-- Other ShaDa tests local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local t_shada = require('test.functional.shada.testutil') local uv = vim.uv local paths = t.paths local api, nvim_command, fn, eq = n.api, n.command, n.fn, t.eq local write_file, spawn, set_session, nvim_prog, exc_exec = t.write_file, n.spawn, n.set_session, n.nvim_prog, n.exc_exec local is_os = t.is_os local skip = t.skip local reset, clear, get_shada_rw = t_shada.reset, t_shada.clear, t_shada.get_shada_rw local read_shada_file = t_shada.read_shada_file local wshada, _, shada_fname, clean = get_shada_rw('Xtest-functional-shada-shada.shada') local dirname = 'Xtest-functional-shada-shada.d' local dirshada = dirname .. '/main.shada' describe('ShaDa support code', function() before_each(reset) after_each(function() clear() clean() uv.fs_rmdir(dirname) end) it('preserves `s` item size limit with unknown entries', function() wshada( '\100\000\207\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\218\003\253' .. ('-'):rep(1024 - 3) .. '\100\000\207\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\001\218\003\254' .. ('-'):rep(1025 - 3) ) eq(0, exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname)) local found = 0 for _, v in ipairs(read_shada_file(shada_fname)) do if v.type == 100 then found = found + 1 end end eq(2, found) eq(0, exc_exec('set shada-=s10 shada+=s1')) eq(0, exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname)) found = 0 for _, v in ipairs(read_shada_file(shada_fname)) do if v.type == 100 then found = found + 1 end end eq(1, found) end) it('preserves `s` item size limit with instance history entries', function() local hist1 = ('-'):rep(1024 - 5) local hist2 = ('-'):rep(1025 - 5) nvim_command('set shada-=s10 shada+=s1') fn.histadd(':', hist1) fn.histadd(':', hist2) eq(0, exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname)) local found = 0 for _, v in ipairs(read_shada_file(shada_fname)) do if v.type == 4 then found = found + 1 eq(hist1, v.value[2]) end end eq(1, found) end) it('leaves .tmp.a in-place when there is error in original ShaDa', function() wshada('Some text file') eq( 'Vim(wshada):E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: last entry specified that it occupies 109 bytes, but file ended earlier', exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname) ) eq(1, read_shada_file(shada_fname .. '.tmp.a')[1].type) end) it( 'does not leave .tmp.a in-place when there is error in original ShaDa, but writing with bang', function() wshada('Some text file') eq(0, exc_exec('wshada! ' .. shada_fname)) eq(1, read_shada_file(shada_fname)[1].type) eq(nil, uv.fs_stat(shada_fname .. '.tmp.a')) end ) it('leaves .tmp.b in-place when there is error in original ShaDa and it has .tmp.a', function() wshada('Some text file') eq( 'Vim(wshada):E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: last entry specified that it occupies 109 bytes, but file ended earlier', exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname) ) eq( 'Vim(wshada):E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: last entry specified that it occupies 109 bytes, but file ended earlier', exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname) ) eq(1, read_shada_file(shada_fname .. '.tmp.a')[1].type) eq(1, read_shada_file(shada_fname .. '.tmp.b')[1].type) end) it( 'leaves .tmp.z in-place when there is error in original ShaDa and it has .tmp.a … .tmp.x', function() wshada('Some text file') local i = ('a'):byte() while i < ('z'):byte() do write_file(shada_fname .. ('.tmp.%c'):format(i), 'Some text file', true) i = i + 1 end eq( 'Vim(wshada):E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: last entry specified that it occupies 109 bytes, but file ended earlier', exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname) ) eq(1, read_shada_file(shada_fname .. '.tmp.z')[1].type) end ) it('errors out when there are .tmp.a … .tmp.z ShaDa files', function() wshada('') local i = ('a'):byte() while i <= ('z'):byte() do write_file(shada_fname .. ('.tmp.