" Test for the :scriptnames command func Test_scriptnames() call writefile(['let did_load_script = 123'], 'Xscripting') source Xscripting call assert_equal(123, g:did_load_script) let scripts = split(execute('scriptnames'), "\n") let last = scripts[-1] call assert_match('\', last) let lastnr = substitute(last, '\D*\(\d\+\):.*', '\1', '') exe 'script ' . lastnr call assert_equal('Xscripting', expand('%:t')) call assert_fails('script ' . (lastnr + 1), 'E474:') call assert_fails('script 0', 'E939:') new call setline(1, 'nothing') call assert_fails('script ' . lastnr, 'E37:') exe 'script! ' . lastnr call assert_equal('Xscripting', expand('%:t')) bwipe call delete('Xscripting') let msgs = execute('messages') scriptnames call assert_equal(msgs, execute('messages')) endfunc " Test for the getscriptinfo() function func Test_getscriptinfo() call writefile(['let loaded_script_id = expand("")'], 'Xscript') source Xscript let l = getscriptinfo() call assert_match('Xscript$', l[-1].name) " Nvim does not support interpolated strings yet. " call assert_equal(g:loaded_script_id, $"{l[-1].sid}_") call assert_equal(g:loaded_script_id, '' . l[-1].sid . '_') call delete('Xscript') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab