local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local lfs = require('lfs') local eq, eval, expect, source = helpers.eq, helpers.eval, helpers.expect, helpers.source local clear = helpers.clear local command = helpers.command local feed = helpers.feed local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog local ok = helpers.ok local rmdir = helpers.rmdir local set_session = helpers.set_session local spawn = helpers.spawn local nvim_async = helpers.nvim_async local expect_msg_seq = helpers.expect_msg_seq local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err describe(':recover', function() before_each(clear) it('fails if given a non-existent swapfile', function() local swapname = 'bogus_swapfile' local swapname2 = 'bogus_swapfile.swp' eq('Vim(recover):E305: No swap file found for '..swapname, pcall_err(command, 'recover '..swapname)) -- Should not segfault. #2117 -- Also check filename ending with ".swp". #9504 eq('Vim(recover):E306: Cannot open '..swapname2, pcall_err(command, 'recover '..swapname2)) -- Should not segfault. #2117 eq(2, eval('1+1')) -- Still alive? end) end) describe(':preserve', function() local swapdir = lfs.currentdir()..'/Xtest_recover_dir' before_each(function() clear() rmdir(swapdir) lfs.mkdir(swapdir) end) after_each(function() command('%bwipeout!') rmdir(swapdir) end) it("saves to custom 'directory' and (R)ecovers #1836", function() local testfile = 'Xtest_recover_file1' -- Put swapdir at the start of the 'directory' list. #1836 -- Note: `set swapfile` *must* go after `set directory`: otherwise it may -- attempt to create a swapfile in different directory. local init = [[ set directory^=]]..swapdir:gsub([[\]], [[\\]])..[[// set swapfile fileformat=unix undolevels=-1 ]] source(init) command('edit! '..testfile) feed('isometext') command('preserve') source('redir => g:swapname | silent swapname | redir END') local swappath1 = eval('g:swapname') -- Start another Nvim instance. local nvim2 = spawn({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed'}, true) set_session(nvim2) source(init) -- Use the "SwapExists" event to choose the (R)ecover choice at the dialog. command('autocmd SwapExists * let v:swapchoice = "r"') command('silent edit! '..testfile) source('redir => g:swapname | silent swapname | redir END') local swappath2 = eval('g:swapname') expect('sometext') -- swapfile from session 1 should end in .swp eq(testfile..'.swp', string.match(swappath1, '[^%%]+$')) -- swapfile from session 2 should end in .swo eq(testfile..'.swo', string.match(swappath2, '[^%%]+$')) -- Verify that :swapname was not truncated (:help 'shortmess'). ok(nil == string.find(swappath1, '%.%.%.')) ok(nil == string.find(swappath2, '%.%.%.')) end) end) describe('swapfile detection', function() local swapdir = lfs.currentdir()..'/Xtest_swapdialog_dir' before_each(function() clear() rmdir(swapdir) lfs.mkdir(swapdir) end) after_each(function() command('%bwipeout!') rmdir(swapdir) end) it('always show swapfile dialog #8840 #9027', function() local testfile = 'Xtest_swapdialog_file1' -- Put swapdir at the start of the 'directory' list. #1836 -- Note: `set swapfile` *must* go after `set directory`: otherwise it may -- attempt to create a swapfile in different directory. local init = [[ set directory^=]]..swapdir:gsub([[\]], [[\\]])..[[// set swapfile fileformat=unix undolevels=-1 hidden ]] local expected_no_dialog = '^'..(' '):rep(256)..'|\n' for _=1,37 do expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..'~'..(' '):rep(255)..'|\n' end expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..testfile..(' '):rep(216)..'0,0-1 All|\n' expected_no_dialog = expected_no_dialog..(' '):rep(256)..'|\n' source(init) command('edit! '..testfile) feed('isometext') command('preserve') -- Start another Nvim instance. local nvim2 = spawn({nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed'}, true) set_session(nvim2) local screen2 = Screen.new(256, 40) screen2:attach() source(init) -- With shortmess+=F command('set shortmess+=F') feed(':edit '..testfile..'') screen2:expect{any=[[E325: ATTENTION.*]]..'\n'..[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With :silent and shortmess+=F feed(':silent edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With :silent! and shortmess+=F feed(':silent! edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With API (via eval/VimL) call and shortmess+=F feed(':call nvim_command("edit %")') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. feed('') screen2:expect(expected_no_dialog) -- With API call and shortmess+=F nvim_async('command', 'edit %') screen2:expect{any=[[Found a swap file by the name ".*]] ..[[Xtest_swapdialog_dir[/\].*]]..testfile..[[%.swp"]]} feed('e') -- Chose "Edit" at the swap dialog. expect_msg_seq({ ignore={'redraw'}, seqs={ { {'notification', 'nvim_error_event', {0, 'Vim(edit):E325: ATTENTION'}}, } } }) feed('') end) end)