" Vim filetype plugin file " Language: Raku " Maintainer: vim-perl <vim-perl@googlegroups.com> " Homepage: https://github.com/Raku/vim-raku " Bugs/requests: https://github.com/Raku/vim-raku/issues " Last Change: 2021 Apr 16 " 2024 May 23 by Riley Bruins <ribru17@gmail.com> ('commentstring') " Contributors: Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson <hinrik.sig@gmail.com> " " Based on ftplugin/perl.vim by Dan Sharp <dwsharp at hotmail dot com> if exists("b:did_ftplugin") | finish | endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Make sure the continuation lines below do not cause problems in " compatibility mode. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo-=C setlocal formatoptions-=t setlocal formatoptions+=crqol setlocal keywordprg=p6doc setlocal comments=:#\|,:#=,:# setlocal commentstring=#\ %s " Provided by Ned Konz <ned at bike-nomad dot com> "--------------------------------------------- setlocal include=\\<\\(use\\\|require\\)\\> setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'::','/','g') setlocal suffixesadd=.rakumod,.rakudoc,.pm6,.pm setlocal define=[^A-Za-z_] " The following line changes a global variable but is necessary to make " gf and similar commands work. Thanks to Andrew Pimlott for pointing out " the problem. If this causes a problem for you, add an " after/ftplugin/raku.vim file that contains " set isfname-=: set isfname+=: setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,- " Raku exposes its CompUnits through $*REPO, but mapping module names to " compunit paths is nontrivial. Probably it's more convenient to rely on " people using zef, which has a handy store of sources for modules it has " installed. func s:compareReverseFtime(a, b) let atime = getftime(a:a) let btime = getftime(a:b) return atime > btime ? -1 : atime == btime ? 0 : 1 endfunc let &l:path = "lib,." if exists('$RAKULIB') let &l:path = &l:path . "," . $RAKULIB endif let &l:path = &l:path . "," . join( \ sort(glob("~/.zef/store/*/*/lib", 0, 1), "s:compareReverseFtime"), \ ',') " Convert ascii-based ops into their single-character unicode equivalent if get(g:, 'raku_unicode_abbrevs', 0) iabbrev <buffer> !(<) ⊄ iabbrev <buffer> !(<=) ⊈ iabbrev <buffer> !(>) ⊅ iabbrev <buffer> !(>=) ⊉ iabbrev <buffer> !(cont) ∌ iabbrev <buffer> !(elem) ∉ iabbrev <buffer> != ≠ iabbrev <buffer> (&) ∩ iabbrev <buffer> (+) ⊎ iabbrev <buffer> (-) ∖ iabbrev <buffer> (.) ⊍ iabbrev <buffer> (<) ⊂ iabbrev <buffer> (<+) ≼ iabbrev <buffer> (<=) ⊆ iabbrev <buffer> (>) ⊃ iabbrev <buffer> (>+) ≽ iabbrev <buffer> (>=) ⊇ iabbrev <buffer> (\|) ∪ iabbrev <buffer> (^) ⊖ iabbrev <buffer> (atomic) ⚛ iabbrev <buffer> (cont) ∋ iabbrev <buffer> (elem) ∈ iabbrev <buffer> * × iabbrev <buffer> **0 ⁰ iabbrev <buffer> **1 ¹ iabbrev <buffer> **2 ² iabbrev <buffer> **3 ³ iabbrev <buffer> **4 ⁴ iabbrev <buffer> **5 ⁵ iabbrev <buffer> **6 ⁶ iabbrev <buffer> **7 ⁷ iabbrev <buffer> **8 ⁸ iabbrev <buffer> **9 ⁹ iabbrev <buffer> ... … iabbrev <buffer> / ÷ iabbrev <buffer> << « iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]<< «=« iabbrev <buffer> <<[=]>> «=» iabbrev <buffer> <= ≤ iabbrev <buffer> =~= ≅ iabbrev <buffer> >= ≥ iabbrev <buffer> >> » iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]<< »=« iabbrev <buffer> >>[=]>> »=» iabbrev <buffer> Inf ∞ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-add-fetch ⚛+= iabbrev <buffer> atomic-assign ⚛= iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch ⚛ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-dec-fetch --⚛ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-dec ⚛-- iabbrev <buffer> atomic-fetch-inc ⚛++ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-inc-fetch ++⚛ iabbrev <buffer> atomic-sub-fetch ⚛−= iabbrev <buffer> e 𝑒 iabbrev <buffer> o ∘ iabbrev <buffer> pi π iabbrev <buffer> set() ∅ iabbrev <buffer> tau τ endif " Undo the stuff we changed. let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal fo< com< cms< inc< inex< def< isf< isk< kp< path<" . \ " | unlet! b:browsefilter" " Restore the saved compatibility options. let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo