local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local thelpers = require('test.functional.terminal.helpers') local clear = helpers.clear local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local feed_command = helpers.feed_command local feed = helpers.feed local insert = helpers.insert local neq = helpers.neq local next_msg = helpers.next_msg local testprg = helpers.testprg local ok = helpers.ok local source = helpers.source local write_file = helpers.write_file local mkdir = helpers.mkdir local rmdir = helpers.rmdir local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local command = helpers.command local fn = helpers.fn local os_kill = helpers.os_kill local retry = helpers.retry local api = helpers.api local NIL = vim.NIL local poke_eventloop = helpers.poke_eventloop local get_pathsep = helpers.get_pathsep local pathroot = helpers.pathroot local exec_lua = helpers.exec_lua local nvim_set = helpers.nvim_set local expect_twostreams = helpers.expect_twostreams local expect_msg_seq = helpers.expect_msg_seq local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local matches = helpers.matches local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local skip = helpers.skip local is_os = helpers.is_os describe('jobs', function() local channel before_each(function() clear() channel = api.nvim_get_chan_info(0).id api.nvim_set_var('channel', channel) source([[ function! Normalize(data) abort " Windows: remove ^M and term escape sequences return type([]) == type(a:data) \ ? map(a:data, 'substitute(substitute(v:val, "\r", "", "g"), "\x1b\\%(\\]\\d\\+;.\\{-}\x07\\|\\[.\\{-}[\x40-\x7E]\\)", "", "g")') \ : a:data endfunction function! OnEvent(id, data, event) dict let userdata = get(self, 'user') let data = Normalize(a:data) call rpcnotify(g:channel, a:event, userdata, data) endfunction let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stdout': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'user': 0 \ } ]]) end) it('must specify env option as a dict', function() command('let g:job_opts.env = v:true') local _, err = pcall(function() if is_os('win') then command("let j = jobstart('set', g:job_opts)") else command("let j = jobstart('env', g:job_opts)") end end) matches('E475: Invalid argument: env', err) end) it('append environment #env', function() command("let $VAR = 'abc'") command("let $TOTO = 'goodbye world'") command("let g:job_opts.env = {'TOTO': 'hello world'}") if is_os('win') then command([[call jobstart('echo %TOTO% %VAR%', g:job_opts)]]) else command([[call jobstart('echo $TOTO $VAR', g:job_opts)]]) end expect_msg_seq({ { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world abc' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '', '' } } }, }, { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world abc', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, }) end) it('append environment with pty #env', function() command("let $VAR = 'abc'") command("let $TOTO = 'goodbye world'") command('let g:job_opts.pty = v:true') command("let g:job_opts.env = {'TOTO': 'hello world'}") if is_os('win') then command([[call jobstart('echo %TOTO% %VAR%', g:job_opts)]]) else command([[call jobstart('echo $TOTO $VAR', g:job_opts)]]) end expect_msg_seq({ { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world abc' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '', '' } } }, }, { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world abc', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, }) end) it('replace environment #env', function() command("let $VAR = 'abc'") command("let $TOTO = 'goodbye world'") command("let g:job_opts.env = {'TOTO': 'hello world'}") command('let g:job_opts.clear_env = 1') -- libuv ensures that certain "required" environment variables are -- preserved if the user doesn't provide them in a custom environment -- https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/635e0ce6073c5fbc96040e336b364c061441b54b/src/win/process.c#L672 -- https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/635e0ce6073c5fbc96040e336b364c061441b54b/src/win/process.c#L48-L60 -- -- Rather than expecting a completely empty environment, ensure that $VAR -- is *not* in the environment but $TOTO is. if is_os('win') then command([[call jobstart('echo %TOTO% %VAR%', g:job_opts)]]) expect_msg_seq({ { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world %VAR%', '' } } }, }) else command('set shell=/bin/sh') command([[call jobstart('echo $TOTO $VAR', g:job_opts)]]) expect_msg_seq({ { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'hello