local M = {} --- Prompts the user to pick from a list of items, allowing arbitrary (potentially asynchronous) --- work until `on_choice`. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.ui.select({ 'tabs', 'spaces' }, { --- prompt = 'Select tabs or spaces:', --- format_item = function(item) --- return "I'd like to choose " .. item --- end, --- }, function(choice) --- if choice == 'spaces' then --- vim.o.expandtab = true --- else --- vim.o.expandtab = false --- end --- end) --- ``` --- ---@generic T ---@param items T[] Arbitrary items ---@param opts table Additional options --- - prompt (string|nil) --- Text of the prompt. Defaults to `Select one of:` --- - format_item (function item -> text) --- Function to format an --- individual item from `items`. Defaults to `tostring`. --- - kind (string|nil) --- Arbitrary hint string indicating the item shape. --- Plugins reimplementing `vim.ui.select` may wish to --- use this to infer the structure or semantics of --- `items`, or the context in which select() was called. ---@param on_choice fun(item: T|nil, idx: integer|nil) --- Called once the user made a choice. --- `idx` is the 1-based index of `item` within `items`. --- `nil` if the user aborted the dialog. function M.select(items, opts, on_choice) vim.validate('items', items, 'table') vim.validate('on_choice', on_choice, 'function') opts = opts or {} local choices = { opts.prompt or 'Select one of:' } local format_item = opts.format_item or tostring for i, item in ipairs(items --[[@as any[] ]]) do table.insert(choices, string.format('%d: %s', i, format_item(item))) end local choice = vim.fn.inputlist(choices) if choice < 1 or choice > #items then on_choice(nil, nil) else on_choice(items[choice], choice) end end --- Prompts the user for input, allowing arbitrary (potentially asynchronous) work until --- `on_confirm`. --- --- Example: --- --- ```lua --- vim.ui.input({ prompt = 'Enter value for shiftwidth: ' }, function(input) --- vim.o.shiftwidth = tonumber(input) --- end) --- ``` --- ---@param opts table? Additional options. See |input()| --- - prompt (string|nil) --- Text of the prompt --- - default (string|nil) --- Default reply to the input --- - completion (string|nil) --- Specifies type of completion supported --- for input. Supported types are the same --- that can be supplied to a user-defined --- command using the "-complete=" argument. --- See |:command-completion| --- - highlight (function) --- Function that will be used for highlighting --- user inputs. ---@param on_confirm function ((input|nil) -> ()) --- Called once the user confirms or abort the input. --- `input` is what the user typed (it might be --- an empty string if nothing was entered), or --- `nil` if the user aborted the dialog. function M.input(opts, on_confirm) vim.validate('opts', opts, 'table', true) vim.validate('on_confirm', on_confirm, 'function') opts = (opts and not vim.tbl_isempty(opts)) and opts or vim.empty_dict() -- Note that vim.fn.input({}) returns an empty string when cancelled. -- vim.ui.input() should distinguish aborting from entering an empty string. local _canceled = vim.NIL opts = vim.tbl_extend('keep', opts, { cancelreturn = _canceled }) local ok, input = pcall(vim.fn.input, opts) if not ok or input == _canceled then on_confirm(nil) else on_confirm(input) end end --- Opens `path` with the system default handler (macOS `open`, Windows `explorer.exe`, Linux --- `xdg-open`, …), or returns (but does not show) an error message on failure. --- --- Expands "~/" and environment variables in filesystem paths. --- --- Examples: --- --- ```lua --- -- Asynchronous. --- vim.ui.open("https://neovim.io/") --- vim.ui.open("~/path/to/file") --- -- Use the "osurl" command to handle the path or URL. --- vim.ui.open("gh#neovim/neovim!29490", { cmd = { 'osurl' } }) --- -- Synchronous (wait until the process exits). --- local cmd, err = vim.ui.open("$VIMRUNTIME") --- if cmd then --- cmd:wait() --- end --- ``` --- ---@param path string Path or URL to open ---@param opt? { cmd?: string[] } Options --- - cmd string[]|nil Command used to open the path or URL. --- ---@return vim.SystemObj|nil # Command object, or nil if not found. ---@return nil|string # Error message on failure, or nil on success. --- ---@see |vim.system()| function M.open(path, opt) vim.validate('path', path, 'string') local is_uri = path:match('%w+:') if not is_uri then path = vim.fs.normalize(path) end opt = opt or {} local cmd ---@type string[] local job_opt = { text = true, detach = true } --- @type vim.SystemOpts if opt.cmd then cmd = vim.list_extend(opt.cmd --[[@as string[] ]], { path }) elseif vim.fn.has('mac') == 1 then cmd = { 'open', path } elseif vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 then if vim.fn.executable('rundll32') == 1 then cmd = { 'rundll32', 'url.dll,FileProtocolHandler', path } else return nil, 'vim.ui.open: rundll32 not found' end elseif vim.fn.executable('xdg-open') == 1 then cmd = { 'xdg-open', path } job_opt.stdout = false job_opt.stderr = false elseif vim.fn.executable('wslview') == 1 then cmd = { 'wslview', path } elseif vim.fn.executable('explorer.exe') == 1 then cmd = { 'explorer.exe', path } elseif vim.fn.executable('lemonade') == 1 then cmd = { 'lemonade', 'open', path } else return nil, 'vim.ui.open: no handler found (tried: wslview, explorer.exe, xdg-open, lemonade)' end return vim.system(cmd, job_opt), nil end --- Returns all URLs at cursor, if any. --- @return string[] function M._get_urls() local urls = {} ---@type string[] local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local cursor = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local row = cursor[1] - 1 local col = cursor[2] local extmarks = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(bufnr, -1, { row, col }, { row, col }, { details = true, type = 'highlight', overlap = true, }) for _, v in ipairs(extmarks) do local details = v[4] if details and details.url then urls[#urls + 1] = details.url end end local highlighter = vim.treesitter.highlighter.active[bufnr] if highlighter then local range = { row, col, row, col } local ltree = highlighter.tree:language_for_range(range) local lang = ltree:lang() local query = vim.treesitter.query.get(lang, 'highlights') if query then local tree = assert(ltree:tree_for_range(range)) for _, match, metadata in query:iter_matches(tree:root(), bufnr, row, row + 1) do for id, nodes in pairs(match) do for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do if vim.treesitter.node_contains(node, range) then local url = metadata[id] and metadata[id].url if url and match[url] then for _, n in ipairs(match[url] --[[@as TSNode[] ]]) do urls[#urls + 1] = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(n, bufnr, { metadata = metadata[url] }) end end end end end end end end if #urls == 0 then -- If all else fails, use the filename under the cursor table.insert( urls, vim._with({ go = { isfname = vim.o.isfname .. ',@-@' } }, function() return vim.fn.expand('') end) ) end return urls end return M