-- Test for *sub-replace-special* and *sub-replace-expression* on substitute(). -- Test for submatch() on substitute(). -- Test for *:s%* on :substitute. local t = require('test.testutil') local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')() local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local feed, insert = n.feed, n.insert local exec = n.exec local clear, feed_command, expect = n.clear, n.feed_command, n.expect local eq, eval = t.eq, n.eval describe('substitute()', function() before_each(clear) -- The original test contained several TEST_X lines to delimit different -- parts. These where used to split the test into different it() blocks. -- The TEST_X strings are repeated in the description of the blocks to make -- it easier to incorporate upstream changes. local function test_1_and_2() eq('AA', eval("substitute('A', 'A', '&&', '')")) eq('&', eval([[substitute('B', 'B', '\&', '')]])) eq( 'C123456789987654321', eval( [[substitute('C123456789', ]] .. [['C\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)', ]] .. [['\0\9\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1', '')]] ) ) eq('d', eval("substitute('D', 'D', 'd', '')")) eq('~', eval("substitute('E', 'E', '~', '')")) eq('~', eval([[substitute('F', 'F', '\~', '')]])) eq('Gg', eval([[substitute('G', 'G', '\ugg', '')]])) eq('Hh', eval([[substitute('H', 'H', '\Uh\Eh', '')]])) eq('iI', eval([[substitute('I', 'I', '\lII', '')]])) eq('jJ', eval([[substitute('J', 'J', '\LJ\EJ', '')]])) eq('Kk', eval([[substitute('K', 'K', '\Uk\ek', '')]])) eq('l\rl', eval("substitute('lLl', 'L', '\r', '')")) eq('m\rm', eval([[substitute('mMm', 'M', '\r', '')]])) eq('n\rn', eval("substitute('nNn', 'N', '\\\r', '')")) eq('o\no', eval([[substitute('oOo', 'O', '\n', '')]])) eq('p\bp', eval([[substitute('pPp', 'P', '\b', '')]])) eq('q\tq', eval([[substitute('qQq', 'Q', '\t', '')]])) eq('r\\r', eval([[substitute('rRr', 'R', '\\', '')]])) eq('scs', eval([[substitute('sSs', 'S', '\c', '')]])) eq('t\rt', eval([[substitute('tTt', 'T', "\r", '')]])) eq('u\nu', eval([[substitute('uUu', 'U', "\n", '')]])) eq('v\bv', eval([[substitute('vVv', 'V', "\b", '')]])) eq('w\\w', eval([[substitute('wWw', 'W', "\\", '')]])) eq('XxxX', eval([[substitute('X', 'X', '\L\uxXx\l\EX', '')]])) eq('yYYy', eval([[substitute('Y', 'Y', '\U\lYyY\u\Ey', '')]])) end it('with "set magic" (TEST_1)', function() feed_command('set magic') test_1_and_2() end) it('with "set nomagic" (TEST_2)', function() feed_command('set nomagic') test_1_and_2() end) it('with sub-replace-expression (TEST_3)', function() feed_command('set magic&') eq('a\\a', eval([[substitute('aAa', 'A', '\="\\"', '')]])) eq('b\\\\b', eval([[substitute('bBb', 'B', '\="\\\\"', '')]])) eq('c\rc', eval([[substitute('cCc', 'C', '\="]] .. '\r' .. [["', '')]])) eq('d\\\rd', eval([[substitute('dDd', 'D', '\="\\]] .. '\r' .. [["', '')]])) eq('e\\\\\re', eval([[substitute('eEe', 'E', '\="\\\\]] .. '\r' .. [["', '')]])) eq('f\\rf', eval([[substitute('fFf', 'F', '\="\\r"', '')]])) eq('j\\nj', eval([[substitute('jJj', 'J', '\="\\n"', '')]])) eq('k\rk', eval([[substitute('kKk', 'K', '\="\r"', '')]])) eq('l\nl', eval([[substitute('lLl', 'L', '\="\n"', '')]])) end) it('with submatch() (TEST_4)', function() feed_command('set magic&') eq( 'a\\a', eval([[substitute('aAa', 'A', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\", "")', '')]]) ) eq( 'b\\b', eval([[substitute('bBb', 'B', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\\\", "")', '')]]) ) eq( 'c\rc', eval( [[substitute('cCc', 'C', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "]] .. '\r' .. [[", "")', '')]] ) ) eq( 'd\rd', eval( [[substitute('dDd', 'D', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\]] .. '\r' .. [[", "")', '')]] ) ) eq( 'e\\\re', eval( [[substitute('eEe', 'E', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\\\]] .. '\r' .. [[", "")', '')]] ) ) eq( 'f\rf', eval([[substitute('fFf', 'F', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\r", "")', '')]]) ) eq( 'j\nj', eval([[substitute('jJj', 'J', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\\n", "")', '')]]) ) eq( 'k\rk', eval([[substitute('kKk', 'K', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\r", "")', '')]]) ) eq( 'l\nl', eval([[substitute('lLl', 'L', ]] .. [['\=substitute(submatch(0), ".", "\n", "")', '')]]) ) end) it('with submatch() (TEST_5)', function() feed_command('set magic&') eq( 'A123456789987654321', eval( [[substitute('A123456789', ]] .. [['A\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)', ]] .. [['\=submatch(0) . submatch(9) . submatch(8) . submatch(7) . ]] .. [[submatch(6) . submatch(5) . submatch(4) . submatch(3) . ]] .. [[submatch(2) . submatch(1)', '')]] ) ) eq( "[['A123456789'], ['9'], ['8'], ['7'], ['6'], ['5'], ['4'], ['3'], " .. "['2'], ['1']]", eval( [[substitute('A123456789', ]] .. [['A\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)', ]] .. [['\=string([submatch(0, 1), submatch(9, 1), submatch(8, 1), ]] .. [[submatch(7, 1), submatch(6, 1), submatch(5, 1), submatch(4, 1), ]] .. [[submatch(3, 1), submatch(2, 1), submatch(1, 1)])', '')]] ) ) end) -- TEST_6 was about the 'cpoptions' flag / which was removed in pull request -- #2943. it('with submatch or \\ze (TEST_7)', function() feed_command('set magic&') eq('A\rA', eval("substitute('A\rA', 'A.', '\\=submatch(0)', '')")) eq('B\nB', eval([[substitute("B\nB", 'B.', '\=submatch(0)', '')]])) eq("['B\n']B", eval([[substitute("B\nB", 'B.', '\=string(submatch(0, 1))', '')]])) eq('-abab', eval([[substitute('-bb', '\zeb', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('c-cbcbc', eval([[substitute('-bb', '\ze', 'c', 'g')]])) end) it('with \\zs and \\ze (TEST_10)', function() feed_command('set magic&') eq('a1a2a3a', eval([[substitute('123', '\zs', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('aaa', eval([[substitute('123', '\zs.', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('1a2a3a', eval([[substitute('123', '.\zs', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('a1a2a3a', eval([[substitute('123', '\ze', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('a1a2a3', eval([[substitute('123', '\ze.', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('aaa', eval([[substitute('123', '.\ze', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('aa2a3a', eval([[substitute('123', '1\|\ze', 'a', 'g')]])) eq('1aaa', eval([[substitute('123', '1\zs\|[23]', 'a', 'g')]])) end) end) describe(':substitute', function() before_each(clear) it('with \\ze and \\zs and confirmation dialog (TEST_8)', function() insert([[ ,,X ,,Y ,,Z]]) feed_command('set magic&') feed_command([[1s/\(^\|,\)\ze\(,\|X\)/\1N/g]]) feed_command([[2s/\(^\|,\)\ze\(,\|Y\)/\1N/gc]]) feed('a') -- For the dialog of the previous :s command. feed_command([[3s/\(^\|,\)\ze\(,\|Z\)/\1N/gc]]) feed('yy') -- For the dialog of the previous :s command. expect([[ N,,NX N,,NY N,,NZ]]) end) it('with confirmation dialog (TEST_9)', function() insert('xxx') feed_command('set magic&') feed_command('s/x/X/gc') feed('yyq') -- For the dialog of the previous :s command. expect('XXx') end) it('first char is highlighted with confirmation dialog and empty match', function() local screen = Screen.new(60, 8) screen:attach() exec([[ set nohlsearch noincsearch call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) ]]) feed(':%s/^/ /c') screen:expect([[ {2:o}ne | two | three | {1:~ }|*4 {6:replace with (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?}^ | ]]) end) end)