" Tests for mappings and abbreviations source shared.vim source check.vim source screendump.vim source term_util.vim func Test_abbreviation() new " abbreviation with 0x80 should work inoreab чкпр vim call feedkeys("Goчкпр \", "xt") call assert_equal('vim ', getline('$')) iunab чкпр bwipe! endfunc func Test_abbreviation_with_noremap() nnoremap :echo "cheese" cabbr cheese xxx call feedkeys(":echo \"cheese\"\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"echo "xxx"', @:) call feedkeys("\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"echo "cheese"', @:) nnoremap :echo "cheese" call feedkeys("\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"echo "xxx"', @:) nunmap cunabbr cheese new inoremap ( () iabbr fnu fun call feedkeys("ifnu(", 'tx') call assert_equal('fun()', getline(1)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_abclear() abbrev foo foobar iabbrev fooi foobari cabbrev fooc foobarc call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "c fooc foobarc\n" \ .. "i fooi foobari\n" \ .. "! foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) iabclear call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "c fooc foobarc\n" \ .. "c foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) abbrev foo foobar iabbrev fooi foobari cabclear call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "i fooi foobari\n" \ .. "i foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) abbrev foo foobar cabbrev fooc foobarc abclear call assert_equal("\n\nNo abbreviation found", execute('abbrev')) call assert_fails('%abclear', 'E481:') endfunc func Test_abclear_buffer() abbrev foo foobar new X1 abbrev foo1 foobar1 new X2 abbrev foo2 foobar2 call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "! foo2 @foobar2\n" \ .. "! foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) abclear call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "! foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) b X1 call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "! foo1 @foobar1\n" \ .. "! foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) abclear call assert_equal("\n\n" \ .. "! foo foobar", execute('abbrev')) abclear call assert_equal("\n\nNo abbreviation found", execute('abbrev')) %bwipe endfunc func Test_map_ctrl_c_insert() " mapping of ctrl-c in Insert mode set cpo-=< cpo-=k inoremap cnoremap dummy cunmap call feedkeys("GoTEST2: CTRL-C |\<*C-C>A|\", "xt") call assert_equal('TEST2: CTRL-C |A|', getline('$')) unmap! set nomodified endfunc func Test_map_ctrl_c_visual() " mapping of ctrl-c in Visual mode vnoremap :$put ='vmap works' call feedkeys("GV\<*C-C>\", "xt") call assert_equal('vmap works', getline('$')) vunmap set nomodified endfunc func Test_map_langmap() if !has('langmap') return endif " check langmap applies in normal mode set langmap=+- nolangremap new call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) 2 call assert_equal('b', getline('.')) call feedkeys("+", "xt") call assert_equal('a', getline('.')) " check no remapping map x + 2 call feedkeys("x", "xt") call assert_equal('c', getline('.')) " check with remapping set langremap 2 call feedkeys("x", "xt") call assert_equal('a', getline('.')) unmap x bwipe! " 'langnoremap' follows 'langremap' and vice versa set langremap set langnoremap call assert_equal(0, &langremap) set langremap call assert_equal(0, &langnoremap) set nolangremap call assert_equal(1, &langnoremap) " check default values set langnoremap& call assert_equal(1, &langnoremap) call assert_equal(0, &langremap) set langremap& call assert_equal(1, &langnoremap) call assert_equal(0, &langremap) " langmap should not apply in insert mode, 'langremap' doesn't matter set langmap=+{ nolangremap call feedkeys("Go+\", "xt") call assert_equal('+', getline('$')) set langmap=+{ langremap call feedkeys("Go+\", "xt") call assert_equal('+', getline('$')) " langmap used for register name in insert mode. call setreg('a', 'aaaa') call setreg('b', 'bbbb') call setreg('c', 'cccc') set langmap=ab langremap call feedkeys("Go\a\", "xt") call assert_equal('bbbb', getline('$')) call feedkeys("Go\\a\", "xt") call assert_equal('bbbb', getline('$')) " mapping