local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local assert_alive = n.assert_alive local assert_log = t.assert_log local api = n.api local command = n.command local clear = n.clear local exc_exec = n.exc_exec local exec_lua = n.exec_lua local eval = n.eval local eq = t.eq local ok = t.ok local fn = n.fn local insert = n.insert local neq = t.neq local mkdir = t.mkdir local rmdir = n.rmdir local alter_slashes = n.alter_slashes local tbl_contains = vim.tbl_contains local expect_exit = n.expect_exit local check_close = n.check_close local is_os = t.is_os local testlog = 'Xtest-defaults-log' describe('startup defaults', function() describe(':filetype', function() local function expect_filetype(expected) local screen = Screen.new(50, 4) screen:attach() command('filetype') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*2 ]] .. expected) end it('all ON after `-u NORC`', function() clear('-u', 'NORC') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') end) it('all ON after `:syntax …` #7765', function() clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax on') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') end) it('all OFF after `-u NONE`', function() clear('-u', 'NONE') expect_filetype('filetype detection:OFF plugin:OFF indent:OFF |') end) it('explicit OFF stays OFF', function() clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax off | filetype off | filetype plugin indent off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:OFF plugin:OFF indent:OFF |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax off | filetype plugin indent off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:OFF indent:OFF |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'filetype indent off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:OFF |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax off | filetype off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:OFF plugin:(on) indent:(on) |') -- Swap the order. clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'filetype off | syntax off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:OFF plugin:(on) indent:(on) |') end) it('all ON after early `:filetype … on`', function() -- `:filetype … on` should not change the defaults. #7765 -- Only an explicit `:filetype … off` sets OFF. clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'filetype on') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'filetype plugin on') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'filetype indent on') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:ON |') end) it('late `:filetype … off` stays OFF', function() clear('-u', 'NORC', '-c', 'filetype off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:OFF plugin:(on) indent:(on) |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '-c', 'filetype plugin off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:OFF indent:ON |') clear('-u', 'NORC', '-c', 'filetype indent off') expect_filetype('filetype detection:ON plugin:ON indent:OFF |') end) end) describe('syntax', function() it('enabled by `-u NORC`', function() clear('-u', 'NORC') eq(1, eval('g:syntax_on')) end) it('disabled by `-u NONE`', function() clear('-u', 'NONE') eq(0, eval('exists("g:syntax_on")')) end) it('`:syntax off` stays off', function() -- early clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', 'syntax off') eq(0, eval('exists("g:syntax_on")')) -- late clear('-u', 'NORC', '-c', 'syntax off') eq(0, eval('exists("g:syntax_on")')) end) it('":if 0|syntax on|endif" does not affect default #8728', function() clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', ':if 0|syntax on|endif') eq(1, eval('exists("g:syntax_on")')) clear('-u', 'NORC', '--cmd', ':if 0|syntax off|endif') eq(1, eval('exists("g:syntax_on")')) end) end) describe("'fillchars'", function() it('vert/fold flags', function() clear() local screen = Screen.new(50, 5) screen:attach() command('set laststatus=0') insert([[ 1 2 3 4]]) command('normal! ggjzfj') command('vsp') screen:expect([[ 1 │1 | {13:^+-- 2 lines: 2··········}│{13:+-- 2 lines: 2·········}| 4 │4 | {1:~ }│{1:~ }| | ]]) -- ambiwidth=double defaults to single-byte fillchars. command('set ambiwidth=double') screen:expect([[ 1 |1 | {13:^+-- 2 lines: 2----------}|{13:+-- 2 lines: 2---------}| 4 |4 | {1:~ }|{1:~ }| | ]]) -- change "vert" character to single-cell fn.setcellwidths({ { 0x2502, 0x2502, 1 } }) screen:expect([[ 1 │1 | {13:^+-- 2 lines: 2----------}│{13:+-- 2 lines: 2---------}| 4 │4 | {1:~ }│{1:~ }| | ]]) -- change "vert" character to