world', '' } } }, }) end end) it('handles case-insensitively matching #env vars', function() command("let $TOTO = 'abc'") -- Since $Toto is being set in the job, it should take precedence over the -- global $TOTO on Windows command("let g:job_opts = {'env': {'Toto': 'def'}, 'stdout_buffered': v:true}") if is_os('win') then command([[let j = jobstart('set | find /I "toto="', g:job_opts)]]) else command([[let j = jobstart('env | grep -i toto=', g:job_opts)]]) end command('call jobwait([j])') command('let g:output = Normalize(g:job_opts.stdout)') local actual = eval('g:output') local expected if is_os('win') then -- Toto is normalized to TOTO so we can detect duplicates, and because -- Windows doesn't care about case expected = { 'TOTO=def', '' } else expected = { 'TOTO=abc', 'Toto=def', '' } end table.sort(actual) table.sort(expected) eq(expected, actual) end) it('uses &shell and &shellcmdflag if passed a string', function() command("let $VAR = 'abc'") if is_os('win') then command("let j = jobstart('echo %VAR%', g:job_opts)") else command("let j = jobstart('echo $VAR', g:job_opts)") end eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abc', '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('changes to given / directory', function() command("let g:job_opts.cwd = '/'") if is_os('win') then command("let j = jobstart('cd', g:job_opts)") else command("let j = jobstart('pwd', g:job_opts)") end eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { pathroot(), '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('changes to given `cwd` directory', function() local dir = eval('resolve(tempname())'):gsub('/', get_pathsep()) mkdir(dir) command("let g:job_opts.cwd = '" .. dir .. "'") if is_os('win') then command("let j = jobstart('cd', g:job_opts)") else command("let j = jobstart('pwd', g:job_opts)") end expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { dir, '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, { 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { dir } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, { 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, } ) rmdir(dir) end) it('fails to change to invalid `cwd`', function() local dir = eval('resolve(tempname())."-bogus"') local _, err = pcall(function() command("let g:job_opts.cwd = '" .. dir .. "'") if is_os('win') then command("let j = jobstart('cd', g:job_opts)") else command("let j = jobstart('pwd', g:job_opts)") end end) matches('E475: Invalid argument: expected valid directory$', err) end) it('error on non-executable `cwd`', function() skip(is_os('win'), 'Not applicable for Windows') local dir = 'Xtest_not_executable_dir' mkdir(dir) fn.setfperm(dir, 'rw-------') matches( '^Vim%(call%):E903: Process failed to start: permission denied: .*', pcall_err(command, "call jobstart(['pwd'], {'cwd': '" .. dir .. "'})") ) rmdir(dir) end) it('returns 0 when it fails to start', function() eq('', eval('v:errmsg')) feed_command('let g:test_jobid = jobstart([])') eq(0, eval('g:test_jobid')) eq('E474:', string.match(eval('v:errmsg'), 'E%d*:')) end) it('returns -1 when target is not executable #5465', function() local function new_job() return eval([[jobstart('')]]) end local executable_jobid = new_job() local exe = is_os('win') and './test/functional/fixtures' or './test/functional/fixtures/non_executable.txt' eq( "Vim:E475: Invalid value for argument cmd: '" .. exe .. "' is not executable", pcall_err(eval, "jobstart(['" .. exe .. "'])") ) eq('', eval('v:errmsg')) -- Non-executable job should not increment the job ids. #5465 eq(executable_jobid + 1, new_job()) end) it('invokes callbacks when the job writes and exits', function() command("let g:job_opts.on_stderr = function('OnEvent')") command([[call jobstart(has('win32') ? 'echo:' : 'echo', g:job_opts)]]) expect_twostreams({ { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, }, { { 'notification', 'stderr', { 0, { '' } } } }) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('interactive commands', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") neq(0, eval('j')) command('call jobsend(j, "abc\\n")') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abc', '' } } }, next_msg()) command('call jobsend(j, "123\\nxyz\\n")') expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '123', 'xyz', '' } } } }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '123', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'xyz', '' } } }, } ) command('call jobsend(j, [123, "xyz", ""])') expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '123', 'xyz', '' } } } }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '123', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'xyz', '' } } }, } ) command('call jobstop(j)') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) end) it('preserves NULs', function() -- Make a file with NULs in it. local filename = helpers.tmpname() write_file(filename, 'abc\0def\n') command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '" .. filename .. "'], g:job_opts)") eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abc\ndef', '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, next_msg()) os.remove(filename) -- jobsend() preserves NULs. command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command([[call jobsend(j, ["123\n456",""])]]) eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '123\n456', '' } } }, next_msg()) command('call jobstop(j)') end) it('emits partial lines (does NOT buffer data lacking newlines)', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobsend(j, "abc\\nxyz")') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abc', 'xyz' } } }, next_msg()) command('call jobstop(j)') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) end) it('preserves newlines', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobsend(j, "a\\n\\nc\\n\\n\\n\\nb\\n\\n")') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'a', '', 'c', '', '', '', 'b', '', '' } } }, next_msg()) end) it('preserves NULs', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobsend(j, ["\n123\n", "abc\\nxyz\n", ""])') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '\n123\n', 'abc\nxyz\n', '' } } }, next_msg()) command('call jobstop(j)') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) end) it('avoids sending final newline', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobsend(j, ["some data", "without\nfinal nl"])') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'some data', 'without\nfinal nl' } } }, next_msg()) command('call jobstop(j)') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) end) it('closes the job streams with jobclose', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobclose(j, "stdin")') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('disallows jobsend on a job that closed stdin', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") command('call jobclose(j, "stdin")') eq( false, pcall(function() command('call jobsend(j, ["some data"])') end) ) command("let g:job_opts.stdin = 'null'") command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") eq( false, pcall(function() command('call jobsend(j, ["some data"])') end) ) end) it('disallows jobsend on a non-existent job', function() eq(false, pcall(eval, "jobsend(-1, 'lol')")) eq(0, eval('jobstop(-1)')) end) it('jobstop twice on the stopped or exited job return 0', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") neq(0, eval('j')) eq(1, eval('jobstop(j)')) eq(0, eval('jobstop(j)')) end) it('will not leak memory if we leave a job running', function() command("call jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") end) it('can get the pid value using getpid', function() command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") local pid = eval('jobpid(j)') neq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) command('call jobstop(j)') eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) eq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) end) it('disposed on Nvim exit', function() -- use sleep, which doesn't die on stdin close command( "let g:j = jobstart(has('win32') ? ['ping', '-n', '1001', ''] : ['sleep', '1000'], g:job_opts)" ) local pid = eval('jobpid(g:j)') neq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) clear() eq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) end) it('can survive the exit of nvim with "detach"', function() command('let g:job_opts.detach = 1') command( "let g:j = jobstart(has('win32') ? ['ping', '-n', '1001', ''] : ['sleep', '1000'], g:job_opts)" ) local pid = eval('jobpid(g:j)') neq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) clear() neq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(pid)) -- clean up after ourselves eq(0, os_kill(pid)) end) it('can pass user data to the callback', function() command('let g:job_opts.user = {"n": 5, "s": "str", "l": [1]}') command([[call jobstart('echo foo', g:job_opts)]]) local data = { n = 5, s = 'str', l = { 1 } } expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { data, { 'foo', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { data, { '' } } }, }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { data, { 'foo' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { data, { '', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { data, { '' } } }, } ) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { data, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('can omit data callbacks', function() command('unlet g:job_opts.on_stdout') command('let g:job_opts.user = 5') command([[call jobstart('echo foo', g:job_opts)]]) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 5, 0 } }, next_msg()) end) it('can omit exit callback', function() command('unlet g:job_opts.on_exit') command('let g:job_opts.user = 5') command([[call jobstart('echo foo', g:job_opts)]]) expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { 'foo', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { '' } } }, }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { 'foo' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { '', '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { '' } } }, } ) end) it('will pass return code with the exit event', function() command('let g:job_opts.user = 5') command("call jobstart('exit 55', g:job_opts)") eq({ 'notification', 'stdout', { 5, { '' } } }, next_msg()) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 5, 55 } }, next_msg()) end) it('can receive dictionary functions', function() source([[ let g:dict = {'id': 10} function g:dict.on_exit(id, code, event) call rpcnotify(g:channel, a:event, a:code, self.id) endfunction call jobstart('exit 45', g:dict) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 45, 10 } }, next_msg()) end) it('can redefine callbacks being used by a job', function() local screen = Screen.new() screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue }, }) source([[ function! g:JobHandler(job_id, data, event) endfunction let g:callbacks = { \ 'on_stdout': function('g:JobHandler'), \ 'on_stderr': function('g:JobHandler'), \ 'on_exit': function('g:JobHandler') \ } let job = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:callbacks) ]]) poke_eventloop() source([[ function! g:JobHandler(job_id, data, event) endfunction ]]) eq('', eval('v:errmsg')) end) it('requires funcrefs for script-local (s:) functions', function() local screen = Screen.new(60, 5) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1 }, [2] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Grey100, background = Screen.colors.Red }, [3] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen4 }, }) -- Pass job callback names _without_ `function(...)`. source([[ function! s:OnEvent(id, data, event) dict let g:job_result = get(self, 'user') endfunction let s:job = jobstart('echo "foo"', { \ 'on_stdout': 's:OnEvent', \ 'on_stderr': 's:OnEvent', \ 'on_exit': 's:OnEvent', \ }) ]]) screen:expect { any = '{2:E120: Using not in a script context: s:OnEvent}' } end) it('does not repeat output with slow output handlers', function() source([[ let d = {'data': []} function! d.on_stdout(job, data, event) dict call add(self.data, Normalize(a:data)) sleep 200m endfunction function! d.on_exit(job, data, event) dict let g:exit_data = copy(self.data) endfunction if has('win32') let cmd = 'for /L %I in (1,1,5) do @(echo %I& ping -n 2 > nul)' else let cmd = ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo $i; sleep 0.1; done'] endif let g:id = jobstart(cmd, d) sleep 1500m call jobwait([g:id]) ]]) local expected = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '' } local chunks = eval('d.data') -- check nothing was received after exit, including EOF eq(eval('g:exit_data'), chunks) local received = { '' } for i, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do if i < #chunks then -- if chunks got joined, a spurious [''] callback was not sent neq({ '' }, chunk) else -- but EOF callback is still sent eq({ '' }, chunk) end received[#received] = received[#received] .. chunk[1] for j = 2, #chunk do received[#received + 1] = chunk[j] end end eq(expected, received) end) it('does not invoke callbacks recursively', function() source([[ let d = {'data': []} function! d.on_stdout(job, data, event) dict " if callbacks were invoked recursively, this would cause on_stdout " to be invoked recursively and the data reversed on the call stack sleep 200m call add(self.data, Normalize(a:data)) endfunction function! d.on_exit(job, data, event) dict let g:exit_data = copy(self.data) endfunction if has('win32') let cmd = 'for /L %I in (1,1,5) do @(echo %I& ping -n 2 > nul)' else let cmd = ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo $i; sleep 0.1; done'] endif let g:id = jobstart(cmd, d) sleep 1500m call jobwait([g:id]) ]]) local expected = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '' } local chunks = eval('d.data') -- check nothing was received after exit, including EOF eq(eval('g:exit_data'), chunks) local received = { '' } for i, chunk in ipairs(chunks) do if i < #chunks then -- if chunks got joined, a spurious [''] callback was not sent neq({ '' }, chunk) else -- but EOF callback is still sent eq({ '' }, chunk) end received[#received] = received[#received] .. chunk[1] for j = 2, #chunk do received[#received + 1] = chunk[j] end end eq(expected, received) end) it('jobstart() works with partial functions', function() source([[ function PrintArgs(a1, a2, id, data, event) " Windows: remove ^M let normalized = map(a:data, 'substitute(v:val, "\r", "", "g")') call rpcnotify(g:channel, '1', a:a1, a:a2, normalized, a:event) endfunction let Callback = function('PrintArgs', ["foo", "bar"]) let g:job_opts = {'on_stdout': Callback} call jobstart('echo some text', g:job_opts) ]]) expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text', '' }, 'stdout' } } }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text' }, 'stdout' } }, { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { '', '' }, 'stdout' } }, } ) end) it('jobstart() works with closures', function() source([[ fun! MkFun() let a1 = 'foo' let a2 = 'bar' return {id, data, event -> rpcnotify(g:channel, '1', a1, a2, Normalize(data), event)} endfun let g:job_opts = {'on_stdout': MkFun()} call jobstart('echo some text', g:job_opts) ]]) expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text', '' }, 'stdout' } } }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text' }, 'stdout' } }, { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { '', '' }, 'stdout' } }, } ) end) it('jobstart() works when closure passed directly to `jobstart`', function() source([[ let g:job_opts = {'on_stdout': {id, data, event -> rpcnotify(g:channel, '1', 'foo', 'bar', Normalize(data), event)}} call jobstart('echo some text', g:job_opts) ]]) expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text', '' }, 'stdout' } } }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { 'some text' }, 'stdout' } }, { 'notification', '1', { 'foo', 'bar', { '', '' }, 'stdout' } }, } ) end) it('jobstart() environment: $NVIM, $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS #11009', function() local function get_env_in_child_job(envname, env) return exec_lua( [[ local envname, env = ... local join = function(s) return vim.fn.join(s, '') end local stdout = {} local stderr = {} local opt = { env = env, stdout_buffered = true, stderr_buffered = true, on_stderr = function(chan, data, name) stderr = data end, on_stdout = function(chan, data, name) stdout = data end, } local j1 = vim.fn.jobstart({ vim.v.progpath, '-es', '-V1',('+echo "%s="..getenv("%s")'):format(envname, envname), '+qa!' }, opt) vim.fn.jobwait({ j1 }, 10000) return join({ join(stdout), join(stderr) }) ]], envname, env ) end local addr = eval('v:servername') ok((addr):len() > 0) -- $NVIM is _not_ defined in the top-level Nvim process. eq('', eval('$NVIM')) -- jobstart() shares its v:servername with the child via $NVIM. eq('NVIM=' .. addr, get_env_in_child_job('NVIM')) -- $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS is unset by server_init in the child. eq('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=v:null', get_env_in_child_job('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS')) eq( 'NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=v:null', get_env_in_child_job('NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS', { NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS = 'Xtest_jobstart_env' }) ) -- User can explicitly set $NVIM_LOG_FILE, $VIM, $VIMRUNTIME. eq( 'NVIM_LOG_FILE=Xtest_jobstart_env', get_env_in_child_job('NVIM_LOG_FILE', { NVIM_LOG_FILE = 'Xtest_jobstart_env' }) ) os.remove('Xtest_jobstart_env') end) describe('jobwait()', function() before_each(function() if is_os('win') then helpers.set_shell_powershell() end end) it('returns a list of status codes', function() source([[ call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', jobwait(has('win32') ? [ \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100; exit 4'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300; exit 5'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500; exit 6'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700; exit 7') \ ] : [ \ jobstart('sleep 0.10; exit 4'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.110; exit 