does not apply imap c a call feedkeys("Go\c\", "xt") call assert_equal('cccc', getline('$')) imap a c call feedkeys("Go\a\", "xt") call assert_equal('bbbb', getline('$')) " langmap should not apply in Command-line mode set langmap=+{ nolangremap call feedkeys(":call append(line('$'), '+')\", "xt") call assert_equal('+', getline('$')) iunmap a iunmap c set nomodified endfunc func Test_map_feedkeys() " issue #212 (feedkeys insert mapping at current position) nnoremap . :call feedkeys(".", "in") call setline('$', ['a b c d', 'a b c d']) $-1 call feedkeys("0qqdw.ifoo\qj0@q\", "xt") call assert_equal(['fooc d', 'fooc d'], getline(line('$') - 1, line('$'))) nunmap . set nomodified endfunc func Test_map_cursor() " U works only within a single line imapclear imap ( ()U call feedkeys("G2o\ki\Test1: text with a (here some more text\k.", "xt") call assert_equal('Test1: text with a (here some more text)', getline(line('$') - 2)) call assert_equal('Test1: text with a (here some more text)', getline(line('$') - 1)) " test undo call feedkeys("G2o\ki\Test2: text wit a (here some more text [und undo]\u\k.u", "xt") call assert_equal('', getline(line('$') - 2)) call assert_equal('Test2: text wit a (here some more text [und undo])', getline(line('$') - 1)) set nomodified imapclear endfunc func Test_map_cursor_ctrl_gU() " U works only within a single line nnoremap c<* *Ncgn"U call setline(1, ['foo', 'foobar', '', 'foo']) call cursor(1,2) call feedkeys("c<*PREFIX\.", 'xt') call assert_equal(['PREFIXfoo', 'foobar', '', 'PREFIXfoo'], getline(1,'$')) " break undo manually set ul=1000 exe ":norm! uu" call assert_equal(['foo', 'foobar', '', 'foo'], getline(1,'$')) " Test that it does not work if the cursor moves to the previous line " 2 times move to the previous line nnoremap c<* *Ncgn"UU call setline(1, ['', ' foo', 'foobar', '', 'foo']) call cursor(2,3) call feedkeys("c<*PREFIX\.", 'xt') call assert_equal(['PREFIXPREFIX', ' foo', 'foobar', '', 'foo'], getline(1,'$')) nmapclear endfunc " This isn't actually testing a mapping, but similar use of CTRL-G U as above. func Test_break_undo() set whichwrap=<,>,[,] call feedkeys("G4o2k", "xt") exe ":norm! iTest3: text with a (parenthesis here\U\new line here\\\." call assert_equal('new line here', getline(line('$') - 3)) call assert_equal('Test3: text with a (parenthesis here', getline(line('$') - 2)) call assert_equal('new line here', getline(line('$') - 1)) set nomodified endfunc func Test_map_meta_quotes() imap foo call feedkeys("Go-\<*M-\">-\", "xt") call assert_equal("-foo-", getline('$')) set nomodified iunmap endfunc func Test_map_meta_multibyte() imap foo call assert_match('i \s*foo', execute('imap')) iunmap endfunc func Test_map_super_quotes() if "\"[-1:] == '>' throw 'Skipped: foo call feedkeys("Go-\<*D-\">-\", "xt") call assert_equal("-foo-", getline('$')) set nomodified iunmap endfunc func Test_map_super_multibyte() if "\"[-1:] == '>' throw 'Skipped: foo call assert_match('i \s*foo', execute('imap')) iunmap endfunc func Test_abbr_after_line_join() new abbr foo bar set backspace=indent,eol,start exe "normal o\foo " call assert_equal("bar ", getline(1)) bwipe! unabbr foo set backspace& endfunc func Test_map_timeout() if !has('timers') return endif nnoremap aaaa :let got_aaaa = 1 nnoremap bb :let got_bb = 1 nmap b aaa new func ExitInsert(timer) let g:line = getline(1) call feedkeys("\", "t") endfunc set timeout timeoutlen=200 let timer = timer_start(300, 'ExitInsert') " After the 'b' Vim waits for another character to see if it matches 'bb'. " When it times out it is expanded to "aaa", but there is no wait for " "aaaa". Can't check that reliably though. call feedkeys("b", "xt!") call assert_equal("aa", g:line) call assert_false(exists('got_aaa')) call assert_false(exists('got_bb')) bwipe! nunmap aaaa nunmap bb nunmap b set timeoutlen& delfunc ExitInsert call timer_stop(timer) endfunc func Test_map_timeout_with_timer_interrupt() CheckFeature job CheckFeature timers let g:test_is_flaky = 1 " Confirm the timer invoked in exit_cb of the job doesn't disturb mapped key " sequence. new let g:val = 0 nnoremap \12 :let g:val = 1 nnoremap \123 :let g:val = 2 set timeout timeoutlen=200 func ExitCb(job, status) let g:timer = timer_start(1, {-> feedkeys("3\", 't')}) endfunc call job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'echo'], {'exit_cb': 'ExitCb'}) call feedkeys('\12', 'xt!') call assert_equal(2, g:val) bwipe! nunmap \12 nunmap \123 set timeoutlen& call WaitFor({-> exists('g:timer')}) call timer_stop(g:timer) unlet g:timer unlet g:val delfunc ExitCb endfunc func Test_cabbr_visual_mode() cabbr s su call feedkeys(":s \\"\", 'itx') call assert_equal('"su ', getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":'<,'>s \\"\", 'itx') let expected = '"'. "'<,'>su " call assert_equal(expected, getreg(':')) call feedkeys(": '<,'>s \\"\", 'itx') let expected = '" '. "'<,'>su " call assert_equal(expected, getreg(':')) call feedkeys(":'a,'bs \\"\", 'itx') let expected = '"'. "'a,'bsu " call assert_equal(expected, getreg(':')) cunabbr s endfunc func Test_abbreviation_CR() new func Eatchar(pat) let c = nr2char(getchar(0)) return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c endfunc iabbrev ~~7 =repeat('~', 7)=Eatchar('\s') call feedkeys("GA~~7 \", 'xt') call assert_equal('~~~~~~~', getline('$')) %d call feedkeys("GA~~7\\", 'xt') call assert_equal(['~~~~~~~', ''], getline(1,'$')) delfunc Eatchar bw! endfunc func Test_motionforce_omap() func GetCommand() let g:m=mode(1) let [g:lnum1, g:col1] = searchpos('-', 'Wb') if g:lnum1 == 0 return "\" endif let [g:lnum2, g:col2] = searchpos('-', 'W') if g:lnum2 == 0 return "\" endif return ":call Select()\" endfunc func Select() call cursor([g:lnum1, g:col1]) exe "normal! 1 ". (strlen(g:m) == 2 ? 'v' : g:m[2]) call cursor([g:lnum2, g:col2]) execute "normal! \" endfunc new onoremap i- GetCommand() " 1) default omap mapping %d_ call setline(1, ['aaa - bbb', 'x', 'ddd - eee']) call cursor(2, 1) norm di- call assert_equal('no', g:m) call assert_equal(['aaa -- eee'], getline(1, '$')) " 2) forced characterwise operation %d_ call setline(1, ['aaa - bbb', 'x', 'ddd - eee']) call cursor(2, 1) norm dvi- call assert_equal('nov', g:m) call assert_equal(['aaa -- eee'], getline(1, '$')) " 3) forced linewise operation %d_ call setline(1, ['aaa - bbb', 'x', 'ddd - eee']) call cursor(2, 1) norm dVi- call assert_equal('noV', g:m) call assert_equal([''], getline(1, '$')) " 4) forced blockwise operation %d_ call setline(1, ['aaa - bbb', 'x', 'ddd - eee']) call cursor(2, 1) exe "norm d\i-" call assert_equal("no\", g:m) call assert_equal(['aaabbb', 'x', 'dddeee'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! delfunc Select delfunc GetCommand endfunc func Test_error_in_map_expr() " Unlike CheckRunVimInTerminal this does work in a win32 console CheckFeature terminal if has('win32') && has('gui_running') throw 'Skipped: cannot run Vim in a terminal window' endif let lines =<< trim [CODE] func Func() " fail to create list let x = [ endfunc nmap ! Func() set updatetime=50 [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xtest.vim') let buf = term_start(GetVimCommandCleanTerm() .. ' -S Xtest.vim', {'term_rows': 8}) let job = term_getjob(buf) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 8))}) " GC must not run during map-expr processing, which can make Vim crash. call term_sendkeys(buf, '!') call TermWait(buf, 50) call term_sendkeys(buf, "\") call TermWait(buf, 50) call assert_equal('run', job_status(job)) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":qall!\") call WaitFor({-> job_status(job) ==# 'dead'}) if has('unix') call assert_equal('', job_info(job).termsig) endif call delete('Xtest.vim') exe buf .. 'bwipe!' endfunc func Test_list_mappings() " Remove default mappings imapclear " reset 'isident' to check it isn't used set isident= inoremap CtrlM inoremap AltS inoremap ShiftSlash set isident& call assert_equal([ \ 'i * ShiftSlash', \ 'i * AltS', \ 'i * CtrlM', \], execute('imap')->trim()->split("\n")) iunmap iunmap call assert_equal(['i * ShiftSlash'], execute('imap')->trim()->split("\n")) iunmap call assert_equal(['No mapping found'], execute('imap')->trim()->split("\n")) " List global, buffer local and script local mappings nmap ,f /^\k\+ ( nmap ,f /^\k\+ ( nmap