local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear, eq, eval, next_msg, ok, source = helpers.clear, helpers.eq, helpers.eval, helpers.next_msg, helpers.ok, helpers.source local command, funcs, meths = helpers.command, helpers.funcs, helpers.meths local sleep = helpers.sleep local spawn, nvim_argv = helpers.spawn, helpers.nvim_argv local set_session = helpers.set_session local nvim_prog = helpers.nvim_prog local is_os = helpers.is_os local retry = helpers.retry local expect_twostreams = helpers.expect_twostreams local assert_alive = helpers.assert_alive local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local skip = helpers.skip describe('channels', function() local init = [[ function! Normalize(data) abort " Windows: remove ^M return type([]) == type(a:data) \ ? map(a:data, 'substitute(v:val, "\r", "", "g")') \ : a:data endfunction function! OnEvent(id, data, event) dict call rpcnotify(1, a:event, a:id, a:data) endfunction ]] before_each(function() clear() source(init) end) pending('can connect to socket', function() local server = spawn(nvim_argv, nil, nil, true) set_session(server) local address = funcs.serverlist()[1] local client = spawn(nvim_argv, nil, nil, true) set_session(client) source(init) meths.set_var('address', address) command("let g:id = sockconnect('pipe', address, {'on_data':'OnEvent'})") local id = eval("g:id") ok(id > 0) command("call chansend(g:id, msgpackdump([[2,'nvim_set_var',['code',23]]]))") set_session(server) retry(nil, 1000, function() eq(23, meths.get_var('code')) end) set_session(client) command("call chansend(g:id, msgpackdump([[0,0,'nvim_eval',['2+3']]]))") local res = eval("msgpackdump([[1,0,v:null,5]])") eq({"\148\001\n\192\005"}, res) eq({'notification', 'data', {id, res}}, next_msg()) command("call chansend(g:id, msgpackdump([[2,'nvim_command',['quit']]]))") eq({'notification', 'data', {id, {''}}}, next_msg()) end) it('can use stdio channel', function() source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stdout': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_stderr': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ } ]]) meths.set_var("nvim_prog", nvim_prog) meths.set_var("code", [[ function! OnEvent(id, data, event) dict let text = string([a:id, a:data, a:event]) call chansend(g:x, text) if a:data == [''] call chansend(v:stderr, "*dies*") quit endif endfunction let g:x = stdioopen({'on_stdin':'OnEvent'}) call chansend(x, "hello") ]]) command("let g:id = jobstart([ g:nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile', '--headless', '--cmd', g:code], g:job_opts)") local id = eval("g:id") ok(id > 0) eq({ "notification", "stdout", {id, { "hello" } } }, next_msg()) command("call chansend(id, 'howdy')") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"[1, ['howdy'], 'stdin']"}}}, next_msg()) command("call chansend(id, 0z686f6c61)") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"[1, ['hola'], 'stdin']"}}}, next_msg()) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") expect_twostreams({{"notification", "stdout", {id, {"[1, [''], 'stdin']"}}}, {'notification', 'stdout', {id, {''}}}}, {{"notification", "stderr", {id, {"*dies*"}}}, {'notification', 'stderr', {id, {''}}}}) eq({"notification", "exit", {3,0}}, next_msg()) end) it('can use stdio channel and on_print callback', function() source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stdout': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_stderr': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ } ]]) meths.set_var("nvim_prog", nvim_prog) meths.set_var("code", [[ function! OnStdin(id, data, event) dict echo string([a:id, a:data, a:event]) if a:data == [''] quit endif endfunction function! OnPrint(text) dict call chansend(g:x, ['OnPrint:' .. a:text]) endfunction let g:x = stdioopen({'on_stdin': funcref('OnStdin'), 'on_print':'OnPrint'}) call chansend(x, "hello") ]]) command("let g:id = jobstart([ g:nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile', '--headless', '--cmd', g:code], g:job_opts)") local id = eval("g:id") ok(id > 0) eq({ "notification", "stdout", {id, { "hello" } } }, next_msg()) command("call chansend(id, 'howdy')") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"OnPrint:[1, ['howdy'], 'stdin']"}}}, next_msg()) end) local function expect_twoline(id, stream, line1, line2, nobr) local msg = next_msg() local joined = nobr and {line1..line2} or {line1, line2} if not pcall(eq, {"notification", stream, {id, joined}}, msg) then local sep = (not nobr) and "" or nil eq({"notification", stream, {id, {line1, sep}}}, msg) eq({"notification", stream, {id, {line2}}}, next_msg()) end end it('can use stdio channel with pty', function() skip(is_os('win')) source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stdout': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'pty': v:true, \ } ]]) meths.set_var("nvim_prog", nvim_prog) meths.set_var("code", [[ function! OnEvent(id, data, event) dict let text = string([a:id, a:data, a:event]) call chansend(g:x, text) endfunction let g:x = stdioopen({'on_stdin':'OnEvent'}) ]]) command("let g:id = jobstart([ g:nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile', '--headless', '--cmd', g:code], g:job_opts)") local id = eval("g:id") ok(id > 0) command("call chansend(id, 'TEXT\n')") expect_twoline(id, "stdout", "TEXT\r", "[1, ['TEXT', ''], 'stdin']") command("call chansend(id, 0z426c6f6273210a)") expect_twoline(id, "stdout", "Blobs!