double-cell fn.setcellwidths({ { 0x2502, 0x2502, 2 } }) screen:expect([[ 1 |1 | {13:^+-- 2 lines: 2----------}|{13:+-- 2 lines: 2---------}| 4 |4 | {1:~ }|{1:~ }| | ]]) -- "vert" character should still default to single-byte fillchars because of setcellwidths(). command('set ambiwidth=single') screen:expect([[ 1 |1 | {13:^+-- 2 lines: 2··········}|{13:+-- 2 lines: 2·········}| 4 |4 | {1:~ }|{1:~ }| | ]]) end) end) it("'shadafile' ('viminfofile')", function() local env = { XDG_DATA_HOME = 'Xtest-userdata', XDG_STATE_HOME = 'Xtest-userstate', XDG_CONFIG_HOME = 'Xtest-userconfig', } finally(function() command('set shadafile=NONE') -- Avoid writing shada file on exit rmdir('Xtest-userstate') os.remove('Xtest-foo') end) clear { args = {}, args_rm = { '-i' }, env = env } -- Default 'shadafile' is empty. -- This means use the default location. :help shada-file-name eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('shadafile', {})) eq('', api.nvim_get_option_value('viminfofile', {})) -- Handles viminfo/viminfofile as alias for shada/shadafile. eq('\n shadafile=', eval('execute("set shadafile?")')) eq('\n shadafile=', eval('execute("set viminfofile?")')) eq("\n shada=!,'100,<50,s10,h", eval('execute("set shada?")')) eq("\n shada=!,'100,<50,s10,h", eval('execute("set viminfo?")')) -- Check that shada data (such as v:oldfiles) is saved/restored. command('edit Xtest-foo') command('write') local f = eval('fnamemodify(@%,":p")') assert(string.len(f) > 3) expect_exit(command, 'qall') clear { args = {}, args_rm = { '-i' }, env = env } eq({ f }, eval('v:oldfiles')) end) it("'packpath'", function() clear { args_rm = { 'runtimepath' }, } -- Defaults to &runtimepath. eq(api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {}), api.nvim_get_option_value('packpath', {})) -- Does not follow modifications to runtimepath. command('set runtimepath+=foo') neq(api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {}), api.nvim_get_option_value('packpath', {})) command('set packpath+=foo') eq(api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {}), api.nvim_get_option_value('packpath', {})) end) it('v:progpath is set to the absolute path', function() clear() eq(eval("fnamemodify(v:progpath, ':p')"), eval('v:progpath')) end) describe('$NVIM_LOG_FILE', function() local xdgdir = 'Xtest-startup-xdg-logpath' local xdgstatedir = is_os('win') and xdgdir .. '/nvim-data' or xdgdir .. '/nvim' after_each(function() os.remove('Xtest-logpath') rmdir(xdgdir) end) it('is used if expansion succeeds', function() clear({ env = { NVIM_LOG_FILE = 'Xtest-logpath', } }) eq('Xtest-logpath', eval('$NVIM_LOG_FILE')) end) it('defaults to stdpath("log")/log if empty', function() eq(true, mkdir(xdgdir) and mkdir(xdgstatedir)) clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = xdgdir, NVIM_LOG_FILE = '', -- Empty is invalid. }, }) eq(xdgstatedir .. '/log', string.gsub(eval('$NVIM_LOG_FILE'), '\\', '/')) end) it('defaults to stdpath("log")/log if invalid', function() eq(true, mkdir(xdgdir) and mkdir(xdgstatedir)) clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = xdgdir, NVIM_LOG_FILE = '.', -- Any directory is invalid. }, }) eq(xdgstatedir .. '/log', string.gsub(eval('$NVIM_LOG_FILE'), '\\', '/')) end) end) end) describe('XDG defaults', function() -- Need separate describe() blocks to not run clear() twice. -- Do not put before_each() here for the same reasons. after_each(function() check_close() os.remove(testlog) end) it("&runtimepath data-dir matches stdpath('data') #9910", function() clear() local rtp = eval('split(&runtimepath, ",")') local rv = {} local expected = ( is_os('win') and { [[\nvim-data\site]], [[\nvim-data\site\after]] } or { '/nvim/site', '/nvim/site/after' } ) for _, v in ipairs(rtp) do local m = string.match(v, [=[[/\]nvim[^/\]*[/\]site.*$]=]) if m and not tbl_contains(rv, m) then table.insert(rv, m) end end eq(expected, rv) end) describe('with empty/broken environment', function() it('sets correct defaults', function() clear({ env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = nil, XDG_DATA_HOME = nil, XDG_CACHE_HOME = nil, XDG_STATE_HOME = nil, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = nil, XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = nil, XDG_DATA_DIRS = nil, LOCALAPPDATA = nil, HOMEPATH = nil, HOMEDRIVE = nil, HOME = nil, TEMP = nil, VIMRUNTIME = nil, USER = nil, }, }) eq('.', api.nvim_get_option_value('backupdir', {})) eq('.', api.nvim_get_option_value('viewdir', {})) eq('.', api.nvim_get_option_value('directory', {})) eq('.', api.nvim_get_option_value('undodir', {})) ok((fn.tempname()):len() > 