" Test :suspend source shared.vim source term_util.vim func CheckSuspended(buf, fileExists) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('[$#] $', term_getline(a:buf, '.'))}) if a:fileExists call assert_equal(['foo'], readfile('Xfoo')) else " Without 'autowrite', buffer should not be written. call assert_equal(0, filereadable('Xfoo')) endif call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "fg\\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(' 1 foo', term_getline(a:buf, '.'))}) endfunc func Test_suspend() if !has('terminal') || !executable('/bin/sh') return endif let buf = term_start('/bin/sh') " Wait for shell prompt. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('[$#] $', term_getline(buf, '.'))}) call term_sendkeys(buf, GetVimCommandClean() \ . " -X" \ . " -c 'set nu'" \ . " -c 'call setline(1, \"foo\")'" \ . " Xfoo\") " Cursor in terminal buffer should be on first line in spawned vim. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(' 1 foo', term_getline(buf, '.'))}) for suspend_cmd in [":suspend\", \ ":stop\", \ ":suspend!\", \ ":stop!\", \ "\"] " Suspend and wait for shell prompt. call term_sendkeys(buf, suspend_cmd) call CheckSuspended(buf, 0) endfor " Test that :suspend! with 'autowrite' writes content of buffers if modified. call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set autowrite\") call assert_equal(0, filereadable('Xfoo')) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":suspend\") " Wait for shell prompt. call CheckSuspended(buf, 1) " Quit gracefully to dump coverage information. call term_sendkeys(buf, ":qall!\") call TermWait(buf) " Wait until Vim actually exited and shell shows a prompt call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('[$#] $', term_getline(buf, '.'))}) call StopShellInTerminal(buf) exe buf . 'bwipe!' call delete('Xfoo') endfunc