local helpers = require('test.unit.helpers') local cimport = helpers.cimport local to_cstr = helpers.to_cstr local ffi = helpers.ffi local eq = helpers.eq local eval = cimport('./src/nvim/eval.h', './src/nvim/eval_defs.h', './src/nvim/hashtab.h') local null_string = {[true]='NULL string'} local null_list = {[true]='NULL list'} local null_dict = {[true]='NULL dict'} local type_key = {[true]='type key'} local list_type = {[true]='list type'} local dict_type = {[true]='dict type'} local func_type = {[true]='func type'} local int_type = {[true]='int type'} local flt_type = {[true]='flt type'} local nil_value = {[true]='nil'} local lua2typvalt local function li_alloc(nogc) local gcfunc = eval.listitem_free if nogc then gcfunc = nil end local li = ffi.gc(eval.listitem_alloc(), gcfunc) li.li_next = nil li.li_prev = nil li.li_tv = {v_type=eval.VAR_UNKNOWN, v_lock=eval.VAR_UNLOCKED} return li end local function list(...) local ret = ffi.gc(eval.list_alloc(), eval.list_unref) eq(0, ret.lv_refcount) ret.lv_refcount = 1 for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local val = select(i, ...) local li_tv = ffi.gc(lua2typvalt(val), nil) local li = li_alloc(true) li.li_tv = li_tv eval.tv_list_append(ret, li) end return ret end local special_tab = { [eval.kSpecialVarFalse] = false, [eval.kSpecialVarNull] = nil_value, [eval.kSpecialVarTrue] = true, } local ptr2key = function(ptr) return tostring(ptr) end local lst2tbl local dct2tbl local typvalt2lua local typvalt2lua_tab typvalt2lua_tab = { [tonumber(eval.VAR_SPECIAL)] = function(t) return special_tab[t.vval.v_special] end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_NUMBER)] = function(t) return {[type_key]=int_type, value=tonumber(t.vval.v_number)} end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_FLOAT)] = function(t) return tonumber(t.vval.v_float) end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_STRING)] = function(t) local str = t.vval.v_string if str == nil then return null_string else return ffi.string(str) end end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_LIST)] = function(t, processed) return lst2tbl(t.vval.v_list, processed) end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_DICT)] = function(t, processed) return dct2tbl(t.vval.v_dict, processed) end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_FUNC)] = function(t, processed) return {[type_key]=func_type, value=typvalt2lua_tab[eval.VAR_STRING](t, processed or {})} end, [tonumber(eval.VAR_PARTIAL)] = function(t, processed) local p_key = ptr2key(t) if processed[p_key] then return processed[p_key] end local pt = t.vval.v_partial local value, auto, dict, argv = nil, nil, nil, nil if pt ~= nil then value = ffi.string(pt.pt_name) auto = pt.pt_auto and true or nil argv = {} for i = 1, pt.pt_argc do argv[i] = typvalt2lua(pt.pt_argv[i - 1], processed) end if pt.pt_dict ~= nil then dict = dct2tbl(pt.pt_dict) end end return { [type_key]=func_type, value=value, auto=auto, args=argv, dict=dict, } end, } typvalt2lua = function(t, processed) return ((typvalt2lua_tab[tonumber(t.v_type)] or function(t_inner) assert(false, 'Converting ' .. tonumber(t_inner.v_type) .. ' was not implemented yet') end)(t, processed or {})) end local function list_iter(l) local init_s = { idx=0, li=l.lv_first, } local function f(s, _) -- (listitem_T *) NULL is