local M = {} local min_version = '3.7' local s_err ---@type string? local s_host ---@type string? local python_candidates = { 'python3', 'python3.12', 'python3.11', 'python3.10', 'python3.9', 'python3.8', 'python3.7', 'python', } --- @param prog string --- @param module string --- @return integer, string local function import_module(prog, module) local program = [[ import sys, importlib.util; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != ""]; sys.stdout.write(str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]));]] program = program .. string.format('sys.exit(2 * int(importlib.util.find_spec("%s") is None))', module) local out = vim.system({ prog, '-W', 'ignore', '-c', program }):wait() return out.code, assert(out.stdout) end --- @param prog string --- @param module string --- @return string? local function check_for_module(prog, module) local prog_path = vim.fn.exepath(prog) if prog_path == '' then return prog .. ' not found in search path or not executable.' end -- Try to load module, and output Python version. -- Exit codes: -- 0 module can be loaded. -- 2 module cannot be loaded. -- Otherwise something else went wrong (e.g. 1 or 127). local prog_exitcode, prog_version = import_module(prog, module) if prog_exitcode == 2 or prog_exitcode == 0 then -- Check version only for expected return codes. if vim.version.lt(prog_version, min_version) then return string.format( '%s is Python %s and cannot provide Python >= %s.', prog_path, prog_version, min_version ) end end if prog_exitcode == 2 then return string.format('%s does not have the "%s" module.', prog_path, module) elseif prog_exitcode == 127 then -- This can happen with pyenv's shims. return string.format('%s does not exist: %s', prog_path, prog_version) elseif prog_exitcode ~= 0 then return string.format( 'Checking %s caused an unknown error. (%s, output: %s) Report this at https://github.com/neovim/neovim', prog_path, prog_exitcode, prog_version ) end return nil end --- @param module string --- @return string? path to detected python, if any; nil if not found --- @return string? error message if python can't be detected by {module}; nil if success function M.detect_by_module(module) local python_exe = vim.fn.expand(vim.g.python3_host_prog or '', true) if python_exe ~= '' then return vim.fn.exepath(vim.fn.expand(python_exe, true)), nil end local errors = {} for _, exe in ipairs(python_candidates) do local error = check_for_module(exe, module) if not error then return exe, error end -- Accumulate errors in case we don't find any suitable Python executable. table.insert(errors, error) end -- No suitable Python executable found. return nil, 'Could not load Python :\n' .. table.concat(errors, '\n') end function M.require(host) -- Python host arguments local prog = M.detect_by_module('neovim') local args = { prog, '-c', 'import sys; sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if p != ""]; import neovim; neovim.start_host()', } -- Collect registered Python plugins into args local python_plugins = vim.fn['remote#host#PluginsForHost'](host.name) ---@type any ---@param plugin any for _, plugin in ipairs(python_plugins) do table.insert(args, plugin.path) end return vim.fn['provider#Poll']( args, host.orig_name, '$NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_FILE', { ['overlapped'] = true } ) end function M.call(method, args) if s_err then return end if not s_host then -- Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping local ok, result = pcall(vim.fn['remote#host#Require'], 'legacy-python3-provider') ---@type any, any if not ok then s_err = result vim.api.nvim_echo({ { result, 'WarningMsg' } }, true, {}) return end s_host = result end return vim.fn.rpcrequest(s_host, 'python_' .. method, unpack(args)) end function M.start() -- The Python3 provider plugin will run in a separate instance of the Python3 host. vim.fn['remote#host#RegisterClone']('legacy-python3-provider', 'python3') vim.fn['remote#host#RegisterPlugin']('legacy-python3-provider', 'script_host.py', {}) end return M