local M = {} local health = require('vim.health') local shell_error = function() return vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 end local suggest_faq = 'https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/master/BUILD.md#building' local function check_runtime() health.start('Runtime') -- Files from an old installation. local bad_files = { ['plugin/health.vim'] = false, ['autoload/health/nvim.vim'] = false, ['autoload/health/provider.vim'] = false, ['autoload/man.vim'] = false, ['plugin/man.vim'] = false, ['queries/help/highlights.scm'] = false, ['queries/help/injections.scm'] = false, ['scripts.vim'] = false, ['syntax/syncolor.vim'] = false, } local bad_files_msg = '' for k, _ in pairs(bad_files) do local path = ('%s/%s'):format(vim.env.VIMRUNTIME, k) if vim.uv.fs_stat(path) then bad_files[k] = true bad_files_msg = ('%s%s\n'):format(bad_files_msg, path) end end local ok = (bad_files_msg == '') local info = ok and health.ok or health.info info(string.format('$VIMRUNTIME: %s', vim.env.VIMRUNTIME)) if not ok then health.error( string.format( 'Found old files in $VIMRUNTIME (this can cause weird behavior):\n%s', bad_files_msg ), { 'Delete the $VIMRUNTIME directory (or uninstall Nvim), then reinstall Nvim.' } ) end end local function check_config() health.start('Configuration') local ok = true local init_lua = vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/init.lua' local init_vim = vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/init.vim' local vimrc = vim.env.MYVIMRC and vim.fn.expand(vim.env.MYVIMRC) or init_lua if vim.fn.filereadable(vimrc) == 0 and vim.fn.filereadable(init_vim) == 0 then ok = false local has_vim = vim.fn.filereadable(vim.fn.expand('~/.vimrc')) == 1 health.warn( ('%s user config file: %s'):format( -1 == vim.fn.getfsize(vimrc) and 'Missing' or 'Unreadable', vimrc ), { has_vim and ':help nvim-from-vim' or ':help config' } ) end -- If $VIM is empty we don't care. Else make sure it is valid. if vim.env.VIM and vim.fn.filereadable(vim.env.VIM .. '/runtime/doc/nvim.txt') == 0 then ok = false health.error('$VIM is invalid: ' .. vim.env.VIM) end if vim.env.NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_CURSOR_SHAPE then ok = false health.warn('$NVIM_TUI_ENABLE_CURSOR_SHAPE is ignored in Nvim 0.2+', { "Use the 'guicursor' option to configure cursor shape. :help 'guicursor'", 'https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/Following-HEAD#20170402', }) end if vim.v.ctype == 'C' then ok = false health.error( 'Locale does not support UTF-8. Unicode characters may not display correctly.' .. ('\n$LANG=%s $LC_ALL=%s $LC_CTYPE=%s'):format( vim.env.LANG, vim.env.LC_ALL, vim.env.LC_CTYPE ), { 'If using tmux, try the -u option.', 'Ensure that your terminal/shell/tmux/etc inherits the environment, or set $LANG explicitly.', 'Configure your system locale.', } ) end if vim.o.paste == 1 then ok = false health.error( "'paste' is enabled. This option is only for pasting text.\nIt should not be set in your config.", { 'Remove `set paste` from your init.vim, if applicable.', 'Check `:verbose set paste?` to see if a plugin or script set the option.', } ) end local writeable = true local shadaopt = vim.fn.split(vim.o.shada, ',') local shadafile = ( vim.o.shada == '' and vim.o.shada or vim.fn.substitute(vim.fn.matchstr(shadaopt[#shadaopt], '^n.\\+'), '^n', '', '') ) shadafile = ( vim.o.shadafile == '' and (shadafile == '' and vim.fn.stdpath('state') .. '/shada/main.shada' or vim.fn.expand( shadafile )) or (vim.o.shadafile == 'NONE' and '' or vim.o.shadafile) ) if shadafile ~= '' and vim.fn.glob(shadafile) == '' then -- Since this may be the first time Nvim has been run, try to create a shada file. if not pcall(vim.cmd.wshada) then writeable = false end end if not writeable or ( shadafile ~= '' and (vim.fn.filereadable(shadafile) == 0 or vim.fn.filewritable(shadafile) ~= 1) ) then ok = false health.error( 'shada file is not ' .. ((not writeable or vim.fn.filereadable(shadafile) == 1) and 'writeable' or 'readable') .. ':\n' .. shadafile ) end if ok then health.ok('no issues found') end end local function check_performance() health.start('Performance') -- Check buildtype local buildtype = vim.fn.matchstr(vim.fn.execute('version'), [[\v\cbuild type:?