(NIL, funcs.luaeval('nil')) end) it('correctly evaluates containers', function() eq({}, funcs.luaeval('{}')) eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{}"))')) eq({test=1, foo=2}, funcs.luaeval('{test=1, foo=2}')) eq(4, eval('type(luaeval("{test=1, foo=2}"))')) eq({4, 2}, funcs.luaeval('{4, 2}')) eq(3, eval('type(luaeval("{4, 2}"))')) local level = 30 eq(nested_by_level[level].o, funcs.luaeval(nested_by_level[level].s)) eq({_TYPE={}, _VAL={{{_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n', '\n'}}, {_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n', '\n\n'}}}}}, funcs.luaeval([[{['\0\n\0']='\0\n\0\0'}]])) eq(1, eval([[luaeval('{["\0\n\0"]="\0\n\0\0"}')._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.map]])) eq(1, eval([[luaeval('{["\0\n\0"]="\0\n\0\0"}')._VAL[0][0]._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.string]])) eq(1, eval([[luaeval('{["\0\n\0"]="\0\n\0\0"}')._VAL[0][1]._TYPE is v:msgpack_types.binary]])) eq({nested={{_TYPE={}, _VAL={{{_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n', '\n'}}, {_TYPE={}, _VAL={'\n', '\n\n'}}}}}}}, funcs.luaeval([[{nested={{['\0\n\0']='\0\n\0\0'}}}]])) end) it('correctly passes scalars as argument', function() eq(1, funcs.luaeval('_A', 1)) eq(1.5, funcs.luaeval('_A', 1.5)) eq('', funcs.luaeval('_A', '')) eq('test', funcs.luaeval('_A', 'test')) eq(NIL, funcs.luaeval('_A', NIL)) eq(true, funcs.luaeval('_A', true)) eq(false, funcs.luaeval('_A', false)) end) it('correctly passes containers as argument', function() eq({}, funcs.luaeval('_A', {})) eq({test=1}, funcs.luaeval('_A', {test=1})) eq({4, 2}, funcs.luaeval('_A', {4, 2})) local level = 28 eq(nested_by_level[level].o, funcs.luaeval('_A', nested_by_level[level].o)) end) local function sp(typ, val) return ('{"_TYPE": v:msgpack_types.%s, "_VAL": %s}'):format(typ, val) end local function mapsp(...) local val = '' for i=1,(select('#', ...)/2) do val = ('%s[%s,%s],'):format(val, select(i * 2 - 1, ...), select(i * 2, ...)) end return sp('map', '[' .. val .. ']') end local function luaevalarg(argexpr, expr) return eval(([=[ [ extend(g:, {'_ret': luaeval(%s, %s)})._ret, type(g:_ret)==type({})&&has_key(g:_ret, '_TYPE') ? [ get(keys(filter(copy(v:msgpack_types), 'v:val is g:_ret._TYPE')), 0, g:_ret._TYPE), get(g:_ret, '_VAL', g:_ret) ] : [0, g:_ret]][1] ]=]):format(expr or '"_A"', argexpr):gsub('\n', '')) end it('correctly passes special dictionaries', function() eq({'binary', {'\n', '\n'}}, luaevalarg(sp('binary', '["\\n", "\\n"]'))) eq({'binary', {'\n', '\n'}}, luaevalarg(sp('string', '["\\n", "\\n"]'))) eq({0, true}, luaevalarg(sp('boolean', 1))) eq({0, false}, luaevalarg(sp('boolean', 0))) eq({0, NIL}, luaevalarg(sp('nil', 0))) eq({0, {[""]=""}}, luaevalarg(mapsp(sp('binary', '[""]'), '""'))) eq({0, {[""]=""}}, luaevalarg(mapsp(sp('string', '[""]'), '""'))) end) it('issues an error in some cases', function() eq("Vim(call):E5100: Cannot convert given lua table: table should either have a sequence of positive integer keys or contain only string keys", exc_exec('call luaeval("{1, foo=2}")')) eq("Vim(call):E5101: Cannot convert given lua type", exc_exec('call luaeval("vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines")')) startswith("Vim(call):E5107: Error while creating lua chunk for luaeval(): ", exc_exec('call luaeval("1, 2, 3")')) startswith("Vim(call):E5108: Error while calling lua chunk for luaeval(): ", exc_exec('call luaeval("(nil)()")')) eq("Vim(call):E5101: Cannot convert given lua type", exc_exec('call luaeval("{42, vim.api}")')) eq("Vim(call):E5101: Cannot convert given lua type", exc_exec('call luaeval("{foo=42, baz=vim.api}")')) -- The following should not crash: conversion error happens inside eq("Vim(call):E5101: Cannot convert given lua type", exc_exec('call luaeval("vim.api")')) -- The following should not show internal error eq("\nE5101: Cannot convert given lua type\n0", redir_exec('echo luaeval("vim.api")')) end) it('correctly converts containers with type_idx', function() eq(5, eval('type(luaeval("{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.float, [vim.val_idx]=0}"))')) eq(4, eval([[type(luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}'))]])) eq(3, eval([[type(luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array}'))]])) eq({}, funcs.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array}')) -- Presence of type_idx makes Vim ignore some keys eq({42}, funcs.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.array, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}')) eq({foo=2}, funcs.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}')) eq(10, funcs.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.float, [vim.val_idx]=10, [5]=1, foo=2, [1]=42}')) -- The following should not crash eq({}, funcs.luaeval('{[vim.type_idx]=vim.types.dictionary}')) end) it('correctly converts self-containing containers', function() meths.set_var('l', {}) eval('add(l, l)') eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A == _A[1]", l)')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A[1] == _A[1][1]", [l])')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A.d == _A.d[1]", {"d": l})')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A ~= _A[1]", [l])')) meths.set_var('d', {foo=42}) eval('extend(d, {"d": d})') eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A == _A.d", d)')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A[1] == _A[1].d", [d])')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A.d == _A.d.d", {"d": d})')) eq(true, eval('luaeval("_A ~= _A.d", {"d": d})')) end) it('errors out correctly when doing incorrect things in lua', function() -- Conversion errors eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error while calling lua chunk for luaeval(): [string ""]:1: attempt to call field \'xxx_nonexistent_key_xxx\' (a nil value)', exc_exec([[call luaeval("vim.xxx_nonexistent_key_xxx()")]])) eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error while calling lua chunk for luaeval(): [string ""]:1: ERROR', exc_exec([[call luaeval("error('ERROR')")]])) eq('Vim(call):E5108: Error while calling lua chunk for luaeval(): [NULL]', exc_exec([[call luaeval("error(nil)")]])) end) it('does not leak memory when called with too long line', function() local s = ('x'):rep(65536) eq('Vim(call):E5107: Error while creating lua chunk for luaeval(): [string ""]:1: unexpected symbol near \')\'', exc_exec([[call luaeval("(']] .. s ..[[' + )")]])) eq(s, funcs.luaeval('"' .. s .. '"')) end) end)