local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local clear, nvim, eq = helpers.clear, helpers.nvim, helpers.eq describe('TabClosed', function() before_each(clear) describe('au TabClosed', function() describe('with * as ', function() it('matches when closing any tab', function() nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed * echom "tabclosed:".expand("").":".expand("").":".tabpagenr()') repeat nvim('command', 'tabnew') until nvim('eval', 'tabpagenr()') == 6 -- current tab is now 6 eq("tabclosed:6:6:5", nvim('exec', 'tabclose', true)) -- close last 6, current tab is now 5 eq("tabclosed:5:5:4", nvim('exec', 'close', true)) -- close last window on tab, closes tab eq("tabclosed:2:2:3", nvim('exec', '2tabclose', true)) -- close tab 2, current tab is now 3 eq("tabclosed:1:1:2\ntabclosed:1:1:1", nvim('exec', 'tabonly', true)) -- close tabs 1 and 2 end) it('is triggered when closing a window via bdelete from another tab', function() nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed * echom "tabclosed:".expand("").":".expand("").":".tabpagenr()') nvim('command', '1tabedit Xtestfile') nvim('command', '1tabedit Xtestfile') nvim('command', 'normal! 1gt') eq({1, 3}, nvim('eval', '[tabpagenr(), tabpagenr("$")]')) eq("tabclosed:2:2:1\ntabclosed:2:2:1", nvim('exec', 'bdelete Xtestfile', true)) eq({1, 1}, nvim('eval', '[tabpagenr(), tabpagenr("$")]')) end) it('is triggered when closing a window via bdelete from current tab', function() nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed * echom "tabclosed:".expand("").":".expand("").":".tabpagenr()') nvim('command', 'file Xtestfile1') nvim('command', '1tabedit Xtestfile2') nvim('command', '1tabedit Xtestfile2') -- Only one tab is closed, and the alternate file is used for the other. eq({2, 3}, nvim('eval', '[tabpagenr(), tabpagenr("$")]')) eq("tabclosed:2:2:2", nvim('exec', 'bdelete Xtestfile2', true)) eq('Xtestfile1', nvim('eval', 'bufname("")')) end) end) describe('with NR as ', function() it('matches when closing a tab whose index is NR', function() nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed * echom "tabclosed:".expand("").":".expand("").":".tabpagenr()') nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed 2 echom "tabclosed:match"') repeat nvim('command', 'tabnew') until nvim('eval', 'tabpagenr()') == 7 -- current tab is now 7 -- sanity check, we shouldn't match on tabs with numbers other than 2 eq("tabclosed:7:7:6", nvim('exec', 'tabclose', true)) -- close tab page 2, current tab is now 5 eq("tabclosed:2:2:5\ntabclosed:match", nvim('exec', '2tabclose', true)) end) end) describe('with close', function() it('is triggered', function() nvim('command', 'au! TabClosed * echom "tabclosed:".expand("").":".expand("").":".tabpagenr()') nvim('command', 'tabedit Xtestfile') eq({2, 2}, nvim('eval', '[tabpagenr(), tabpagenr("$")]')) eq("tabclosed:2:2:1", nvim('exec', 'close', true)) eq({1, 1}, nvim('eval', '[tabpagenr(), tabpagenr("$")]')) end) end) end) end)