local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local tt = require('test.functional.testterm') local clear, insert = n.clear, n.insert local command = n.command local api = n.api local testprg = n.testprg local skip = t.skip local is_os = t.is_os describe('ext_hlstate detailed highlights', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() command('syntax on') command('hi VertSplit gui=reverse') screen = Screen.new(40, 8, { ext_hlstate = true }) end) it('work with combined UI and syntax highlights', function() insert([[ these are some lines with colorful text]]) api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(0, -1, 'String', 0, 10, 14) api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(0, -1, 'Statement', 1, 5, -1) command('/th co') screen:expect { grid = [[ these are {1:some} lines | ^wi{2:th }{4:co}{3:lorful text} | {5:~ }|*5 {8:search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP}{6: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Magenta1 }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Constant' } }, }, [2] = { { background = Screen.colors.Yellow1 }, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'Search', hi_name = 'Search' } }, }, [3] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Brown, bold = true }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Statement' } }, }, [4] = { { background = Screen.colors.Yellow1, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, { 3, 2 }, }, [5] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', hi_name = 'NonText' } }, }, [6] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, [7] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Red1 }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'WarningMsg' } }, }, [8] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Red1 }, { 6, 7 } }, }, } end) it('work with cleared UI highlights', function() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'Normal', ui_name = 'WinSeparator', kind = 'ui' } } }, [2] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, { { hi_name = 'NonText', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [3] = { { bold = true, reverse = true }, { { hi_name = 'StatusLine', ui_name = 'StatusLine', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [4] = { { reverse = true }, { { hi_name = 'StatusLineNC', ui_name = 'StatusLineNC', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [5] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'StatusLine', ui_name = 'StatusLine', kind = 'ui' } } }, [6] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'StatusLineNC', ui_name = 'StatusLineNC', kind = 'ui' } } }, [7] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, }) command('hi clear WinSeparator') command('vsplit') screen:expect([[ ^ {1:│} | {2:~ }{1:│}{2:~ }|*5 {3:[No Name] }{4:[No Name] }| {7: }| ]]) command('hi clear StatusLine | hi clear StatuslineNC') screen:expect([[ ^ {1:│} | {2:~ }{1:│}{2:~ }|*5 {5:[No Name] }{6:[No Name] }| {7: }| ]]) -- redrawing is done even if visible highlights didn't change command('wincmd w') screen:expect([[ {1:│}^ | {2:~ }{1:│}{2:~ }|*5 {6:[No Name] }{5:[No Name] }| {7: }| ]]) end) it('work with window-local highlights', function() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, { { hi_name = 'LineNr', ui_name = 'LineNr', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [2] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, { { hi_name = 'NonText', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [3] = { { bold = true, reverse = true }, { { hi_name = 'StatusLine', ui_name = 'StatusLine', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [4] = { { reverse = true }, { { hi_name = 'StatusLineNC', ui_name = 'StatusLineNC', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [5] = { { background = Screen.colors.Red, foreground = Screen.colors.Grey100 }, { { hi_name = 'ErrorMsg', ui_name = 'LineNr', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [6] = { { bold = true, reverse = true }, { { hi_name = 'Normal', ui_name = 'Normal', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [7] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Brown, bold = true, reverse = true }, { 6, 1 } }, [8] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true, reverse = true }, { 6, 14 } }, [9] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, { { hi_name = 'NormalNC', ui_name = 'NormalNC', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [10] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Brown }, { 9, 1 } }, [11] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, { 9, 14 } }, [12] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, [13] = { { background = Screen.colors.Red1, foreground = Screen.colors.Gray100 }, { { ui_name = 'LineNr', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'LineNr' } }, }, [14] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, { { ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'EndOfBuffer' } }, }, }) command('set number') command('split') -- NormalNC is not applied if not set, to avoid spurious redraws screen:expect([[ {1: 1 }^ | {2:~ }|*2 {3:[No Name] }| {1: 1 } | {2:~ }| {4:[No Name] }| {12: }| ]]) command('set winhl=LineNr:ErrorMsg') screen:expect { grid = [[ {13: 1 }^ | {14:~ }|*2 {3:[No Name] }| {1: 1 } | {2:~ }| {4:[No Name] }| {12: }| ]], } command('set winhl=Normal:MsgSeparator,NormalNC:Statement') screen:expect([[ {7: 1 }{6:^ }| {8:~ }|*2 {3:[No Name] }| {1: 1 } | {2:~ }| {4:[No Name] }| {12: }| ]]) command('wincmd w') screen:expect([[ {10: 1 }{9: }| {11:~ }|*2 {4:[No Name] }| {1: 1 }^ | {2:~ }| {3:[No Name] }| {12: }| ]]) end) it('work with :terminal', function() skip(is_os('win')) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'TermCursorNC', ui_name = 'TermCursorNC', kind = 'ui' } } }, [2] = { { foreground = tonumber('0x00ccff'), fg_indexed = true }, { { kind = 'term' } } }, [3] = { { bold = true, foreground = tonumber('0x00ccff'), fg_indexed = true }, { { kind = 'term' }, }, }, [4] = { { foreground = tonumber('0x00ccff'), fg_indexed = true }, { 2, 1 } }, [5] = { { foreground = tonumber('0x40ffff'), fg_indexed = true }, { { kind = 'term' } } }, [6] = { { foreground = tonumber('0x40ffff'), fg_indexed = true }, { 5, 1 } }, [7] = { {}, { { hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, }) command(("enew | call termopen(['%s'])"):format(testprg('tty-test'))) screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | {1: } | |*5 {7: }| ]]) tt.feed_data('x ') tt.set_fg(45) tt.feed_data('y ') tt.set_bold() tt.feed_data('z\n') -- TODO(bfredl): check if this distinction makes sense if is_os('win') then screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | x {5:y z} | {1: } | |*4 {7: }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | x {2:y }{3:z} | {1: } | |*4 {7: }| ]]) end tt.feed_termcode('[A') tt.feed_termcode('[2C') if is_os('win') then screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | x {6:y}{5: z} | |*5 {7: }| ]]) else screen:expect([[ ^tty ready | x {4:y}{2: }{3:z} | |*5 {7: }| ]]) end end) it('can use independent cterm and rgb colors', function() -- tell test module to save all attributes (doesn't change nvim options) screen:set_rgb_cterm(true) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, { foreground = 12 }, { { hi_name = 'NonText', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [2] = { { reverse = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Red }, { foreground = 10, italic = true }, { { hi_name = 'NonText', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [3] = { {}, {}, { { hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, }) screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*6 {3: }| ]]) command('hi NonText guifg=Red gui=reverse ctermfg=Green cterm=italic') screen:expect([[ ^ | {2:~ }|*6 {3: }| ]]) end) it('combines deleted extmark highlights', function() insert([[ line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6]]) screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | line5 | line^6 | {1:~ }| {2: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, { { ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', hi_name = 'NonText', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [2] = { {}, { { ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, }, } local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('test') local add_indicator = function(line, col) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, line, col, { hl_mode = 'combine', priority = 2, right_gravity = false, virt_text = { { '|', 'Delimiter' } }, virt_text_win_col = 0, virt_text_pos = 'overlay', }) end add_indicator(1, 0) add_indicator(2, 0) add_indicator(3, 0) add_indicator(4, 0) screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | {1:|} line2 | {1:|} line3 | {1:|} line4 | {1:|} line5 | line^6 | {2:~ }| {3: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { hi_name = 'Special', kind = 'syntax' } }, }, [2] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, { { ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'NonText' } }, }, [3] = { {}, { { ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } n.feed('3ggV2jd') --screen:redraw_debug() screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | {1:|} line2 | {2:^|}ine6 | {3:~ }|*4 {4:3 fewer lines }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Special' } }, }, [2] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { 1, 1, 1 } }, [3] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', hi_name = 'NonText' } }, }, [4] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } end) it('removes deleted extmark highlights with invalidate', function() insert([[ line1 line2 line3 line4 line5 line6]]) screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | line2 | line3 | line4 | line5 | line^6 | {1:~ }| {2: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, { { ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', hi_name = 'NonText', kind = 'ui' } }, }, [2] = { {}, { { ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui' } } }, }, } local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('test') local add_indicator = function(line, col) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, line, col, { hl_mode = 'combine', priority = 2, right_gravity = false, virt_text = { { '|', 'Delimiter' } }, virt_text_win_col = 0, virt_text_pos = 'overlay', invalidate = true, }) end add_indicator(1, 0) add_indicator(2, 0) add_indicator(3, 0) add_indicator(4, 0) screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | {1:|} line2 | {1:|} line3 | {1:|} line4 | {1:|} line5 | line^6 | {2:~ }| {3: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { hi_name = 'Special', kind = 'syntax' } }, }, [2] = { { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, { { ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'NonText' } }, }, [3] = { {}, { { ui_name = 'MsgArea', kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } n.feed('3ggV2jd') --screen:redraw_debug() screen:expect { grid = [[ line1 | {1:|} line2 | ^line6 | {2:~ }|*4 {3:3 fewer lines }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Special' } }, }, [2] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer', hi_name = 'NonText' } }, }, [3] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } end) it('does not hang when combining too many highlights', function() local num_lines = 500 insert('first line\n') for _ = 1, num_lines do insert([[ line ]]) end insert('last line') n.feed('gg') screen:expect { grid = [[ ^first line | line |*6 {1: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('test') local add_indicator = function(line, col) api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, line, col, { hl_mode = 'combine', priority = 2, right_gravity = false, virt_text = { { '|', 'Delimiter' } }, virt_text_win_col = 0, virt_text_pos = 'overlay', }) end for i = 1, num_lines do add_indicator(i, 0) end screen:expect { grid = [[ ^first line | {1:|} line |*6 {2: }| ]], attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Special' } }, }, [2] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', ui_name = 'MsgArea', hi_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, } n.feed(string.format('3ggV%ijd', num_lines - 2)) --screen:redraw_debug(nil, nil, 100000) local expected_ids = {} for i = 1, num_lines - 1 do expected_ids[i] = 1 end screen:expect { grid = string.format( [[ first line | {1:|} line | {2:^|}ast line | {3:~ }|*4 {4:%-40s}| ]], tostring(num_lines - 1) .. ' fewer lines' ), attr_ids = { [1] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, { { kind = 'syntax', hi_name = 'Special' } }, }, [2] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.SlateBlue }, expected_ids }, [3] = { { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, { { kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'NonText', ui_name = 'EndOfBuffer' } }, }, [4] = { {}, { { kind = 'ui', hi_name = 'MsgArea', ui_name = 'MsgArea' } } }, }, timeout = 100000, } end) end)