equal to nil, but yet it is not false. if s.li == nil then return nil end local ret_li = s.li s.li = s.li.li_next s.idx = s.idx + 1 return s.idx, ret_li end return f, init_s, nil end local function list_items(l) local ret = {} for i, li in list_iter(l) do ret[i] = li end return ret end lst2tbl = function(l, processed) if l == nil then return null_list end processed = processed or {} local p_key = ptr2key(l) if processed[p_key] then return processed[p_key] end local ret = {[type_key]=list_type} processed[p_key] = ret for i, li in list_iter(l) do ret[i] = typvalt2lua(li.li_tv, processed) end if ret[1] then ret[type_key] = nil end return ret end local hi_key_removed = eval._hash_key_removed() local function dict_iter(d, return_hi) local init_s = { todo=d.dv_hashtab.ht_used, hi=d.dv_hashtab.ht_array, } local function f(s, _) if s.todo == 0 then return nil end while s.todo > 0 do if s.hi.hi_key ~= nil and s.hi.hi_key ~= hi_key_removed then local key = ffi.string(s.hi.hi_key) local ret if return_hi then ret = s.hi else ret = ffi.cast('dictitem_T*', s.hi.hi_key - ffi.offsetof('dictitem_T', 'di_key')) end s.todo = s.todo - 1 s.hi = s.hi + 1 return key, ret end s.hi = s.hi + 1 end end return f, init_s, nil end local function first_di(d) local f, init_s, v = dict_iter(d) return select(2, f(init_s, v)) end local function dict_items(d) local ret = {[0]=0} for k, hi in dict_iter(d) do ret[k] = hi ret[0] = ret[0] + 1 ret[ret[0]] = hi end return ret end dct2tbl = function(d, processed) if d == nil then return null_dict end processed = processed or {} local p_key = ptr2key(d) if processed[p_key] then return processed[p_key] end local ret = {} processed[p_key] = ret for k, di in dict_iter(d) do ret[k] = typvalt2lua(di.di_tv, processed) end return ret end local typvalt = function(typ, vval) if typ == nil then typ = eval.VAR_UNKNOWN elseif type(typ) == 'string' then typ = eval[typ] end return ffi.gc(ffi.new('typval_T', {v_type=typ, vval=vval}), eval.clear_tv) end local lua2typvalt_type_tab = { [int_type] = function(l, _) return typvalt(eval.VAR_NUMBER, {v_number=l.value}) end, [flt_type] = function(l, processed) return lua2typvalt(l.value, processed) end, [list_type] = function(l, processed) if processed[l] then processed[l].lv_refcount = processed[l].lv_refcount + 1 return typvalt(eval.VAR_LIST, {v_list=processed[l]}) end local lst = eval.list_alloc() lst.lv_refcount = 1 processed[l] = lst local ret = typvalt(eval.VAR_LIST, {v_list=lst}) for i = 1, #l do local item_tv = ffi.gc(lua2typvalt(l[i], processed), nil) eval.list_append_tv(lst, item_tv) eval.clear_tv(item_tv) end return ret end, [dict_type] = function(l, processed) if processed[l] then processed[l].dv_refcount = processed[l].dv_refcount + 1 return typvalt(eval.VAR_DICT, {v_dict=processed[l]}) end local dct = eval.dict_alloc() dct.dv_refcount = 1 processed[l] = dct local ret = typvalt(eval.VAR_DICT, {v_dict=dct}) for k, v in pairs(l) do if type(k) == 'string' then local di = eval.dictitem_alloc(to_cstr(k)) local val_tv = ffi.gc(lua2typvalt(v, processed), nil) eval.copy_tv(val_tv, di.di_tv) eval.clear_tv(val_tv) eval.dict_add(dct, di) end end return ret end, [func_type] = function(l, processed) if processed[l] then processed[l].pt_refcount = processed[l].pt_refcount + 1 return typvalt(eval.VAR_PARTIAL, {v_partial=processed[l]}) end if