local util = require('vim.lsp.util') local log = require('vim.lsp.log') local ms = require('vim.lsp.protocol').Methods local api = vim.api local M = {} --- bufnr → true|nil --- to throttle refreshes to at most one at a time local active_refreshes = {} --- @type table ---@type table> --- bufnr -> client_id -> lenses local lens_cache_by_buf = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, b) local key = b > 0 and b or api.nvim_get_current_buf() return rawget(t, key) end, }) ---@type table ---client_id -> namespace local namespaces = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, key) local value = api.nvim_create_namespace('vim_lsp_codelens:' .. key) rawset(t, key, value) return value end, }) ---@private M.__namespaces = namespaces local augroup = api.nvim_create_augroup('vim_lsp_codelens', {}) api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspDetach', { group = augroup, callback = function(ev) M.clear(ev.data.client_id, ev.buf) end, }) ---@param lens lsp.CodeLens ---@param bufnr integer ---@param client_id integer local function execute_lens(lens, bufnr, client_id) local line = lens.range.start.line api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, namespaces[client_id], line, line + 1) local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id) assert(client, 'Client is required to execute lens, client_id=' .. client_id) client:_exec_cmd(lens.command, { bufnr = bufnr }, function(...) vim.lsp.handlers[ms.workspace_executeCommand](...) M.refresh() end) end --- Return all lenses for the given buffer --- ---@param bufnr integer Buffer number. 0 can be used for the current buffer. ---@return lsp.CodeLens[] function M.get(bufnr) local lenses_by_client = lens_cache_by_buf[bufnr or 0] if not lenses_by_client then return {} end local lenses = {} for _, client_lenses in pairs(lenses_by_client) do vim.list_extend(lenses, client_lenses) end return lenses end --- Run the code lens in the current line --- function M.run() local line = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local options = {} --- @type {client: integer, lens: lsp.CodeLens}[] local lenses_by_client = lens_cache_by_buf[bufnr] or {} for client, lenses in pairs(lenses_by_client) do for _, lens in pairs(lenses) do if lens.range.start.line == (line - 1) then table.insert(options, { client = client, lens = lens }) end end end if #options == 0 then vim.notify('No executable codelens found at current line') elseif #options == 1 then local option = options[1] execute_lens(option.lens, bufnr, option.client) else vim.ui.select(options, { prompt = 'Code lenses:', kind = 'codelens', format_item = function(option) return option.lens.command.title end, }, function(option) if option then execute_lens(option.lens, bufnr, option.client) end end) end end local function resolve_bufnr(bufnr) return bufnr == 0 and api.nvim_get_current_buf() or bufnr end --- Clear the lenses --- ---@param client_id integer|nil filter by client_id. All clients if nil ---@param bufnr integer|nil filter by buffer. All buffers if nil, 0 for current buffer function M.clear(client_id, bufnr) bufnr = bufnr and resolve_bufnr(bufnr) local buffers = bufnr and { bufnr } or vim.tbl_filter(api.nvim_buf_is_loaded, api.nvim_list_bufs()) for _, iter_bufnr in pairs(buffers) do local client_ids = client_id and { client_id } or vim.tbl_keys(namespaces) for _, iter_client_id in pairs(client_ids) do local ns = namespaces[iter_client_id] -- there can be display()ed lenses, which are not stored in cache if lens_cache_by_buf[iter_bufnr] then lens_cache_by_buf[iter_bufnr][iter_client_id] = {} end api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(iter_bufnr, ns, 0, -1) end end end --- Display the lenses using virtual text --- ---@param lenses? lsp.CodeLens[] lenses to display ---@param bufnr integer ---@param client_id integer function M.display(lenses, bufnr, client_id) if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then return end local ns = namespaces[client_id] if not lenses or not next(lenses) then api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns, 0, -1) return end local lenses_by_lnum = {} ---@type table for _, lens in pairs(lenses) do local line_lenses = lenses_by_lnum[lens.range.start.line] if not line_lenses then line_lenses = {} lenses_by_lnum[lens.range.start.line] = line_lenses end table.insert(line_lenses, lens) end local num_lines = api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) for i = 0, num_lines do local line_lenses = lenses_by_lnum[i] or {} api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns, i, i + 1) local chunks = {} local num_line_lenses = #line_lenses table.sort(line_lenses, function(a, b) return a.range.start.character < b.range.start.character end) for j, lens in ipairs(line_lenses) do local text = lens.command and lens.command.title or 'Unresolved lens ...' table.insert(chunks, { text, 'LspCodeLens' }) if j < num_line_lenses then table.insert(chunks, { ' | ', 'LspCodeLensSeparator' }) end end if #chunks > 0 then api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, ns, i, 0, { virt_text = chunks, hl_mode = 'combine', }) end end end --- Store lenses for a specific buffer and client --- ---@param lenses? lsp.CodeLens[] lenses to store ---@param bufnr integer ---@param client_id integer function M.save(lenses, bufnr, client_id) if not api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then return end local lenses_by_client = lens_cache_by_buf[bufnr] if not lenses_by_client then lenses_by_client = {} lens_cache_by_buf[bufnr] = lenses_by_client local ns = namespaces[client_id] api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, { on_detach = function(_, b) lens_cache_by_buf[b] = nil end, on_lines = function(_, b, _, first_lnum, last_lnum) api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(b, ns, first_lnum, last_lnum) end, }) end lenses_by_client[client_id] = lenses end ---@param lenses? lsp.CodeLens[] ---@param bufnr integer ---@param client_id integer ---@param callback fun() local function resolve_lenses(lenses, bufnr, client_id, callback) lenses = lenses or {} local num_lens = vim.tbl_count(lenses) if num_lens == 0 then callback() return end local function countdown() num_lens = num_lens - 1 if num_lens == 0 then callback() end end local ns = namespaces[client_id] local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(client_id) for _, lens in pairs(lenses or {}) do if lens.command then countdown() else assert(client) client.request('codeLens/resolve', lens, function(_, result) if api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) and result and result.command then lens.command = result.command -- Eager display to have some sort of incremental feedback -- Once all lenses got resolved there will be a full redraw for all lenses -- So that multiple lens per line are properly displayed local num_lines = api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) if lens.range.start.line <= num_lines then api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( bufnr, ns, lens.range.start.line, 0, { virt_text = { { lens.command.title, 'LspCodeLens' } }, hl_mode = 'combine' } ) end end countdown() end, bufnr) end end end --- |lsp-handler| for the method `textDocument/codeLens` --- ---@param err lsp.ResponseError? ---@param result lsp.CodeLens[] ---@param ctx lsp.HandlerContext function M.on_codelens(err, result, ctx, _) if err then active_refreshes[assert(ctx.bufnr)] = nil log.error('codelens', err) return end M.save(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id) -- Eager display for any resolved (and unresolved) lenses and refresh them -- once resolved. M.display(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id) resolve_lenses(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id, function() active_refreshes[assert(ctx.bufnr)] = nil M.display(result, ctx.bufnr, ctx.client_id) end) end --- @class vim.lsp.codelens.refresh.Opts --- @inlinedoc --- @field bufnr integer? filter by buffer. All buffers if nil, 0 for current buffer --- Refresh the lenses. --- --- It is recommended to trigger this using an autocmd or via keymap. --- --- Example: --- --- ```vim --- autocmd BufEnter,CursorHold,InsertLeave lua vim.lsp.codelens.refresh({ bufnr = 0 }) --- ``` --- --- @param opts? vim.lsp.codelens.refresh.Opts Optional fields function M.refresh(opts) opts = opts or {} local bufnr = opts.bufnr and resolve_bufnr(opts.bufnr) local buffers = bufnr and { bufnr } or vim.tbl_filter(api.nvim_buf_is_loaded, api.nvim_list_bufs()) for _, buf in ipairs(buffers) do if not active_refreshes[buf] then local params = { textDocument = util.make_text_document_params(buf), } active_refreshes[buf] = true vim.lsp.buf_request(buf, ms.textDocument_codeLens, params, M.on_codelens) end end end return M