" Tests for autocommands set belloff=all function! s:cleanup_buffers() abort for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$')) if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr execute 'bd! ' . bnr endif endfor endfunction func Test_vim_did_enter() call assert_false(v:vim_did_enter) " This script will never reach the main loop, can't check if v:vim_did_enter " becomes one. endfunc if has('timers') func ExitInsertMode(id) call feedkeys("\") endfunc func Test_cursorhold_insert() " Need to move the cursor. call feedkeys("ggG", "xt") let g:triggered = 0 au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1 set updatetime=20 call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode') call feedkeys('a', 'x!') call assert_equal(1, g:triggered) au! CursorHoldI set updatetime& endfunc func Test_cursorhold_insert_ctrl_x() let g:triggered = 0 au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1 set updatetime=20 call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode') " CursorHoldI does not trigger after CTRL-X call feedkeys("a\", 'x!') call assert_equal(0, g:triggered) au! CursorHoldI set updatetime& endfunc endif function Test_bufunload() augroup test_bufunload_group autocmd! autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, "bufunload") autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, "bufdelete") autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, "bufwipeout") augroup END let s:li=[] new setlocal bufhidden= bunload call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li) let s:li=[] new setlocal bufhidden=delete bunload call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li) let s:li=[] new setlocal bufhidden=unload bwipeout call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete", "bufwipeout"], s:li) au! test_bufunload_group augroup! test_bufunload_group endfunc " SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2005 or older) function Test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext() tabedit tabfirst augroup test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group autocmd! autocmd BufUnload tabnext augroup END quit call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$')) autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group tablast quit endfunc function Test_autocmd_bufwinleave_with_tabfirst() tabedit augroup sample autocmd! autocmd BufWinLeave tabfirst augroup END call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) edit! a.txt tabclose endfunc " SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older) function Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_01() split aa.txt let lastbuf = bufnr('$') augroup test_autocmd_bufunload autocmd! exe 'autocmd BufUnload ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!' augroup END call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E937:') autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload bwipe! aa.txt bwipe! bb.txt endfunc " SEGV occurs in older versions. (At least 7.4.2321 or older) function Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_02() setlocal buftype=nowrite let lastbuf = bufnr('$') augroup test_autocmd_bufunload autocmd! exe 'autocmd BufUnload ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!' augroup END normal! i1 call assert_fails('edit a.txt', 'E517:') call feedkeys("\") autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload bwipe! a.txt endfunc func Test_win_tab_autocmd() let g:record = [] augroup testing au WinNew * call add(g:record, 'WinNew') au WinEnter * call add(g:record, 'WinEnter') au WinLeave * call add(g:record, 'WinLeave') au TabNew * call add(g:record, 'TabNew') au TabClosed * call add(g:record, 'TabClosed') au TabEnter * call add(g:record, 'TabEnter') au TabLeave * call add(g:record, 'TabLeave') augroup END split tabnew close close call assert_equal([ \ 'WinLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', \ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter', \ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'TabClosed', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', \ 'WinLeave', 'WinEnter' \ ], g:record) let g:record = [] tabnew somefile tabnext bwipe somefile call assert_equal([ \ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter', \ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter', \ 'TabClosed' \ ], g:record) augroup testing au! augroup END unlet g:record endfunc func s:AddAnAutocmd() augroup vimBarTest au BufReadCmd * echo 'hello' augroup END call assert_equal(3, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n"))) endfunc func Test_early_bar() " test that a bar is recognized before the {event} call s:AddAnAutocmd() augroup vimBarTest | au! | augroup END call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n"))) call s:AddAnAutocmd() augroup vimBarTest| au!