local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each) local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen') local dedent = helpers.dedent local eq = helpers.eq local eval = helpers.eval local feed = helpers.feed local clear = helpers.clear local meths = helpers.meths local pcall_err = helpers.pcall_err local funcs = helpers.funcs local expect = helpers.expect local command = helpers.command local exc_exec = helpers.exc_exec local curbufmeths = helpers.curbufmeths local source = helpers.source describe('autocmd', function() before_each(clear) it(':tabnew triggers events in the correct order', function() local expected = { 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter', 'BufLeave', 'BufEnter' } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd BufEnter * :call add(g:foo, "BufEnter")') command('autocmd BufLeave * :call add(g:foo, "BufLeave")') command('autocmd TabEnter * :call add(g:foo, "TabEnter")') command('autocmd TabLeave * :call add(g:foo, "TabLeave")') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "TabNew")') command('autocmd WinEnter * :call add(g:foo, "WinEnter")') command('autocmd WinLeave * :call add(g:foo, "WinLeave")') command('tabnew') assert.same(expected, eval('g:foo')) end) it('v:vim_did_enter is 1 after VimEnter', function() eq(1, eval('v:vim_did_enter')) end) describe('BufLeave autocommand', function() it('can wipe out the buffer created by :edit which triggered autocmd', function() meths.set_option('hidden', true) curbufmeths.set_lines(0, 1, false, { 'start of test file xx', 'end of test file xx'}) command('autocmd BufLeave * bwipeout yy') eq('Vim(edit):E143: Autocommands unexpectedly deleted new buffer yy', exc_exec('edit yy')) expect([[ start of test file xx end of test file xx]]) end) end) it('++once', function() -- :help autocmd-once -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once" executes its handler once, then removes the handler. -- local expected = { 'Many1', 'Once1', 'Once2', 'Many2', 'Once3', 'Many1', 'Many2', 'Many1', 'Many2', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once2")') command('autocmd TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many2")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once3")') eq(dedent([[ --- Autocommands --- TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1") :call add(g:foo, "Once1") :call add(g:foo, "Once2") :call add(g:foo, "Many2") :call add(g:foo, "Once3")]]), funcs.execute('autocmd Tabnew')) command('tabnew') command('tabnew') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) eq(dedent([[ --- Autocommands --- TabNew * :call add(g:foo, "Many1") :call add(g:foo, "Many2")]]), funcs.execute('autocmd Tabnew')) -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once" handlers can be deleted. -- expected = {} command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd! TabNew') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) -- -- ":autocmd ... ++once ++nested" -- expected = { 'OptionSet-Once', 'CursorMoved-Once', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd OptionSet binary ++nested ++once :call add(g:foo, "OptionSet-Once")') command('autocmd CursorMoved ++once ++nested setlocal binary|:call add(g:foo, "CursorMoved-Once")') command("put ='foo bar baz'") feed('0llhlh') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) -- -- :autocmd should not show empty section after ++once handlers expire. -- expected = { 'Once1', 'Once2', } command('let g:foo = []') command('autocmd! TabNew') -- Clear all TabNew handlers. command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once1")') command('autocmd TabNew * ++once :call add(g:foo, "Once2")') command('tabnew') eq(expected, eval('g:foo')) eq(dedent([[ --- Autocommands ---]]), funcs.execute('autocmd Tabnew')) end) it('internal `aucmd_win` window', function() -- Nvim uses a special internal window `aucmd_win` to execute certain -- actions for an invisible buffer (:help E813). -- Check redrawing and API accesses to this window. local screen = Screen.new(50, 10) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, [2] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta}, [3] = {background = Screen.colors.LightMagenta, bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, }) source([[ function! Doit() let g:winid = nvim_get_current_win() redraw! echo getchar() " API functions work when aucmd_win is in scope let g:had_value = has_key(w:, "testvar") call nvim_win_set_var(g:winid, "testvar", 7) let g:test = w:testvar endfunction set hidden " add dummy text to not discard the buffer call setline(1,"bb") autocmd User call Doit() ]]) screen:expect([[ ^bb | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| | ]]) feed(":enew | doautoall User") screen:expect([[ {2:bb }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| ^:enew | doautoall User | ]]) feed('') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| 13 | ]]) eq(7, eval('g:test')) -- API calls are blocked when aucmd_win is not in scope eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid window id', pcall_err(command, "call nvim_set_current_win(g:winid)")) -- second time aucmd_win is needed, a different code path is invoked -- to reuse the same window, so check again command("let g:test = v:null") command("let g:had_value = v:null") feed(":doautoall User") screen:expect([[ {2:bb }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {3:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| ^:doautoall User | ]]) feed('') screen:expect([[ ^ | {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| {1:~ }| 13 | ]]) -- win vars in aucmd_win should have been reset eq(0, eval('g:had_value')) eq(7, eval('g:test')) eq('Vim(call):E5555: API call: Invalid window id', pcall_err(command, "call nvim_set_current_win(g:winid)")) end) it(':doautocmd does not warn "No matching autocommands" #10689', function() local screen = Screen.new(32, 3) screen:attach() screen:set_default_attr_ids({ [1] = {bold = true, foreground = Screen.colors.Blue1}, }) feed(':doautocmd User Foo') screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {1:~ }| :doautocmd User Foo | ]]} feed(':autocmd! SessionLoadPost') feed(':doautocmd SessionLoadPost') screen:expect{grid=[[ ^ | {1:~ }| :doautocmd SessionLoadPost | ]]} end) end)