l.args or l.dict then local pt = ffi.gc(ffi.cast('partial_T*', eval.xmalloc(ffi.sizeof('partial_T'))), nil) processed[l] = pt local argv = nil if l.args and #l.args > 0 then argv = ffi.gc(ffi.cast('typval_T*', eval.xmalloc(ffi.sizeof('typval_T') * #l.args)), nil) for i, arg in ipairs(l.args) do local arg_tv = ffi.gc(lua2typvalt(arg, processed), nil) eval.copy_tv(arg_tv, argv[i - 1]) eval.clear_tv(arg_tv) end end local dict = nil if l.dict then local dict_tv = ffi.gc(lua2typvalt(l.dict, processed), nil) assert(dict_tv.v_type == eval.VAR_DICT) dict = dict_tv.vval.v_dict end pt.pt_refcount = 1 pt.pt_name = eval.xmemdupz(to_cstr(l.value), #l.value) pt.pt_auto = not not l.auto pt.pt_argc = l.args and #l.args or 0 pt.pt_argv = argv pt.pt_dict = dict return typvalt(eval.VAR_PARTIAL, {v_partial=pt}) else return typvalt(eval.VAR_FUNC, { v_string=eval.xmemdupz(to_cstr(l.value), #l.value) }) end end, } local special_vals = { [null_string] = {eval.VAR_STRING, {v_string=ffi.cast('char_u*', nil)}}, [null_list] = {eval.VAR_LIST, {v_list=ffi.cast('list_T*', nil)}}, [null_dict] = {eval.VAR_DICT, {v_dict=ffi.cast('dict_T*', nil)}}, [nil_value] = {eval.VAR_SPECIAL, {v_special=eval.kSpecialVarNull}}, [true] = {eval.VAR_SPECIAL, {v_special=eval.kSpecialVarTrue}}, [false] = {eval.VAR_SPECIAL, {v_special=eval.kSpecialVarFalse}}, } for k, v in pairs(special_vals) do local tmp = function(typ, vval) special_vals[k] = function() return typvalt(typ, vval) end end tmp(v[1], v[2]) end lua2typvalt = function(l, processed) processed = processed or {} if l == nil or l == nil_value then return special_vals[nil_value]() elseif special_vals[l] then return special_vals[l]() elseif type(l) == 'table' then if l[type_key] then return lua2typvalt_type_tab[l[type_key]](l, processed) else if l[1] then return lua2typvalt_type_tab[list_type](l, processed) else return lua2typvalt_type_tab[dict_type](l, processed) end end elseif type(l) == 'number' then return typvalt(eval.VAR_FLOAT, {v_float=l}) elseif type(l) == 'string' then return typvalt(eval.VAR_STRING, {v_string=eval.xmemdupz(to_cstr(l), #l)}) elseif type(l) == 'cdata' then local tv = typvalt(eval.VAR_UNKNOWN) eval.tv_copy(l, tv) return tv end end local function void(ptr) return ffi.cast('void*', ptr) end local alloc_logging_helpers = { list = function(l) return {func='calloc', args={1, ffi.sizeof('list_T')}, ret=void(l)} end, li = function(li) return {func='malloc', args={ffi.sizeof('listitem_T')}, ret=void(li)} end, dict = function(d) return {func='malloc', args={ffi.sizeof('dict_T')}, ret=void(d)} end, di = function(di, size) return {func='malloc', args={ffi.offsetof('dictitem_T', 'di_key') + size + 1}, ret=void(di)} end, str = function(s, size) return {func='malloc', args={size + 1}, ret=void(s)} end, freed = function(p) return {func='free', args={p and void(p)}} end, } return { null_string=null_string, null_list=null_list, null_dict=null_dict, list_type=list_type, dict_type=dict_type, func_type=func_type, int_type=int_type, flt_type=flt_type, nil_value=nil_value, type_key=type_key, list=list, lst2tbl=lst2tbl, dct2tbl=dct2tbl, lua2typvalt=lua2typvalt, typvalt2lua=typvalt2lua, typvalt=typvalt, li_alloc=li_alloc, dict_iter=dict_iter, list_iter=list_iter, first_di=first_di, alloc_logging_helpers=alloc_logging_helpers, list_items=list_items, dict_items=dict_items, }