4) end) end) local function vimruntime_and_libdir() local vimruntime = eval('$VIMRUNTIME') -- libdir is hard to calculate reliably across various ci platforms -- local libdir = string.gsub(vimruntime, "share/nvim/runtime$", "lib/nvim") local libdir = api.nvim__get_lib_dir() return vimruntime, libdir end local env_sep = is_os('win') and ';' or ':' local data_dir = is_os('win') and 'nvim-data' or 'nvim' local state_dir = is_os('win') and 'nvim-data' or 'nvim' local root_path = is_os('win') and 'C:' or '' describe('with too long XDG variables', function() before_each(function() clear({ args_rm = { 'runtimepath' }, env = { NVIM_LOG_FILE = testlog, XDG_CONFIG_HOME = (root_path .. ('/x'):rep(4096)), XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = (root_path .. ('/a'):rep(2048) .. env_sep .. root_path .. ('/b'):rep( 2048 ) .. (env_sep .. root_path .. '/c'):rep(512)), XDG_DATA_HOME = (root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096)), XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = (root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096)), XDG_STATE_HOME = (root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096)), XDG_DATA_DIRS = (root_path .. ('/A'):rep(2048) .. env_sep .. root_path .. ('/B'):rep( 2048 ) .. (env_sep .. root_path .. '/C'):rep(512)), }, }) end) it('are correctly set', function() if not is_os('win') then assert_log('Failed to start server: no such file or directory: /X/X/X', testlog, 10) end local vimruntime, libdir = vimruntime_and_libdir() eq( ( ( root_path .. ('/x'):rep(4096) .. '/nvim' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/a'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/b'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/c/nvim') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. data_dir .. '/site' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/A'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/B'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/C/nvim/site') .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. (',' .. root_path .. '/C/nvim/site/after') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/B'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/A'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. data_dir .. '/site/after' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/c/nvim/after') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/b'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/a'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/x'):rep(4096) .. '/nvim/after' ):gsub('\\', '/') ), (api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) command('set runtimepath&') command('set backupdir&') command('set directory&') command('set undodir&') command('set viewdir&') eq( ( ( root_path .. ('/x'):rep(4096) .. '/nvim' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/a'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/b'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/c/nvim') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. data_dir .. '/site' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/A'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/B'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/C/nvim/site') .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. (',' .. root_path .. '/C/nvim/site/after') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/B'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/A'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/site/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. data_dir .. '/site/after' .. (',' .. root_path .. '/c/nvim/after') .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/b'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/a'):rep(2048) .. '/nvim/after' .. ',' .. root_path .. ('/x'):rep(4096) .. '/nvim/after' ):gsub('\\', '/') ), (api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( '.,' .. root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. state_dir .. '/backup//', (api.nvim_get_option_value('backupdir', {}):gsub('\\', '/')) ) eq( root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. state_dir .. '/swap//', (api.nvim_get_option_value('directory', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. state_dir .. '/undo//', (api.nvim_get_option_value('undodir', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( root_path .. ('/X'):rep(4096) .. '/' .. state_dir .. '/view//', (api.nvim_get_option_value('viewdir', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) end) end) describe('with XDG variables that can be expanded', function() before_each(function() clear({ args_rm = { 'runtimepath' }, env = { NVIM_LOG_FILE = testlog, XDG_CONFIG_HOME = '$XDG_DATA_HOME', XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = '$XDG_DATA_DIRS', XDG_DATA_HOME = '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME', XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = '$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', XDG_STATE_HOME = '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME', XDG_DATA_DIRS = '$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', }, }) end) after_each(function() command('set shadafile=NONE') -- Avoid writing shada file on exit end) it('are not expanded', function() if not is_os('win') then assert_log( 'Failed to start server: no such file or directory: %$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR%/', testlog, 10 ) end local vimruntime, libdir = vimruntime_and_libdir() eq( ( ( '$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site' .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site/after' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/after' ):gsub('\\', '/') ), (api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) command('set runtimepath&') command('set backupdir&') command('set directory&') command('set undodir&') command('set viewdir&') eq( ( ( '$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site' .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site/after' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/after' ):gsub('\\', '/') ), (api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('.,$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/backup//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('backupdir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/swap//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('directory', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/undo//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('undodir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/view//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('viewdir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) command('set all&') eq( ( '$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site' .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/nvim/site/after' .. ',$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. data_dir .. '/site/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_DIRS/nvim/after' .. ',$XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/after' ):gsub('\\', '/'), (api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {})):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('.,$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/backup//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('backupdir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/swap//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('directory', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/undo//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('undodir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq( ('$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/' .. state_dir .. '/view//'), api.nvim_get_option_value('viewdir', {}):gsub('\\', '/') ) eq(nil, (fn.tempname()):match('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR')) end) end) describe('with commas', function() before_each(function() clear({ args_rm = { 'runtimepath' }, env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = ', , ,', XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = ',-,-,' .. env_sep .. '-,-,-', XDG_DATA_HOME = ',=,=,', XDG_STATE_HOME = ',=,=,', XDG_DATA_DIRS = ',≡,≡,' .. env_sep .. '≡,≡,≡', }, }) end) it('are escaped properly', function() local vimruntime, libdir = vimruntime_and_libdir() local path_sep = is_os('win') and '\\' or '/' eq( ( '\\, \\, \\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',\\,-\\,-\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',-\\,-\\,-' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. data_dir .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',\\,≡\\,≡\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',≡\\,≡\\,≡' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. ',≡\\,≡\\,≡' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,≡\\,≡\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. data_dir .