# - Try to find libintl # Once done, this will define # # LibIntl_FOUND - system has libintl # LibIntl_INCLUDE_DIRS - the libintl include directories # LibIntl_LIBRARIES - link these to use libintl include(CheckCSourceCompiles) include(LibFindMacros) # Append custom gettext path to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # if installed via Mac Hombrew if (CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) find_program(HOMEBREW_PROG brew) if (EXISTS ${HOMEBREW_PROG}) execute_process(COMMAND ${HOMEBREW_PROG} --prefix gettext OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_VARIABLE HOMEBREW_GETTEXT_PREFIX) list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${HOMEBREW_GETTEXT_PREFIX}") endif() endif() find_path(LibIntl_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES libintl.h ) find_library(LibIntl_LIBRARY NAMES intl libintl.a ) if (LibIntl_INCLUDE_DIR) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES "${LibIntl_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif() # This is required because some operating systems don't have a separate # libintl--it is built into glibc. So we only need to specify the library # if one was actually found. if (LibIntl_LIBRARY) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${LibIntl_LIBRARY}") endif() check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { gettext(\"foo\"); bindtextdomain(\"foo\", \"bar\"); bind_textdomain_codeset(\"foo\", \"bar\"); textdomain(\"foo\"); }" HAVE_WORKING_LIBINTL) set(LibIntl_PROCESS_INCLUDES LibIntl_INCLUDE_DIR) set(LibIntl_PROCESS_LIBS LibIntl_LIBRARY) libfind_process(LibIntl)