local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers') local thelpers = require('test.functional.terminal.helpers') local clear = helpers.clear local feed, nvim = helpers.feed, helpers.nvim describe('terminal', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() -- set the statusline to a constant value because of variables like pid -- and current directory and to improve visibility of splits nvim('set_option', 'statusline', '==========') nvim('command', 'highlight StatusLine cterm=NONE') nvim('command', 'highlight StatusLineNC cterm=NONE') nvim('command', 'highlight VertSplit cterm=NONE') screen = thelpers.screen_setup(3) end) after_each(function() screen:detach() end) describe('when the screen is resized', function() it('will forward a resize request to the program', function() screen:try_resize(screen._width + 3, screen._height + 5) screen:expect([[ tty ready | rows: 14, cols: 53 | {1: } | | | | | | | | | | | | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) screen:try_resize(screen._width - 6, screen._height - 10) screen:expect([[ tty ready | rows: 14, cols: 53 | rows: 4, cols: 47 | {1: } | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) end) end) describe('split horizontally', function() before_each(function() nvim('command', 'sp') end) local function reduce_height() screen:expect([[ tty ready | rows: 3, cols: 50 | {1: } | ~ | ========== | tty ready | rows: 3, cols: 50 | {2: } | ========== | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) end it('uses the minimum height of all window displaying it', reduce_height) describe('and then vertically', function() before_each(function() reduce_height() nvim('command', 'vsp') end) local function reduce_width() screen:expect([[ rows: 3, cols: 50 |rows: 3, cols: 50 | rows: 3, cols: 24 |rows: 3, cols: 24 | {1: } |{2: } | ~ |~ | ========== ========== | rows: 3, cols: 50 | rows: 3, cols: 24 | {2: } | ========== | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) feed('gg') screen:expect([[ ^tty ready |rows: 3, cols: 50 | rows: 3, cols: 50 |rows: 3, cols: 24 | rows: 3, cols: 24 |{2: } | {2: } |~ | ========== ========== | rows: 3, cols: 50 | rows: 3, cols: 24 | {2: } | ========== | | ]]) end it('uses the minimum width of all window displaying it', reduce_width) describe('and then closes one of the vertical splits with q:', function() before_each(function() reduce_width() nvim('command', 'q') feed('ja') end) it('will restore the width', function() screen:expect([[ rows: 3, cols: 24 | rows: 3, cols: 50 | {2: } | ~ | ========== | rows: 3, cols: 24 | rows: 3, cols: 50 | {1: } | ========== | -- TERMINAL -- | ]]) end) end) end) end) end)