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',-\\,-\\,-' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,-\\,-\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\, \\, \\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' ), api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {}) ) command('set runtimepath&') command('set backupdir&') command('set directory&') command('set undodir&') command('set viewdir&') eq( ( '\\, \\, \\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',\\,-\\,-\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',-\\,-\\,-' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. ',\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. '' .. data_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',\\,≡\\,≡\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',≡\\,≡\\,≡' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. ',' .. vimruntime .. ',' .. libdir .. ',≡\\,≡\\,≡' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,≡\\,≡\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. '' .. data_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'site' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',-\\,-\\,-' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\,-\\,-\\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' .. ',\\, \\, \\,' .. path_sep .. 'nvim' .. path_sep .. 'after' ), api.nvim_get_option_value('runtimepath', {}) ) eq( '.,\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. state_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'backup' .. (path_sep):rep(2), api.nvim_get_option_value('backupdir', {}) ) eq( '\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. '' .. state_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'swap' .. (path_sep):rep(2), api.nvim_get_option_value('directory', {}) ) eq( '\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. '' .. state_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'undo' .. (path_sep):rep(2), api.nvim_get_option_value('undodir', {}) ) eq( '\\,=\\,=\\,' .. path_sep .. '' .. state_dir .. '' .. path_sep .. 'view' .. (path_sep):rep(2), api.nvim_get_option_value('viewdir', {}) ) end) end) end) describe('stdpath()', function() after_each(function() check_close() os.remove(testlog) end) -- Windows appends 'nvim-data' instead of just 'nvim' to prevent collisions -- due to XDG_CONFIG_HOME, XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_STATE_HOME being the same. local function maybe_data(name) return is_os('win') and name .. '-data' or name end local datadir = maybe_data('nvim') local statedir = maybe_data('nvim') local env_sep = is_os('win') and ';' or ':' it('acceptance', function() clear() -- Do not explicitly set any env vars. eq('nvim', fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('cache'), ':t')) eq('nvim', fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('config'), ':t')) eq(datadir, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('data'), ':t')) eq(statedir, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('state'), ':t')) eq('table', type(fn.stdpath('config_dirs'))) eq('table', type(fn.stdpath('data_dirs'))) eq('string', type(fn.stdpath('run'))) assert_alive() -- Check for crash. #8393 end) it('reacts to $NVIM_APPNAME', function() local appname = 'NVIM_APPNAME_TEST' .. ('_'):rep(106) clear({ env = { NVIM_APPNAME = appname, NVIM_LOG_FILE = testlog } }) eq(appname, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('config'), ':t')) eq(appname, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('cache'), ':t')) eq(maybe_data(appname), fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('log'), ':t')) eq(maybe_data(appname), fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('data'), ':t')) eq(maybe_data(appname), fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('state'), ':t')) -- config_dirs and data_dirs are empty on windows, so don't check them on -- that platform if not is_os('win') then eq(appname, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('config_dirs')[1], ':t')) eq(appname, fn.fnamemodify(fn.stdpath('data_dirs')[1], ':t')) end assert_alive() -- Check for crash. #8393 -- Check that Nvim rejects invalid APPNAMEs -- Call jobstart() and jobwait() in the same RPC request to reduce flakiness. local function test_appname(testAppname, expected_exitcode) local lua_code = string.format( [[ local child = vim.fn.jobstart({ vim.v.progpath, '--clean', '--headless', '+qall!' }, { env = { NVIM_APPNAME = %q } }) return vim.fn.jobwait({ child }, %d)[1] ]], alter_slashes(testAppname), 3000 ) eq(expected_exitcode, exec_lua(lua_code)) end -- Invalid appnames: test_appname('a/../b', 1) test_appname('../a', 1) test_appname('a/..', 1) test_appname('..', 