require('coxpcall') local luv = require('luv') local lfs = require('lfs') local global_helpers = require('test.helpers') -- nvim client: Found in .deps/usr/share/lua//nvim/ if "bundled". local Session = require('nvim.session') local TcpStream = require('nvim.tcp_stream') local SocketStream = require('nvim.socket_stream') local ChildProcessStream = require('nvim.child_process_stream') local check_cores = global_helpers.check_cores local check_logs = global_helpers.check_logs local neq = global_helpers.neq local eq = global_helpers.eq local ok = global_helpers.ok local map = local filter = global_helpers.filter local start_dir = lfs.currentdir() -- XXX: NVIM_PROG takes precedence, QuickBuild sets it. local nvim_prog = os.getenv('NVIM_PROG') or os.getenv('NVIM_PRG') or 'build/bin/nvim' local nvim_argv = {nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '-N', '--cmd', 'set shortmess+=I background=light noswapfile noautoindent laststatus=1 undodir=. directory=. viewdir=. backupdir=.', '--embed'} local mpack = require('mpack') local tmpname = global_helpers.tmpname local uname = global_helpers.uname -- Formulate a path to the directory containing nvim. We use this to -- help run test executables. It helps to keep the tests working, even -- when the build is not in the default location. local nvim_dir = nvim_prog:gsub("[/\\][^/\\]+$", "") if nvim_dir == nvim_prog then nvim_dir = "." end local prepend_argv if os.getenv('VALGRIND') then local log_file = os.getenv('VALGRIND_LOG') or 'valgrind-%p.log' prepend_argv = {'valgrind', '-q', '--tool=memcheck', '--leak-check=yes', '--track-origins=yes', '--show-possibly-lost=no', '--suppressions=src/.valgrind.supp', '--log-file='..log_file} if os.getenv('GDB') then table.insert(prepend_argv, '--vgdb=yes') table.insert(prepend_argv, '--vgdb-error=0') end elseif os.getenv('GDB') then local gdbserver_port = '7777' if os.getenv('GDBSERVER_PORT') then gdbserver_port = os.getenv('GDBSERVER_PORT') end prepend_argv = {'gdbserver', 'localhost:'..gdbserver_port} end if prepend_argv then local new_nvim_argv = {} local len = #prepend_argv for i = 1, len do new_nvim_argv[i] = prepend_argv[i] end for i = 1, #nvim_argv do new_nvim_argv[i + len] = nvim_argv[i] end nvim_argv = new_nvim_argv end local session, loop_running, last_error local function set_session(s) if session then session:close() end session = s end local function request(method, ...) local status, rv = session:request(method, ...) if not status then if loop_running then last_error = rv[2] session:stop() else error(rv[2]) end end return rv end local function next_message() return session:next_message() end local function call_and_stop_on_error(...) local status, result = copcall(...) -- luacheck: ignore if not status then session:stop() last_error = result return '' end return result end local function run(request_cb, notification_cb, setup_cb, timeout) local on_request, on_notification, on_setup if request_cb then function on_request(method, args) return call_and_stop_on_error(request_cb, method, args) end end if notification_cb then function on_notification(method, args) call_and_stop_on_error(notification_cb, method, args) end end if setup_cb then function on_setup() call_and_stop_on_error(setup_cb) end end loop_running = true session:run(on_request, on_notification, on_setup, timeout) loop_running = false if last_error then local err = last_error last_error = nil error(err) end end local function stop() session:stop() end -- Executes an ex-command. VimL errors manifest as client (lua) errors, but -- v:errmsg will not be updated. local function nvim_command(cmd) request('nvim_command', cmd) end -- Evaluates a VimL expression. -- Fails on VimL error, but does not update v:errmsg. local function nvim_eval(expr) return request('nvim_eval', expr) end local os_name = (function() local name = nil return (function() if not name then if nvim_eval('has("win32")') == 1 then name = 'windows' elseif nvim_eval('has("macunix")') == 1 then name = 'osx' else name = 'unix' end end return name end) end)() local function iswin() return os_name() == 'windows' end -- Executes a VimL function. -- Fails on VimL error, but does not update v:errmsg. local function nvim_call(name, ...) return request('nvim_call_function', name, {...}) end -- Sends user input to Nvim. -- Does not fail on VimL error, but v:errmsg will be updated. local function nvim_feed(input) while #input > 0 do local written = request('nvim_input', input) input = input:sub(written + 1) end end local function dedent(str) -- find minimum common indent across lines local indent = nil for line in str:gmatch('[^\n]+') do local line_indent = line:match('^%s+') or '' if indent == nil or #line_indent < #indent then indent = line_indent end end if indent == nil or #indent == 0 then -- no minimum common indent return str end -- create a pattern for the indent indent = indent:gsub('%s', '[ \t]') -- strip it from the first line str = str:gsub('^'..indent, '') -- strip it from the remaining lines str = str:gsub('[\n]'..indent, '\n') return str end local function feed(...) for _, v in ipairs({...}) do nvim_feed(dedent(v)) end end local function rawfeed(...) for _, v in ipairs({...}) do nvim_feed(dedent(v)) end end local function merge_args(...) local i = 1 local argv = {} for anum = 1,select('#', ...) do local args = select(anum, ...) if args then for _, arg in ipairs(args) do argv[i] = arg i = i + 1 end end end return argv end local function spawn(argv, merge, env) local child_stream = ChildProcessStream.spawn( merge and merge_args(prepend_argv, argv) or argv, env) return end -- Creates a new Session connected by domain socket (named pipe) or TCP. local function connect(file_or_address) local addr, port = string.match(file_or_address, "(.*):(%d+)") local stream = (addr and port) and, port) or return end -- Calls fn() until it succeeds, up to `max` times or until `max_ms` -- milliseconds have passed. local function retry(max, max_ms, fn) local tries = 1 local timeout = (max_ms and max_ms > 0) and max_ms or 10000 local start_time = while true do local status, result = pcall(fn) if status then return result end if (max and tries >= max) or ( - start_time > timeout) then break end tries = tries + 1 end -- Do not use pcall() for the final attempt, let the failure bubble up. return fn() end local function clear(...) local args = {unpack(nvim_argv)} local new_args local env = nil local opts = select(1, ...) if type(opts) == 'table' then if opts.env then local env_tbl = {} for k, v in pairs(opts.env) do assert(type(k) == 'string') assert(type(v) == 'string') env_tbl[k] = v end for _, k in ipairs({ 'HOME', 'ASAN_OPTIONS', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PATH', 'NVIM_LOG_FILE', 'NVIM_RPLUGIN_MANIFEST', }) do if not env_tbl[k] then env_tbl[k] = os.getenv(k) end end env = {} for k, v in pairs(env_tbl) do env[#env + 1] = k .. '=' .. v end end new_args = opts.args or {} else new_args = {...} end for _, arg in ipairs(new_args) do table.insert(args, arg) end set_session(spawn(args, nil, env)) end local function insert(...) nvim_feed('i') for _, v in ipairs({...}) do local escaped = v:gsub('<', '') rawfeed(escaped) end nvim_feed('') end -- Executes an ex-command by user input. Because nvim_input() is used, VimL -- errors will not manifest as client (lua) errors. Use command() for that. local function execute(...) for _, v in ipairs({...}) do if v:sub(1, 1) ~= '/' then -- not a search command, prefix with colon nvim_feed(':') end nvim_feed(v:gsub('<', '')) nvim_feed('') end end -- Dedent the given text and write it to the file name. local function write_file(name, text, dont_dedent) local file =, 'w') if not dont_dedent then text = dedent(text) end file:write(text) file:flush() file:close() end local function source(code) local fname = tmpname() write_file(fname, code) nvim_command('source '..fname) os.remove(fname) return fname end local function set_shell_powershell() source([[ set shell=powershell shellquote=\" shellpipe=\| shellredir=> set shellcmdflag=\ -ExecutionPolicy\ RemoteSigned\ -Command let &shellxquote=' ' ]]) end local function nvim(method, ...) return request('nvim_'..method, ...) end local function ui(method, ...) return request('nvim_ui_'..method, ...) end local function nvim_async(method, ...) session:notify('nvim_'..method, ...) end local function buffer(method, ...) return request('nvim_buf_'..method, ...) end local function window(method, ...) return request('nvim_win_'..method, ...) end local function tabpage(method, ...) return request('nvim_tabpage_'..method, ...) end local function curbuf(method, ...) if not method then return nvim('get_current_buf') end return buffer(method, 0, ...) end local function wait() -- Execute 'vim_eval' (a deferred function) to block -- until all pending input is processed. session:request('vim_eval', '1') end -- sleeps the test runner (_not_ the nvim instance) local function sleep(ms) run(nil, nil, nil, ms) end local function curbuf_contents() wait() -- Before inspecting the buffer, process all input. return table.concat(curbuf('get_lines', 0, -1, true), '\n') end local function curwin(method, ...) if not method then return nvim('get_current_win') end return window(method, 0, ...) end local function curtab(method, ...) if not method then return nvim('get_current_tabpage') end return tabpage(method, 0, ...) end local function expect(contents) return eq(dedent(contents), curbuf_contents()) end local function do_rmdir(path) if lfs.attributes(path, 'mode') ~= 'directory' then return nil end for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= '.' and file ~= '..' then local abspath = path..'