# - Try to find libuv # Once done, this will define # # LIBUV_FOUND - system has libuv # LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIRS - the libuv include directories # LIBUV_LIBRARIES - link these to use libuv # # Set the LIBUV_USE_STATIC variable to specify if static libraries should # be preferred to shared ones. if(NOT LIBUV_USE_BUNDLED) find_package(PkgConfig) if (PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(PC_LIBUV QUIET libuv) endif() else() set(PC_LIBUV_INCLUDEDIR) set(PC_LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(PC_LIBUV_LIBDIR) set(PC_LIBUV_LIBRARY_DIRS) set(LIMIT_SEARCH NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() find_path(LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR uv.h HINTS ${PC_LIBUV_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${LIMIT_SEARCH}) # If we're asked to use static linkage, add libuv.a as a preferred library name. if(LIBUV_USE_STATIC) list(APPEND LIBUV_NAMES "${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX}uv${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") endif(LIBUV_USE_STATIC) if(MSVC) list(APPEND LIBUV_NAMES libuv) else() list(APPEND LIBUV_NAMES uv) endif() find_library(LIBUV_LIBRARY NAMES ${LIBUV_NAMES} HINTS ${PC_LIBUV_LIBDIR} ${PC_LIBUV_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${LIMIT_SEARCH}) mark_as_advanced(LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR LIBUV_LIBRARY) if(PC_LIBUV_LIBRARIES) list(REMOVE_ITEM PC_LIBUV_LIBRARIES uv) endif() set(LIBUV_LIBRARIES ${LIBUV_LIBRARY} ${PC_LIBUV_LIBRARIES}) set(LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR}) # Deal with the fact that libuv.pc is missing important dependency information. include(CheckLibraryExists) check_library_exists(dl dlopen "dlfcn.h" HAVE_LIBDL) if(HAVE_LIBDL) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES dl) endif() check_library_exists(kstat kstat_lookup "kstat.h" HAVE_LIBKSTAT) if(HAVE_LIBKSTAT) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES kstat) endif() check_library_exists(kvm kvm_open "kvm.h" HAVE_LIBKVM) if(HAVE_LIBKVM) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES kvm) endif() check_library_exists(nsl gethostbyname "nsl.h" HAVE_LIBNSL) if(HAVE_LIBNSL) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES nsl) endif() check_library_exists(perfstat perfstat_cpu "libperfstat.h" HAVE_LIBPERFSTAT) if(HAVE_LIBPERFSTAT) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES perfstat) endif() check_library_exists(rt clock_gettime "time.h" HAVE_LIBRT) if(HAVE_LIBRT) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES rt) endif() check_library_exists(sendfile sendfile "" HAVE_LIBSENDFILE) if(HAVE_LIBSENDFILE) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES sendfile) endif() if(WIN32) # check_library_exists() does not work for Win32 API calls in X86 due to name # mangling calling conventions list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES iphlpapi) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES psapi) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES userenv) list(APPEND LIBUV_LIBRARIES ws2_32) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBUV_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are TRUE find_package_handle_standard_args(LibUV DEFAULT_MSG LIBUV_LIBRARY LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR) mark_as_advanced(LIBUV_INCLUDE_DIR LIBUV_LIBRARY)