1) test_appname('.', 1) test_appname('/', 1) test_appname(is_os('win') and 'C:/a/b' or '/a/b', 1) -- Valid appnames: test_appname('a/b', 0) test_appname('a/b\\c', 0) if not is_os('win') then assert_log('Failed to start server: no such file or directory:', testlog) end end) describe('returns a String', function() describe('with "config"', function() it('knows XDG_CONFIG_HOME', function() clear({ env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config'), }, }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config/nvim'), fn.stdpath('config')) end) it('handles changes during runtime', function() clear({ env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/original'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/original/nvim'), fn.stdpath('config')) command("let $XDG_CONFIG_HOME='" .. alter_slashes('/home/new') .. "'") eq(alter_slashes('/home/new/nvim'), fn.stdpath('config')) end) it("doesn't expand $VARIABLES", function() clear({ env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = '$VARIABLES', VARIABLES = 'this-should-not-happen', }, }) eq(alter_slashes('$VARIABLES/nvim'), fn.stdpath('config')) end) it("doesn't expand ~/", function() clear({ env = { XDG_CONFIG_HOME = alter_slashes('~/frobnitz'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('~/frobnitz/nvim'), fn.stdpath('config')) end) end) describe('with "data"', function() it('knows XDG_DATA_HOME', function() clear({ env = { XDG_DATA_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.local'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.local/' .. datadir), fn.stdpath('data')) end) it('handles changes during runtime', function() clear({ env = { XDG_DATA_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/original'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/original/' .. datadir), fn.stdpath('data')) command("let $XDG_DATA_HOME='" .. alter_slashes('/home/new') .. "'") eq(alter_slashes('/home/new/' .. datadir), fn.stdpath('data')) end) it("doesn't expand $VARIABLES", function() clear({ env = { XDG_DATA_HOME = '$VARIABLES', VARIABLES = 'this-should-not-happen', }, }) eq(alter_slashes('$VARIABLES/' .. datadir), fn.stdpath('data')) end) it("doesn't expand ~/", function() clear({ env = { XDG_DATA_HOME = alter_slashes('~/frobnitz'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('~/frobnitz/' .. datadir), fn.stdpath('data')) end) end) describe('with "state"', function() it('knows XDG_STATE_HOME', function() clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.local'), }, }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.local/' .. statedir), fn.stdpath('state')) end) it('handles changes during runtime', function() clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/original'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/original/' .. statedir), fn.stdpath('state')) command("let $XDG_STATE_HOME='" .. alter_slashes('/home/new') .. "'") eq(alter_slashes('/home/new/' .. statedir), fn.stdpath('state')) end) it("doesn't expand $VARIABLES", function() clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = '$VARIABLES', VARIABLES = 'this-should-not-happen', }, }) eq(alter_slashes('$VARIABLES/' .. statedir), fn.stdpath('state')) end) it("doesn't expand ~/", function() clear({ env = { XDG_STATE_HOME = alter_slashes('~/frobnitz'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('~/frobnitz/' .. statedir), fn.stdpath('state')) end) end) describe('with "cache"', function() it('knows XDG_CACHE_HOME', function() clear({ env = { XDG_CACHE_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.cache'), }, }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.cache/nvim'), fn.stdpath('cache')) end) it('handles changes during runtime', function() clear({ env = { XDG_CACHE_HOME = alter_slashes('/home/original'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('/home/original/nvim'), fn.stdpath('cache')) command("let $XDG_CACHE_HOME='" .. alter_slashes('/home/new') .. "'") eq(alter_slashes('/home/new/nvim'), fn.stdpath('cache')) end) it("doesn't expand $VARIABLES", function() clear({ env = { XDG_CACHE_HOME = '$VARIABLES', VARIABLES = 'this-should-not-happen', }, }) eq(alter_slashes('$VARIABLES/nvim'), fn.stdpath('cache')) end) it("doesn't expand ~/", function() clear({ env = { XDG_CACHE_HOME = alter_slashes('~/frobnitz'), } }) eq(alter_slashes('~/frobnitz/nvim'), fn.stdpath('cache')) end) end) end) describe('returns a List', function() -- Some OS specific variables the system would have set. local function base_env() if is_os('win') then return { HOME = 