*news.txt* Nvim NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL Notable changes since Nvim 0.10 *news* For changes in the previous release, see |news-0.10|. Type |gO| to see the table of contents. ============================================================================== BREAKING CHANGES IN HEAD *news-breaking-dev* ====== Remove this section before release. ====== The following changes to UNRELEASED features were made during the development cycle (Nvim HEAD, the "master" branch). ============================================================================== BREAKING CHANGES *news-breaking* These changes may require adaptations in your config or plugins. API • `vim.rpcnotify(0)` and `rpcnotify(0)` broadcast to ALL channels. Previously they would "multicast" only to subscribed channels (controlled by `nvim_subscribe()`). Plugins and clients that want "multicast" behavior must now maintain their own list of channels. • In the future, |vim.rpcnotify()| may accept a list of channels, if there is demand for this use-case. DEFAULTS • |]d-default| and |[d-default| accept a count. • |[D-default| and |]D-default| jump to the first and last diagnostic in the current buffer, respectively. DIAGNOSTICS • |vim.diagnostic.config()| accepts a "jump" table to specify defaults for |vim.diagnostic.jump()|. EDITOR • The order in which signs are placed was changed. Higher priority signs will now appear left of lower priority signs. • |hl-CurSearch| now behaves the same as Vim and no longer updates on every cursor movement. • Moving in the buffer list using |:bnext| and similar commands behaves as documented and skips help buffers if run from a non-help buffer, otherwise it moves to another help buffer. VIM SCRIPT • |v:msgpack_types| has the type "binary" removed. |msgpackparse()| no longer treats BIN, STR and FIXSTR as separate types. Any of these is returned as a string if possible, or a |blob| if the value contained embedded NUL:s. EVENTS • TODO LSP • TODO LUA • API functions now consistently return an empty dictionary as |vim.empty_dict()|. Earlier, a |lua-special-tbl| was sometimes used. OPTIONS • The 'statuscolumn' `%l` item can now be used as a number column segment that changes according to related options. It takes care of alignment, 'number', 'relativenumber' and 'signcolumn' set to "number". The now redundant `%r` item is no longer treated specially for 'statuscolumn'. PLUGINS • TODO TREESITTER • TODO TUI • TODO ============================================================================== NEW FEATURES *news-features* The following new features were added. API • |nvim__ns_set()| can set properties for a namespace DEFAULTS • Mappings: • |grn| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.rename()| • |grr| in Normal mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.references()| • |gra| in Normal and Visual mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.code_action()| • CTRL-S in Insert mode maps to |vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()| • Snippet: • `` in Insert and Select mode maps to `vim.snippet.jump({ direction = 1 })` when a snippet is active and jumpable forwards. • `` in Insert and Select mode maps to `vim.snippet.jump({ direction = -1 })` when a snippet is active and jumpable backwards. EDITOR • On Windows, filename arguments on the command-line prefixed with "~\" or "~/" are now expanded to the user's profile directory, not a relative path to a literal "~" directory. • |hl-PmenuMatch| and |hl-PmenuMatchSel| show matched text in completion popup. EVENTS • |CompleteDone| now sets the `reason` key in `v:event` which specifies the reason for completion being done. LSP • Completion side effects (including snippet expansion, execution of commands and application of additional text edits) is now built-in. • |vim.lsp.util.locations_to_items()| sets `end_col` and `end_lnum` fields. • |vim.lsp.buf.format()| now supports passing a list of ranges via the `range` parameter (this requires support for the `textDocument/rangesFormatting` request). LUA • TODO OPTIONS • 'completeopt' flag "fuzzy" enables |fuzzy-matching| during |ins-completion|. • 'tabclose' controls which tab page to focus when closing a tab page. PERFORMANCE • TODO PLUGINS • EditorConfig • spelling_language property is now supported. STARTUP • TODO TERMINAL • The |terminal| now understands the OSC 52 escape sequence to write to the system clipboard (copy). Querying with OSC 52 (paste) is not supported. • |hl-StatusLineTerm| and |hl-StatusLineTermNC| define highlights for the status line in |terminal| windows. • The terminal buffer now supports reflow (wrapped lines adapt when the buffer is resized horizontally). Note: Lines that are not visible and kept in 'scrollback' are not reflown. • The |terminal| now supports OSC 8 escape sequences and will display hyperlinks in supporting host terminals. TREESITTER • |LanguageTree:node_for_range()| gets anonymous and named nodes for a range • |vim.treesitter.get_node()| now takes an option `include_anonymous`, default false, which allows it to return anonymous nodes as well as named nodes. TUI • TODO UI • TODO ============================================================================== CHANGED FEATURES *news-changed* These existing features changed their behavior. • 'scrollbind' now works properly with buffers that contain virutal lines. Scrollbind works by aligning to a target top line of each window in a tab page. Previously this was done by calculating the difference between the old top line and the target top line, and scrolling by that amount. Now the top lines are calculated using screen line numbers which take virtual lines into account. ============================================================================== REMOVED FEATURES *news-removed* These deprecated features were removed. • N/A ============================================================================== DEPRECATIONS *news-deprecations* See |deprecated-0.11|. vim:tw=78:ts=8:sw=2:et:ft=help:norl: