local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local assert_alive = n.assert_alive local clear = n.clear local feed = n.feed local eq = t.eq local exec_lua = n.exec_lua local next_msg = n.next_msg local NIL = vim.NIL local pcall_err = t.pcall_err describe('thread', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = Screen.new(50, 10) screen:attach() end) it('entry func is executed in protected mode', function() exec_lua [[ local thread = vim.uv.new_thread(function() error('Error in thread entry func') end) vim.uv.thread_join(thread) ]] screen:expect([[ | {1:~ }|*5 {3: }| {9:Error in luv thread:} | {9:[string ""]:2: Error in thread entry func} | {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]) feed('') assert_alive() end) it('callback is executed in protected mode', function() exec_lua [[ local thread = vim.uv.new_thread(function() local timer = vim.uv.new_timer() local function ontimeout() timer:stop() timer:close() error('Error in thread callback') end timer:start(10, 0, ontimeout) vim.uv.run() end) vim.uv.thread_join(thread) ]] screen:expect([[ | {1:~ }|*5 {3: }| {9:Error in luv callback, thread:} | {9:[string ""]:6: Error in thread callback} | {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]) feed('') assert_alive() end) describe('print', function() it('works', function() exec_lua [[ local thread = vim.uv.new_thread(function() print('print in thread') end) vim.uv.thread_join(thread) ]] screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*8 print in thread | ]]) end) it('vim.inspect', function() exec_lua [[ local thread = vim.uv.new_thread(function() print(vim.inspect({1,2})) end) vim.uv.thread_join(thread) ]] screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*8 { 1, 2 } | ]]) end) end) describe('vim.*', function() before_each(function() clear() exec_lua [[ Thread_Test = {} Thread_Test.entry_func = function(async, entry_str, args) local decoded_args = vim.mpack.decode(args) assert(loadstring(entry_str))(async, decoded_args) end function Thread_Test:do_test() local async local on_async = self.on_async async = vim.uv.new_async(function(ret) on_async(ret) async:close() end) local thread = vim.uv.new_thread(self.entry_func, async, self.entry_str, self.args) vim.uv.thread_join(thread) end Thread_Test.new = function(entry, on_async, ...) self = {} setmetatable(self, {__index = Thread_Test}) self.args = vim.mpack.encode({...}) self.entry_str = string.dump(entry) self.on_async = on_async return self end ]] end) it('is_thread', function() exec_lua [[ local entry = function(async) async:send(vim.is_thread()) end local on_async = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', ret) end local thread_test = Thread_Test.new(entry, on_async) thread_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { true } }, next_msg()) end) it('uv', function() exec_lua [[ local entry = function(async) async:send(vim.uv.version()) end local on_async = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, ret) end local thread_test = Thread_Test.new(entry, on_async) thread_test:do_test() ]] local msg = next_msg() eq('notification', msg[1]) assert(tonumber(msg[2]) >= 72961) end) it('mpack', function() exec_lua [[ local entry = function(async) async:send(vim.mpack.encode({33, vim.NIL, 'text'})) end local on_async = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', vim.mpack.decode(ret)) end local thread_test = Thread_Test.new(entry, on_async) thread_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { { 33, NIL, 'text' } } }, next_msg()) end) it('json', function() exec_lua [[ local entry = function(async) async:send(vim.json.encode({33, vim.NIL, 'text'})) end local on_async = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', vim.json.decode(ret)) end local thread_test = Thread_Test.new(entry, on_async) thread_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { { 33, NIL, 'text' } } }, next_msg()) end) it('diff', function() exec_lua [[ local entry = function(async) async:send(vim.diff('Hello\n', 'Helli\n')) end local on_async = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', ret) end local thread_test = Thread_Test.new(entry, on_async) thread_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { table.concat({ '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-Hello', '+Helli', '', }, '\n'), }, }, next_msg()) end) end) end) describe('threadpool', function() before_each(clear) it('is_thread', function() eq(false, exec_lua [[return vim.is_thread()]]) exec_lua [[ local work_fn = function() return vim.is_thread() end local after_work_fn = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', ret) end local work = vim.uv.new_work(work_fn, after_work_fn) work:queue() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { true } }, next_msg()) end) it('with invalid argument', function() local status = pcall_err( exec_lua, [[ local work = vim.uv.new_thread(function() end, function() end) work:queue({}) ]] ) eq([[Error: thread arg not support type 'function' at 1]], status) end) it('with invalid return value', function() local screen = Screen.new(50, 10) screen:attach() exec_lua [[ local work = vim.uv.new_work(function() return {} end, function() end) work:queue() ]] screen:expect([[ | {1:~ }|*5 {3: }| {9:Error in luv thread:} | {9:Error: thread arg not support type 'table' at 1} | {6:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]]) end) describe('vim.*', function() before_each(function() clear() exec_lua [[ Threadpool_Test = {} Threadpool_Test.work_fn = function(work_fn_str, args) local decoded_args = vim.mpack.decode(args) return assert(loadstring(work_fn_str))(decoded_args) end function Threadpool_Test:do_test() local work = vim.uv.new_work(self.work_fn, self.after_work) work:queue(self.work_fn_str, self.args) end Threadpool_Test.new = function(work_fn, after_work, ...) self = {} setmetatable(self, {__index = Threadpool_Test}) self.args = vim.mpack.encode({...}) self.work_fn_str = string.dump(work_fn) self.after_work = after_work return self end ]] end) it('uv', function() exec_lua [[ local work_fn = function() return vim.uv.version() end local after_work_fn = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, ret) end local threadpool_test = Threadpool_Test.new(work_fn, after_work_fn) threadpool_test:do_test() ]] local msg = next_msg() eq('notification', msg[1]) assert(tonumber(msg[2]) >= 72961) end) it('mpack', function() exec_lua [[ local work_fn = function() local var = vim.mpack.encode({33, vim.NIL, 'text'}) return var end local after_work_fn = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', vim.mpack.decode(ret)) end local threadpool_test = Threadpool_Test.new(work_fn, after_work_fn) threadpool_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { { 33, NIL, 'text' } } }, next_msg()) end) it('json', function() exec_lua [[ local work_fn = function() local var = vim.json.encode({33, vim.NIL, 'text'}) return var end local after_work_fn = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', vim.json.decode(ret)) end local threadpool_test = Threadpool_Test.new(work_fn, after_work_fn) threadpool_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { { 33, NIL, 'text' } } }, next_msg()) end) it('work', function() exec_lua [[ local work_fn = function() return vim.diff('Hello\n', 'Helli\n') end local after_work_fn = function(ret) vim.rpcnotify(1, 'result', ret) end local threadpool_test = Threadpool_Test.new(work_fn, after_work_fn) threadpool_test:do_test() ]] eq({ 'notification', 'result', { table.concat({ '@@ -1 +1 @@', '-Hello', '+Helli', '', }, '\n'), }, }, next_msg()) end) end) end)