'C:\\Users\\docwhat', -- technically, is not a usual PATH HOMEDRIVE = 'C:', HOMEPATH = '\\Users\\docwhat', LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\\Users\\docwhat\\AppData\\Local', TEMP = 'C:\\Users\\docwhat\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', TMPDIR = 'C:\\Users\\docwhat\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', TMP = 'C:\\Users\\docwhat\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', } else return { HOME = '/home/docwhat', HOMEDRIVE = 'HOMEDRIVE-should-be-ignored', HOMEPATH = 'HOMEPATH-should-be-ignored', LOCALAPPDATA = 'LOCALAPPDATA-should-be-ignored', TEMP = 'TEMP-should-be-ignored', TMPDIR = 'TMPDIR-should-be-ignored', TMP = 'TMP-should-be-ignored', } end end local function set_paths_via_system(var_name, paths) local env = base_env() env[var_name] = table.concat(paths, env_sep) clear({ env = env }) end local function set_paths_at_runtime(var_name, paths) clear({ env = base_env() }) api.nvim_set_var('env_val', table.concat(paths, env_sep)) command(('let $%s=g:env_val'):format(var_name)) end local function behaves_like_dir_list_env(msg, stdpath_arg, env_var_name, paths, expected_paths) describe(msg, function() it('set via system', function() set_paths_via_system(env_var_name, paths) eq(expected_paths, fn.stdpath(stdpath_arg)) end) it('set at runtime', function() set_paths_at_runtime(env_var_name, paths) eq(expected_paths, fn.stdpath(stdpath_arg)) end) end) end describe('with "config_dirs"', function() behaves_like_dir_list_env( 'handles XDG_CONFIG_DIRS with one path', 'config_dirs', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config'), }, { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config/nvim'), } ) behaves_like_dir_list_env( 'handles XDG_CONFIG_DIRS with two paths', 'config_dirs', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config'), alter_slashes('/etc/config'), }, { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.config/nvim'), alter_slashes('/etc/config/nvim'), } ) behaves_like_dir_list_env( "doesn't expand $VAR and $IBLES", 'config_dirs', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', { '$HOME', '$TMP' }, { alter_slashes('$HOME/nvim'), alter_slashes('$TMP/nvim'), } ) behaves_like_dir_list_env("doesn't expand ~/", 'config_dirs', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', { alter_slashes('~/.oldconfig'), alter_slashes('~/.olderconfig'), }, { alter_slashes('~/.oldconfig/nvim'), alter_slashes('~/.olderconfig/nvim'), }) end) describe('with "data_dirs"', function() behaves_like_dir_list_env('knows XDG_DATA_DIRS with one path', 'data_dirs', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.data'), }, { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.data/nvim'), }) behaves_like_dir_list_env( 'knows XDG_DATA_DIRS with two paths', 'data_dirs', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.data'), alter_slashes('/etc/local'), }, { alter_slashes('/home/docwhat/.data/nvim'), alter_slashes('/etc/local/nvim'), } ) behaves_like_dir_list_env( "doesn't expand $VAR and $IBLES", 'data_dirs', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', { '$HOME', '$TMP' }, { alter_slashes('$HOME/nvim'), alter_slashes('$TMP/nvim'), } ) behaves_like_dir_list_env("doesn't expand ~/", 'data_dirs', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', { alter_slashes('~/.oldconfig'), alter_slashes('~/.olderconfig'), }, { alter_slashes('~/.oldconfig/nvim'), alter_slashes('~/.olderconfig/nvim'), }) end) end) describe('errors', function() before_each(clear) it('on unknown strings', function() eq('Vim(call):E6100: "capybara" is not a valid stdpath', exc_exec('call stdpath("capybara")')) eq('Vim(call):E6100: "" is not a valid stdpath', exc_exec('call stdpath("")')) eq('Vim(call):E6100: "23" is not a valid stdpath', exc_exec('call stdpath(23)')) end) it('on non-strings', function() eq('Vim(call):E731: Using a Dictionary as a String', exc_exec('call stdpath({"eris": 23})')) eq('Vim(call):E730: Using a List as a String', exc_exec('call stdpath([23])')) end) end) end) describe('autocommands', function() it('closes terminal with default shell on success', function() clear() api.nvim_set_option_value('shell', n.testprg('shell-test'), {}) command('set shellcmdflag=EXIT shellredir= shellpipe= shellquote= shellxquote=') -- Should not block other events command('let g:n=0') command('au BufEnter * let g:n = g:n + 1') command('terminal') eq(1, eval('get(g:, "n", 0)')) t.retry(nil, 1000, function() neq('terminal', api.nvim_get_option_value('buftype', { buf = 0 })) eq(2, eval('get(g:, "n", 0)')) end) end) end)