| augroup END call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n"))) " test that a bar is recognized after the {event} call s:AddAnAutocmd() augroup vimBarTest| au!BufReadCmd| augroup END call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n"))) " test that a bar is recognized after the {group} call s:AddAnAutocmd() au! vimBarTest|echo 'hello' call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n"))) endfunc func RemoveGroup() autocmd! StartOK augroup! StartOK endfunc func Test_augroup_warning() augroup TheWarning au VimEnter * echo 'entering' augroup END call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "TheWarning.*VimEnter") >= 0) redir => res augroup! TheWarning redir END call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") >= 0) call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0) " check "Another" does not take the pace of the deleted entry augroup Another augroup END call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0) augroup! Another " no warning for postpone aucmd delete augroup StartOK au VimEnter * call RemoveGroup() augroup END call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "StartOK.*VimEnter") >= 0) redir => res doautocmd VimEnter redir END call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") < 0) au! VimEnter endfunc func Test_augroup_deleted() " This caused a crash before E936 was introduced augroup x call assert_fails('augroup! x', 'E936:') au VimEnter * echo augroup end augroup! x call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0) au! VimEnter endfunc " Tests for autocommands on :close command. " This used to be in test13. func Test_three_windows() " Clean up buffers, because in some cases this function fails. call s:cleanup_buffers() " Write three files and open them, each in a window. " Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one. " Do this twice, writing the file. e! Xtestje1 call setline(1, 'testje1') w sp Xtestje2 call setline(1, 'testje2') w sp Xtestje3 call setline(1, 'testje3') w wincmd w au WinLeave Xtestje2 bwipe wincmd w call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%')) au WinLeave Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje3 close call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%')) " Test deleting the buffer on a Unload event. If this goes wrong there " will be the ATTENTION prompt. e Xtestje1 au! au! BufUnload Xtestje1 bwipe call assert_fails('e Xtestje3', 'E937:') call assert_equal('Xtestje3', expand('%')) e Xtestje2 sp Xtestje1 call assert_fails('e', 'E937:') call assert_equal('Xtestje2', expand('%')) " Test changing buffers in a BufWipeout autocommand. If this goes wrong " there are ml_line errors and/or a Crash. au! only e Xanother e Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje2 bwipe Xtestje3 au BufWipeout Xtestje1 buf Xtestje1 bwipe call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%')) only help wincmd w 1quit call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%')) au! call delete('Xtestje1') call delete('Xtestje2') call delete('Xtestje3') endfunc func Test_BufEnter() au! BufEnter au Bufenter * let val = val . '+' let g:val = '' split NewFile call assert_equal('+', g:val) bwipe! call assert_equal('++', g:val) " Also get BufEnter when editing a directory call mkdir('Xdir') split Xdir call assert_equal('+++', g:val) bwipe! call delete('Xdir', 'd') au! BufEnter endfunc " Closing a window might cause an endless loop " E814 for older Vims function Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost() if has('win32') throw 'Skipped: test hangs on MS-Windows' endif tabnew set noswapfile let g:bufnr=bufnr('%') mksession! let content=['set nocp noswapfile', \ 'let v:swapchoice="e"', \ 'augroup test_autocmd_sessionload', \ 'autocmd!', \ 'autocmd SessionLoadPost * 4bw!', \ 'augroup END' \ ] call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc') let a=system(v:progpath. ' --headless -u Xvimrc --noplugins -S Session.vim') call assert_match('E814', a) unlet! g:bufnr set swapfile for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc'] call delete(file) endfor endfunc " SEGV occurs in older versions. function Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2() if has('win32') throw 'Skipped: test hangs on MS-Windows' endif tabnew set noswapfile let g:bufnr=bufnr('%') mksession! let content = ['set nocp noswapfile', \ 'function! DeleteInactiveBufs()', \ ' tabfirst', \ ' let tabblist = []', \ ' for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))', \ ' call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))', \ ' endfor', \ ' for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))', \ ' if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')', \ ' exec ''bwipeout '' . b', \ ' endif', \ ' endfor', \ 'call append("1", "SessionLoadPost DONE")', \ 'endfunction', \ 'au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()'] call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc') let a=system(v:progpath. ' --headless -u Xvimrc --noplugins -S Session.vim') " this probably only matches on unix if has("unix") call assert_notmatch('Caught deadly signal SEGV', a) endif call assert_match('SessionLoadPost DONE', a) unlet! g:bufnr set swapfile for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc'] call delete(file) endfor endfunc