local M = {} --- Query the host terminal emulator for terminfo capabilities. --- --- This function sends the XTGETTCAP DCS sequence to the host terminal emulator asking the terminal --- to send us its terminal capabilities. These are strings that are normally taken from a terminfo --- file, however an up to date terminfo database is not always available (particularly on remote --- machines), and many terminals continue to misidentify themselves or do not provide their own --- terminfo file, making the terminfo database unreliable. --- --- Querying the terminal guarantees that we get a truthful answer, but only if the host terminal --- emulator supports the XTGETTCAP sequence. --- --- @param caps string|table A terminal capability or list of capabilities to query --- @param cb function(cap:string, found:bool, seq:string?) Callback function which is called for --- each capability in {caps}. {found} is set to true if the capability was found or false --- otherwise. {seq} is the control sequence for the capability if found, or nil for --- boolean capabilities. function M.query(caps, cb) vim.validate({ caps = { caps, { 'string', 'table' } }, cb = { cb, 'f' }, }) if type(caps) ~= 'table' then caps = { caps } end local pending = {} ---@type table for _, v in ipairs(caps) do pending[v] = true end local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer()) local id = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TermResponse', { nested = true, callback = function(args) local resp = args.data ---@type string local k, rest = resp:match('^\027P1%+r(%x+)(.*)$') if k and rest then local cap = vim.text.hexdecode(k) if not pending[cap] then -- Received a response for a capability we didn't request. This can happen if there are -- multiple concurrent XTGETTCAP requests return end local seq ---@type string? if rest:match('^=%x+$') then seq = vim.text .hexdecode(rest:sub(2)) :gsub('\\E', '\027') :gsub('%%p%d', '') :gsub('\\(%d+)', string.char) end cb(cap, true, seq) pending[cap] = nil if next(pending) == nil then return true end end end, }) local encoded = {} ---@type string[] for i = 1, #caps do encoded[i] = vim.text.hexencode(caps[i]) end local query = string.format('\027P+q%s\027\\', table.concat(encoded, ';')) -- If running in tmux, wrap with the passthrough sequence if os.getenv('TMUX') then query = string.format('\027Ptmux;%s\027\\', query:gsub('\027', '\027\027')) end io.stdout:write(query) timer:start(1000, 0, function() -- Delete the autocommand if no response was received vim.schedule(function() -- Suppress error if autocommand has already been deleted pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, id) -- Call the callback for all capabilities that were not found for k in pairs(pending) do cb(k, false, nil) end end) if not timer:is_closing() then timer:close() end end) end return M