5'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.210; exit 6'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.310; exit 7') \ ])) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { 4, 5, 6, 7 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('will run callbacks while waiting', function() source([[ let g:dict = {} let g:jobs = [] let g:exits = [] function g:dict.on_stdout(id, code, event) abort call add(g:jobs, a:id) endfunction function g:dict.on_exit(id, code, event) abort if a:code != 5 throw 'Error!' endif call add(g:exits, a:id) endfunction call jobwait(has('win32') ? [ \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700; exit 5', g:dict) \ ] : [ \ jobstart('sleep 0.010; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('sleep 0.030; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('sleep 0.050; exit 5', g:dict), \ jobstart('sleep 0.070; exit 5', g:dict) \ ]) call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', sort(g:jobs), sort(g:exits)) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { 3, 4, 5, 6 }, { 3, 4, 5, 6 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('will return status codes in the order of passed ids', function() source([[ call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', jobwait(has('win32') ? [ \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700; exit 4'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500; exit 5'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300; exit 6'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100; exit 7') \ ] : [ \ jobstart('sleep 0.070; exit 4'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.050; exit 5'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.030; exit 6'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.010; exit 7') \ ])) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { 4, 5, 6, 7 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('will return -3 for invalid job ids', function() source([[ call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', jobwait([ \ -10, \ jobstart((has('win32') ? 'Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100' : 'sleep 0.01').'; exit 5'), \ ])) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { -3, 5 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('will return -2 when interrupted without timeout', function() feed_command( 'call rpcnotify(g:channel, "ready") | ' .. 'call rpcnotify(g:channel, "wait", ' .. 'jobwait([jobstart("' .. (is_os('win') and 'Start-Sleep 10' or 'sleep 10') .. '; exit 55")]))' ) eq({ 'notification', 'ready', {} }, next_msg()) feed('') eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { -2 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('will return -2 when interrupted with timeout', function() feed_command( 'call rpcnotify(g:channel, "ready") | ' .. 'call rpcnotify(g:channel, "wait", ' .. 'jobwait([jobstart("' .. (is_os('win') and 'Start-Sleep 10' or 'sleep 10') .. '; exit 55")], 10000))' ) eq({ 'notification', 'ready', {} }, next_msg()) feed('') eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { -2 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('can be called recursively', function() source([[ let g:opts = {} let g:counter = 0 function g:opts.on_stdout(id, msg, _event) if self.state == 0 if self.counter < 10 call Run() endif let self.state = 1 call jobsend(a:id, "line1\n") elseif self.state == 1 let self.state = 2 call jobsend(a:id, "line2\n") elseif self.state == 2 let self.state = 3 call jobsend(a:id, "line3\n") elseif self.state == 3 let self.state = 4 call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'w', printf('job %d closed', self.counter)) call jobclose(a:id, 'stdin') endif endfunction function g:opts.on_exit(...) call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'w', printf('job %d exited', self.counter)) endfunction function Run() let g:counter += 1 let j = copy(g:opts) let j.state = 0 let j.counter = g:counter call jobwait([ \ jobstart('echo ready; cat -', j), \ ]) endfunction ]]) feed_command('call Run()') local r for i = 10, 1, -1 do r = next_msg() eq('job ' .. i .. ' closed', r[3][1]) r = next_msg() eq('job ' .. i .. ' exited', r[3][1]) end eq(10, api.nvim_eval('g:counter')) end) describe('with timeout argument', function() it('will return -1 if the wait timed out', function() source([[ call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', jobwait([ \ jobstart((has('win32') ? 