/'..file if lfs.attributes(abspath, 'mode') == 'directory' then local ret = do_rmdir(abspath) -- recurse if not ret then return nil end else local ret, err = os.remove(abspath) if not ret then error('os.remove: '..err) return nil end end end end local ret, err = lfs.rmdir(path) if not ret then error('lfs.rmdir('..path..'): '..err) end return ret end local function rmdir(path) local ret, _ = pcall(do_rmdir, path) if not ret and os_name() == "windows" then -- Maybe "Permission denied"; try again after changing the nvim -- process to the top-level directory. nvim_command([[exe 'cd '.fnameescape(']]..start_dir.."')") ret, _ = pcall(do_rmdir, path) end -- During teardown, the nvim process may not exit quickly enough, then rmdir() -- will fail (on Windows). if not ret then -- Try again. sleep(1000) do_rmdir(path) end end local exc_exec = function(cmd) nvim_command(([[ try execute "%s" catch let g:__exception = v:exception endtry ]]):format(cmd:gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('[\\"]', '\\%0'))) local ret = nvim_eval('get(g:, "__exception", 0)') nvim_command('unlet! g:__exception') return ret end local function redir_exec(cmd) nvim_command(([[ redir => g:__output silent! execute "%s" redir END ]]):format(cmd:gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('[\\"]', '\\%0'))) local ret = nvim_eval('get(g:, "__output", 0)') nvim_command('unlet! g:__output') return ret end local function create_callindex(func) local table = {} setmetatable(table, { __index = function(tbl, arg1) local ret = function(...) return func(arg1, ...) end tbl[arg1] = ret return ret end, }) return table end -- Helper to skip tests. Returns true in Windows systems. -- pending_fn is pending() from busted local function pending_win32(pending_fn) if uname() == 'Windows' then if pending_fn ~= nil then pending_fn('FIXME: Windows', function() end) end return true else return false end end -- Calls pending() and returns `true` if the system is too slow to -- run fragile or expensive tests. Else returns `false`. local function skip_fragile(pending_fn, cond) if pending_fn == nil or type(pending_fn) ~= type(function()end) then error("invalid pending_fn") end if cond then pending_fn("skipped (test is fragile on this system)", function() end) return true elseif os.getenv("TEST_SKIP_FRAGILE") then pending_fn("skipped (TEST_SKIP_FRAGILE)", function() end) return true end return false end local funcs = create_callindex(nvim_call) local meths = create_callindex(nvim) local uimeths = create_callindex(ui) local bufmeths = create_callindex(buffer) local winmeths = create_callindex(window) local tabmeths = create_callindex(tabpage) local curbufmeths = create_callindex(curbuf) local curwinmeths = create_callindex(curwin) local curtabmeths = create_callindex(curtab) local M = { prepend_argv = prepend_argv, clear = clear, connect = connect, retry = retry, spawn = spawn, dedent = dedent, source = source, rawfeed = rawfeed, insert = insert, iswin = iswin, feed = feed, execute = execute, eval = nvim_eval, call = nvim_call, command = nvim_command, request = request, next_message = next_message, run = run, stop = stop, eq = eq, neq = neq, expect = expect, ok = ok, map = map, filter = filter, nvim = nvim, nvim_async = nvim_async, nvim_prog = nvim_prog, nvim_dir = nvim_dir, buffer = buffer, window = window, tabpage = tabpage, curbuf = curbuf, curwin = curwin, curtab = curtab, curbuf_contents = curbuf_contents, wait = wait, sleep = sleep, set_session = set_session, write_file = write_file, os_name = os_name, rmdir = rmdir, mkdir = lfs.mkdir, exc_exec = exc_exec, redir_exec = redir_exec, merge_args = merge_args, funcs = funcs, meths = meths, bufmeths = bufmeths, winmeths = winmeths, tabmeths = tabmeths, uimeths = uimeths, curbufmeths = curbufmeths, curwinmeths = curwinmeths, curtabmeths = curtabmeths, pending_win32 = pending_win32, skip_fragile = skip_fragile, set_shell_powershell = set_shell_powershell, tmpname = tmpname, NIL = mpack.NIL, } return function(after_each) if after_each then after_each(function() check_logs() check_cores('build/bin/nvim') end) end return M end