\s*[^\n\r\t ]+]]) if buildtype == '' then health.error('failed to get build type from :version') elseif vim.regex([[\v(MinSizeRel|Release|RelWithDebInfo)]]):match_str(buildtype) then health.ok(buildtype) else health.info(buildtype) health.warn('Non-optimized debug build. Nvim will be slower.', { 'Install a different Nvim package, or rebuild with `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo`.', suggest_faq, }) end -- check for slow shell invocation local slow_cmd_time = 1.5 local start_time = vim.fn.reltime() vim.fn.system('echo') local elapsed_time = vim.fn.reltimefloat(vim.fn.reltime(start_time)) if elapsed_time > slow_cmd_time then health.warn( 'Slow shell invocation (took ' .. vim.fn.printf('%.2f', elapsed_time) .. ' seconds).' ) end end -- Load the remote plugin manifest file and check for unregistered plugins local function check_rplugin_manifest() health.start('Remote Plugins') local existing_rplugins = {} for _, item in ipairs(vim.fn['remote#host#PluginsForHost']('python3')) do existing_rplugins[item.path] = 'python3' end local require_update = false local handle_path = function(path) local python_glob = vim.fn.glob(path .. '/rplugin/python*', true, true) if vim.tbl_isempty(python_glob) then return end local python_dir = python_glob[1] local python_version = vim.fs.basename(python_dir) local scripts = vim.fn.glob(python_dir .. '/*.py', true, true) vim.list_extend(scripts, vim.fn.glob(python_dir .. '/*/__init__.py', true, true)) for _, script in ipairs(scripts) do local contents = vim.fn.join(vim.fn.readfile(script)) if vim.regex([[\<\%(from\|import\)\s\+neovim\>]]):match_str(contents) then if vim.regex([[[\/]__init__\.py$]]):match_str(script) then script = vim.fn.tr(vim.fn.fnamemodify(script, ':h'), '\\', '/') end if not existing_rplugins[script] then local msg = vim.fn.printf('"%s" is not registered.', vim.fs.basename(path)) if python_version == 'pythonx' then if vim.fn.has('python3') == 0 then msg = msg .. ' (python3 not available)' end elseif vim.fn.has(python_version) == 0 then msg = msg .. vim.fn.printf(' (%s not available)', python_version) else require_update = true end health.warn(msg) end break end end end for _, path in ipairs(vim.fn.map(vim.split(vim.o.runtimepath, ','), 'resolve(v:val)')) do handle_path(path) end if require_update then health.warn('Out of date', { 'Run `:UpdateRemotePlugins`' }) else health.ok('Up to date') end end local function check_tmux() if not vim.env.TMUX or vim.fn.executable('tmux') == 0 then return end ---@param option string local get_tmux_option = function(option) local cmd = 'tmux show-option -qvg ' .. option -- try global scope local out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) local val = vim.fn.substitute(out, [[\v(\s|\r|\n)]], '', 'g') if shell_error() then health.error('command failed: ' .. cmd .. '\n' .. out) return 'error' elseif val == '' then cmd = 'tmux show-option -qvgs ' .. option -- try session scope out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) val = vim.fn.substitute(out, [[\v(\s|\r|\n)]], '', 'g') if shell_error() then health.error('command failed: ' .. cmd .. '\n' .. out) return 'error' end end return val end health.start('tmux') -- check escape-time local suggestions = { 'set escape-time in ~/.tmux.conf:\nset-option -sg escape-time 10', suggest_faq } local tmux_esc_time = get_tmux_option('escape-time') if tmux_esc_time ~= 'error' then if tmux_esc_time == '' then health.error('`escape-time` is not set', suggestions) elseif