'Start-Sleep 10' : 'sleep 10').'; exit 5'), \ ], 100)) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { -1 } } }, next_msg()) end) it('can pass 0 to check if a job exists', function() source([[ call rpcnotify(g:channel, 'wait', jobwait(has('win32') ? [ \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50; exit 4'), \ jobstart('Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300; exit 5'), \ ] : [ \ jobstart('sleep 0.05; exit 4'), \ jobstart('sleep 0.3; exit 5'), \ ], 0)) ]]) eq({ 'notification', 'wait', { { -1, -1 } } }, next_msg()) end) end) it('hides cursor and flushes messages before blocking', function() local screen = Screen.new(50, 6) screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [0] = { foreground = Screen.colors.Blue, bold = true }, -- NonText [1] = { bold = true, reverse = true }, -- MsgSeparator [2] = { bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.SeaGreen }, -- MoreMsg }) screen:attach() command([[let g:id = jobstart([v:progpath, '--clean', '--headless'])]]) source([[ func PrintAndWait() echon "aaa\nbbb" call jobwait([g:id], 300) echon "\nccc" endfunc ]]) feed_command('call PrintAndWait()') screen:expect { grid = [[ | {0:~ }|*2 {1: }| aaa | bbb | ]], timeout = 100, } screen:expect { grid = [[ | {1: }| aaa | bbb | ccc | {2:Press ENTER or type command to continue}^ | ]], } feed('') fn.jobstop(api.nvim_get_var('id')) end) end) pending('exit event follows stdout, stderr', function() command("let g:job_opts.on_stderr = function('OnEvent')") command("let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") api.nvim_eval('jobsend(j, "abcdef")') api.nvim_eval('jobstop(j)') expect_msg_seq( { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abcdef' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stderr', { 0, { '' } } }, }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stderr', { 0, { '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abcdef' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, }, -- Alternative sequence: { { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { 'abcdef' } } }, { 'notification', 'stderr', { 0, { '' } } }, { 'notification', 'stdout', { 0, { '' } } }, } ) eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 143 } }, next_msg()) end) it('cannot have both rpc and pty options', function() command('let g:job_opts.pty = v:true') command('let g:job_opts.rpc = v:true') local _, err = pcall(command, "let j = jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") matches("E475: Invalid argument: job cannot have both 'pty' and 'rpc' options set", err) end) it('does not crash when repeatedly failing to start shell', function() source([[ set shell=nosuchshell func! DoIt() call jobstart('true') call jobstart('true') endfunc ]]) -- The crash only triggered if both jobs are cleaned up on the same event -- loop tick. This is also prevented by try-block, so feed must be used. feed_command('call DoIt()') feed('') -- press RETURN assert_alive() end) it('jobstop() kills entire process tree #6530', function() -- XXX: Using `nvim` isn't a good test, it reaps its children on exit. -- local c = 'call jobstart([v:progpath, "-u", "NONE", "-i", "NONE", "--headless"])' -- local j = eval("jobstart([v:progpath, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--headless', '-c', '" -- ..c.."', '-c', '"..c.."'])") -- Create child with several descendants. if is_os('win') then source([[ function! s:formatprocs(pid, prefix) let result = '' let result .= a:prefix . printf("%-24.24s%6s %12.12s %s\n", \ s:procs[a:pid]['name'], \ a:pid, \ s:procs[a:pid]['Session Name'], \ s:procs[a:pid]['Session']) if has_key(s:procs[a:pid], 'children') for pid in s:procs[a:pid]['children'] let result .= s:formatprocs(pid, a:prefix . ' ') endfor endif return result endfunction function! PsTree() abort let s:procs = {} for proc in map( \ map( \ systemlist('tasklist /NH'), \ 'substitute(v:val, "\r", "", "")'), \ 'split(v:val, "\\s\\+")') if len(proc) == 6 let s:procs[proc[1]] .. ']]' .. [[= {'name': proc[0], \ 'Session Name': proc[2], \ 'Session': proc[3]} endif endfor for pid in keys(s:procs) let children = nvim_get_proc_children(str2nr(pid)) if !empty(children) let s:procs[pid]['children'] = children for cpid in children let s:procs[printf('%d', cpid)]['parent'] = str2nr(pid) endfor endif endfor let result = '' for pid in sort(keys(s:procs), {i1, i2 -> i1 - i2}) if !has_key(s:procs[pid], 'parent') let result .