%c'):format(i), '', true) i = i + 1 end eq( 'Vim(wshada):E138: All Xtest-functional-shada-shada.shada.tmp.X files exist, cannot write ShaDa file!', exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname) ) end) it('reads correctly various timestamps', function() local msgpack = { '\100', -- Positive fixnum 100 '\204\255', -- uint 8 255 '\205\010\003', -- uint 16 2563 '\206\255\010\030\004', -- uint 32 4278853124 '\207\005\100\060\250\255\010\030\004', -- uint 64 388502516579048964 } local s = '\100' local e = '\001\192' wshada(s .. table.concat(msgpack, e .. s) .. e) eq(0, exc_exec('wshada ' .. shada_fname)) local found = 0 local typ = vim.mpack.decode(s) for _, v in ipairs(read_shada_file(shada_fname)) do if v.type == typ then found = found + 1 eq(vim.mpack.decode(msgpack[found]), v.timestamp) end end eq(#msgpack, found) end) local marklike = { [7] = true, [8] = true, [10] = true, [11] = true } local find_file = function(fname) local found = {} for _, v in ipairs(read_shada_file(shada_fname)) do if marklike[v.type] and v.value.f == fname then found[v.type] = (found[v.type] or 0) + 1 elseif v.type == 9 then for _, b in ipairs(v.value) do if b.f == fname then found[v.type] = (found[v.type] or 0) + 1 end end end end return found end it('correctly uses shada-r option', function() nvim_command('set shellslash') api.nvim_set_var('__home', paths.test_source_path) nvim_command('let $HOME = __home') nvim_command('unlet __home') nvim_command('edit ~/README.md') nvim_command('normal! GmAggmaAabc') nvim_command('undo') nvim_command('set shada+=%') nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) local readme_fname = fn.resolve(paths.test_source_path) .. '/README.md' eq({ [7] = 2, [8] = 2, [9] = 1, [10] = 4, [11] = 1 }, find_file(readme_fname)) nvim_command('set shada+=r~') nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) eq({}, find_file(readme_fname)) nvim_command('set shada-=r~') nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) eq({ [7] = 2, [8] = 2, [9] = 1, [10] = 4, [11] = 1 }, find_file(readme_fname)) nvim_command('set shada+=r' .. fn.escape(fn.escape(paths.test_source_path, '$~'), ' "\\,')) nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) eq({}, find_file(readme_fname)) end) it('correctly ignores case with shada-r option', function() nvim_command('set shellslash') local pwd = fn.getcwd() local relfname = 'абв/test' local fname = pwd .. '/' .. relfname api.nvim_set_var('__fname', fname) nvim_command('silent! edit `=__fname`') fn.setline(1, { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }) nvim_command('normal! GmAggmaAabc') nvim_command('undo') nvim_command('set shada+=%') nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) eq({ [7] = 2, [8] = 2, [9] = 1, [10] = 4, [11] = 2 }, find_file(fname)) nvim_command('set shada+=r' .. pwd .. '/АБВ') nvim_command('wshada! ' .. shada_fname) eq({}, find_file(fname)) end) it('is able to set &shada after &viminfo', function() api.nvim_set_option_value('viminfo', "'10", {}) eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) api.nvim_set_option_value('shada', '', {}) eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) end) it('is able to set all& after setting &shada', function() api.nvim_set_option_value('shada', "'10", {}) eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) nvim_command('set all&') eq("!,'100,<50,s10,h", api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq("!,'100,<50,s10,h", api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) end) it('is able to set &shada after &viminfo using :set', function() nvim_command("set viminfo='10") eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq("'10", api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) nvim_command('set shada=') eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfo', {})) eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('shada', {})) end) it('setting &shada gives proper error message on missing number', function() eq([[Vim(set):E526: Missing number after <">: shada="]], exc_exec([[set shada=\"]])) for _, c in ipairs({ "'", '/', ':', '<', '@', 's' }) do eq( ([[Vim(set):E526: Missing number after <%s>: shada=%s]]):format(c, c), exc_exec(([[set shada=%s]]):format(c)) ) end end) it('does not crash when ShaDa file directory is not writable', function() skip(is_os('win')) fn.mkdir(dirname, '', 0) eq(0, fn.filewritable(dirname)) reset { shadafile = dirshada, args = { '--cmd', 'set shada=' } } api.nvim_set_option_value('shada', "'10", {}) eq( 'Vim(wshada):E886: System error while opening ShaDa file ' .. 'Xtest-functional-shada-shada.d/main.shada for reading to merge ' .. 'before writing it: permission denied', exc_exec('wshada') ) api.nvim_set_option_value('shada', '', {}) end) end) describe('ShaDa support code', function() it('does not write NONE file', function() local session = spawn( { nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed', '--headless', '--cmd', 'qall' }, true ) session:close() eq(nil, uv.fs_stat('NONE')) eq(nil, uv.fs_stat('NONE.tmp.a')) end) it('does not read NONE file', function() write_file('NONE', '\005\001\015\131\161na\162rX\194\162rc\145\196\001-') local session = spawn({ nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--embed', '--headless' }, true) set_session(session) eq('', fn.getreg('a')) session:close() os.remove('NONE') end) end)