tonumber(tmux_esc_time) > 300 then health.error('`escape-time` (' .. tmux_esc_time .. ') is higher than 300ms', suggestions) else health.ok('escape-time: ' .. tmux_esc_time) end end -- check focus-events local tmux_focus_events = get_tmux_option('focus-events') if tmux_focus_events ~= 'error' then if tmux_focus_events == '' or tmux_focus_events ~= 'on' then health.warn( "`focus-events` is not enabled. |'autoread'| may not work.", { '(tmux 1.9+ only) Set `focus-events` in ~/.tmux.conf:\nset-option -g focus-events on' } ) else health.ok('focus-events: ' .. tmux_focus_events) end end -- check default-terminal and $TERM health.info('$TERM: ' .. vim.env.TERM) local cmd = 'tmux show-option -qvg default-terminal' local out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) local tmux_default_term = vim.fn.substitute(out, [[\v(\s|\r|\n)]], '', 'g') if tmux_default_term == '' then cmd = 'tmux show-option -qvgs default-terminal' out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) tmux_default_term = vim.fn.substitute(out, [[\v(\s|\r|\n)]], '', 'g') end if shell_error() then health.error('command failed: ' .. cmd .. '\n' .. out) elseif tmux_default_term ~= vim.env.TERM then health.info('default-terminal: ' .. tmux_default_term) health.error( '$TERM differs from the tmux `default-terminal` setting. Colors might look wrong.', { '$TERM may have been set by some rc (.bashrc, .zshrc, ...).' } ) elseif not vim.regex([[\v(tmux-256color|screen-256color)]]):match_str(vim.env.TERM) then health.error( '$TERM should be "screen-256color" or "tmux-256color" in tmux. Colors might look wrong.', { 'Set default-terminal in ~/.tmux.conf:\nset-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"', suggest_faq, } ) end -- check for RGB capabilities local info = vim.fn.system({ 'tmux', 'show-messages', '-T' }) local has_setrgbb = vim.fn.stridx(info, ' setrgbb: (string)') ~= -1 local has_setrgbf = vim.fn.stridx(info, ' setrgbf: (string)') ~= -1 if not has_setrgbb or not has_setrgbf then health.warn( "True color support could not be detected. |'termguicolors'| won't work properly.", { "Add the following to your tmux configuration file, replacing XXX by the value of $TERM outside of tmux:\nset-option -a terminal-features 'XXX:RGB'", "For older tmux versions use this instead:\nset-option -a terminal-overrides 'XXX:Tc'", } ) end end local function check_terminal() if vim.fn.executable('infocmp') == 0 then return end health.start('terminal') local cmd = 'infocmp -L' local out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) local kbs_entry = vim.fn.matchstr(out, 'key_backspace=[^,[:space:]]*') local kdch1_entry = vim.fn.matchstr(out, 'key_dc=[^,[:space:]]*') if shell_error() and ( vim.fn.has('win32') == 0 or vim.fn.matchstr( out, [[infocmp: couldn't open terminfo file .\+\%(conemu\|vtpcon\|win32con\)]] ) == '' ) then health.error('command failed: ' .. cmd .. '\n' .. out) else health.info( vim.fn.printf( 'key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: `%s`', (kbs_entry == '' and '? (not found)' or kbs_entry) ) ) health.info( vim.fn.printf( 'key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: `%s`', (kbs_entry == '' and '? (not found)' or kdch1_entry) ) ) end for _, env_var in ipairs({ 'XTERM_VERSION', 'VTE_VERSION', 'TERM_PROGRAM', 'COLORTERM', 'SSH_TTY', }) do if vim.env[env_var] then health.info(string.format('$%s="%s"', env_var, vim.env[env_var])) end end end local function check_external_tools() health.start('External Tools') if vim.fn.executable('rg') == 1 then local rg = vim.fn.exepath('rg') local cmd = 'rg -V' local out = vim.fn.system(vim.fn.split(cmd)) health.ok(('%s (%s)'):format(vim.trim(out), rg)) else health.warn('ripgrep not available') end end function M.check() check_config() check_runtime() check_performance() check_rplugin_manifest() check_terminal() check_tmux() check_external_tools() end return M