local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local clear, command = n.clear, n.command local pcall_err = t.pcall_err local eval = n.eval local eq = t.eq local insert = n.insert local feed = n.feed local api = n.api describe("'fillchars'", function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = Screen.new(25, 5) screen:attach() end) describe('"eob" flag', function() it("uses '~' by default", function() eq('', eval('&fillchars')) screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('supports whitespace', function() screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) command('set fillchars=eob:\\ ') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1: }|*3 | ]]) end) it('supports multibyte char', function() command('set fillchars=eob:ñ') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:ñ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('supports composing multibyte char', function() command('set fillchars=eob:å̲') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:å̲ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('handles invalid values', function() eq( 'Vim(set):E1511: Wrong number of characters for field "eob": fillchars=eob:', pcall_err(command, 'set fillchars=eob:') -- empty string ) eq( 'Vim(set):E1512: Wrong character width for field "eob": fillchars=eob:馬', pcall_err(command, 'set fillchars=eob:馬') -- doublewidth char ) eq( 'Vim(set):E1511: Wrong number of characters for field "eob": fillchars=eob:xy', pcall_err(command, 'set fillchars=eob:xy') -- two ascii chars ) eq( 'Vim(set):E1512: Wrong character width for field "eob": fillchars=eob:', pcall_err(command, 'set fillchars=eob:\255') -- invalid UTF-8 ) end) end) it('"diff" flag', function() screen:try_resize(45, 8) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { background = Screen.colors.Grey, foreground = Screen.colors.DarkBlue }, [2] = { background = Screen.colors.LightCyan1, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, [3] = { background = Screen.colors.LightBlue }, [4] = { reverse = true }, [5] = { reverse = true, bold = true }, }) command('set fillchars=diff:…') insert('a\nb\nc\nd\ne') command('vnew') insert('a\nd\ne\nf') command('windo diffthis') screen:expect([[ {1: }a │{1: }a | {1: }{2:……………………………………………………}│{1: }{3:b }| {1: }{2:……………………………………………………}│{1: }{3:c }| {1: }d │{1: }d | {1: }e │{1: }^e | {1: }{3:f }│{1: }{2:……………………………………………………}| {4:[No Name] [+] }{5:[No Name] [+] }| | ]]) end) it('has global value', function() screen:try_resize(50, 5) insert('foo\nbar') command('set laststatus=0') command('1,2fold') command('vsplit') command('set fillchars=fold:x') screen:expect([[ {13:^+-- 2 lines: fooxxxxxxxx}│{13:+-- 2 lines: fooxxxxxxx}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('has window-local value', function() screen:try_resize(50, 5) insert('foo\nbar') command('set laststatus=0') command('1,2fold') command('vsplit') command('setl fillchars=fold:x') screen:expect([[ {13:^+-- 2 lines: fooxxxxxxxx}│{13:+-- 2 lines: foo·······}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('using :set clears window-local value', function() screen:try_resize(50, 5) insert('foo\nbar') command('set laststatus=0') command('setl fillchars=fold:x') command('1,2fold') command('vsplit') command('set fillchars&') screen:expect([[ {13:^+-- 2 lines: foo········}│{13:+-- 2 lines: fooxxxxxxx}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) end) describe("'listchars'", function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = Screen.new(50, 5) screen:attach() end) it('has global value', function() feed('i') command('set list laststatus=0') command('vsplit') command('set listchars=tab:<->') screen:expect([[ {1:<------><------>^<------>} │{1:<------><------><------>}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('has window-local value', function() feed('i') command('set list laststatus=0') command('setl listchars=tab:<->') command('vsplit') command('setl listchars<') screen:expect([[ {1:> > ^> } │{1:<------><------><------>}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('using :set clears window-local value', function() feed('i') command('set list laststatus=0') command('setl listchars=tab:<->') command('vsplit') command('set listchars=tab:>-,eol:$') screen:expect([[ {1:>------->-------^>-------$}│{1:<------><------><------>}| {1:~ }│{1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) it('supports composing chars', function() screen:set_default_attr_ids { [1] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1, bold = true }, } feed('ix') command('set list laststatus=0') -- tricky: the tab value forms three separate one-cell chars, -- thus it should be accepted despite being a mess. command('set listchars=tab:d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚,eol:å̲') screen:expect([[ {1:d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚}^x{1:å̲} | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) api.nvim__invalidate_glyph_cache() screen:_reset() screen:expect([[ {1:d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚d̞̄̃̒̉̎ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐ò́̌̌̂̐l̞̀̄̆̌̚}^x{1:å̲} | {1:~ }|*3 | ]]) end) end)