\r", "[1, ['Blobs!', ''], 'stdin']") command("call chansend(id, 'neovan')") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"neovan"}}}, next_msg()) command("call chansend(id, '\127\127im\n')") expect_twoline(id, "stdout", "\b \b\b \bim\r", "[1, ['neovim', ''], 'stdin']") command("call chansend(id, 'incomplet\004')") local bsdlike = is_os('bsd') or is_os('mac') local extra = bsdlike and "^D\008\008" or "" expect_twoline(id, "stdout", "incomplet"..extra, "[1, ['incomplet'], 'stdin']", true) command("call chansend(id, '\004')") if bsdlike then expect_twoline(id, "stdout", extra, "[1, [''], 'stdin']", true) else eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"[1, [''], 'stdin']"}}}, next_msg()) end -- channel is still open command("call chansend(id, 'hi again!\n')") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {"hi again!\r", ""}}}, next_msg()) end) it('stdio channel can use rpc and stderr simultaneously', function() skip(is_os('win')) source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stderr': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'rpc': v:true, \ } ]]) meths.set_var("nvim_prog", nvim_prog) meths.set_var("code", [[ let id = stdioopen({'rpc':v:true}) call rpcnotify(id,"nvim_call_function", "rpcnotify", [1, "message", "hi there!", id]) call chansend(v:stderr, "trouble!") ]]) command("let id = jobstart([ g:nvim_prog, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '--cmd', 'set noswapfile', '--headless', '--cmd', g:code], g:job_opts)") eq({"notification", "message", {"hi there!", 1}}, next_msg()) eq({"notification", "stderr", {3, {"trouble!"}}}, next_msg()) eq(30, eval("rpcrequest(id, 'nvim_eval', '[chansend(v:stderr, \"math??\"), 5*6][1]')")) eq({"notification", "stderr", {3, {"math??"}}}, next_msg()) local _, err = pcall(command,"call rpcrequest(id, 'nvim_command', 'call chanclose(v:stderr, \"stdin\")')") ok(string.find(err,"E906: invalid stream for channel") ~= nil) eq(1, eval("rpcrequest(id, 'nvim_eval', 'chanclose(v:stderr, \"stderr\")')")) eq({"notification", "stderr", {3, {""}}}, next_msg()) command("call rpcnotify(id, 'nvim_command', 'quit')") eq({"notification", "exit", {3, 0}}, next_msg()) end) it('can use buffered output mode', function() skip(funcs.executable('grep') == 0, 'missing "grep" command') source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_stdout': function('OnEvent'), \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'stdout_buffered': v:true, \ } ]]) command("let id = jobstart(['grep', '^[0-9]'], g:job_opts)") local id = eval("g:id") command([[call chansend(id, "stuff\n10 PRINT \"NVIM\"\nxx")]]) sleep(10) command([[call chansend(id, "xx\n20 GOTO 10\nzz\n")]]) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {'10 PRINT "NVIM"', '20 GOTO 10', ''}}}, next_msg()) eq({"notification", "exit", {id, 0}}, next_msg()) command("let id = jobstart(['grep', '^[0-9]'], g:job_opts)") id = eval("g:id") command([[call chansend(id, "is no number\nnot at all")]]) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") -- works correctly with no output eq({"notification", "stdout", {id, {''}}}, next_msg()) eq({"notification", "exit", {id, 1}}, next_msg()) end) it('can use buffered output mode with no stream callback', function() skip(funcs.executable('grep') == 0, 'missing "grep" command') source([[ function! OnEvent(id, data, event) dict call rpcnotify(1, a:event, a:id, a:data, self.stdout) endfunction let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'stdout_buffered': v:true, \ } ]]) command("let id = jobstart(['grep', '^[0-9]'], g:job_opts)") local id = eval("g:id") command([[call chansend(id, "stuff\n10 PRINT \"NVIM\"\nxx")]]) sleep(10) command([[call chansend(id, "xx\n20 GOTO 10\nzz\n")]]) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") eq({"notification", "exit", {id, 0, {'10 PRINT "NVIM"', '20 GOTO 10', ''}}}, next_msg()) -- if dict is reused the new value is not stored, -- but nvim also does not crash command("let id = jobstart(['cat'], g:job_opts)") id = eval("g:id") command([[call chansend(id, "cat text\n")]]) sleep(10) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") -- old value was not overwritten eq({"notification", "exit", {id, 0, {'10 PRINT "NVIM"', '20 GOTO 10', ''}}}, next_msg()) -- and an error was thrown. eq("E5210: dict key 'stdout' already set for buffered stream in channel "..id, eval('v:errmsg')) -- reset dictionary source([[ let g:job_opts = { \ 'on_exit': function('OnEvent'), \ 'stdout_buffered': v:true, \ } ]]) command("let id = jobstart(['grep', '^[0-9]'], g:job_opts)") id = eval("g:id") command([[call chansend(id, "is no number\nnot at all")]]) command("call chanclose(id, 'stdin')") -- works correctly with no output eq({"notification", "exit", {id, 1, {''}}}, next_msg()) end) end) describe('loopback', function() before_each(function() clear() command("let chan = sockconnect('pipe', v:servername, {'rpc': v:true})") end) it('does not crash when sending raw data', function() eq("Vim(call):Can't send raw data to rpc channel", pcall_err(command, "call chansend(chan, 'test')")) assert_alive() end) it('are released when closed', function() local chans = eval('len(nvim_list_chans())') command('call chanclose(chan)') eq(chans - 1, eval('len(nvim_list_chans())')) end) end)