= s:formatprocs(pid, '') endif endfor return result endfunction ]]) end local sleep_cmd = (is_os('win') and 'ping -n 31' or 'sleep 30') local j = eval("jobstart('" .. sleep_cmd .. ' | ' .. sleep_cmd .. ' | ' .. sleep_cmd .. "')") local ppid = fn.jobpid(j) local children if is_os('win') then local status, result = pcall(retry, nil, nil, function() children = api.nvim_get_proc_children(ppid) -- On Windows conhost.exe may exist, and -- e.g. vctip.exe might appear. #10783 ok(#children >= 3 and #children <= 5) end) if not status then print('') print(eval('PsTree()')) error(result) end else retry(nil, nil, function() children = api.nvim_get_proc_children(ppid) eq(3, #children) end) end -- Assert that nvim_get_proc() sees the children. for _, child_pid in ipairs(children) do local info = api.nvim_get_proc(child_pid) -- eq((is_os('win') and 'nvim.exe' or 'nvim'), info.name) eq(ppid, info.ppid) end -- Kill the root of the tree. eq(1, fn.jobstop(j)) -- Assert that the children were killed. retry(nil, nil, function() for _, child_pid in ipairs(children) do eq(NIL, api.nvim_get_proc(child_pid)) end end) end) it('jobstop on same id before stopped', function() command('let j = jobstart(["cat", "-"], g:job_opts)') neq(0, eval('j')) eq({ 1, 0 }, eval('[jobstop(j), jobstop(j)]')) end) describe('running tty-test program', function() if skip(is_os('win')) then return end local function next_chunk() local rv while true do local msg = next_msg() local data = msg[3][2] for i = 1, #data do data[i] = data[i]:gsub('\n', '\000') end rv = table.concat(data, '\n') rv = rv:gsub('\r\n$', ''):gsub('^\r\n', '') if rv ~= '' then break end end return rv end local j local function send(str) -- check no nvim_chan_free double free with pty job (#14198) api.nvim_chan_send(j, str) end before_each(function() -- Redefine Normalize() so that TTY data is not munged. source([[ function! Normalize(data) abort return a:data endfunction ]]) insert(testprg('tty-test')) command('let g:job_opts.pty = 1') command('let exec = [expand(":p")]') command('let j = jobstart(exec, g:job_opts)') j = eval 'j' eq('tty ready', next_chunk()) end) it('echoing input', function() send('test') eq('test', next_chunk()) end) it('resizing window', function() command('call jobresize(j, 40, 10)') eq('rows: 10, cols: 40', next_chunk()) command('call jobresize(j, 10, 40)') eq('rows: 40, cols: 10', next_chunk()) end) it('jobclose() sends SIGHUP', function() command('call jobclose(j)') local msg = next_msg() msg = (msg[2] == 'stdout') and next_msg() or msg -- Skip stdout, if any. eq({ 'notification', 'exit', { 0, 42 } }, msg) end) it('jobstart() does not keep ptmx file descriptor open', function() -- Start another job (using libuv) command('let g:job_opts.pty = 0') local other_jobid = eval("jobstart(['cat', '-'], g:job_opts)") local other_pid = eval('jobpid(' .. other_jobid .. ')') -- Other job doesn't block first job from receiving SIGHUP on jobclose() command('call jobclose(j)') -- Have to wait so that the SIGHUP can be processed by tty-test on time. -- Can't wait for the next message in case this test fails, if it fails -- there won't be any more messages, and the test would hang. vim.uv.sleep(100) local err = exc_exec('call jobpid(j)') eq('Vim(call):E900: Invalid channel id', err) -- cleanup eq(other_pid, eval('jobpid(' .. other_jobid .. ')')) command('call jobstop(' .. other_jobid .. ')') end) end) it('does not close the same handle twice on exit #25086', function() local filename = string.format('%s.lua', helpers.tmpname()) write_file( filename, [[ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('VimLeavePre', { callback = function() local id = vim.fn.jobstart('sleep 0') vim.fn.jobwait({id}) end, }) ]] ) local screen = thelpers.setup_child_nvim({ '--cmd', 'set notermguicolors', '-i', 'NONE', '-u', filename, }) -- Wait for startup to complete, so that all terminal responses are received. screen:expect([[ {1: } | ~ |*3 {1:[No Name] 0,0-1 All}| | {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) feed(':q') screen:expect([[ | [Process exited 0]{1: } | |*4 {3:-- TERMINAL --} | ]]) end) end) describe('pty process teardown', function() local screen before_each(function() clear() screen = Screen.new(30, 6) screen:attach() screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }|*4 | ]]) end) it('does not prevent/delay exit. #4798 #4900', function() -- Use a nested nvim (in :term) to test without --headless. fn.termopen({ helpers.nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', nvim_set, -- Use :term again in the _nested_ nvim to get a PTY process. -- Use `sleep` to simulate a long-running child of the PTY. '+terminal', '+!(sleep 300 &)', '+qa', }, { env = { VIMRUNTIME = os.getenv('VIMRUNTIME') } }) -- Exiting should terminate all descendants (PTY, its children, ...). screen:expect([[ ^ | [Process exited 0] | |*4 ]]) end) end)